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Can anyone help me here:
Q: Best `hosts` file for malware *and* adblocking blocking?

ylluminateWhile this may not quite be a software recommendation, per se, it is a recommendation nonetheless that is very important to many of us. Frequently I find myself going into a system that I'm repairing and like to drop a solid hosts file into the system in order to make things a little more sane. ...

I feel the man could be a valuable contributor, but he seems to be trying to be a pain instead ^^
Yeah. Try explaining to him the difference between "Software" and "Data". I gave up.
I he'd not been that, how did you put it, "pain", I'd recommended re-phrasing the entire question: Asking for a software to automatically maintain such a hosts file would be perfectly on-topic …
I will do this once he gives up. He will give up. Some other bright folks have used that technique (the guy asking about sprite collections is some bright cheat).
I even thought about asking myself, and then closing his as dupe #D
Oh please do this!
Or I do it (I badly need rep :P)
Can't. His Q is already closed. Well, OK, we could ask that Q and then point him to it...
Well, go on if you like. I don't know an answer, but I'm pretty sure there is (there are several tools for Android I know of, but I've heard of none for Desktop OSes)
Fine. Is there a meta discussing what we should do when having knowledge of relevant answers running on an other OS?
You mean, other than what the OP asked for?
Not that I know of. Would be "NAA" (not-an-answer) on that question. But I've not heard it would be off-topic asking a second one for another OS (good question, though, how that's seen if you answer it yourself: a) rep-hunting, b) knowledge-sharing)
It's perfectly OK to answer your own question, though.
Yep. But due to SR's specificities, I guess we should implement some mechanisms to make this easily possible. I've encountered the issue several times, and honestly, never had the courage to repost.
You're always welcome to raise that topic at Meta.
Yep, but I thought I had seen it discussed somewhere, and couldn't find that back.
No idea, I must have missed that then.
Q: Automated host file gestion

VicAcheSolid host files are an important part of a secure system. I'm looking for a piece of software that could automate the process: The required software would ideally work in the following way: Modify the host file, replacing it by a suitable host file which blocks notable source of malware blo...

@VicAche five points :)
I made it so that you could answer :)
I want 1k before we go out of beta.
I will check. I might be able placing an answer for the Android part, though that wouldn't cover the other half. As you put that combination as "ideally", and made it a "bonus" this way, it should be fine :)
Yep. I asked the Disqus question to show off auto-answering, this one is there to show off "borderlining".
@VicAche Answer is there. Question already gained you 10 points, congrats :)
By the way: I found a generic tool even. It's called "wget" #D
that's 40 points today :)
Yay! You even got more points with your question that I've got for the answer! Mind accepting my answer to level-up? ;)
It fulfils all criteria, even a cross-platform solution is given.
Accepting ? But it's not generic :P .
He? wget -O where-to-put https://where-to-get, and the sources?
OK, you convinced me :P
wget is available on all systems. Then there's cron on the *nix systems, and a scheduler on Windows...
@VicAche \o/
that makes +35 for me today :)
(The funniest bit, is, I got more points for this I-don't-really-care question than for softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/3318/… which is the only one I'm really seeking an answer to.)
@VicAche You know you can edit your posts here? I mean, here in chat?
Chat posts ?
Yes. See:
Yupp :)
You found it, I see :D
Ah! Thanks for the pointer. Want an answer without personal experience?
Hum, if it isn't the one crappy app I tried, yep' :)
Have you checked with my corresponding list already?
"Auth required"
I remember I had a couple of auto-senders on there.
"Authentification required. The server (blablah)..."
Uh, wait... It's not just about sending that SMS, but also about checking your calendar.
Hm, that leaves *Tasker* maybe:
* can read your calendar
* can check it for keywords
* can send SMS
You just need to setup a suiting profile.
That seems bright. I'll try that out.
(There's almost nothing Tasker can't do)
Do you have Tasker already?
If not: as it's payed, you might wish to pick a free trial first (from the Tasker homepage). That works for 7 days; make sure to export all your config on day #7 – then uninstall on day #7, re-install, and import everything for another 7 days :D
(Maybe tasker cannot take the lead in the "Revival" badge rankings :) ). No, never tried tasker. I've been having an andro phone for less than two month.)
(repeat until convinced to buy)
OK, in this case, one more pointer. Give me a sec...
Tasker tag-wiki at Android.SE contains the most important links :)
Oh, the UserGuide link was missing. Just added it.
Yeah, there are several alternatives. But none as powerful as Tasker :)
Llama seems to be bright and may do it. It is free :).
DonationWare, yes. And the one coming closest possibly, plus more "user friendly" (easier to start with).
I like the position-aware thing. I play music and get killed regularly for not switching off my ring tone during rehearsals.
When done, and it worked, you can answer your question yourself then :)
@VicAche That's one of the things Tasker does take care for me:
Well, tasker is what you use to be able to spend more time evangelizing it?
* Docked at night: SleepMode (nightstand, no incoming calls etc)
* when reading: looonger display timeout
* for some apps: brighter display
* when at work: "good vibrations"
and more.
That is quite cool.
Good vibrations?
Even the "sync my backups at night when power connected and wifi available"
@VicAche Volume level down, vibrate on call/sms :)
I'll need one that send texts after waiting enough time before question received.
I even had some profiles set up to care for cell signal stuff (bad signal => sync & mobile data off, signal lost => airplane mode for x min (then check again))
So that I seem less hooked on my phone to my mother/girlfriend without eventually ending up forgetting to answer.
@VicAche question received?
What question?
Exactly: What question? I'll need one that send texts after waiting enough time before question received.
Ahah :). Use case: "girlfriend: -I feel lost. answer: - Oh really?". Typical time needed from me to answer: 0,001s+typing time. Typical time I should wait before answering to achieve desired effect: 20 minutes.
Ah! LOL Yeah, I see. "Too fast" with your answer seems like... yeah.
Hm. Something like "Share with"→reminder app
Maybe check what's already available on your device to share a message with. Maybe you've already installed your solution without noticing it.
Maybe. Too bad I can't star my own chat posts :P
LOL which one did you want to star?
You found it :)
Good guess, yeah :)
Quite close to your question, but would require the "participants" to set it up themselves: support.google.com/calendar/answer/37242?hl=en
There are some privacy concerns too.
On a cloud stored calendar? Uh-oh... XD
Well, not spy-proof, but there is no easy link between calendar reminders and identity.
> I'd like to use Google Calendar to send reminders on events to employees in my company 10-15 minutes before the events will happen.
I feel laziness in an uncommon way: for tonight, I'm too lazy to do useful things.
I just found something you probably will not accept as answer: The easiest way to get Google Calendar Events to Twitter
I could use that, but I'll end up in jail...
And no need to care for appointments then...
Well, lawyers, this kind of stuff...
How to Send SMS Calendar Reminders to Invitees Through Google Calendar – hm, requires everybody to have it configured, again.
I'm pretty sure I saw something a while ago...
I knew it :)
Not that well rated, though...
Cool :). I'll set it up and see.
Though that seems the best so far: Alternatives to bookmark? appbrain.com/app/remind-me-sms-%E2%84%A2/…
Pay apps with no trial are a no-go (fucking philosophy of mine ;) ).
Yepp, confirmed.
So go check for yourself the 284 apps in this list :)
90% won't match, but that's the closest I was able to narrow it down to.
Is SR job-related for you?
Nope. I wish it were, as I really enjoy it.
I do too. But I never got like a specific platform to focus on, while you're pretty impressive.
I'm in IT, yes. And I'm writing books on Android. I even run my own Android site to make answering questions here on SR and over on Android.SE easier :)
Setting up those lists for more than 3 years now, I quite built up a bit Google-Fu to find things :)
Googling is fine when you know the field well. If not, it's not because unexperienced people lack the keyword-knowledge and experienced ones lack the patience.
This one doesn't fit, but looks interesting: appbrain.com/app/loudcrowd/air.me.spotid.loudcrowd
Even worse: while Google often is quite good at "guessing what you really want", it's quite annoying when it's guessing wrong – as you can't convince it to search for your exact terms...
appbrain.com/app/lendable-free/edu.byu.dburner.lendablefree seems to be it. Yeah, doesn't look relevant, but it is spot on.
@VicAche But something looks weird. If it's really that good (5 stars), why only one vote in 3 years?
Easy: social networking app either succeed or are never even installed by anybody.
@VicAche If multiple recipients can borrow the same item at the same time, it might do :)
seems to hold its own calendar.
Off the cloud. For privacy :)
Right. But then how to sync between tablet/phone?
Sure, not that convenient like having the data sync'd automatically.
I'll implement that this week and document it as an answer. You awesomed my day :)
Glad to read! Maybe one more to take a look at (not sure it picks things from your calendar): autoMessage - SMS SCHEDULER
Happy checking :)
Wow, this sounds quite interesting: Expert at Work
Now the problem isn't finding a solution anymore, it's picking one :)
@VicAche Right! One more to go: Appointment Manager
I'm already thinking if I should add a new category on that to my lists. Just not sure how to summarize. Does it belong to calendars, or rather somewhere else? Yuck...
You should :)
There are a lot of practicians that are not IT aware and would get incredible relief from such solutions.
Well, I trust you've kept a list – and will include the best ones with your answer then?
Looks like we've got most of the candidates (I'm on page 18 now, and for the last few pages nothing interesting popped up anymore)
Nope, I just spammed my mum with them all :)
Ah, ok. So I've got to ask her then.
^^just kidding :)
Still looking for a term to file that under. "Client managers"?
Well, that might even fit.
No. It'll end up like: "Son, why are you spamming me? -To be able to find things back when you ask the same fucking question again."
"Outward reminder"
Q: Do I have to ask one question per OS?

Franck DernoncourtI use different OS, namely Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Therefore, when I'm looking for an application, I'm interested in applications for Windows, Linux and Mac OS (with generally a preference for Windows as I use it most of the time). Do I have to ask one question per OS, or can I say that I woul...

That's a bit different than what we had before. Your's would rather be "If I have an answer for some OS not mentioned by the OP, is it OK to make a new Q for it?"
Q: What if a question is looking for a software doing X on Mac OS, and I want a software doing X on Windows?

Franck DernoncourtThere is a question is looking for a software doing X on Mac OS. I am looking for a software doing X on Windows. Shall I create a new question with the same content but just changing the name of the required OS?

Exactly :D
But got closed down (wrongly, IMO) as duplicate of meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/248/…
(why can't I use the "reopen" button?)
@VicAche Lack of rep, maybe?
So I've got enough rep to close but not to reopen? Or are the steps on meta different ?
Don't know. They should be equal, IMHO. To me, the re-open link looks fine there.
It looks fine. But I get nothing from clicking.
I didn't click it really. And checking the privileges page, you should be able to cast those votes (500+)
Yep. Bug.
The fact that Gilles marked it a duplicate might explain the thing.
He's a mod.
Yupp, that he is :)
Should I poke him for him to reopen?
And I agree, the two are not really duplicates: while the former is asking about a new question to be posted, the latter is about closing reasons. Close relatives, yes. And one might deduce the answer to the former question from the latter ("it would not be closed"). But that's not the same as "we encourage this".
@VicAche Why not? If you feel you wish to cast a vote (and you should have enough rep to do it), but you can't (for some not-obvious reason), what else is left than to ask?
@Gilles could meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/757/… be reopened? It was marked a duplicate of a question that is pretty similar, but which answers do not fit in this case.
Not sure if he's receiving the ping (not on chat). Though mods usually follow the logs :) Not being diamonds, we cannot raise the dead with a double-at either. But we can watch out whether there's another mod lurking, like @JourneymanGeek :)
Won't work if you don't keep the space, would it?
What space? Usually, if auto-complete doesn't work, that should be an indicator...
BTW: I was able to nominate it for re-opening, so it's not completely "blocked".
OK. I'll see if I can vote.
Yeah. Might be I "broke the ice" :)
You can reopen things that mods have closed.
nothing for me. I supposingly can review reopen votes, but in practice, nope.
The reopen button is handled by a javascript confirm box, so maybe that's it?
Hum, but what about the review page then?
Either you have JS disabled, or the confirmation box is getting hidden somehow?
@VicAche Hm? Works the same way.
@Seth wouldn't be the first time some stupid JS blocked stuff otherwise accessible.
I block a lot of JS, but SE is whitelisted, I just checked.
Wasn't there something similar with "flagging upvoted posts"?
Reopen Votes
Vote whether or not to reopen closed questions with reopen votes"
@VicAche try turning your blocking off, and then try again.
also check if there's a dialog hidden under some other windows somewhere.
exact same.
Not sure I get your second point, but if I get it, no.
which question do you want reopened?
@VicAche The vote is a JS popup
Q: What if a question is looking for a software doing X on Mac OS, and I want a software doing X on Windows?

Franck DernoncourtThere is a question is looking for a software doing X on Mac OS. I am looking for a software doing X on Windows. Shall I create a new question with the same content but just changing the name of the required OS?

It's a real close relative, but not a dupe.
And answers to both questions are realy nothing like relatives.
Quoting myself:
> while the former is asking about a new question to be posted, the latter is about closing reasons. Close relatives, yes. And one might deduce the answer to the former question from the latter ("it would not be closed"). But that's not the same as "we encourage this".
ah, I block popups too.
even "fake" popup.
Unblock them, try again :)
didn't occur to me that that was considered a real "popup"..
Well, it... pops up?
true ;P
I also need to think twice what is the definition of "pop up".
Yep. It isn't a real pop up, but it pops ups. I hate this. It's a pain. It should be banned from the web.
Literally: Everything that "pops up". But is window.open() creating a pop-up?
Everything that pops up without me specificaly asking for a screen fork.
I know it can plaster your screen (which is why by default I disabled JS as well). Had it once, that I couldn't close windows faster than they opened, learned my lesson...
But of course I completely white-listed all SE sites :)
And I see, @VicAche was able to cast his vote now :)
I white-listed sr.se, but forgot meta.sr.se...
I don't use any other SE site.
Still, you will need a few more white-list entries. There are some "generic SE sites" (call them "core sites") used throughout the network.
Is there anywhere I can find a list?
I'm just looking which ones I've used, sec...
stackexchange.com (includes all *.stackexchange.com for me)
@VicAche I don't see how it isn't a dupe
sstatic.net as well
We don't need 100 variations on “should I ask a different question if I have a different question”
@Gilles Well, that was the first one, yes. The target was a bit different ("should we close..." is something slightly different than "Should I ask..." ;)
@Izzy both are asking “should we ask different questions?”
they're asking in different words, but it's still the same question, which is exactly what duplicates are about
As an abstract, I agree: the results are quite the same.
Q: Can we have a list of all the Stack Exchange domains somewhere, for firewall purposes?

IncognitoI work behind an really annoying firewall, and I just want the net admin to add all the SE websites to the whitelist. Right now I've lost access to Stack Overflow's authentication, but not Meta's... so I have to come here before I log in there. It's driving me nuts. Basically I just want to add ...

Though reading the answers of the second, shouldn't the first have been kept open? #D
@Gilles Good find!
@Gilles thanks for the link
Funny page that, though: The question got answered before it was asked – almost a year before even! ?-)
I don't agree yet.
Ah, a merger :)
OK, so. One question is about asking similar question. Another is about asking questions which should obviously be the same, except OP isn't interested in some of the answer.
@VicAche both descriptions can apply to either of the questions
I don't think so. The one that was left open is about question that have similar answers/share answers.
@VicAche as is the other one
A case where they differ would be my knowing an answer that matches every criteria except OS. This is NOT a "close question". Creating a duplicate just makes search more complicated for everybody, and doesn't add anything. What should be done, IMO, would be editing the question to make OS optional, and post answer. This, however, does not fit with the "respect OP" edit rule.
I'm not sure about what we want to do in this case, but it has nothing to do with two questions being about IDEs. Of course "good" IDEs are going to be answers to a lot of questions about IDEs, and do not make questions duplicate.
However, Linux IDEs and Windows IDE that match a precise set of requirement should, IMO, be listed as answers of the same question.
(I might be splitting hairs, but it isn't my intention. I do believe we're facing two different issues.)
@VicAche no, the OS is a pretty fundamental requirement. Different OSes should lead to different questions (if the problem calls for a native app).
what's the point of an answer that recommends Windows software if I'm running Linux?
Well, the point is, if I'm googling for such a software, the Linux question will show up.
@VicAche actually no
google is smart enough to show you the windows one ;)
@VicAche generally, if you're looking for Windows software, the Linux question won't show up, and vice versa
they read minds, you know?
because when I look for Linux software, I include linux in my search
Not only before, but often as the only answer. And not only this, but one or more of the "Windows" answer might be relevant under linux.
@VicAche sure, sometimes a particular software might fit more than one question. But that doesn't make the questions duplicates
So there I am, using a "Windows" question to answer my "Linux" question, and missing out relevant answers just because me and the OP, well, we're not the same person.
A is a duplicate of B if every reasonable answer to B also reasonably answers A
I believe they are only a few specific cases in which OS is fundamental.
I have to leave for know, but I can't agree with you.
@VicAche your belief is wrong
You failed to convince me.
well, if you had arguments as opposed to beliefs, it would help
I've showed you a handful of arguments, which you turned down by one word, "fundemental", which is questionable here.
@VicAche the only argument you put forward is the search, which counters your point
It isn't, as it is what motivated my quest ^^.
I really must go, good bye.

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