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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

@Gigili Yeah but that implication doesn't follow.
Is there any book you recommend to start with @Cerberus?
Nothing interesting in Google search results.
Cripes, @Gigili, I wouldn't take him too seriously. Whom will you talk to in Latin?
What do you mean?
yeah, and me.
BTW, that looks like a terrible resource to learn Latin from.
Q: How does individual linguistic behavior relate to one's attitude of language politics in Norwegian?

jcmIn his great answer to this question, the user kaleissin alluded to something that I've been particularly interested in, so I want to turn it into a question of its own to all Norwegian and non-Norwegian contributors: (The dialect I speak most of the time uses å krype - kryper - krøyp...

This is a list with Amazon's recommendations. I don't know any English-Latin teaching books myself.
@Gigili This grammar is very systematic, but it's not a good way to learn the most important things first.
@Cerberus I studied Latin at secondary school, for three years (84-86)
Ergo Latine loqui possumus.
Oh that's pft-ing. I could calculate your age but I know it already.
@DavidWallace: So you think I offended him when I said leave me alone?
imagines Gigili pfft-ing
What about those nice people in MSE room:
in Mathematics, 9 hours ago, by Kannappan Sampath
@JonasTeuwen I would like him not being here, in short.
Actually, I think he probably has a very thick skin.
Let's talk about the logic for a moment
Who are you to say that exactly?
But you understand why one might take more offense from "I'm not mad at you, please leave me alone" than from "I'm mad at you, please leave me alone", right?
I doubt if there's someone whom I hate more, more than that Kannappan thingy.
What did it do?
@DavidWallace Yes, and I admitted that I could be nicer there. But my point is the one who said that sentence.
@Cerberus Who? Rob or the other one?
But Rob is stalking you, right? So he wouldn't be pleased to know that you don't care about him; he'd probably rather you were mad at him.
@Gigili He means Kannappan.
@DavidWallace He was and I was angry with him but they kicked him out which is totally different.
@Gigili The thingy.
So you asked me whether I think you offended him. To be perfectly honest, I don't really know.
But I don't think you should care; his behaviour is offensive, and he deserves whatever he gets.
@Cerberus He said "I would like him not being here, in short." and I'm wondering why would someone say something like that.
Sure and Asaf feels the same way even more strongly.
As in "who are you to say it like that, so frankly"
@Cerberus I took Gigili's remark to mean "Gigili hates Rob more than Kannappan hates Rob"; not "Gigili hates Rob more than Gigili hates Kannappan".
@Gigili That is very rude, of course; so he must have been insulted by this person before?
@DavidWallace No, I don't hate Rob, I hate some of his behaviors but I really hate Kannappan.
@DavidWallace Ehh is this way over my head. Too complicated. Never mind.
OK, so I misunderstood then. Sorry.
I really hate only one person on SE, who told me to "shut the fuck up" in chat while I was perfectly civil (just a heated debate).
Kannappan has said some odd things from time to time. I have always put it down to culture or general pineappality.
But if someone told me that he'd "rather not see me in the room", I would be insulted and angry too.
So Kannappan said he'd rather not see YOU in the room, Gigili, is that right?
Pineappality? What does that mean?
@Cerberus No, they call him spammer. He pinged everyone in the room twice and um, he's been acting very strangely.
@DavidWallace No, Rob.
@OtavioMacedo It's a made up word. It means "not being a native speaker of English".
@Gigili so even though Rob is being obnoxious to you, it offends you that Kannappan was being obnoxious to Rob. Have I got that right, or am I still misunderstanding?
@DavidWallace Exactly.
@Gigili Oh, hmm. Well, it depends on how bad he behaved.
@OtavioMacedo A non-native speaker can be abbreviated as NNS. If you pronounce that, you get ananas, which means pineapple. It is a silly running gag in the English room.
Pineapple is ananas in Persian.
Very nice.
And large numbers of other languages.
@Gigili It is in almost any other language than English (Dutch: ananas).
I think you mean almost any other Indo-European language.
To be honest, @Gigili, if I happened to be around when Rob was making his half-obnoxious, half-flirtatious comments to you, I would probably lash out at him too. And there have definitely been times when I would have preferred if he had not been in the room.
In fact, I don't know of any Indo-European language (other than English) where pineapple is NOT "ananas" or a transliteration thereof.
@DavidWallace Very true, I talked to him angrily last time I saw him, but the point is, "I don't want him around" is something which can be said by a king or prince, not a regular user.
It sounds to me like a perfectly human expression of a feeling.
Umm, if you say so.
But it is extreme, and should only be said if the other person has really misbehaved very badly.
OK, so it would be unusual to say it out loud, I admit. But it doesn't seem enough to cause one to be hated.
Heh, we had a fight and I was suspended for 30 minutes because of that.
Well, I said something really offensive and deserved it but I hate him anyway.
Gee, well that's 30 minutes of your life you'll never get back!
@DavidWallace The Brazilian Portuguese word for the fruit, "abacaxi", comes from Tupi
What about in European Portuguese, do you know?
It must be ananás, as well
Oh! Interesting.
Tsss, the kiss emoticon also winks at the end. Makes me puke.
But "hate" is such a strong word, Gigili. To me, it seems undeserved. But who am I to sit here and judge your feelings? :-)
> O termo abacaxi também é um termo ameríndio.
@DavidWallace I use it when I dislike someone strongly. Also, a few months ago, I was like I hate everyone by default except when they do something nice to me - I've changed a lot since then!
Yes, but it's still sitting in an Indo-European language.
@OtavioMacedo This means abacaxi is also used in Brazil, I think—not exclusively? Or am I wrong?
@Gigili Why?
OK, for me, disliking someone strongly is not the same as hating them.
@Cerberus Where did you read that?
@DavidWallace Yes, but the natives were using it (or something like it) before the Portuguese came down here.
Ananás ou abacaxi é uma planta monocotiledônea da família das bromeliáceas, subfamília Bromelioideae. Os abacaxizeiros cultivados pertencem à espécie Ananas comosus, que compreende muitas variedades frutíferas. Há também várias espécies selvagens, pertencentes ao mesmo gênero e grupo. Generalidades O termo abacaxi (em português) é, com forte probabilidade, oriundo do tupi ibacati, ‘bodum ou fedor de fruto’, ‘fruto fedorento’ (ibá, ‘fruto’, cati, ‘recender ou cheirar fortemente’), documentado já no início do séc. XIX. O termo ananás (em português e espanhol) é do guarani naná, e docum...
@Cerberus I don't know why!
@DavidWallace I hate that person.
@Cerberus I think what they're trying to say is "ananás, as well as abacaxi, is an Amerindian term"
To me, "hate" implies some kind of emotional investment. For example, I strongly dislike Robust 0. I think he's a moron. But hating him is just not worth the bother; when at the end of the day, he's just one more overly patriotic American weenie.
Also I kind of think of ...
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Like, if you hated Rob, that would be an indication that the stalking actually had some emotional value for you, if you see what I mean.
@OtavioMacedo Ah Ok. So does anyone you know ever say ananás?
@Cerberus Only old people
@DavidWallace Yay you are a true Catullus!
@OtavioMacedo Ahh OK.
@DavidWallace Not really, but I guess you mean to not misuse the word and keep it for the real life and people I meet in person or something like.
I don't mean to imply that there's a difference between RL and SE.
Or not.
Only that "hate" kind of implies something a little more than what's going on between you and Rob.
As for you and Kannappan, who knows?
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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