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hey @Cerberus
are you there?
How are you?
how are you?
fine! long time no see you
I had to comfort two friends tonight.
One has just been dumped.
what happend?
The other had a mental breakdown about her job and life in general.
I also had a hangover and not much sleep. So now I'm a little bit tired.
Fun story, huh?
do you think she will be alright?
Yes, for now at least. I told her she urgently needed a break.
She is completely stuck (or so she thinks) on her thesis.
have you ever thought about being a psychologist? I think you have some vocation to it
I don't know, it seems a bit...exhausting.
I guess it is less so if you're helping a stranger.
it can be, the thing is, without some theoretical background, we get more worned out about other people's problems
because we identify too much, you know
like feeling what the other person is feeling
or we put effort in things that really won't be effective
but I guess, willing to help is the major step, but we must know our limitations
Yes, I cannot help but identify with my friends.
you seem to be a good friend
you helped me many times, even if you didn't know or barely knew me
sometimes people only need someone to talk to, but not everyone is willing to do such a "simple" thing
it is not that simple, really
it is not that simple, really
don't know what is going on here in the chat, kind of getting a lag
It is also true that people can be looking for two completely different things, which are to some degree mutually exclusive: 1.) sympathy, 2.) a solution.
Sometimes you need to be sensitive and give people what they want; at other times you need to give them the sympathy that they didn't ask for, or push them to look into a solution more instead of wallowing.
i think people always want the sympathy,
but sympathy is just not simply saying "I know what you feel", because usually this isn't true
and many times people don't want a solution, as strange as this may sound
because usually this involves some kind of change, and change is never easy
It mostly consists of letting them talk, telling them their emotions are not crazy, and making them feel that you understand their situation.
@Tames Exactly. And it also fails to recognize how terrible their situation is, making them feel incompetent or unreasonable.
sometimes people will keep doing whatever they do, even if it feels bad, but they know what it is, the unknown can be more scary then the bad known
That, too.
And when you're feeling unhappy and miserable, you're not exactly in an active mood, not very ready for some kind of initiative.
Those take energy.
specially in relationships, even things that at first are obviously wrong are interpreted as a good thing underneath,
As in "he hits me, so he must love me"?
as... hate is better than indifference, when it comes from someone you love
indifference is unbearable
Pity can also be unbearable from someone you love.
yes.. pity too is awful
and there are so many weird things people call "love",
I myself really don't know anymore what love is
I thought I knew
I guess it is better to be doubtful
we get blinded by certainty
anyway, sometimes when people feel bad, they just need to experience it, go to the bottom of it, only then they can move on
But this friend broke down over the same issue last week.
She really needs a break from this thesis.
is she the depressive type?
But in this case it was not depression.
It was accumulated stress and a sense of failure.
how bad was she? some people we really need to worry about, you know
I think pretty bad.
some people are mildly depressed all their lives, and in times of great stress, they may get a major breakdown
if you care about her you should give her some consistent support over some time
She is like that, but her break-down is not the same as her depressive fits.
is she very lonely?
She may get a depressive fit after this.
Not very.
She has friends.
does she do some kind of psychotherapy?
take meds?
I gave her a pill, though.
what did you give her??
To calm her down.
It is.
And she couldn't get any worse anyway.
well, you should watch for her.. if it is the case I think you should encourage her
to see a professional
It is not easy to convince someone to do that.
Least of all her.
I don't think I can act any differently.
well, just think about it
There is nothing more I can do.
I know it is not easy
I once watched a series of videos of a guy who had social anxiety.
It was fascinating.
(My friend doesn't have that.)
He recorded all his ups and downs.
And the exercises he did to try and get over it.
First walk around the block.
That was hard for him already.
Then go to a near-by park and walk around, in plain sight of people, and talk to the camera.
Etc. etc.
sometimes people have occasional problems, but sometimes the underlying cause has a very long history and as such the treatment is not always obvious, like some exercise that anyone could do
some psychologies are a bit like that, a single solution for everyone,
sometimes they help, sometimes they help only temporarily, and sometimes they fail bigtime
I don't think she has any specific issue.
She just needs to avoid long periods of stress at all cost.
OK I see.
I believe you told me something about that.
Yeah that's bad.
people need some kind of structure, so they gain some autonomy
without that, the only constant is instability
But, hey, it is almost 5 am already...
are you going to sleep?
I'm very tired.
ok, so sleep well
take care, Cerb
nice talking to you
I wish you a good and stressless night!
I'll study some philosophy ;)
Very good!
bye bye
8 hours later…
Hey there @Cerberus and @Tames
Your convo is full of removed lol
@Alenanno I think that question the CogSci folks suggested does belong here.
@Alenanno I think "society" is closer to what we are.
@OtavioMacedo Why society?
@Alenanno Well, none of them seems to descbribe exactly what we are.
Society seems close, though.
Linguistic Blogs could be another option.
@OtavioMacedo I thought about it...
I sent them an email.
4 hours later…
Q: Linguistic idiomaticity in different languages

bytebusterI've been reading this article about linguistic idiomaticity, and there's a good research on English idioms and indirect speech, in general. Of course, different languages expose different amount of indirection. My first assumption was that isolating languages would be more idiomatic than synthe...

6 hours later…
@Alenanno so how come you get to read things we deleted?? there really isn't any form of privacy in this chat room! lol
@Alenanno btw, thanks for inviting me the other day, but when I got the message it was too late
@Cerberus do you know anything about the term "reality"? I mean.. the origin, history, when did it come to have the current meaning? as I saw in an etymology dictionary, it was a legal term initially
I'm trying to figure out whether the ancient greeks had some term for this, if it would be the same as "existence". Any information you can give me on this subject would be very much appreciated

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