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i am reworking the element glyphs
Feedback for elements?
@lyxal @emanresuA @UnrelatedString @Razetime @mathcat ^
currently monads done
I have been summoned
Looks pretty good, but is 54 meant to be 64?
Don't forget to finish the rtl stuff before starting anything else
@emanresuA yeah
@emanresuA i think i have finished that
unless bugs are found...
Why not merge that into master then?
If it's the main version and fully functional now, you probably want to have that be the active version of your code.
@emanresuA ^
@lyxal ^
the elements.txt is formatted in a very specific way
because i need to make the website...
Make a preprocessor that compiles it into whatever JS you want
1 hour later…
whoa 94 already !
more builtins:
- split on spaces, split on -1
- join on spaces, newlines
what i like about the new elements is that head, tail, last, neck are ascii
more characters are from the jelly codepage...
and the entire list is sorted, its very easy to sort in vim
more atoms:
- zip with filler zero
@lyxal feedback?
looks like pretty standard good stuff
what do you mean by
"enclose if not"?
also, what does Neck mean?
Ċube doesn't seem like it's that useful - cubing a number comes up very rarely in code golf
although I could be wrong
₆ 0 get registor -> ₆ 0 get register
(less|more) or equal is (less|greater) than or equal
Also, you seem to have forgotten divison
oop nvm
found it
looks like it should be a digraph
because "reverse every other item" sounds like it's for a very small subset of challenges
also, there's nothing to set the register with
unless of course that's a quick
if that's the case, you might want to make that clear somewhere
what's e 2 join each of one to other?
I see that W is yet unassigned
maybe it could be something to wrap a list into chunks of a length or into n chunks
oh wait W is a monad
it could be vectorised lengths
# for length doesn't seem right
maybe some variation of L?
if that's something you'd be interested in including
for the - nilads - they should have an optional ability to read command line argument like Jelly
· for cartesian product is a little not-visible (for lack of better words)
stands out more
I notice there's T for tail, but there's nothing to get the head of a list
sure, there's H, but that modifies
and if tail is going to be ascii, the non-modifying head should be ascii too
(for consistency)
Maybe F could be head popping
because L is last popping
so F could be first popping
Flatten would have to be a unicode character
where's the letter v?
is it a quick?
because I thought quicks were superscript letters
and where's lowercase a and b?
do you plan i 2 index into to vectorise if rhs is a list?
also, x 2 windows would be better as w, because that'd be mnemonic
(that is, it'd be more intuitive / more natural)
because windows
y'know what I mean?
₍  0 chain's left argument
₎  0 chain's right argument
no apostrophe needed
ḷ 2 find all does that return a list of all occurrences of rhs in lhs?
for pair doesn't seem like the best character choice
maybe , for pair
and ; for append
is range inclusive of start/end or exlcusive?
actually, you should have an inclusive range and exclusive range
other than that, I think it's good.
and before you ask, that's 56 messages
58 including this one
oh hey razetime
I'm just here rambling on about elements
leaving a massive wall of text for pygamer0 to read
ngl probably shouldn't have done that
but once I started I couldn't stop lol
and I would have gotten 69 messages in a row if it wasn't for that
but no, you just had to go and make funny crash bandicoot noise
why must this happen
welp I'm done now
this is the 69th message I've sent in less than an hour, so I'll stop
@lyxal thanks for all the feedback
time to read the wall of text
@lyxal [x] if x is not ready in a len 1 list
@lyxal x[:-1]
@lyxal ok
@lyxal \o/
lyxal just got 6 pings lol
> Apparently UÐe (reverse every other element) is a surprisingly common operation in golf
rip lyxal's speaker
@mathcat it will be more than that wait
@mathcat a) I don't have a speaker, b) I disabled desktop notifications temporarily, c) My laptop's volume is on mute anyway lmao
@lyxal i still havent documented the quicks and diagraphs
@lyxal caird's jelly's u
@lyxal ngn/k monadic #
@lyxal ok
@lyxal x[1:]
@lyxal thats Last L
@lyxal oops
@lyxal dont have ideas
@lyxal yeah
@lyxal ok i like that
@lyxal lmao ok
@lyxal yeah
@lyxal BQN
@lyxal so i should have both? ok
thats it
@mathcat see
@lyxal do you think thats useful?
I think so
@lyxal i think 7 args is enough?
it is
and that's how many Jelly has
I'm just saying make sure to document it if you use it

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