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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

WR: shotiya (n): Translator
@GingerIndustries Word contains illegal letters!
@GingerIndustries Word shotiya added to queue.
WR: bianto (n): A variant (bianto vi [thing])
@RedwolfPrograms Word bianti added to queue.
@RedwolfPrograms Word bianto added to queue.
taika makina partshana: Parser (literally word reading machine)
WR: vishim (pn): Why
@RedwolfPrograms Invalid part of speech!
@GingerIndustries We have a verb for "to parse"
4 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
WR: srimshana (v): To parse
@RedwolfPrograms can't find it
WR: srimshana (v): To parse
@GingerIndustries Word srimshana added to queue.
so srimshana makina
So riomr ladi srimshana is a parsing machine?
Wait, where's makina from
can't find a word for "program"
We don't have one yet
@RedwolfPrograms It's one of the few words I coined
@RedwolfPrograms hmm
WR: shidao (v): To instruct, to order
@RedwolfPrograms Word shidao added to queue.
WR: shilani (n): Program
@GingerIndustries Word shilani added to queue.
WR: daosik (n): A written instruction, order
@RedwolfPrograms Word daosik added to queue.
@GingerIndustries Ends in an i
@RedwolfPrograms hm
WR: shilan (n): Program
@GingerIndustries Word shilan added to queue.
brb for real now
gus ma pat shidao su riomri: I like to order around/be in charge of machines
gus ma pat srik su daosiki lait simriomri: I like to write instructions for computers
gus ma pat srik su shilani: I like to write programs
gus ma pat srik vi kod: I like to (write) code
I am a fan of how many ways we can express the concept of programming lol
gus kromir: I like money
(actually, that means "money likes"...)
gus su kromir
Maybe if you include imi in a sentence where you're the subject, it means like "I must do xyz"
Like, fy fara ta ma imi lia sasa ndod: I will have to go far away
WR: paonar (v): To run
@RedwolfPrograms Word paonar added to queue.
ta pat paonar somak sabao su nimak fos: Running makes you fos (healthy?)
Maybe differentiate between fos and healthy?
I kind of like the idea of fos applied to a human just meaning "good". Like, "good" health, "good" emotionally, etc.
"Good" as a concept is rather vague anyway, since it depends on your perspective
Like in english if someone is good that means their intentions/morals are good, but I think "healthy" would make just as much sense
pat stuff can get pretty ambiguous in some situations
Like, somak ta pat paonar su nimak fos would be ambiguous if somak and paonar weren't clearly taking two and one nouns respectively
Push complete, successfully added 11 new words!
PR: sasa ndod (n): Far away
The problem is that the sentence could be misinterpreted as "Running makes you morally good". It's obvious here that you're not saying running is ethical or something, but it could be a lot more ambiguous in other cases
So we just add a way to refer to morals that's different from fos
Like oto su [morals] fos
Maybe add a word for health and then say that running makes your health good?
Maybe, but I like healthiness being the default rather than morality
It's more useful day-to-day, and more interesting
Imagine having any healthiness in your life
Like we can add a word for health, and just say they oto su [health] fos, but we still kind of need a default
WR: mosdob (n): Morals
@RedwolfPrograms Word mosdob added to queue.
PR: mosdob fos (n): Good morals, virtue
PR: mosdob oro (n): Bad morals, malice
ksoi pat ta makai oto mosdob fos
"I know that we are all good people"
ta mak sos kiro tsaku umubi?
no briga imi
kailan ma pat fara pat ktom su ktomizo fyla
no ksoi ma fy pat si niny su vy
ta ma gangip pat fy shuksi isplo
bai, fy aksi ma lia isa do sasa fylo
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
WR: isplo (n): Soon, in little time
@GingerIndustries Word isplo added to queue.
WR: opru (n): Year
@GingerIndustries Word opru added to queue.
WR: sod (n): second
@Fmbalbuena Word sod added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 3 new words!
WR: Tobl (n): Trouble
@Fmbalbuena Word Tobl added to queue.
I feel like I added ethics as a noun already
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
WR: fotobl (v): to sabotage
@Wezl-acautionarytale Word fotobl added to queue.
wow GingerBot ur up late
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
gus kai su ozon shin my ma?
nice but I like prefix verbs
1 hour later…
Yeah, I went with ta-first because I wanted ta Radwylf to show up instead of srik on small screens
What even is this?
It's a conlang
A spoken/written language we're making together
WR: khalling (n): game
@lyxal Word khalling added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
WR: raznitsa (n): Difference
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word raznitsa added to queue.
@lyxal si raznitsa vi sik khalling a sik friv su vy?
(What's the difference between "khalling" and "friv"?)
friv isn't in the vocab
A lot of stuff isn't :/
Searching chat is usually the best option
PR: mak vi friv (n): Gamer
that's assuming SE chat works
fair enough lol
PR: mak vi khalling (N): Gamer
wow vocab doesn't even have the definition of mak
Wait what lol
That's like one of the first words we added
oh nvm it's there
ctrl+f is just bad
but it looks like there's no definition of vi in the repo
Yeah, you're like the third or fourth person to bring that up, we really need to get around to adding a prepositions section
WR: bimid (a): Favorite
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word bimid added to queue.
where number list?
ito kib aro
asikizi(?) en.number
should that be asikizi or asikiz-i
No dash, just asikizi
Although asikini with an n means "funny", which is closer I think
and asikizi is essentially funny in this case?
technically not because it timedout lol
I think funny number would be umub asikini
idea: a suffix that means "a bit like a"
so asikiz-y would be a bit like a fun which is basically funny
Sort of like -ish in english?
That could be a good idea
The closest thing we have is kylt, which is for nouns
Maybe an adverb instead of a suffix would be better
WR: ryby (n): Fish
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word ryby added to queue.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani umub didn't get caught by the bot btw
At some point tomorrow I'm going to go through the whole transcript of the room by hand and find any words the bot didn't catch (or hadn't been made yet for)
There's a considerable number of undocumented words
> undocumented words
words that just crept in through the border lol
and don't have a vocab.md visa lol
WR: skialfisr (a): Known, documented
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word skialfisr added to queue.
PR: smflorp noskialfisr (n): Undocumented/unlisted word
what would have been funnier is if the words in that phrase were all undocumented
There. Now neither are :p
smflorp is brand new, and noskialfisr (with the prefix) isn't technically listed
I appreciate the irony here
kib / kib
WR: nova (prep): Without
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Invalid part of speech!
kib sans kib: 10 out of 10?
Hmm, interesting. Likely an english-specific use of sans, but I guess it works as an idiom
(that's a question - is the translation/phrase right?)
I think kib vi kib would be a bit close (more like "10 of 10"), but kib sans kib sounds nice
niao niao
WR: hurigo (n): champion / winner
@lyxal Word hurigo added to queue.
Pog hurigo : pogchamp
because Pog is a brand name lol
so it doesn't need its own word
WR: ashvi (v): To cook, to grill
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word ashvi added to queue.
WR: shubhu (n): Cheese
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word shubhu added to queue.
isohurigo: weirdchamp
or should it be iso hurigo?
PR: shubnu ladi ashvi su lany: Grilled cheese
Push complete, successfully added 8 new words!
@lyxal hurigo iso if it's two words, either way works for one word
@taRadvylfsriksushilani order doesn't matter though
In katlani?
in fact, it's more accurately iso hurigo
Adjectives always come after nouns
The grammar page might be wrong
But I think that was one of the hard-and-fast rules
> The rest of the main clause can be any of the following components, in any order
That's for verbs though
so where's the verbn't rules?
Under the noun phrases section
Adverbs and noun phrases (noun + adjectives + ownership) can go in any order, but adjectives need to go between the noun and the my [owner] stuff to avoid confusion
ah okay
WR: kris (n): sponge
@lyxal Word kris added to queue.
how to decimal?
si [isp kris] vishim gongula ka su [iko a aro kib aro nopirishy]...si ka su [[OP SPAMT]]: why be the [little sponge] who hates its [$4.99 life] when you can be a [[BIG SHOT]]
how do you write conditional sentences like "If <pronoun> do(es) this, <other thing> will happen"?
Can't do either yet
dang. I can't even translate one of the best car commercials to katlani
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
2 hours later…
WR: pafy (v): to become
@pxeger Word pafy added to queue.
WR: tuhu (v): to obtain, receive
@pxeger Word tuhu added to queue.
WR: krytuhu (v): to buy
@pxeger Word krytuhu added to queue.
WR: kryfobl (v): to sell
@pxeger Word kryfobl added to queue.
WR: otysh (v): to wear
@pxeger Word otysh added to queue.
WR: zil (v): to bring
@pxeger Word zil added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 6 new words!
4 hours later…
WR: koss (noun): Chess
@Fmbalbuena Word koss added to queue.
WR: nanih (n): Spanish
@Fmbalbuena Word nanih added to queue.
@Fmbalbuena Word a added to queue.
WR: a (a): A
@Fmbalbuena Word a added to queue.
Push complete, successfully added 5 new words!
WR: hi (n): Hell
@Fmbalbuena Word hi added to queue.
@GingerBot remove
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
WR: ngon (adj): attractive
@HuỳnhTrầnKhanh Word ngon added to queue.
@Fmbalbuena :/ I'll remove it
So I was looking around through my old code and found this strange multiplayer tech-demo thing
Push complete, successfully added 1 new words!
^ pin instead of the HackMD
@Wezl-acautionarytale That only works in the APOL Orchard room
can you add pn as an abbreviation for pronoun please?
@Wezl-acautionarytale I'll add it to my todo list ig
laughs in 69 70 starred messages
WR: mildolla (a): grand
@grandBagel Word mildolla added to queue.
WR: midol (a): grand
@grandBagel Word midol added to queue.
@grandBagel Why not opi?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani google translate
Or maybe opos, op + fos
WR: pujrry (n): bagel
@grandBagel Word contains illegal letters!
But you already made a word for bagel!
yesterday, by Wezl - a cautionary tale
WR: bgil (n): bagel
Wait no that was wezl
But still
WR: tksu (n): A spice, seasoning
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word tksu added to queue.
WR: zavod (n): A factory
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Word zavod added to queue.
@GingerIndustries @taRadvylfsriksushilani roga ma?
saman pasla fos makai!
(ask pas ma shushu kiro no ma nistaha su sik unilateral)
WR: kaikina (n): Company
Push complete, successfully added 5 new words!
@GingerIndustries Word kaikina added to queue.
just got ninja'd by my own bot
nai digai pat si nimak su digai
@taRadvylfsriksushilani kiro ma hada sik kiro
kailan ka pat hada su sik pat
"Display name may only be changed once every 30 days; you may change again in 22 hours" really
@taRadvylfsriksushilani si sik bot su sik nimak? si no sik niny?
@GingerIndustries putsho su hyper
"putsho su" sounds like Pig Latin for "shut up" lol
@pxeger nimak lait digai
@taRadvylfsriksushilani "Last person brought up For very ninja"
makes sense
kyngru sik "nimak" pat si lait ksiv ny, a pat si "pasmak" su ksiv krao ov idpas
KVI: kahidai ma sabao pafy sik GitHub Organisation su sik katlani?
@pxeger sy gust
(Kat vontark isp)
sy gust niny :p
@pxeger si fafasok my ka kylt y vi inglish
sabao niny pafy y su fy borku?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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