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and it tastes better
@RedwolfPrograms I'm going to put that in the pronouns section.
I like how "to think" sounds a lot like "opinion"
onin vs. onion
@DLosc sy gust
what's the bot for?
Adding words to the github
per chat?
@mathcat per WR
oh ok
@grandBagel We have no e
WR: polr: salad
WR: vmak (pron.): Who? (as in, "who is that?", "who did you see?")
By analogy with inanimate vy
@mathcat ok is hobla
sy gust!
oto vmak su polr vi rno?
("Who has (the) fruit salad?")
no oto ma
@DLosc Let me guess, "not me"?
no oto ami ma
WR: mogusi (adv): Possibly
@grandBagel sy
oto mogusi ka su niny: "Maybe you have it?"
oto no no no
@RedwolfPrograms pas hama ma "no"
WR: briga (v): To care
@RedwolfPrograms oto noiii
@DLosc no briga ma su pas hada ka su vy
("I don't care what you said")
@RedwolfPrograms baka sus :P
onin ma pat pas oto ka su niny: "I think you had it"
@DLosc ka ama
si mata su bakai
@RedwolfPrograms si vy su "mata"?
susin si su DLosc
is that correct?
I don't think so, what were you trying to say?
I am suspicious about DLosc.
susin ma su DLosc, I think
oh yeah ma is I
(also, :P)
ta ma no si su mak sus. ta kai si su maki sus.
@RedwolfPrograms What was your word for "but" again?
saman nilo nogolfy: This time of day is slow
@DLosc kashi
That's right, the breakfast cereal :P
Should we have a prefix for "in the morning"?
tshadom baka sus: "When the fool is sus"
@grandBagel Prefix? idk. We have a word for it though.
Well, a word for "morning"
Maybe we need a preposition for "at [time]"
@RedwolfPrograms We could use lia
1 hour ago, by Wezl - a cautionary tale
we need a when or during or at conjunction
Oh good point
We can (re)use tshadom
Most languages with cases overload them pretty heavily
tshadom saman pasla: "when it's morning"
si o my ma su o izl tshadom saman pasla
si o my ma su o izl tshadom saman nosos
Should we have a shorter "never" than that?
WR: lkhomr: never
Is that an l or I?
@RedwolfPrograms Nah, it's the same length as "never", it's fine
fypasla: never :P
@RedwolfPrograms lowercase L
You sure like consonants lol
And schwas
WR: manvi (prep): On top of
@RedwolfPrograms because there are more of them
si digai manvi abail my ma: "There are ninjas on my house"
@RedwolfPrograms What's our syntax for prepositional phrases?
Not actually sure
Just preposition followed by noun, no case marker?
I don't think a case marker would be needed
We could treat the preposition as a case marker sort of, like my
That's what I was thinking, only I'd phrase it the other way around: case markers are essentially prepositions
si ngoirfro manvi ktomish manvi ngoirfro su "sandwich"
So si digai manvi abail my ma means "there are ninjas on my roof", and si digai su y manvi abail my ma means "there are ninjas who are on my roof"
(Using y as a "dummy noun" if that makes sense, not sure if it's needed)
That makes sense
"ninjas are things on top of my house"
@Wezl-acautionarytale si "sandwich" su lan my katlani?
WR: omkop: sandwichk
WR: inglish (n): English
WR: tipstor (n): imposter/thief
@grandBagel Spell with a k maybe
inglish vaiksal
@mathcat No th
Or e
tipstir, maybe?
Or tipstor
oh yes, sounds better
tshadom tipstor sus 😳 :p
WR: sandvitsh (n): Sandwich
(since sandwich was originally a proper noun and tends to be similar in many languages)
Tschadom si tipstor su diga sus
WR: kahidai (v): Should
kahidai ka pat si ka su diga: You should be a ninja
hai! saman pasla fos, pxeger!
WR: nilvan (adj): Obvious, clear
pas kbam mai su lanii tshadom no si ka su isa
WR: nilvan (intj): Clearly, duh
WR: avaza (v): To make a sound
@RedwolfPrograms This is a little odd to me. si ka su isa sounds like you're equating the addressee with the concept of "this place"
Oh true, I am
Do we have "at"?
WR: kolbat: bird
@RedwolfPrograms I suggested we use lia for "at" when it's referring to time--dunno if we want to do the same for place. I think we're already using lia for "to" when it refers to place.
Latin and Greek both have prepositions that encompass both "to" and "at" meanings, so I'm comfortable combining them
Sounds good
oto kai su onioni?
Or, should I say, avaza niny su y fos? :p
("It sounds like a good thing", I think?)
Hmmm... no gust
Because it's an english-y idiom? Or the syntax of using su y fos there
@GingerIndustries hiya!
@RedwolfPrograms Unless there's a related definition of avaza that's a transitive verb meaning "to sound like (something)"
how's that regex looking?
@DLosc sy gust
@GingerIndustries Oh, I got distracted
@GingerIndustries haia!
@DLosc Oh true, I think it'd translate better to "It makes a good sound" (for su y fos)
@GingerIndustries I think it's best to use one regex with multiple capture groups
Off-topic, how do yall keep NSP and co. from timing out?
Timing out?
GingerBot left the APOL Orchard
I think bc it didn't send anything
Keep a websocket open
That's what SE pings to make sure you're still alive
idk if LyxaLib does that, I think it does
prob a technical issue on my end then
how do you say websocket in katlani :P
WR: hoyblo: websocket
WR: naita (n): Internet
that was a joke
WR: sokit: Connection
sokit vi naita: Websocket
I was just about to propose that we choose something for internet
websocket would be a borrowed noun, surely?
@RedwolfPrograms vi?
sokit vi naita would just mean network socket in general
makes sense
onin pxeger
@GingerIndustries A preposition for with/of, still a little vague when you should use my/vi
@GingerIndustries If the bot sees hello and HeLLo as different definitions, do we have two words that mean the same?
@RedwolfPrograms I'm going to use my
@grandBagel It should convert them to lowercase
WR: tsol (adv): Well
onin tsol pxeger: Pxeger thinks well
can't we just use the existing word for good as an adverb?
@RedwolfPrograms as in "doing well"?
(Maybe we'd need some syntax to convert it to an adverb though, for it to be unambiguous)
Hmm, I guess we could
@GingerIndustries what if they have unicode?
@grandBagel they won't
How about li for adverbing?
Like English ly
@RedwolfPrograms are there any words that already end in li?
onin fos li pxeger
bomy, sy gust!
@pxeger No adjectives
I'd prefer if we had a particle for adverbing rather than a suffix
We could make it a particle
li fos
Yeah, that's a good idea
also bomy, sy gust!
Does that mean adverbs always use li, or will there be some words which are adverbs innately?
@pxeger We already have some innate adverbs
So li will only be for some stuff
do we have a way to say infinitives yet?
E.g., onin li golfy imi ka! for "think fast!"
@Wezl-acautionarytale Last I heard we decided not to have them at all
And use pat where you'd use an infinitive
how do I say "my cat likes to eat mistletoe" then?
So do modal verbs just take an unconjugated extra verb?
@Wezl-acautionarytale "My cat likes that it eats mistletoe"
can I get that in katlani?
@pxeger Well, take this sentence for example: kiro ma pat iz ma su mak sos: I want to bite someone
After the pat, just an ordinary verb-first statement
kiro ktom o my mi "mistletoe"
@Wezl-acautionarytale gust o my mi lia ktom su mistletoe?
Or I guess you could swap mak sos and ma if you want someone to bite you but uh...
@GingerIndustries just decode, modify, and encode
@RedwolfPrograms ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@Wezl-acautionarytale I don't think we have "mistletoe," but gus o my ma pat ktom (niny) su y
WR: nistaha (v): To look
@GingerIndustries I want a cat, that likes to eat mistletoe?
stupid verb ordering
nistaha imi ka! oii! (Look! A lot of cats!)
I love it so much that "a lot of cats" is significantly shorter than "look!" in that sentence
@RedwolfPrograms holtsh
WR: sabao (v): To cause
@RedwolfPrograms yes
WR: hyhy (intj.): laughing
sabao niny su ma poi: It makes me happy
sy gust su matiks!
@pxeger This uses lia (indirect object (of gust; gust has no direct object here)) for the verb phrase "to eat mistletoe"; do we think that's sensible?
I keep getting SE chat pings from the wrong tabs lol
@pxeger I think it's too English-like
I prefer using a pat clause
Should pat require su?
@RedwolfPrograms can we please keep development in one place (github)?
Sure, but we still should have easy access to the hackmd to be able to copy stuff over easily
And it's a lot faster to add words to the hackmd than the github
@RedwolfPrograms That's why I suggest pressing the . key on GitHub to open a codespace; it can be fast to add words there
So I'm using it as a sort of "staging area" rn, and I'll move over all the words to the github in bulk occasionally
@RedwolfPrograms but the bot will update to github
Oh, is the bot working already?
@pxeger my idea was to use hackmd's "github sync" feature
@pxeger Yesterday when we made the HackMD, I and some others didn't have write access to the GitHub files
@RedwolfPrograms no, that's why I said "will"
Looks like I do now, so sy gust
@GingerIndustries oh okay
why is sh it's own letter?
I need the parsing regex
@DLosc yeah, I thought it was supposed to be a stop-gap solution until I came back and fixed the GitHub permissions
@mathcat it's not a letter, but it's a digraph with distinct pronunciation from what s h would be
@mathcat we want each letter to represent only one sound if possible
@mathcat It's not, but I added it to my list of letters (and others likely did with theirs) since it's our only digraph, so it can serve as both a list of sounds and a list of letters
thanks, three pings at once
but sh is a compromise because people didn't want to repurpose deleted letters
@mathcat si ka su o vi matiks
sy gust!
Or possibly o asi matiks
If mathcat is both at once :p
@RedwolfPrograms That would be... interesting
WR: test word (n.): Test definition
WR: ov (conj): Or
I'm imagining some very complicated parametric function that when you graph it draws a cat
(ov pas oto makai su "or"...)
@RedwolfPrograms Inclusive or exclusive "or"? ;)
WR: gangip (v): To guess, assume
@DLosc it's inclusive or exclusive!
@DLosc jort
@pxeger -1, too English-like /hj

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