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Everyone please do not hesitate to nominate yourself! https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/election
Feel free to ask here about the workload, or if you have any other doubt :-)
@NicolasRaoul is it as low as it was in the old days? ;p
@JourneymanGeek: The workload is very reasonable indeed, with an average of 1.5 flags per day.
Sounds about the same then
5 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek It's lower than on Android.SE which is much lower than on SO. But the latter can be said for all sites certainly – except for SO itself :D
@Izzy I kinda didn't stand for relection on SR.SE cause I felt I wasn't doing enough as a mod lol
That's kinda why I asked
It's almost the best place for first-timers, the workload being that low you even could discuss each single flag with your co-mods, if needed.
Ya, about the same as before then ;p
Also the perfect place for "another diamond". Doesn't add much to the load of a diamond you may already have (you do AFAIR, right?)
Still got disputes over scope?
SR was my first diamond, then SU ;p
Ah, so I remembered correctly :)
I only have one diamond now lol
Most I had was 2, SR and SU
I'm not like ChrisF or Monica or Rory lol
So want one for the other ear? Nominate yourself, get your original diamond back :)
lol, let me think about it ;p
Oh? How many ears do they need for one diamond each?
@JourneymanGeek Fair enough.
That should be pinned tho ;p
Which one?
oh pinned
Ah, that :)

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