I think our current system is somewhat like that too, although they have little more choice, and math at the two technical profiles (there are four) is at the same level, while it is different / at a lower level in the two non-technical profiles.
@KamilS Hehe, but I really think so: as a senior, we were free to pick any 7 or more subjects we chose. There were three conditions: at least 1 classical language, at least one modern foreign language, and Dutch.
@KamilS Not very much: we were just tourists in St. Petersburg, hehe.
But our guide was Russian, and we got to meet some people.
Right. Communism is a completely different mentality. This takes very long to change.
I'll give you an example
My mother works in a library. In the early years of capitalism, a group of EU officers came to investigate and advice.
Some of it was bureaucratic rubbish, but mostly it was good advice.
Of that, a half was not doable because we didn't have the money (which they didn't understand, btw), and the other half the library staff did not understand.
As a result, absolutely nothing changed then, and it is only in the last few years, that they're beginning to introduce these changes.
A shift from communism to capitalism is an enormous enterprise on all levels of activity.
Among others, there's plenty. plenty of solutions which seem obvious to you but to us are or not long ago they were novelty. This takes getting used to.
Ok, we're drifting away from the point. I was trying to say that our system was much more rigid in my times, and this is the explanation why I only had two languages to choose from, apart from English.
But yes, I know, you (the Dutch) are quite unhappy with EU bureacracy.
We're not happy with it, either. In communism, we thought everything would be perfect the day after the damned system would go away. The grass is always greener…
Yes, more or less, although sometimes certain non-centrist parties get to dominate the coalition. Now the coalition is centre-right, but they have extra-governmental support from the extreme right (they are supported by a party who does not provide any ministers), so it is quite rightist now.
Wow, you know the name! I am impressed :) Yes, he's pretty good. Effectively, we have two big parties at the moment. One of them are morons and should be flown to the moon or further if possible, and the others are Tusk and friends, and they're pretty reasonable.
Our far right consists of extreme Calvinists (they don't work or play or watch sports on Sindays: 1 %), Evangelicals (3 %), and populist right-wingers (15 %).
@KamilS Yeah the problem is that they are not really comparable.
Wilders is in favour of gay marriage and abortion, but hates Muslims.
The Evangelicals, on the other hand, sort of like Muslims.
Women on Waves (WoW) is a Dutch pro-choice non-profit organization created in 1999 by Dutch physician Rebecca Gomperts, in order to bring reproductive health services, particularly non-surgical abortion services, to women in countries with restrictive abortion laws. Other services offered by WoW include contraception and reproductive counseling. Services are provided on a commissioned ship that contains a specially constructed mobile clinic. When WoW visits a country, women make appointments, and are taken on board the ship. The ship then sails out to international waters (where Dutch laws ...
> WoW sailed the Langenort to Poland in 2003.[4] Poland's official polling company, Centrum Badania Opinii Spolecznej, found that prior to WoW's visit, 44% of the population supported the liberalization of abortions laws, and that after the visit, the percentage rose to 56%.[5]
I don't know what the current numbers are. Currently, our political scene is mostly the fight between PO – PiS. The latest hot topic is raising the retirement age.
The Netherlands are always presented here as the model 'country of freedom', with gay marriage, abortion, marijuana and what not, and depending on who says that it will be in good or bad light.
I wonder, do you know every European prime minister and the biggest parties by name?
We have plenty of early retirement plans for different professions, like teachers, miners, policemen and so on, and they're going to reduce that, and PiS is trying to win their disappointment for themselves.
Our additional problem is that we've only had private funds for some 15 years, which is definitely not enough for those who are approaching their retirement now.
That's why the upping will take some 15 or so years. Private funds couldn't have existed in communism.
My mother in law is a teacher, and she took some extra early retirement plan (which means she'll be getting a lower retirement) although she's only 57, I think.
But mostly, they work up to 60 (most teachers are women).
@Cerberus You know what, it's 25 past two here, and I believe we're the same time zone. It's been great talking to you and I sure hope I'll catch you here again some time soon, but now sorry, but I really should go to bed.
I have studied and known Spanish my whole life, and got a job at a University where I am allowed to take some free classes. Over the past three years, I have taken all the Italian classes offered, all the Arabic classes, and now I am currently enrolled in a Portuguese class.
One thing that I am ...
What is the rationale for considering di-, tri- &c. phthongs separate entities? Why aren't these sounds interpreted as sequences of a vowel and a glide?
(I am interested in both, the historical reasons (Latin or Greek grammarians, I suppose?), and the modern rationale for continuing to use t...
@Cerberus Ah, left too early, I see. +1 for orthography in Chomskeyism and for framework-fetishism. I'll be using the term daily to make sure I don't ever forget it :)
(!) NOTE: Information may vary until the start of the Challenge. So keep checking!
Premise: This Meta question will be the one we will use for this Challenge Week but also for the future ones. The title will change after the hyphen, showing the Challenge's number (in order of time) and the t...
Would I be incorrect in saying that most of the comments in (at least those relating to the answer) linguistics.stackexchange.com/a/1572/421 were disagreeing with the content, rather than saying why it wasn't suitable as an answer?
I was tending to delete your answer, but decided to let it go. When I received a flag, that convinced me it that deleting it was the right thing to do. Not because it's not an answer in general, but basically because it's not an answer to that question.
The question was asking, why linguists (usually) want to preserve languages.
Your post was just about why you wanted a certain language to die and that you were sad for another one.
This is the major reason why I decided to delete your answer.
Sorry, what I meant was: I can see what happened now. You spent several comments disagreeing with the contents. Then someone flagged it. Then you deleted the answer.
If it weren't for someone flagging it, it would seem illogical to spend several comments disagreeing, and then deleting the answer.
Is the question asking "Why do linguisticians dislike the dying of languages?", or is the question asking "What rational reasons are there for opposing the dying of languages?"
Because the former can include irrational reasons.
And also, how can you tell what a person's motives truly are?
The question asks about if it's true that most linguists want to preserve languages, especially when endangered, and if so, why. It's not asking about which languages we wish that would die or not...
If I changed my answer to saying "Many languages die as a result of invasion and discrimination, which are seen as bad things. This can lead to people regarding language death as a bad thing, because people have an irrational tendency to think that if X is caused by bad things, then X must be bad."
and not mentioned Japanese and Ainu in particular, would that improve or worsen the answer?
I don't have any particular cases. But take a language that is not written but only spoken, native speakers decrease because they die and new generations don't learn it.
Going back to the main issue. I think it's safe for you to post a new one, but if you do, make sure to address the question and not just write "what you wish to write".
@AndrewGrimm So you did rewrite it. Now you're making claims about what linguists think, and I would be very surprised if they were based on actual conversations with linguists. If it is your personal point of view, please don't dress it up as somebody else's. At any rate, it is an illogical point of view to say the least. There are more than one reason for languages to die out, and I can't see how this particular one would affect the entire profession's view on the matter.
Linguists have a good reason to worry about languages dying out (data!), and I absolutely don't believe a professional linguist would devise such an illogical and complex answer to a trivial question.
So, to me you seem to have ended up blaming linguists for lack of logic in an argument which is in fact your own argument which you somehow believe to be also shared by actual linguists. Brilliant logic.
@KamilS Thanks for the edit by the way. The problem with link-only answers or links "here" is that if the paper disappears (it gets deleted), then no-one will know what you were talking about, leading to probable down-votes. Now, even if the link goes dead, everyone can still search that paper using the title and author. Plus, since we "use" their research, the least we can do is write their names and their works. :)
@Alenanno Sure thing. The first paper apparently wasn't published, that's why I only gave the author and the title. But I also changed the link to one from Academia.edu, hopefully more stable. This isn't exactly like writing papers, I'm still learning :)
Next week, 12 March 2012, we'll have a chat discussion about the next challenge week: #3 Methodology. The chat discussion is not necessarily linked to the time (we can discuss about it also during the same week). Feel free to participate!
The point is that if I close something, then I'll get the "Hey, abusing your powers, blah blah!!!", while if I close together with others, there cannot be any accusation.
Moderators are meant to be an extra help. I'm not here to do all the %$*? work. :P
Ahah I like the comics' way to say you're imprecating. :P
I cannot chose to avoid doing what I'm here to do. And I'm not saying I don't want to moderate. I'm just saying I'd like to see people that are willing to contribute.