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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Oh yeah, I found the Hermitage and the Rijksmuseum a while ago.
5 hours later…
Q: How come I'm logged in on meta, but main doesn't know me? ... on this SE and on ELU SE

jlawlerOn English Language & Usage SE and now on main on this SE: I am asked to log in, refused entry because I'm not in the database, and then ... on meta, it knows who I am. And here I am. Asking this same question. I'll link back to this question from the ELU meta Q.

2 hours later…
@OtavioMacedo They've had that for ages. It's really cool. Especially the ultra-high-resolution shots of some of the great works.
Q: How can I distinguish modern Scandinavian languages at a glance?

msh210I don't know Danish, Nynorsk, or Bokmål, but will sometimes, on coming across a writing sample of one of them, wish to know which it is. How do I distinguish them in their written forms? (I'd include Swedish in the question also, but I think I can already distinguish that by its ä, ö, and lack o...

Q: How can I distinguish Dutch from Flemish from Afrikaans at a glance?

msh210I don't know Dutch, Flemish, or Afrikaans, but will sometimes, on coming across a writing sample of one of them, wish to know which it is. How do I distinguish them in their written forms?

4 hours later…
'Ello Alenanno.
Hey @Gigili how are you today?
Very good, I can even fly.
What about you?
I'm ok :)
I slept well tonight U_U
That smiley contradicts your sentence. Did you or didn't you? Tell me, I can live with it.
I mean I slept well yes
hey @OtavioMacedo
Hey, @Alenanno, what's up?
@OtavioMacedo chilling
I'm happy! È venerdi!
Our visits are at 285 per day!
Remember when we were at 170? lol
And it's being steady, at least
Ok, I have to go now... :D I'll come later to annoy you all. :P
È sabato qui
@DavidWallace Dove?
Nuova Zelanda.
UTC + tredici ore
Dove abiti? Wellington?
Io abito a Lower Hutt, che è vicino Wellington.
New Zealand is one of the places I would like to know
I will, one day :)
@OtavioMacedo Ich komme mit.
There is a lot to see here. We are a tiny country, but there are so many places that are all so different from each other. If you do come here, don't make the mistake of seeing just one city.
@Gigili I thought you didn't like New Zealand.
Not when I'm bored.
Warum hast Neuseeland langweilig fur dich gewesen?
@DavidWallace Frag Neuseeland.
Du hast nur an Auckland gegangt, nicht wahr?
Das stimmt, ja.
If you ever come here again, I promise to keep you entertained. But Auckland is just a big uninspiring city.
Actually, @Gigili, if you ever come here, my wife would probably disapprove of me entertaining you.
I thank you in advance.
Is she jealous?
She has never met Gigili, so she has not had the opportunity to be jealous of her.
Hmm is there a word in English for "having a general tendency to be jealous of other women"?
I can't think of one right now.
But that is the kind of word you wanted to use when you asked about my wife; am I right?
I would prefer not to answer that question, then.
Ok, no problem :)
Hey, @Gigili, since this is a less crowded place than that other room that we were in earlier, do you want me to answer your question about how you might have offended Rob a week or so ago?
When he asked if you were mad at him, you said something like "I'm not mad at you; just please leave me alone".
which means "I'm even madder than I would be, if I had said - I'm mad at you, but let's talk about it and resolve our differences."
Of course, he deserved it, so there's nothing wrong with what you said. It just amused me how you'd worded it.
@DavidWallace Umm, you're right.
But I couldn't stand it.
But I know that Rob sometimes gets under people's skins - just ask Asaf Karagila (not sure if I've spelt that right). So sometimes he needs to be told.
Anyway, do you want to share what it was that was on your mind yesterday, when he interrupted? Or is it all past?
I ran out of patience, as I always do.
So either he did something else to annoy you, or I did. It wasn't clear which one of us had upset you. But I figured it was more likely to have been him.
@DavidWallace It was him, of ocurse. I'm sorry to say but seems to me he's mentally ill or something.
I think he's just young and doesn't understand the inappropriateness of his behaviour. Do you think I'm being too charitable?
Hey, this room lets me type fast! It seems to be just English that's broken.
@DavidWallace That must be the case.
Is it "I am male" or "I am a male"?
I am male.
"male" is an adjective, not a noun.
although some people use it as a noun. I consider it an error to do so.
Someone just said the latter in ELU and no one corrected him.
That made me doubt it.
What, has Reg Dwight left or something?
@DavidWallace It just seems to pop up at random. Happens here too.
@DavidWallace So which Rob is this: not Robusto, I presume?
No, Robust 0 is my bugbear; Gigili's is someone else.
Anyway, I can only really comment on New Zealand English. Maybe it's more acceptable in some other dialect to use "male" as a noun.
It is used with animals.
Hey, it's 2am and I'm really tired. I think I'm off. Boa noite, @Otavio; Goedenacht, @Cerberus; شب خوب @Gigili.
Hey you didn't switch hours?
We are no longer antipodes!
Not yet. I think that happens tomorrow night.
We switched back to summer time.
Ah OK.
Yeah, we did it too.
We get a really long daylight savings time.
By the way, I am having the chat lag thing now, badly.
Good night, anyway.
Bye all.
Hello guys
@Cerberus chat lag?
@OtavioMacedo When you need to wait 3–10 seconds in between messages.
You've never had that?
Did I miss anything?
It happens if you type a few messages in a row fast.
Not always. It is hard to predict. Extremely annoying.
Then your line will not get posted.
You need to click "retry".
I hate it.
Not that other people love it.
I've had it many times, as in 5/30 posts.
What are you guys talking about? :D
@Gigili Same here. Sometimes even 13 seconds or so.
@Alenanno Apparently you never talk too fast!
The problem is that, once you get it, it won't go away until maybe ten, twenty minutes.
@Cerberus Oh yes, that sucks
@Cerberus You mean the "retry/cancel" when you write fast? I always get it. :D
I've also noticed that if doesn't let you post a message twice without interruption.
It's to avoid spam.
@Alenanno Yes!
@Gigili Yeah but that is less bothersome.
@Alenanno It should be disabled for trusted users, say at 1000 rep.
> I've heard that the best defense is a good offense. Therefore, a retreat must be the best attack!
And it should be turned on even for those users if people flag a lot of their messages.
@Cerberus I mean, not only that spam, but also users spamming too many messages in a short time.
@Alenanno Well, it often happens to me in a normal conversation.
I just need to type fast sometimes.
Especially when in a conversation with several people.
@Cerberus I noticed that if you type a long sentence like this one, then you get enough time to not be considered spamming.
Oh ehehe yeah. :D
@Alenanno Yeah that takes more times.
Usually if you let the message turn from green to black, then you can post. But sometimes I noticed you can post even before that!
BWT I almost typed "temps" there instead of "time", because Brel is singing that now. He sang the word "temps" at exactly the same moment.
La Valse à Mille Temps.
And yes, I tend to write 3 standard "ah". :P
BTW, @Cerberus, did you like Chico Buarque?
Oh, I think you asked me that before, and I don't know him.
Let's talk about stereotypes. @OtavioMacedo Do you play soccer like a god? Italians love soccer, but I don't like it. So I don't respond to the stereotype. xD
I live in a cheese house.
Is cheese the Dutch stereotype?
To many, yes.
Can you explain something about it? I never heard of it.
@Cerberus do you wear wooden shoes?
Italians are hot-headed, Catholic, and know what good food is.
@OtavioMacedo Even in bed.
@Alenanno No, I play soccer very badly
@Alenanno Holland is famous for its cheeses.
@Cerberus Ah...
About the only good food we make.
I mean, I like French and Italian cheeses too, but...
Gouda cheese rocks!
If by hot-headed you mean impulsive, then I guess a lot of us fit that description.
@Alenanno Yup.
Maasdam too
You know, "gouda cheese" is never used here.
What is?
Or at least not normally.
People have explained it to me: Goudse kaas is the general type that everybody eats here. We would just call that "cheese", or name the specific region where the cheese comes from. I think Maasdam would be a region.
You call cheese "kaas"? That's cool! In Sardinian we say "casu". :D
I wonder why italian has formaggio. :|
Spanish queso, I believe.
Portuguese queijo
But French fromage, right?
So the Italians and the French did it again.
German? I can't remember it.
Did what?
It. They messed up the word.
ahahah :D
@Alenanno what other stereotypes do you have about Brazil?
People are partying in the street all day?
Ahah maybe that one...
Always sunny and hot?
Canoes in the Amazon.
@Cerberus I didn't know that one :D
And they speak a weird nasal version of Spanish.
Just like we speak an ugly guttural version of German.
Haha you got it backwards. Spanish is a badly spoken version of Portuguese
If you say so!
@OtavioMacedo Eh. :D
And you @Ale speak a version of Latin for people who are unable to use proper grammar or spelling!
I don't understand the second part! :D
I mean, nazionale instead of nationalis? Silly.
You can't remember the spelling of any word, so you just do it phonetically.
You're just jealous that we speak something close to Latin, while you don't!
Well, maybe so.
Sed Latine loqui possum.
Ooh, that hurt
Haud difficillimum est.
@Cerberus You mean "but I can speak Latin"?
@Alenanno Yes!
"even though it's hard"?
Ahah yes it is.
"It is not hard".
Haud = not.
Ah... Never saw "haud" before, I guess...
I don't remember it.
Non is more common.
Ah, so you're showing off, @Cerberus!
Perhaps haud is only used in special contexts.
What's the difference?
@OtavioMacedo Well, I somehow feel that haud is more appropriate when you want to express something stronger than not, like "not at all". But I never properly know how to use it, so I'm not sure.
@Cerberus Study more! So we can go back in time and use you as our interpreter in the ancient Italy. :P
"Haud facile est" gives about 400k results, with "non facile est" at 180k ish.
@Alenanno I can do that!
Oh, a jaguar with a sad face! Very compelling
Just like Shrek's puss in boots hehe
Ahah, the problem is more serious! :P
Yeah, I know
I linked it to you, because you're from Brasil!
What about Carnival? That's another Brazilian stereotype, isn't it?
Yeah! :P
(Semi) nude women dancing
nude or naked?
I never really understood the difference.
Those are near synonyms.
Ok, the problem is the "near", though. :D
I'd say nude is slightly more formal.
Perhaps it is more about specific contexts and collocations?
@Cerberus, is stoofvlees also typical in Holland?
@OtavioMacedo We have certain kinds of stoofvlees that I think are typical for Holland.
Do you eat it with frieten?
We eat hutspot (hotch-potch of mashed potatoes, carrot, and onion) with klapstuk, a kind of stoofvlees.
Then we have "draadjesvlees" (little-thread meat), which may be the same kind of meat.
And just the general stoofpot (pot stew), which would be more or less similar to boeuf bourguignonne.
hears his stomach growling
Stoofpot can be quite good, but it's mainly the wine that gives the taste.
Red or white?
Do you ever made stew?
You mean, if I've made it myself?
Guys, I'm going offline for a while, see you soon!
@OtavioMacedo Oops typo, I meant make.
Oh, yes, feijoada is a kind of stew
Black beans and pork cooked together
Ah, interesting!
I read it is consider the national dish of Brazil.
And transmontana refers to the region in Portugal where one of the recipes came from?
It must be, from Trás-os-Montes
I had never heard that name :P
I mean, feijoada a trasmontana
I'm reading about it on WP
Yeah I saw it on WP too.
And I figured it must come from there.
Interesting! So our typical dish is just an adaptation of a Portuguese dish hahaha
Legend has it that slave owners used to give the least "noble" parts of the pig to the slaves
ear, snout etc
Ahh so that was considered "cool" around the time you gained independence?
Street wise?
Then the slaves mixed it with some beans
I don't know.
But after the end of slavery, several things began to be considered cool
Oh haha, you actually have stories about how the dish came to be. Funny.
Samba is one of them
Invented Traditions is a concept made prominent in a 1983 book edited by E. J. Hobsbawm and T. O. Ranger, The Invention of Tradition In their Introduction the editors argue that many "traditions" which "appear or claim to be old are often quite recent in origin and sometimes invented." They distinguish the "invention" of traditions in this sense from "starting" or "initiating" a tradition which does not then claim to be old. The phenomenon is particularly clear in the modern development of the nation and of nationalism. One implication of the term is that the sharp distinction between "tra...
Yeah Samba is probably (partly) based on African traditions?
Just like most of modern Western pop music?
Yes, it is
3 hours later…
@Alenanno, did you know this? "the development of modern pizza [occurred] among Italian-American immigrants (rather than in native Italy where in its simpler form it was originally looked down upon), and its export back to Italy to be interpreted as a delicacy in Italian cuisine."
Heh, I am not surprised.
The "pizza effect"
But they did have some kind of bread with hot tomatoes in Italy, didn't they?
> by the late 18th century, it was common for the poor of the area around Naples to add tomato to their yeast-based flat bread, and so the pizza was born.
2 hours later…
Dividend = divided?
No. A dividend is a bonus payment to someone who owns a part of a company.
Yes but I don't get this:
#2 a number that is divided by another number?
Latin divido = to divide.
Dividendum = gerundive, "that which is to be divided".
Yeah, so in 6 / 3 = 2, the dividend is 6.
But the folks over at the English room are using definition 1.
Not 2?
@DavidWallace Yeah, I figured.
2 is the quotient.
3 is the divisor.
6 is the dividend.
Divisus = "divided".
Divisor = "he who divides".
Umm, I cannot memorize all of them at once.
Let's cry.
sob wail
Don't memorise them. Learn what a gerundive is. It will be useful for other words.
I remain unaffected, sorry.
Like agendum, corrigendum, addend, subtrahend, memorandum.
Or, better, learn basic Latin.
Umm, there we go:
Now the Latin part.
No, this picture is an aide-memoire. "Reminder" is correct :-)
I don't see how B follows from A.
Who's B?
I understand almost nothing.
But I appear to be missing jokes today, so don't mind me.
@Gigili Proposition B "reminder is correct" does not follow from proposition A "it is an aide-mémoire".
And I appear to be silly today.
's OK.
@Cerberus "it is an aide-mémoire" = helps you to remember something => "reminder is correct".
@Gigili Woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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