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@jackopen what version of windows?
it is Windows Xp
please explain a little of what you mean by dividing the desktop
hi alex
sorry for delay
it is something like this i need
but without installing anything else inwindows is it possible?
can you open & see that link?
Any one has used iMacros?
@jackopen: no, it isn't
you'll need additional software for that
and fences is pretty light, and free
light, free is another thing
i am just looking for inbuilt options within windows
some tricks
2 hours later…
A: What Business Intelligence software that can be studied for free (with a trial version)?

AustinDahlTake a look at Tableau (www.tableausoftware.com). You can download a trial and install it in about 2 minutes. There's evan a free version (Tableau Public) that has a few limitations. There are plenty of videos on the company's web site to help you learn how to use it.

He didn't disclose his affiliation with the company when posting his answer. :/
And it says in his profile he's their production manager. /:
Flagged for spam.
there was a second, low quality answer for the same product
1 hour later…
Was there discussion about adding a {web-services} tag?
Well, to my knowledge, web service questions are off-topic. Why should we even need a tag?
Also it appears Franck Dernoncourt's the only one that's been using it. I'd guess he's just been acting on his own.
@Undo Is there any reason those questions can't all be re-tagged as ?
I haven't really woken up yet for the day.
So I'm in no capacity to make mass-retagging decisions.
@JourneymanGeek not free anymore, costs $10
You can get the old version from unofficial sources still though.
@Gilles On the retag here, are you sure it shouldn't have the [ubuntu] tag?
Seems very related to Ubuntu if you ask me.
@Undo IMO going by the solution, any linux OS can do the same
and Linux > Ubuntu anyways :P
yes, but there can exist a Ubuntu-specific solution to do it. Just thinking out loud.
Q: Weigh in on our technology stack

tsoftWe currently have a desktop program that is used by thousands of people nationwide, runs on windows (originally DOS), and is written in Pascal. It has had a useful lifespan of 30+ years. The best way to describe the current application without being too descriptive is that it is a tool for "organ...

Opinions on this? He really only seems to be asking for feedback on their current setup.
@Undo yes, it's completely independent of the Linux distribution
very few questions are really specific to a distribution in any way
I should go and do some more cleanup, it keeps being abused
1 hour later…
hi all
this is about facebook alternative
sorry whatsapp
Q: Alternative messaging network to WhatsApp?

Irgendw PointerSince Facebook bought Whatsapp, I'm looking for an alternative app and chat network which is able to replace their functionality. What can you recommend? Requirements: End-to-end encryption group chat search contacts in address book of the phone Ad free can cost up to € 2 once share photos, vi...

it says chatsecure is the most secured one
if my friends are using whatsapp; can i send message from chatsecure to whatsapp?
chatsecure is different than crypto.cat?
what is better
@3ventic so in that case i have to follow which my group follows or else i have to creat new group!!!
@JourneymanGeek please help
@jackopen yep
What are you pinging a mod for now?
@Seth chatsecure is different than crypto.cat?
I only use my phone to call people
@jackopen yes.
Which is better?
that's your choice.
for people like me(who are not programming persons) we follow the recommendations which programmers like you suggest
& whatever we find online
as per our knowledge
reading etc..
we dont have even any one personal guide for such concern
hence some neutral advice very benefical for us
Seriously, it doesn't matter. It's your choice. Everyone will tell you something different.
chatsecure has an android client now, crypto only has one coming soon though.
yeah hence my prime concern is security only
thereafter i ll choose the number of features
like sending image, video etc..
are there any other relevant material which i should read other than softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/1530/…?
about this war!!
which is most secure messaging app
I dunno.
@jackopen That's opinionable.
I thought I did..
I mentioned it here anyway:
A: Secure cross-platform instant messaging software?

SethYou could use Cryptocat, a browser extension for encrypted chatting (similar to IRC, but more secure ;) Cryptocat supports all major browsers including: Chrom(e)(ium) Firefox Safari Opera OSX via the Apple App store.

@jackopen Oh probably because the OP wanted android support too.
yes it just clicked in my mind after reading full question
b2w they are working for android;site says like that
thanks for sharing link
is it possible to send/share image/videos over cryptocat?
just like whatsapp!!
I haven't used it extensively, but I don't think so.
I could be wrong.
@Seth, how can your reply cryptocat on that question; when asker has aksed for Support for Windows, OS X and Linux?
& he has put Logic AND.
i am not opposing you; i just want to understand...
the reason behind if any
i guess Mr @JourneymanGeek may have used/expereinced most of messaging apps
i may need his help to reach at the conclusion for my hunt
or mr simon
is it possible to send message to a person who is not in the chat room?
@jackopen Crypto cat is a browser plugin, works on all of those platforms ;)
A: How to disable Bitlocker through command prompt?

Julia CochranEveryone is assuming, incorrectly, that the drive is removable. I purchased an HP Pavilion demonstrator from Walmart and assumed thry had wiped my drive clean and reinstalled Windows 7. As of today, Hackers using Windows PE, with Powershell and an X: drive that contains over 60 tcpip connections ...

Superuser produces such wonderful gems.
2 hours later…
@jackopen OSX is not the iPhone OS, it's the Mac OS. The iPhone OS is iOS.
Who suspended @Undo?
It says he was temporarily suspended from chat and can't talk for 395 days
@damryfbfnetsi I think he suspended himself in an experiment gone awry. Mods aren't affected by being suspended anyway.
Anyway, @Gilles and @JourneymanGeek, the moderators, I want to point out to you a particular moderation issue that I noticed that you should know about:
Q: Bug permits me to flag an answer as "not an answer" multiple times

damryfbfnetsiI was previously using this bug to my advantage, but now I'm being honest and reporting it. Anyway, normally, when you flag an answer as "not an answer" using the standard option and you have already flagged it as such (and the previous flag has been dismissed with a status), you receive an er...

Shog did. It was an experiment. But he's such a super mod he can still talk, can't you @Undo ?
Is that really by design?
@Seth He's left the room...
@damryfbfnetsi yep.
@damryfbfnetsi It's.... a long story.
No, the question
There might be other issues with the post that require a more useful explanation.
@damryfbfnetsi Yes, that's what I'm referring to ;)
@damryfbfnetsi yes. The second time, you're leaving a custom flag, and you can do that more than once
@Gilles Even though I leave a custom flag, the system treats it as a normal NAA flag.
...and mods see it as such.
goes to test
@damryfbfnetsi Emm, I don't think it does.
@damryfbfnetsi I don't think it goes to 10k tools if you leave it via other option...
It does!
@damryfbfnetsi No, it doesn't. ... Well, it shouldn't.
@damryfbfnetsi it doesn't really matter. The NaA flag is going to change in a few days anyway, because the 10k flag queue is going away and NaA will feed into the same deletion queue as VLQ
@Undo Are you sure?
You can see them in the 10k queue?
Threw a custom flag saying 'not an answer' on one of my posts and it shows up in the 10k queue, @Seth. So yeah.
goes off to test
With NAA-like buttons and all.
@Seth yes, canned flags are in fact custom flags with a specific text
See this post (from my now-deleted Meta Stack Overflow account):
Q: How was my custom flag disputed?

user215114Once upon a time, I flagged this answer as "not an answer", which was deemed helpful, but no action was taken on it. However, I flagged it again recently with a custom flag and I typed in "not an answer" for the reason, and it was disputed. I thought that custom flags were treated with confidenti...

only spam/offensive are in a separate category
@Gilles and VLQ.
Apparently ...
@damryfbfnetsi I'd file a bug on MSO then. I don't think the system should let you do this.
animuson is going to wonder how he randomly got 3-4 upvotes on an old answer with only seconds between the votes...
they probably won't fix it.
@Seth I'd wait for the flag queue redesign first.
@Seth I already did, and that's my question. My Meta Stack Overflow account is deleted, by the way, and I'm user215114.
Typing "not an answer" in the custom field should convert it to a NAA flag, but it shouldn't let you get by with multiple NAA flags. That'd be hard to test though.
meh. If you're flagging stuff with a custom 'not an answer' flag, 2kers should be able to see it.
...but you shouldn't
@damryfbfnetsi Wait, you're gparyani?
if the normal not an answer flag was declined, you should add your reasoning to the other flag because clearly it wasn't obvious enough
Why'd your MSO account get deleted?
Mods, I believe, can see recent names
@3ventic this.
Custom flags very specifically say they are pushed to moderators only. No custom flag should ever be converted into anything else.
Even if they are, fundamentally, excess.
mm... I lost 150 rep over user deleted last 48 hours D:
@FEichinger meh. MEH, I say.
brb. Adding answer to the question.
@Seth Yes, I am. I decided to make my name a little more creative. @Undo knows the answer to the puzzle of my new username
you know what, I'd file another report since you don't have access to the original question.
@Seth That's why I took to Meta Super User to file the report
(my [site] syntax knowledge has a little but of quirks)
@Seth Adding an answer to which question?
@Seth Did you know me back when I had my account?
The MSO one.
@damryfbfnetsi Maybe a little..
Not much though :)
It's not posted yet
A: How was my custom flag disputed?

SethI don't think the system should let you do this, although I understand it may be hard to fix. I believe converting a custom flag with "not an answer" in the text field is actually a feature. Custom flags should be used to explain more than a regular NAA flag can, not just repeat something anothe...

@Undo What does that mean?
@damryfbfnetsi Rolling On the Floor Laughing?
It means that I was amused at Seth not knowing about your name change yet :P
@Seth But your answer does not cover the deemed-helpful-without-any-action case, which is the question's context
@damryfbfnetsi eh? Let me look at that.
The question is "how did a 10k user see my flag?" it isn't even a bug report.
@gparyani It was deemed helpful, but the answer wasn't deleted - so my guess is the mod decided it was a borderline case - the flag was decent, thus not to be declined, which would negatively affect your flagging history and reduce the number of available flags you have, but not really an inappropriate answer either. (the answer appears to have been deleted now) — Dukeling Oct 21 '13 at 0:00
yeah that. It's simple.
A mod simply marked it "helpful".
@Seth Did you cover that case yet? I can't see if you did due to the grace period
@damryfbfnetsi Nope. I don't see it in your question. Besides, you've already had an answer on that. My answer addresses the bug part.
@Undo What now?
meh, nothing
@Seth Do you think that my MSU post deserves to be marked ?
@damryfbfnetsi Dunno. It's sorta status by design, sorta bug.
By the way, for bugs that they won't fix, the tag is
I'd change the MSO one to a bug and edit it to sound more like a bug.
Then bounty it
So if they wanted to leave it as it is, they should have used the latter tag
I don't think anyone important has looked at either of them.
Aside from this issue that we just went on about talking about, there's another curiosity I have (deleted by Community):
(10k+ on Super User only)
One other question: What would you flag a deleted-by-Community meta post with if you want it undeleted?
Community is a mod, so questions that are auto-deleted fall under the mod-deleted-can't-be-undeleted-by-OP rule...
@damryfbfnetsi An other flag.
mods can undelete things Community nuked
I wonder what SE will do to comply with this California rule
@damryfbfnetsi Eeeeek
> If your website is accessible by any California resident, then you need to ensure that it's abiding by the new law
@Undo I was asking what I should I put in the flag to make a mod more likely to undelete it
You can already request deletion?
@damryfbfnetsi "I want this undeleted" should do it. Put a reason if you want, but an OP wanting a non-spam something that got community-deleted should be enough.
@Undo You have 10k+ on SU?
Does anyone else here have 10k+ on Super User?
@Undo So that they can see my deleted question
You can post a screenshot if you want
@3ventic If your question is not considered unanswered, you don't have the ability to delete your post, so I suggest that users who indicate they're living in CA and have a profile age under 18 should instead be allowed to do it.
@damryfbfnetsi but anyone could spoof that.
No but I mean
you can request your account to be deleted, which deletes your user activity
@Undo Thay could do a one-time verification, then give them the ability until they turn 18
too complicated
@damryfbfnetsi there's no need for an extra feature, they can contact SE and ask for content removal
how do you verify it?
plays hell with the license, though
@Undo Send a scan of your birth certificate
@Undo The same way the government does?
@Gilles yeah, we'd have to do more than anonymization, right?
I know how I verify my identity on Finnish government websites
SE can't force other people to delete the content that they've obtained from SE
I don't know about other countries..
@Undo as far as I understand the article, yes
They need to do the same on manual requests, anyway...
then again, the article claims that “Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all provide people the means to delete content”, which is patently false (at least in the cast of Facebook)
Facebook does offer means to delete content, no?
They cache content heavily across different servers though so the content might exist ages after deletion but still
@Gilles The law is aimed primarily at those sites, but it applies to all sites on the Internet
@3ventic not pictures, AFAIK
that sentence was borderline readable..
@3ventic my point is that if the article is poorly researched on these facts, it might also be poorly researched on the extent of the law
But it does also say user activity, not content
Deleting your SE account deletes your activity, but not the content
You can't link content to a person if the posting account has been deleted
"An addendum to SB 568, sponsored by California State Sen. Darrell Steinberg, compels online companies and app developers to give minors (defined as anyone younger than 18 years old) the ability to remove any of their online content"
and I'm fairly sure you can get certain posts disassociated from your account on request
@3ventic Uh-uh
yeah, you can @3ventic
It's not their content if they post it under whatever-the-license-SE-uses, and it's edited, is it?
@3ventic No, it's a pure quote. Find it in the article.
I have a feeling the law is going to have a whole bunch of holes in it
and websites are going to poke it
@Undo Or better yet, mail your real certificate to SE (while keeping a photocopy handy), and then they'll send it back. Has a lot of possible quirks though.
too many steps
too complicated
@3ventic Depends on the definition of "their content".
what are we going to do, not let people use their accounts until we see their birth certificate?
@3ventic Did you find it?
No, I'm not looking for it anymore
I'm not worried about it
It's not edited
If someone comes whining about the law on my small website, I'll just block California and be done with it
That's not my problem
My school computers are smart enough to detect and block Tor from running on them...
...even if I change the program name.
I use my own computer at school
@3ventic I used to bring my own portable Windows Server 2012 R2...
well, "computer"
I'm not carrying my gaming PC around
it's my trusty Nexus 7
It's a laptop by the way...
I can access the school wifi in so many parts of the town that there's basically nowhere I'm without wifi access..
@3ventic Before that, I used to carry my Microsoft Surface...
I seriously don't understand why others hate Windows 8.1...
I really love it (literally, not sarcasm)
I love it too
The better support for multiple monitors alone was worth the update from 7
I don't like its omission of Windows DVD Maker, though...
I used it a lot
I don't use discs at all nowadays
...for giving to my cousins in a developing country where the Internet connection is really bad
Leaving now, got work to do
Perhaps softwarerecs is a good site to find a replacement for Windows DVD Maker? :P

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