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@Gigili You should patent that idea. If someone invents e-ink that can be black, white or yellow; then the next logical step for them would be a way of highlighting within the book. Wouldn't it be fantastic if they then had to pay you money?
Oh 'ello
Would it?
Hi! I thought you were asleep.
Don't you want random strangers to have to pay you money? Even if you don't, you deserve some credit for thinking of this.
It might even work if e-ink were greyscale.
@DavidWallace Yes please.
@Gigili The question is, though, would that make it easier for you to learn from an e-Book.
Just missed two projects, let's cry.
I don't understand. You mean you were late handing something in?
I hate how I can type faster than my laptop displays the letters in the box at the bottom of chat.
I mean I've missed two projects which I should have taken.
But other people did it.
OK, I could cry with you, definitely. But my wife and my son might look at me funny if I do.
@DavidWallace No, they're distracting by nature. I would learn from a paper book at double speed or something.
I think the only real advantage of an e-book is being able to search.
@DavidWallace What if I had just woken from a deep sleep and saw those, pft. I can hardly believe my luck.
@DavidWallace I heartily agree.
@Gigili What?
Never mind, I can live with it.
cry sob wail
Hey, can I offer you a man's perspective on that thing you were talking about in the other room?
What? A stranger in my room? Go away, go away ... I can kick you out, muhahaha.
Would be great David.
Would it be more comfortable for you if I send you email, rather than discussing it here?
can't believe I just wrote "more better"
No difference, I talked about it in public and it's not that important.
Huh, we did it.
I just feel that buying someone a present won't really make a difference to whether or not he likes you. Either you'll eventually end up with this guy, or you won't - I don't know enough to say which way it will go. But I seriously doubt whether anything has changed because of the present.
@DavidWallace That's right, but he'll surely think that I like him.
And why exactly would that be bad? If you do like him, you've probably given him other clues already. If you don't, then he's probably a bit confused right now, but it won't do anyone any harm.
Rob - are you the same person as Skullpatrol?
Newsflash - a man likes to know if a woman likes him. Even if he's not interested in her, it's good for his ego.
@DavidWallace Umm, I don't know why exactly would be bad but I feel awful about it. Maybe I'm just not ready for any of those clues.
Aww, thank you David.
Seriously, you shouldn't feel awful. I bet he's wandering around with a huge smile on his face right now.
@DavidWallace He is, obviously.
@Gigili Yes, I knew that. I just wanted to make you aware of it, without accusing him outright.
Hey, do you mind if I go and play with my son for a wee while? I hope I've made you feel better. I'll be back here in a little while.
@DavidWallace Have fun.
OK, BBL. Keep smiling, Gigili.
I'd go back to sleep.
€99 is less than 100, right? But it's $134.89, right? That sucks.
I don't understand. What's 134.89?
Oh, you mean that many Euros in USD?
Uhum ...
Why aren't you sleeping? It must be almost the middle of the day where you are!!
@DavidWallace Do you sleep in the middle of the day?
Yeah, I forgot the smiley.
You just seem to have been here almost continuously for a very long time. I was scared to type too loudly in case I woke you up.
Emerik just kicked my arse in table tennis.
Well done Emerik.
He has been doing that rather a lot lately.
It means something is wrong with you.
Well done-er then.
I don't know how such an unco-ordinated, un-sport-capable, geeky man managed to beget such a sporty, physical kid.
Yes, I know table tennis isn't a particularly physical sport; if we had been doing something outdoorsy he would have beaten me even more easily.
Computer people are lazy and un-sport-capable (what kind of word it is exactly).
But you're a good multitasker, at least.
Yes, I know it's not a real word. But it expresses what I wanted to say.
I started to write "unsporting", but this has a different meaning entirely. Then my brain just froze up and refused to produce a good word. I figured communication was more important than precisely correct English.
@Gigili What makes you think I'm a good multi-tasker?
ignores the fact that Gigili called him lazy
beget, nice word. What's the word for mother?
"bear", I think.
Although that's always a double meaning - "I can't bear children" could mean "I hate children" or "I'm an infertile woman".
Tolerable only when both of them are correct.
It heavily depends on the child.
Umm, I guess so. I didn't want kids at all until I was dating a woman who had two of her own.
I generally hate children.
Except Mahnax of course :-)
Is he a child?
I consider him a child, yes.
Albeit an extremely mature one.
Umm, I think he's a teenager.
a teenaged child.
When I was dating the woman I mentioned above, Mahnax wasn't born.
Maybe I'm just too old for the Stack Exchange community.
Oof, I missed that removed message.
The removed message? OK, just a minute.
May I say something?
Umm, I mean yes.
I missed it again.
All I said was...
Now was that an anticlimax or what?
Something of an anticlimax.
I'll make sure I delete more interesting things next time.
You better not.
> Gorgeous, intelligent, kind, sweet, charming, witty, hilarious, friendly... but enough about me. How are you?
All of the above, but also humble.
What a humble man.
I'm not the write of it.
Sure, you just read it and recognised immediately that the writer had YOU in mind!
Something is getting on my nerves.
Do tell.
Would you like to hazard a guess?
No, I don't want to hazard a guess. If you want to tell me privately, then send me email.
It's not private, it's about a queue but never mind.
No, please tell me. It obviously matters to you, or you wouldn't have brought it up.
Someone will get offended if I explain more.
آیا کسی که اینجا در اتاق با ما شما چیست؟
Umm, doesn't make sense but yes.
No wait, no.
I dunno.
I bet he's going to keep looking at the transcript, even though it looks to us like he's gone.
Hi Rob!
I've been working out.
I just found a new feature in chat called "fixed formatting" use "ctrl + k" to make your letters look like this.
I think I just heard a voice in my head. Or not?
@DavidWallace I added your name to my answer to this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/123542/factor-14x2-17x-5/…
Gotta run, see you later.
@Gigili see you.
BTW, you're not going to offend him any more than you did last week.
Err... what happened here? lol
hm, is there any way at all to contact anyone privately on an SE?
@kaleissin Hi! Alas, no.
@Rob Congrats! You can also apply this code formatting to a few letters by enclosing them in backticks: `
@Cerberus Thanks for the tip. BTW I like your gravatar.
I like yours too.
Is that a Greek mythology creature?
That is what I am, yes.
Cerberus (), or Kerberos, (Greek form: Κέρβερος, ) in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed hound (usually three-headed) which guards the gates of the Underworld, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping. Cerberus featured in many works of ancient Greek and Roman literature and in works of both ancient and modern art and architecture, although, the depiction and background surrounding Cerberus often differed across various works by different authors of the era. The most notable difference is the number of its heads: Most sources describe or depict three...
Well, I am all ears.
Hah, so I can see.
@Cerberus Do you know how to print answers off the site Cerberus?
@Rob Hmm hoe do you mean? You just go to the question and print the page?
Or is print some computery term?
1 hour later…
@DavidWallace Oh? What exactly did I do to him?
@Alenanno Umm, I feel I'm ruining the room like that
2 days ago, by Cerberus
By the way, the Linguistics room is really the nicest room on Stackexchange. Everybody here is always super civil. Even I get the niceness virus when I am here.
I'll be more careful about it.
@Gigili :D good one, @Cerberus
Hey @Gigili
@kaleissin Like Cerberus said, you can't, but if they have logged in to chat, you should be able to ping them on here! And then you can ask for a private contact (and subsequently delete the chat post), so you can talk on another place.
@Gigili You got that gravatar back. :)
'Ello @Alenanno, uhum.
Yes, high.
Can you guys try and type "linguistics se" like that in Google and tell me what are your first 3 entries?
But I have visited all these links, so Google probably knows that too, and it changes my results accordingly.
Why do I come out???
This is inexplicable to me.
fourth for me
@kaleissin Oh, you love me less than the others do!
@Alenanno have you drawn another BMW?
@OtavioMacedo Not yet lol
@Alenanno Because you are the coolest?
@Cerberus Probably... I'll investigate.
@kaleissin I think we don't have many rules here... The only one that comes to my mind is "do not change the original meaning/intent of the post", and you can edit what you want.
But mods cannot nuke a post. We cannot hard delete anything. :)
hm, can one nuke the extra rooms? I know they time out after a while
@Alenanno goody. history falsification is the evil
By the way, the thing you can do as a 2K user is not only editing, but I think more...
go here and see what you can do. :)
The 100% stuff is what you can do.
By the way, I get the exact same top 3 if I use a proxy.
I get them without VPN.
Why is he there really?
@Gigili he hacked into Google. That's the truth :D
Right, since there's no other way...
@OtavioMacedo Sure, like I can. :D
See? He is denying it!
Why would you deny it unless it were true?
lol :D
He's laughing out load now, what can be worse than this.
The evil smile ^^^
I thought you were nice, silly me.
(Okay, I'll stop it now)
I am nice. I am probably just bad at showing it... :D
I have to go now
see you all later
Ok it seems I'll have to run the draw myself for the challenges.
Have you seen la linea?
Is that a movie?
It really helps to improve your Italian.
@OtavioMacedo I was thinking of doing it in Python. What do you think?
La Linea ("The Line") is an Italian animated series created by the Italian cartoonist Osvaldo Cavandoli. The series consists of 90 episodes which are about 2–3 minutes long each which were produced originally broadcast in the Italian channel RAI between 1971 - 1986. Over the years the series aired in more than 40 countries around the world. All episodes of the series are available today on DVD version. Due to its short duration (usually 2 minutes 30 seconds), it has often been used in many networks as an interstitial program. The tune played in the background of the series was created b...
@Gigili I know it, but never watched it actively, let's say...
Pft, okay.
I'm confused... :P
Are you still?
And now?
@Alenanno a random number generator?
What about now?
And now?
Yeah, the problem is ensuring transparency to the drawing
It was given to me by @michaelmrozek, another mod.
What if someone doubts it was conducted fairly?
I think you should just write down the numbers and make a real raffle.
But I don't care that you don't care what I think.
How is that better?
It's the best way to conduct it fairly. If I control myself to not say it's better because I say.
There is no way to prove. The best I can do is ask someone external.
Or we could use an external number source
such as a lottery
We could also use a public number as a seed for random number generation
This number could be the sum of the view counts of each question
That way, one can always "repeat" the drawing to verify the result
The problem is not the repeat, I guess... I mean, paranoid people are going to complain anyway, but who cares? I mean, we're not assigning prices anyway! :P
Well, I can add that feature to the script, then :-)
What do you mean?
You are not?
I feel cheated.
It was clear from the start! :P
Ok, I'm off guys
talk to you tomorrow
@Gigili the GLORY of winning the Linguistics.SE challenge week is much more important than any prize!
@OtavioMacedo I don't think so.
@Gigili refresh pls :)
because it worked for me
@Gigili be quick pls!
I don't know what's going on, but I think there's something wrong with the whole system today @KamilS.
1 hour later…
What system?
The game.
3 hours later…
Impressive! Google now has its "street view" inside museums

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