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7 hours later…
@Izzy It's interesting how you can reply to stuff that @StackExchange posts here...
Replied are really just to help other people follow the conversation.
It shows up in the list of people to ping when I start typing @S, but does not show up in the list of people in the room (but it isn't a person, but neither are user-written chat bots)
I wonder if there is an easter egg if you just keep pinging @StackExchange...
user written chatbots are a hack, that's why they have a user.
SE bots are the real thing.
@Undo In your proposal for a custom close reason for closing questions about services and not software, you failed to consider the possibility of questions asking for "software-as-a-service" applications. There is too much overlap between the two terms that they cannot be distinguished.
Look at @StackExchange's bio: " I'm just a bot feeding updates about the Arabic Language proposal into this room "
@Seth Why does @StackExchange want to feed totally irrelevant questions into this room?
a) The room owners/mods set it up, not SE itself. b) they are relevant, it's meta questions from the site and actual questions as ticker feeds.
Easy way to keep track of what's going on.
Oh, wait, it did...guess I'm just too impatient for the renderer to do its stuff...
When is Undo active here in this room
It's a pity that some people at StackOverflow feel the urge to delete useful questions: stackoverflow.com/questions/51786/…
Oy @damryfbfnetsi
was out getting new shoes
30 mins ago, by damryfbfnetsi
@Undo In your proposal for a custom close reason for closing questions about services and not software, you failed to consider the possibility of questions asking for "software-as-a-service" applications. There is too much overlap between the two terms that they cannot be distinguished.
This is a rough draft, much improvement is needed. — Undo ♦ Feb 26 at 17:14
Braiam improved on mine, so mine's a dupe. Deleted.
Thanks for reminding me ;)
Are there any users on this site that can make use of the mighty Mjolnir (yes, I spelled it wrongly)?
(a.k.a. gold tag badge duplicate close hammer)
Not yet
We only have three bronze tag badge holders so far.
@Undo You know what Mjolnir meant before I told you, right?
And yes, I did spell it wrong (my keyboard does not have the dotted O, but it does have Japanese characters)
So, have they fixed the bug regarding repeated "not an answer" flags yet?
@Undo I wonder why this user has only 3 reputation even though his reputation log says he earned an association bonus...weird.
animuson, Chalco, NE
3 11
He should have 105, according to me
@damryfbfnetsi 171 downvotes. Downvotes on answers cost rep.
@Undo Yes, but why is it not showing in his rep history?
because downvotes don't show up in rep history.
Voting is private.
Wait, so he really cast that many downvotes?
I thought you needed to have 125 rep to downvote...
That's what the bottom of his profile page says.
Or is it different on beta?
@damryfbfnetsi He downvoted during private beta, most likely.
So why does he have 3 rep??
Because he used it all downvoting stuff during private beta.
I believe.
Why not 1?
because he edited some stuff.
Or because he didn't use that many downvotes.
It was posted by cyberswan, who is known as deposit on Super User
He downvoted 154 or 155 answers. But some of them were deleted.
How do I differentiate between spam and real constructive answers?
@damryfbfnetsi me before I noticed that there was... odd things happening with that user. Apologies.
So that's why the flag was declined, but it was deleted anyway
My mistake
I once had a flag that was "declined - it's not spam, it's just unsalvagebly low quality rubbish" and the post was deleted anyway
a helpful spam flag has consequences.
If it isn't real spam then those will be declined, even if the post deserves deletion.
Spam flags are nuclear, marking them helpful on what's just a low quality post gives a -100 penalty to the owner and feeds into various systems. In short, helpful spam flags on not-spam do very bad things.
I recently flagged a spam answer that was posted back in 2012
I've seen spam flags been dismissed as helpful or disputed with a message
How does a spam flag get disputed?
@Undo Actually you can mark a spam flag as helpful without letting it take effect. Not that you'd often want to.
How does that work @Gilles?
@Gilles Well, you can clear it afterwards. But still, that encourages people to use them when they probably shouldn't.
that's what you're talking about?
@damryfbfnetsi Usually if a moderator decides it wasn't spam and undoes the spam flags.
@Undo yes: can but rarely should
I don't know why spam/offensive flags don't have timestamps attached to them
Oh, yeah: Spam flags get disputed when a moderator clears them after they've been marked helpful.
guess I answered by own question.
I once had a spam flag that was "helpful - some message" and was changed immediately to "disputed - some message" when I cast another flag against the same post
Here's another hypothetical question: if I hadn't jumped the gun and posted a mod nomination thread at the beginning of the site, who do you think would have?
someone else
Likely me.
But it doesn't really matter.

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