looks like pretty standard good stuff
also, what does N
eck mean?
ube doesn't seem like it's that useful - cubing a number comes up very rarely in code golf
although I could be wrong
₆ 0 get registor
-> ₆ 0 get register
(less|more) or equal
is (less|greater) than or equal
Also, you seem to have forgotten divison
looks like it should be a digraph
because "reverse every other item" sounds like it's for a very small subset of challenges
also, there's nothing to set the register with
unless of course that's a quick
if that's the case, you might want to make that clear somewhere
what's e 2 join each of one to other
I see that W
is yet unassigned
maybe it could be something to wrap a list into chunks of a length or into n chunks
it could be vectorised lengths
for length doesn't seem right
maybe some variation of L
if that's something you'd be interested in including
for the ₀
nilads - they should have an optional ability to read command line argument like Jelly
for cartesian product is a little not-visible (for lack of better words)
I notice there's T
for tail, but there's nothing to get the head of a list
sure, there's H
, but that modifies
and if tail is going to be ascii, the non-modifying head should be ascii too
Maybe F
could be head popping
because L
is last popping
so F
could be first popping
Flatten would have to be a unicode character
because I thought quicks were superscript letters
and where's lowercase a
and b
do you plan i 2 index into
to vectorise if rhs is a list?
also, x 2 windows
would be better as w
, because that'd be mnemonic
(that is, it'd be more intuitive / more natural)
₍ 0 chain's left argument
₎ 0 chain's right argument
ḷ 2 find all
does that return a list of all occurrences of rhs in lhs?
for pair doesn't seem like the best character choice
is r
ange inclusive of start/end or exlcusive?
actually, you should have an inclusive range and exclusive range
other than that, I think it's good.
and before you ask, that's 56 messages
I'm just here rambling on about elements
leaving a massive wall of text for pygamer0 to read
ngl probably shouldn't have done that
but once I started I couldn't stop lol