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oto imi makai su saman pasla fos
@Wezl-acautionarytale "we own the good part of the day"?
I need to make a pseudo-translator for katlani
It's so easy to forget the imi bc English
now I'm telling us to own a good morning
@Wezl-acautionarytale I thought you meant "seize the day" or smth
I'm going to make a website that fetches word definitions from the github to translate a sentence
@GingerIndustries look at this
it has a way to search for words
if we could get the bot to also generate JSON, that would be really nice so that we could use ^ tool
I'll just copy that and modify it to get the data from GitHub
saman pasla fos!
@GingerIndustries That ends in an i though
@GingerIndustries Same here
I'm not going to get too mad at this, but could y'all please tone it down with the joke words? Most of them will rarely be useful, and they're all based off of either english or other romance languages. I know our policy is to allow adding basically any word, but y'all are adding pointless clutter and sometimes not even checking for dupes first.
WR: iom (intj): Yum!
@RedwolfPrograms Word iom added to queue.
ktomizo fyla vi pasrus, pas ktom ma su borsh. su niny pas kbam ta kivsk fior vi ma. niny fos, kashi y tiksias
@RedwolfPrograms translation?
oto niny su gogu a banli
kodi vi dogo krvina (should change dogo to word for wolf)
@grandBagel "Yesterday at dinner, I had soup. It was made by my dad. It was good, but cold."
Second part: "It had meat and vegetables"
@RedwolfPrograms can you send it again?
"Yesterday at dinner, I had soup. It was made by my dad. It was good, but cold."
@PyGamer0 Should be uboiak bakil, since uboiak needs a k now and adjectives come after
@RedwolfPrograms You could also do si uboiaki su y bakil to mean "tomatoes are foolish things"
We should make like...flashcards lol
what do you mean?
For all the vocab
WR: shuksor (n): School
@RedwolfPrograms Word shuksor added to queue.
WR: abikis (n): Bus
@RedwolfPrograms Word abikis added to queue.
WR: miandir (v): babble
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word miandir added to queue.
WR: pouk (n): pancake
@grandBagel Word pouk added to queue.
How do I say "the x that does y"? is this what ladi is for?
Yep, I don't think anyone's actually used ladi yet though
WR: kanon (adj): typical, canonical
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word kanon added to queue.
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Can we get some more variety in the sources for the words pls? Even just putting them in google translate to a random language
But having this just be english with a noise filter isn't what we're going for :p
@RedwolfPrograms so to say "the person that bites everyone" I can say mak ladi iz su maki sos?
@RedwolfPrograms ok, i'm gonna put it in google translate
WR: ngaitir (adj): naive
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word ngaitir added to queue.
WR: potzny (adj): powerful
WR: savaro (v): To take (a bus, car), to ride
WR: sausa (adj): malicious, incompetent
@RedwolfPrograms Word savaro added to queue.
@grandBagel Word potzny added to queue.
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Those are two very different meanings...
@Wezl-acautionarytale I don't think so
Actually, yes
someone should make a "how to learn Katlani" document in the repo
@RedwolfPrograms I think that would work
okay, but this is a phrase that I urgently need to express
someone who actually understands it :/
Push complete, successfully added 9 new words!
@RedwolfPrograms true. our new conlang should be confusing, just like English. the word sanction has two totally opposite meanings LOL
@RedwolfPrograms We have special pronouns you'd use within the ladi clause, but since you're allowed to omit pronouns with context, that's fine
I... don't like being confused
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh no gusti
oh? which pronouns are those?
lany and lamak
@GingerBot naita vi y fos!
"good internet thing!"
I don't think that's how that works
But we could make [noun] y mean "[noun]-thing" I guess
you can combine nouns in English
(i.e. plastic tree)
@RedwolfPrograms no gus me su niny
@GingerIndustries Plastic is an adjective there
@GingerIndustries that's what vi is already for
@Wezl-acautionarytale oh
WR: tuvung (n): lexicon
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word tuvung added to queue.
WR: makina (n): Machine
@GingerIndustries Word makina added to queue.
21 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: riomr (n): Machine
WR: tuvong (v): die of an illness or a poisonous substance
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word tuvong added to queue.
@Wezl-acautionarytale it isn't in the docs
@GingerIndustries VTC as dupe
@RedwolfPrograms Original is undocumented
@GingerIndustries many early words aren't in the docs because of lack of bot
21 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: riomr (n): Machine
@RedwolfPrograms VTC as dupe :P
I'm going to go through the whole room history at some point and document everything
@Wezl-acautionarytale riomr my Ginger nosos
also I can't find vi
nosos is an adjective
vi's not documented yet, our preposition documentation is way behind
yeah, vi must definitely be documented
well then do it
WR: konma (n): ghost
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word konma added to queue.
the bot uses prep for preposition I think
pas savaro ma su abakis vi shuksor
"I took the school bus"
@RedwolfPrograms as in stole it or rode it?
WR: haijiu (adj): bidirectional
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word contains illegal letters!
bus theft is not a very common crime
10 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: savaro (v): To take (a bus, car), to ride
this definition is purposely unambiguous
I really need someone to make a tutorial
WR: kotsh (n): A car
@RedwolfPrograms Word contains illegal letters!
I am falling behind yall
@RedwolfPrograms Word kotsh added to queue.
WR: korova (n): cow
I'm sure we could get someone from duolingo to add our language there
@grandBagel Word korova added to queue.
if we had enough funding
gogu vi korova: Beef
funding? hilarious
WR: haitshiu (adj): bidirectional
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word haitshiu added to queue.
@Wezl-acautionarytale Duolingo languages are added by people (like us!)
We'd just need permission from them
@RedwolfPrograms Where have I heard that before?
WR: gravel (n): sword
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
@RedwolfPrograms The notable absence of conlangs in Duolingo indicates that this is not easy to do :/
then again I last checked like a year ago so
WR: muratshi (n): Chicken
@RedwolfPrograms Word muratshi added to queue.
WR: fa (n): law, principle, theorem
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word fa added to queue.
WR: lgra (n): sword
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
@grandBagel Word lgra added to queue.
TNB Conlang (katlani) has surpassed the TNB in activity
partially by taking activity
WR: vuotmat (v): surpass, exceed
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word vuotmat added to queue.
WR: produty (n): explosion
@grandBagel Word produty added to queue.
WR: zaima (v): decipher
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word zaima added to queue.
WR: kaizi (v): look up information on the internet
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word kaizi added to queue.
WR: ralfish: fly
(google translated)
WR: srirad (n): Part of one's body
@RedwolfPrograms Word srirad added to queue.
WR: kentshon (adj): picky
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word contains illegal letters!
WR: kantshon (adj): picky
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word kantshon added to queue.
WR: tuhoi (v): revoke, take something back
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word tuhoi added to queue.
WR: a (v): build
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
(also google translated)
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh I'm kind of against this many words that can be formed in more interesting ways
WR: tantomtam (a): perfect
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word tantomtam added to queue.
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
@grandBagel Word a added to queue.
@RedwolfPrograms Like, why not a word for "take", and then "revoke" is "to take vi isa do sasa" or atirlo?)
a means "and" btw
WR: noopos (n): impossible
@grandBagel Word noopos added to queue.
WR: tanitomitami (intj): perfect, in a sarcastic way
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word tanitomitami added to queue.
WR: ntt (n): obvious
@grandBagel Word ntt added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 22 new words!
I'm working on that translator thing
@RedwolfPrograms niao
WR: gratbt (n): superhero
@grandBagel Word gratbt added to queue.
(also google translated)
WR: marta (n): Building
@RedwolfPrograms Word marta added to queue.
WR: full (a): short
@grandBagel Word full added to queue.
(still google translated)
WR: iomshuksor (n): cooking school
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word iomshuksor added to queue.
WR: boirfian (n): couple in a romantic/sexual relationship
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word boirfian added to queue.
WR: borakshiro (adj): clear cut, leaving no room for interpretation
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word borakshiro added to queue.
WR: fidrtuvong (n): coroner
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word fidrtuvong added to queue.
These are seriously niche words...
ah well, if we don't like them we can remove them
WR: kylt (prep): Similar to, like
@RedwolfPrograms Invalid part of speech!
WR: fully (a): shortage
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word fully added to queue.
WR: fully (n): shortage
WR: fully (n): shortage
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word fully added to queue.
WR: baklait (n): prerequisite
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word baklait added to queue.
WR: boraky (n): privacy
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word boraky added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 11 new words!
WR: oontsa (a): Tall, long
@RedwolfPrograms Word oontsa added to queue.
movogal oontsa: Snake
our conlang will contain no bad words right 😂
("very frick")
WR: kosisa (v): To try
@RedwolfPrograms Word kosisa added to queue.
WR: sffy (a): smelly (in a bad way)
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word sffy added to queue.
kosisa imi makai pat hada vi katlani fylo
movogal izl sffy oontsa = weasel
niny sffy?
nirus pas shuksi
WR: taika (n): Text
@RedwolfPrograms Word taika added to queue.
WR: tiratshi (a): Italicized
@RedwolfPrograms Word tiratshi added to queue.
WR: fridka (n): Formatting
@RedwolfPrograms Word fridka added to queue.
fridka vi kod: Code formatting
WR: ssasas (a): boring
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word ssasas added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 7 new words!
@UnrelatedString well it’s just what I saw at the bottom with google translate
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh does this include non heterosexual relationships?
WR: darvaza (n): The irrational fear that when you open your laptop in class, it will start playing loud sound
@RedwolfPrograms Word darvaza added to queue.
si maki lani oto su darvaza su bakai
@RedwolfPrograms translation?
yg, si ma su baka
@RedwolfPrograms translation?
@user it is defined by how you use it
@grandBagel "People who have an irrational fear that when they open their laptop in class, it will start playing loud sound, are fools"
@grandBagel "Thus, I am a fool"
that lani was confusing me :P
@Wezl-acautionarytale it’s just that putting woman and man together implies the relationship is a woman and man specifically
oh I didn't notice that
Yeah, I disagree with "malefemale" being the word for "relationship"
WR: gosio (n): Announcement
@RedwolfPrograms Word gosio added to queue.
Gosio: I will now start talking in katlani by default. All english I write will be in italics.
yg, fy si niny su y fos
no oto makai su lan vi "fun"
WR: asikiz (a): Fun
@RedwolfPrograms Word asikiz added to queue.
Gosio: I will use english with code-blocked katlani
nai ka su ka :p
@RedwolfPrograms translation, pleaseiii?
no oto makai su: we don't have
lan vi "fun": a word of/for "fun"
I'm still trying to zaima these
oh ok
WR: dingdai (v): Wait
@RedwolfPrograms Word dingdai added to queue.
How do I say "the"?
dingdai, oto makai su lan "lait" lait niny
@grandBagel no nai ka
no kailan su niny
i need translationiiiiiiii
"You don't, it's not needed"
How to say "I"?
no: no/not/don't
nai: to do
ka: you
@grandBagel ma
How to say "am"?
si ma su [noun]
WR: mingso (n): Noun
@RedwolfPrograms Word mingso added to queue.
How to say "trying"?
WR: dongso (n): Verb
@RedwolfPrograms Word dongso added to queue.
@grandBagel ni kosisa
how to say "to"?
ni kosisa ma pat [an action]
@grandBagel It's not a word-for-word thing. The grammar is different.
8 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
Gosio: I will now start talking in katlani by default. All english I write will be in italics.
sy, pas onin ma pat si ladi hada su niny vi tiratshi su oro
ma am ni kosisa ma pat hada katlani
WR: dulud (a): Rude
@RedwolfPrograms Word dulud added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 7 new words!
@grandBagel fos! kashi no kailan su ma am
I need translation
Good! But ma am isn't needed
WR: sypsrik (v): to translate
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word sypsrik added to queue.
@Wezl-acautionarytale sy gusti!
@RedwolfPrograms like ni kosisa ma pat hada katlani?
sy! niny fosi!
@RedwolfPrograms Translation? I can't find the definition for fosi anywhere
fos (good) + -i (more)
fosi: very good
@RedwolfPrograms Yes, that's very good?
kahidai pas ma pat hada "niny"
("I should have said 'niny'")
you forgot italics :P
no, no kiro su niny
translationiii please
no, I didn't want them
WR: ditsum (v): To use (a word, or figure of speech)
@RedwolfPrograms Word ditsum added to queue.
sypsrik imi su niny sysaliny: translate that please
kahidai "sysaliny" pat si su adverb
sypsrik imi su niny sysaliny
WR: kisongso (n): Adjective
@RedwolfPrograms Word kisongso added to queue.
WR: tizingso (n): Adverb
@RedwolfPrograms Word tizingso added to queue.
WR: has (n): adverb
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
@grandBagel Word has added to queue.
WR: tai (adv): Too (too big, too many, etc.)
@RedwolfPrograms Word tai added to queue.
@RedwolfPrograms ama ma kashi no fu si niny su y gasi.
WR: minmu (adv): too (too few, too letter, etc.)
@grandBagel Word minmu added to queue.
@grandBagel si onion my ma su pat pasny tai butka
@Wezl-acautionarytale me too but not will be that [su] thing easy
me too but it will not be an easy thing
@Wezl-acautionarytale yps, oto "gasi" su "i"
"gasil", mogusi?
@RedwolfPrograms sypsrik imi su niny sysaliny

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