The problem is that the sentence could be misinterpreted as "Running makes you morally good". It's obvious here that you're not saying running is ethical or something, but it could be a lot more ambiguous in other cases
At some point tomorrow I'm going to go through the whole transcript of the room by hand and find any words the bot didn't catch (or hadn't been made yet for)
There's a considerable number of undocumented words
Adverbs and noun phrases (noun + adjectives + ownership) can go in any order, but adjectives need to go between the noun and the my [owner] stuff to avoid confusion
si [isp kris] vishim gongula ka su [iko a aro kib aro nopirishy] ka su [[OP SPAMT]]: why be the [little sponge] who hates its [$4.99 life] when you can be a [[BIG SHOT]]
how do you write conditional sentences like "If <pronoun> do(es) this, <other thing> will happen"?