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@JourneymanGeek Am I too late in saying Happy New Year? ;p
@ṧнʊß No, too early. The new year is still over 5 hours away.
2 hours later…
Time zones... :D
OK, diff=1 from me to Gilles: 2h left here.
Don't know for our doggies, though #D
Just finished the "new years address" for my German readers. English readers already got it in advance today: Why do some apps request too many permissions? :)
@Izzy 2h left here too. I'm in UTC+1. When it's midnight here, it'll still be only 23:00 on SE.
@Gilles Oh, same TZ. May I ask which area you're in?
@Izzy Paris
Not that you live next door and... Ah, my guess with "France" was a good one then :)
Or you've already told me once :D
I used to have it on my profile
Quite a few years ago I was in Paris last time...
I'm in Munich here (my profile just says "Germany" AFAIR ;)
I'm in UTC time :D
so 2 hrs 10 mins left for me...
Who's gonna post a chat message within five minutes of 0 UTC 1/1/2015 that gets starred
... ;p
Oh. I could repeat mine. But too late :)
The SE app was too slow to ping me on your message...
The SE app has many more problems.... ;p
@ṧнʊß I intend to be around
@Gilles will see you then then :)
@Izzy the main site waits 15 min to relay chat notifications as well, you're supposed to get your notification from having a chat tab open if you want it immediately
which I supposed doesn't work out well on a mobile device that lacks a concept of unfocused but active tab
I never knew that! I guess that kind of is the point of 'chat' - instant stuff...
@Gilles Ah, that explains. I rarely use the app ­it's rather a "notificator" for me ;)
@Gilles wait... I always mess up with that stuff. So UTC 0am = 1am our time?
@Izzy yes
1½h left
TZ=… date
@ṧнʊß Yeah. But I had to look it up everytime I come into a situation like this :)
it's much easier to ask @gilles ;p
So I also could use man date to see how to output in a different TZ, and follow that advise then #D
@ṧнʊß Good point #D
@Izzy quick question...: does my name require copy-pasting every time, or what...?
Hi @UndotheSnowman
Happy early/belated new year!!
Early for me
same for me ;p
you've got like 8 hours, right...?
@ṧнʊß Your name maybe not, but your nick probably does. I don't know how to produce it by typing...
or something over 5, i tihnk...
@ṧнʊß About, yeah
@Izzy oh... I feel sorry for everyone now!! Everyone must copy, paste my name?
@ṧнʊß autocompletes for me
Luckily, SE knows that. So in chat, I only need to put the @ sign, and what pops up immediately? "@ṧнʊß" LOL
doesn't happen to me for you guys...
@ṧнʊß Not for you probably ;)
I type @ and nothing comes up!
I think I'm just special ;p
Sure not. Why pinging yourself?
@ṧнʊß your own name is excluded from the completion list
No - I mean for your names
for others, you're the easiest person to ping — press @ then tab
No. You can type ours :)
Or do you mean to say SE is that clever that it knows my name's a pain...!?
Yup, you can't ping yourself (or you can, @Undo @Undo @Undo does nothing for me). But for other people, it shows a list of people with not-humanly-typable usernames.
Try "@I" and see what happens.
for a name that begins with an ASCII letter, you need to press the first letter before completions are offered
@ṧнʊß Exactly #D
@Gilles thanks - i''m officialy the easiest person to ping :D
@Izzy @I works, and Gilles cleared everything for me ;p
LOL But only when you're in chat :)
@Gilles just wondering... how the hell did you know that!?
just experimentation...?
(if that's a word)
@ṧнʊß either that or reading it on MSE, I don't remember
experimentation, reading meta, and plain experience
That's how I learn stuff
@UndotheSnowman ...and pain experience... well, did I really have that much alcohol – just from 1 glass of Sherry?
waits for weird flags to show up
talking about flags... check the SR mod flags ;p
for pain? #D
@ṧнʊß what flag? :)
lol - thanks :)
@Izzy you have no idea what we're talking about do you? ;p
@ṧнʊß No. Must I?
@ṧнʊß How do you pronounce ᔕᖺᘎᕊ?
Kidding works without. Though now you've made me curious.
no, i just love it when that happens, and hate it when it happens to me @Izzy
I've always pronounced it shub in my head.
@Gilles how do you read it?
@UndotheSnowman that's right :)
Like shrub without the r.
@ṧнʊß Uh? What happened?
@ṧнʊß I can't, I don't speak, um, whatever Canadian native language this is
although, don't you know me from before I went all fancy?
@Izzy no need to know ;p
nah.. it was just a comment cleanup needed :)
(except that this doesn't even seem to be a plausible word, the letters are from incompatible alphabets as far as I can tell)
Umm. That's not nice. Making me hungry and then nothing to eat.
well i've told you know :)
@Gilles no idea what the letters are... just got it from fsymbols.com/generators/encool
@ṧнʊß No, now I don't know...
read 5 message ago (excluding this one)
make that 6
comment cleanup? What did you write? #D
I see :)
Got to go, cya
cya @Undo, probably next year ;)
am I the only person who edits chat messages!?
@ṧнʊß Nah. I did so a few minutes ago as well (cleaning a typo)
OK guys. See ya next year!
Happy new year! \o/
is it finallly real this time? ;p
@ṧнʊß For Giles and me: yes :)
lol, then happy new year
i'd star you if you posted this in 19 minutes ;p
cause then it'd be worth somat ;p
For you, too – just say when :)
lol - 19 mins plz
in exactly 19min? Oh, 18?
i dunno i'm too tired to too accurate maths!
just wanna get my hat and go to sleep!!!
5 mins before 00:00
OK, within 15min to midnight UTC if I remember correctly?
Ah, OK.
true dat ;)
no.. not true dat
5 mins! lol
starred chat item on 12/31
Maybe there's a "secret hat" for: "Posted a msg to chat within 5min to new year using the app getting starred 5 times before 1am, where at least 1 star came from an app..." #D
2 hats in one day for one thing..?
too much text... can't process!!!
i starred you for that
did you get the Tam o' Shanter hat?
Thanks – now see if you got that hat :)
Mistletoe is the one for new year
lol - thanks
think ther'll be 10 min delay...?
@ṧнʊß Not really: one is for starring – the other for getting starred, right?
you can see I can't even type any mre
@ṧнʊß Yupp, think so too.
nope - both for getting starred
@ṧнʊß OK – so where's my glas?
there is a 3rd one for starring 8 users
Urn... hard here (we're only 6). Harder on ASE (only 2 in chat)
@ṧнʊß but that one ran for the whole length of winterbash
lol - just star the ones on the right of this window - that'll work, I think
yep - you can do it till the 7th
and you can even star pre-wb messages iirc
oh, hi gilles
thought you were izzy!
@Gilles doing that now then ;p is that allowed..?
@Gilles ṧнʊß had a few more drinks it seems :)
@ṧнʊß yes but you have to do it while sober, otherwise it doesn't count
lol - im underage unfortunateyl
So what is it you're having trouble with? Do drinks ask for age where you live? #D
Or was the Whisky too young, too?
lol - you seem to have a lot of experience with underage drinking...
None. I've never been drunk.
Not that I can remember... #D
that means every day then... ;p
Thanks! Sum up all my drinks of a year. I bet you'll find a lot of people having the same amount in an hour...
7 mins... hang tight till 5 mins till new uear
I do!
4 mins till 5 mins
3 and counting
funny we're counting down to 5 minutes before new year :)
count down to countdown? LOL
2 mins...
1 min!!
We better give it one more for the clock sync :)
star me
So everybody and officially according to UTC: Get a safe start, and then Happy new year! \o/
@ṧнʊß Done :)
star me
and me
me too :)
just in case
starred us as well :)
I see stars!
Yupp, just got "Tam o'Shanter" (post a chat message on 12/31 that gets starred)
starred you @Gilles
But I like my "breaking bad" somehow :)
Proud of that one I am :)
that's close, edit, reopen, right?

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