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Morning, @Cerberus!
Bom dia.
I see the questions about embedding continue.
Perhaps the computer-oriented are more inclined towards these semi-Chomskyan quests for regularity.
Yeah, when you're trying to devise an algorithm, irregularity gets in the way
Hehe. Not to mention context!
@hippietrail are you still writing apps with the SE API?
@OtavioMacedo a little bit (-:
did you have something in mind @OtavioMacedo ?
No, but I've used the API to build a little user script for our challenge week
i've been blocked by an algorithm design problem. the most efficient way to use the api to get all items so a few ideas are waiting for that
Which items?
any it doesn't matter they all use the same mechanism
but for my biggest tool for travel.SE it's the tags and tag-synonyms
i need to fetch all because i'm only interested in 3-letter ones and the api doesn't provide such a filter
1 hour later…
@musicallinguist I'm here. :)
Hey @kaleissin
d'ya have a chat planned with @musicallinguist?
Not planned. I asked him to come here for further discussion but either he decided to avoid it, or didn't see my ping... :P
@Alenanno about the unique constructions question?
@OtavioMacedo And list questions in general.
Well, strictly speaking, that is not a list question
It's a yes/no question
But I see what you mean
A: Is asking for a list of languages possessing a certain feature OK because it's important for typological research?

musicallinguistI may be undermining the original vision that the original founders had for this site, but as a linguist, I would heartily welcome questions that ask for languages or lists of languages with a certain feature. So much of theoretical linguistic research involves formulating hypotheses or building ...

hm, @Alenanno, how do you do that?
How do I do what? :D The "boxed question"?
magic prefix + number?
Just paste the link of a question/answer. It will be automatic.
I would very much like more answers to the following question: linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/1657/…
as I spent much of my linguistics-time of 2011 reading about subordination
Ah another thing. The box thing doesn't work if you don't paste the link only. :)
better living through experimentation
Well, why don't you share the question?
I'm sure you must have colleagues, know professors, etc...
Share the site!
Hey @Cerberus
the linguistics institute at my uni. is being killed off. not enough students. so not alot of local people to ask anymore
@kaleissin Hmm but why? I think yours is the definitive answer.
Look at that...
@kaleissin No worries, share with anyone! :D
I.e. specific words, word order, and context supply the information otherwise partly conveyed through subordination.
That's why some people's fascination with subordination and "embedding" surprises me.
@kaleissin Oh no, that sucks!!
Which uni?
@Cerberus because even though I've looked at maybe 150 languages I still don't have a feel of how to do subordinationy things in langs with switch reference, suffixaufnahme, co-relativization, very polysynthetic ones etc.
And how many students sign up each year?
@kaleissin Hmm I don't know what any of those things are. But context should usually do the trick?
@Cerberus NTNU, Norway. the biggest class I attended had maybe 12 students.
it did phonetics, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, syntax and applied ling. and had support classes for other language-y institutes like English, Lit. etc
ipa, intro to linguistics etc.
phonetics and swahili will be continued since NTNU is the only place in the country where you can study that
it was a cool place to study as there was always students from africa and asia there working on describing their mother tongues, so lots of neat, raw data on weird stuph in language
@kaleissin Wow, and they are closing all that? That is sad.
f'rinstance that Southern Indian language which had serial verb expressions that branched to the left instead of right
So how many people signed up for your programme each year? I can imagine that will be different from the number of people in an actual class.
or that's how it was analyzed anyway
They are closing some language studies here too.
All because the government is providing the wrong stimuli and is cutting the budget at the same time.
i don't know. when I started it was before the Bologna-process so how to count was different
They always cut the budget to the wrong things...
I started with 10 people or so with whom I did all the same classes in the first year (classics).
But I hear numbers have doubled.
when I did cs 101 it had been doubling for years, I think we almost managed to cram 400 ppl into the biggest auditorium...
@Alenanno Yeah, it is very annoying. It is the spirit of extreme neoliberalism: the "market" is supposed to do things that it cannot.
<-- did a combo of cs, maths, and ling
What is cs?
Computer Science?
Computer Science?
and one semester latin for the fun of it
Yay Latin!
Nooo Latin! Not Latin! :P ahah
Did you do Latin in high school?
@Alenanno It is your own language, silly.
did english, french and german in high school
@Cerberus Actually it's not. But I was joking! :P
@kaleissin Do some school types have Latin and Greek in Norway?
@Alenanno It sort of is! You speak a dialect of Latin.
@Cerberus It's my proto-language then, yes. :P
Just like Dutch is a sort of German.
I think there is a high school in this town that have latin, Katedralskolen. It's christian, and high status among the locals
Hmm among the locals?
But not in general?
i don't think any high school is generally well known in this country :)
But the type?
we tipped 5 million inhabitants yesterday btw
Only 5 million?
Wow, I thought you were bigger.
woulda been around 8 if ppl haden't left to farm Minnesota in the eighteen hundreds
we tipped = ?
as in "went over"
Oh ok. :)
Does anyone of you knows how can I backup my phone sms's?
depends on your phone
i can't backup mine :(
I can't seem to find anything... Most software is not free and so...
for linux there's for instance gammu
doesn't work with the phone i have now. commercial stuff doen't work either
@Alenanno Which OS?
There probably is a way to do it if you're using a major OS.
The GDP (PPP) per hour worked is a measure of the productivity of a country when not taking into account unemployment or hours worked per week. GDP (PPP) stands for gross domestic product normalised to purchasing power parities. The data of the following list comes from The Conference Board. GDP is measured in purchasing power parity, normalised to 2009 US dollar (comparable to a 2009 international dollar). It is calculated from unpublished () 2005 EKS PPP estimates from Penn World Tables (PWT 7), updated with GDP deflator changes. Work is measured as hours actually worked during the yea...
Looks like you're no. 1 @Norway!
@Cerberus You know already! I have Lion. :) I could use iSync, but it's not there. Nokia Multimedia Transfer doesn't support it, apparently... :/ I don't know.
@Alenanno Lion? I don't believe that is a mobile OS? You need your mobile OS, I think it is called IOS.
Oh you mean the mobile... I don't have iOS. I have a Nokia 5800 as phone. :P
Ah OK. What OS does it use?
Just Google for "backup sms free OSblabla".
Maybe it's Maemo, or Symbian.
Symbian. :P
Try installing ActiveFile on your phone, see if it works.
I'll investigate. Thanks! :)
I'll be off now. See y'all later!
meh, ingentaconnect doesn't have useful data for zotero
how go the things linguistic?

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