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Q: Programming environment to teach kids about programming

slmI'm looking for an application that would assist in teaching basic programming concepts to 4th graders (9-10 years old). Either commercial or open source would be be acceptable, and ideally it would be great if the solution ran on Linux (Ubuntu or Fedora).

^ Too broad?
IMO, not really, but I know the answer:)
@JourneymanGeek Logo?
I used Small Basic. It was good.
Not too easy, not too complex.
@JourneymanGeek What's your answer?
@Braiam Wait, what now?
@hichris123 now? nothing...
@Braiam so confused
@Braiam yawns. Undo was there.
Oh, that thingy.
Gotcha now.
@Undo, thanks for the explanation on my answer. So, for my particular answer, is the biggest problem that there's not enough of a description of the software I'm recommending? It seems like I answered the question and addressed all the points he was wondering about. Am I supposed to give an in-depth review of the software for an acceptable answer?
Q: What programming language tag to use if you don't really care

OxinaboxThe library tag wiki suggest that this tag should always be paired with a language tag. But what if you don't care, like in this question where i would be happy with any of 5 languages? I can't put them all as tags as questions can only have at most 5 tags

@OviTisler not so much an in-depth review as a reason why you're recommending the software. Sort of like a review, but not exactly. You should have had some prior experience with it, so a section on what you liked and didn't like about it would be fantastic.
2 hours later…
Q: Elder friendly software

Benjamin Gruenbaumcongrats on the site and good luck. I am wondering if "Elder Friendly" (for the lack of a better name) is an appropriate tag for this site? Generally, tagging questions (at the tag, and not just description level) level as needing to be simple enough for older people to use. So in short: How w...

@JourneymanGeek oops – didn't notice that!
Q: Should we request migrate on low quality questions, with low quality answers, (from other sites)

OxinaboxOccationally other SE sites in the past have had things slip through. Like this one: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19929267/portable-windows-mosh/20952213#20952213 We have set the bar for quality quiet high, and I wouldn't be very happy seeing its answers on this site. (even my answer to ...

1 hour later…
@Izzy re your auto-comment tweaks -- if you don't want to use github I'll do the heavy light lifting for you but I figured it would be better if you got the credit.
Q: Are questions on webmail recommandations acceptable?

landroniSee title? Can I ask a question about recommendations for, say, Gmail alternatives? Can I ask for recommended websites? seems to deal with a similar issue, but it doesn't specifically discuss webmail.

Quick question on Help Desk Software?: I pointed the OP to consider my answer to Free incident management tool for more than 50 users, and it indeed seems to come at least close to what he's after. Should I suggest him marking his question a duplicate in case the other question's answer turns out being a 100% match?
@Caleb Thanks! Currently, benjol takes a look at it and probably/hopefully merges it "to main", with the credits included. Not sure whether it's worth creating another fork, as I consider my part "mostly done" :)
@Izzy I don't think those are quite dups, there are some non-overlapping parts and some answers wouldn't work for both.
@Izzy That's exactly why creating a gist fork is a GOOD idea. That's a perfect uses case scenario.
@Caleb That's what made me hesitating. OK, I will not leave a comment now, let's see how it develops.
@Caleb you are on too many rooms
@Caleb I tried to get previous script versions from benjol's Gist before (as I initially started my work on v1.2.8), but could not figure out how... Anyway: There's a bunch of "redundant" stuff in which doesn't need to be merged (I e.g. edited the defaultComments to not lose my modifications, which had better been done via import/export). So I'd need to cleanup. Or not, as that also includes "new syntax extensions" (Site:). Grrr...
@Caleb Yuck and that requires me to create an account there. Another account. Hate that... Checking...
Gaaa. My login is already taken...
Letz cleanup commentz :)
@Caleb you might wish to leave this comment in, however. Your easy instructions convinced me, and might convice others as well :)
@Izzy I've run out of flags for today already
in fact, I ran out at 1am
@kalina I just have a few left (stopped counting)
I'm still the only deputy :(
But my "letz cleanup commentz" was rather directed at Caleb – not flagging, but simply removing "our discussions", which meanwhile have been integrated into the corresponing answers :)
@kalina I'm closing up to 2k, then I can handle flags :)
@Izzy haha
there's nothing here I can answer really
131 rep missing for that...
@Caleb your LDAP question, on a quick look, I thought to be duplicates :) I'm about pulling my AutoReviewTrigger on the first (How should I manage posix users in an LDAP directory without feeling the need to kick a cat?):
> Though your description holds several criteria required to recommend matching software, it suffers some formatting issues to make them clearly stand out. Please take a look at What is required for a question to contain "enough information"? Then please [edit] your question and see if you can incorporate some of these improvements. This will significantly improve your chances of good answers!
Miss the bullet list :)
(And yes, I see how the two are no dupes: the first is for the admin, the second for the users. Though the same package might be able to deal with both.)
@Izzy They are related issues but the solutions are bound to be different!
@Izzy Theoretically yes, but from what I've seen of the space here the best packages are almost certainly different. I would have made one question with requirements for both if I thought there was a prayer in the world of having a good solution that worked for both.
@Izzy I hate the bullet lists on most questions here. People just want us to make/review a feature matrix for them. I'm more interested in user-stories that have to be read and understood in order to make answers that are actually solution recommendations to a problem and not just a feature checklist.
@Izzy Thank you!
Looks like benjol is a little rusty on git too :(
@Caleb I remember we somehow insisted on bullet lists. But that might be a mis-interpretation from my end:
> Feature requirements should be listed in order of importance
> Every question should contain a list of features...
@JourneymanGeek recommend me or suggest me any game
@Utkarsh "for Windows 7"
strange requirement
@Utkarsh State of Decay
okay now
@kalina 18+ game?
I cant play adult games. I'm just 13
but according to @JourneymanGeek , i can play adult games age he said to me
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Dec 8 '13 at 9:11, by Journeyman Geek
Age dosen't matter
@kalina -_-
@Utkarsh you said "any game"
so far I have recommended you two and they've been outside of your requirements
request for clarity
okay okay, games that i like are subway surfers, temple run, fruit ninja
@kalina clarity given
what happened?
@Utkarsh: cricket!
Presumably with glow in the dark balls.
(honestly, I just pick up whatever's on sale, if it seems interesting)
@JourneymanGeek :-) Wah! I totally forgot!
speaking of whatever is on sale
saints row 4 is on sale
@kalina hurry!
I already have it, and the season pack
the addons seem SLIGHTLY tempting
I purchased it as a result of it being recommended on here
I'm waiting to get 18 year old
@kalina then?
@JourneymanGeek for how much $?
@Utkarsh: can't remember
probably at least a quarter off retail though
@JourneymanGeek I dont think that you have ever been to india
have you?
I have, actually
<---------never bought a computer game in WHOLE LIFE. because of DAD
<------never bought a computer game in WHOLE LIFE. because of MAD
@Utkarsh: builds charecter.
Guess my "whole life" is a little longer. At least by factor 3 :)
I think I never really had a good gaming system till I was 20
@Izzy you know, in india, we have a company called apollo munich
@JourneymanGeek after that?
and this is the first system where I didn't have to make major compromises cause I didn't have the cash.
Uh? We also have "Apollo Munich". They sell glasses (for the eyes)
@Utkarsh: Built a decent system, ran it for 7 years, built a great gaming system ;p
@JourneymanGeek Awesome!
And I tend to get games on humble sales
good way to get good games, a lot of them are age appropriate, and they're reasonably prices.
@JourneymanGeek you know? i issue that portia had was, that
Does anybody understand those requirements: Presentation software showing map of slides?
her pc's cooling fan was not working properly
you were right! :P it was a overheating issue!
@JourneymanGeek for example?
How would you know what problems portia had? ;p
humblebundle.com is the current sale
@JourneymanGeek because I was that ****** (you know what i want to say)
The optimal time to get HIBs is near the middle or end IMO, but.. 5 dollars? For a bunch of half decent games?
did i do something wrong with him?
@Utkarsh yes you did
@JourneymanGeek for 15 dollars, i bought a new kingston 1 gb ram! now my ram is 1.5 gb
@kalina what?
@Utkarsh you fed the troll
@kalina no, i didn't fed
you're feeding him right now by giving him attention
@JourneymanGeek have you ever played GTA Sanandreas?
did you never see Gremlins?
@JourneymanGeek, Mr. Mod :) Could you please take a look at Presentation software showing map of slides? and say whether it's just me not getting what the OP is after?
I was about throwing the "LQ" auto-answer, but am not 100% sure :)
@Izzy: I'm kind of getting it, but more details would be nice
OK, so I pull that gun :)
@kalina okay, comments removed! :-)
(I'm still a bit gunshy. Still trying to understand how best to use my powers ;p)
Booom! :)
@JourneymanGeek give me all the bounties, approve everything I do, etc etc
10 messages deleted
6 messages deleted
@Caleb thanks for that.
Drama occurred and it didn't involve me?
Nope, no drama. ONLY ZUUUUL
No there was definitely drama
I see dead messages
they're everywhere
oh drama...
what we would do without you?
1 hour later…
Right now your question could be read as "what's an alternative for X?" which is strongly discouraged here. Instead tell us what are the characteristics you are looking for instead in a easy to parse format (preferably bullet points) so anyone that doesn't know Project could answer. — Braiam 14 secs ago
I'm wrong?
btw, we may need an off topic reason for alternatives
1 hour later…
Q: Why was i suspended from chat?

UtkarshMy account was suspended from chat and I want to know why and which mod did it. They not even sent me any message! Please Help

1 hour later…
Q: Online / electronic Affinity map software

SidetrackedByLifeSo, I've created a massive, two-axis affinity grid capturing a LOT of information. Before the sticky notes start falling off the wall, I'm trying to find a decent program to electronically replicate this for easy editing. My last resort is a spreadsheet, but I've got a massive love hate relatio...

^ Migration from UX. What's everyone think?
@Undo On topic. Needs more detail but that seems to be par for the course. It's not total junk.
Nice if they would ask in here first, but....
Yeah, would be nice.
But I had the same feeling about it.
@Undo Needs a tag.
[web-apps] would be one
Don't know. Too many foreign words for me: Windows, axis, MS StickySorter...
@Undo It's not a webapp question per say. Its web or desktop.
oh, true
@Undo Maybe not, as that's not a must.
I dunno
Ugs... Caleb beat me to it :)
[sticky-notes]? :P
@Undo see my edit suggestion
Mapping, but not maps. Spreadsheet, but not necessarily.
@Caleb Makes sense: "A lot of information" => "Knowledge-base" :)
No idea.
@Caleb I'm not going to approve/reject it, I'll let the rest of the community decide.
... and they decided.
@Undo I did. A Wiki is a knowledge-base, too. And the "linking" stuff makes such a possible candidate.
Hm, another 101 rep, and I can "handle flags" :)
Mod tools :)
@Undo I thought that migration here weren't possible until the site leave Beta
@Izzy cool :)
@Fractaliste Possible yes, usual not necessarily :)
@Fractaliste Mods can migrate everywhere. Ask @Undo for "fancy tools" with a lot of Wooosh #D
@NickWilde Yeah! Looking forward to it. Tomorrow, maybe. This week, for sure :)
IMO that question is not clear what it is wanting - knowledge base is something close I think
Ok I reformulate, I thought that migration weren't recommended
@Fractaliste True that. But exceptions permitted.
Can anyone tell me what a "two-axis affinity grid" should be? Like a chess-board? Or "Get Four"?
Or a tool for Excelbitionists?
@Izzy think in 2D
@Braiam Yeah. 1D is unlikely, 3D too #D
Ah, maybe another word for "spreadsheet"?
Hm, "Online / electronic Affinity map software" sounds like a dating portal, somehow...
2 hours later…
First undisclosed self promotion?
A: Chrome extension like Tamper Data

BarathVutukuriHTTPS Everywhere is google chrome extension that tampers http connections forcedly to https connections.... Check this one too... http://techiegenie.blogspot.in/2014/02/useful-extensions-for-google-chrome.html

Q: Detailed Google Map Like Software

Chris OkyenI need to find a close by pullup bar just the right size for introducing myself to the gymnastic bar pullover. What software that could be offline or online would allow me to see details of parks or wherever like playgreounds similiar to google maps / google earth ( preferably in 3D ) to see if ...

@Undo Why are you linking HTTPS? Did you follow the dumb suggestion from that spam answer?
rofl, I typed https:// in to see what it would do. And forgot about it :P
@Caleb HTTPS everywhere put SE in its whitelist last month or so
which was rather premature
@Gilles rather
No wonder this keep coming up.
So we established that we don't need to worry about our 70% answered rate, right?
it mostly works on main sites, but fails on meta (because certificates, Thomas explained it on sec.se) and with mathjax (because SE doesn't have an HTTPS CDN)
@Undo at this stage, no. If it keeps up, yes
because that stat scares me a little
@Undo Not if you ask me.
A: Is the proportion of unanswered questions a concern?

CalebIn some ways yes, it is a cause for concern. In other ways it's actually a healthy sign. The main issue is that the topical range of this site is huge — covering many disparate professions. Having a software expert on hand for every category of question is simply not going to happen until we are...

@Gilles Ya I understand the fail cases, I just didn't catch why so many people were hitting this problem.
I think we're getting a new question flood
@Undo I think because of the topic (and the fact that some questions just aren't going to good have answers) we are always going to have some. With a broad enough range of expertise it should go down, but I don't expect this to ever rival some sites that hover at just below 100%
@Undo I've been alll out of votes since my morning coffee was gone.
Aww. That makes me sad
@Undo have we been mentioned on HN or Reddit?
@Gilles I don't frequent either
@Undo I lied, something must have gotten deleted 'cause I have a couple again.
I went on a delete-binge a few hours ago, that was probably it
Thumped a bunch of answers
@Seth is now blue!
Not quite yet.
@Seth I have my finger on the chat profile refresh button for you ;)
lol. I don't have the diamon quite yet.
I am refreshing your profile page on AU too :D
Not gonna work until the CM team adds the diamond ;)
Why are we talking about this in the Software Recommendations room?
I dunno :P
Does this Q make sense to anyone? I'm not sure if it's java or this guys English that is going over my head.
Who won on SO?
I don't want to VtC if he just used industry terms I don't know, but it just doesn't add up to me.
Q: UML to Java and Hibernate

jasilvaI see Java to UML generator on Linux but I look for otherwise. I want to desing my UML diagrams in the program, and program generated Java classes and Hibernate Mapping. Features Essentially drawing a class diagram and the program should generate the classes in java language Support UML 1.x o...

Q: February 2014 Stack Overflow Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Shog9Stack Overflow's February 2014 moderator election has come to a close, sacrifices have been made at the altar of STV, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn...

yep. Well one person I voted for got elected anyway.
@Caleb Back briefly, before SWMBO catches me ;) I kept a parallel repository locally. The only way I can see of fixing things is for me to upload that to github, but that would be rather a waste of your effort. I guess I could accept your transfer, clone and then do a rebase -i, but would I then have sufficient rights to also put all the other branches straight?
lol @Caleb new meta question already.
@Seth Y U NO IN TL?!? D:<
I even superpinged you!
I am.
@Benjol Yes you would actually. You would be the owner of the whole pile of everything I did today and could certainly rebase master.
@Caleb ok. I'll do that (though not all this evening)
Thanks again.
@Benjol Can you at least accept the transfer right away so I can fork and keep hacking without everything breaking when the URL changes to your account?
@Caleb, just tried, it says it's expired
Might be because I reset my password (couldn't remember the old one...)
@Benjol Let me abort and resubmit the request then.
@Benjol Just re-submitted.
@Undo There are 10 mods in this room as it is, who needs the TL?
Meh, true
@Caleb. OK you're a free man :)
On April Fools day we should make all the users blue and all the mods black.
@Benjol Very good sir.
@Benjol @Caleb Good job! Thanks to both of you!
@Benjol If you care you can now delete the alerque branch. I've forked the project and have that branch in my repo so there isn't much point in keeping it in yours. (or you can list me as a callaborator under the project settings and I'll clean up after myself)
@Izzy @Caleb, I'll try and do some work on it tomorrow. Now I'll be able to stop using StackApps as an Issues board...
@Caleb, like that?
@Benjol Yes it SE answers kind of suck at issue tracking!
@Benjol Yup, like that. Poof, gone.
@Caleb, ok, gotta go. I've learnt me some new stuff today (including the fact that the SR site even existed!)...
@Benjol Great! Thanks, and have a nice evening (or whatever time it is for you know :)
@danijelc yepp, that's me :)
i post you a comment but thing is i really can recall if trimming was available
I mostly used it to batch rename everything as i wanted and sinc eim not on Windows can't rechek
but maybe pointing someone in right direction
OK, so the same boat like me. Will remove my comment then, to avoid... whatever confusion :)
Done. @danijelc your turn :)
@Izzy done... yes kinda see i know its possible to do it by renaming and setting no spaces... but probably someone will know better
A: Why was i suspended from chat?

CalebI suspended you from chat for the day. It is unnecessary for me to explain to you why I did so since you know full well what reasons there are. For the benefit of the rest of folk reading this meta, here is the brief situation: You were being disruptive to the conversations that were happening...

this was brilliant answer
A: Software to trim every ID3 fields of my mp3

Ben MillerYou should be able to do this with Mp3tag. Mp3tag has a replace with regular expression action that will allow you to remove spaces in any tag field you want. Your requirements: With some knowledge of regular expressions, you can trim spaces from the beginning and end of any ID3 field you wan...

as I told ya :)
@Caleb around?
@Undo evet
er, yes
??? is not a question. What are you trying to accomplish? What sort of app(s) are you going to be developing? What are your developer systems? "deployable apks" is about as generic a criteria as you can get for an Android build tool. — Caleb 50 mins ago
^ The ??? was a placeholder for him to edit in more ;)
Not the best idea, I know
Check the edit history
@danijelc That comes of not actually saying what came to mind to say ;-)
@Undo Oh. Um. Ok.
Can you edit my comment and delete just that bit then?
@Caleb yap brilliant as i said
@Caleb yup, done
@Undo Thanks, that was too sarcastic a remark anyway, but the rest might help him think about what to add.
Also, who is dropping a VtO on everything we close?
Even when the question is still '???'.
@Caleb People do strange things...
I know, but I don't think I'm supposed to tell :P
I have a guess, but I haven't looked yet
@Undo I didn't know mods could see who pending VtO's are from. (and I have had two diamonds for years now).
@Caleb It's in the mod timeline
we can check the review queues (which is 10k information for the list, and 3k for individual items if you can locate them, the only advantage mods have is a direct link from the post to the review item)
@Undo So it is.
@Undo OH
@Gilles I know about that but the review queue is not always where they come from.
But @Undo is right, it's right there in the new timeline.
I'm still used to the old timeline data.
@danijelc Now I remember the name of what I have used: EasyTag. But that was on Linux, so it doesn't really fit (especially since I also don't remember whether it could auto-trim :)
@Izzy yes Easytag is on linux and puddletag too trimming well see i mostly just rename all as i have some kind of my own pattern and never had issues with empty spaces
@danijelc I mostly have my MP3s organized as Artist/Album/01-Song.mp3. And that's what Easytag picked up for ID3 tags :)
similar to mine pattern , I add year too and going number-song-artist-album-year just easier for me
1 hour later…
We just had that question. Didn't it get closed?
@Izzy Ever seen this before? (I'm assuming as a good Android user you use Cyanogenmod :P)
@Seth Sure I use CM. But nothing with Android versions higher than 4.1
too restrictive, too much Google bloat.
You don't like Jelly Bean? That's sad because there have been a lot of improvments.. but I'm kinda partial to Gingerbread myself anyway :P
I love Jelly Bean & KitKat.
@Seth That's the live updater. No such thing before... um. CM10 = 4.2?
@Seth Gingerbread? Stone ages...
@Seth CM 7.2 = 2.3.6 on my Milestone², yeah!
@hichris123 I love Jellybeans from Haribo and Kitkat from Nestle :)
@Seth That's not an android or Ubuntu thing, that's a nested third party repo error of some sort.
ICS on my main device, and that's fine.
@Izzy lol. Okay, Android Jelly Bean & KitKat.
@Caleb Close to my guess, yes.
@Caleb I know it isn't about Ubuntu, I was just curious if there was somewhere I could point him.
If possible. (I am not thinking about migrating that, just fyi)
A bit too specific for ASE. Though he could try. But think of SO: Not that way (dumping a log plus a "What now?" doesn't work)
@Seth I like seeing a diamond next to your name now. :P Congrats!
@Seth You would have surprised me by that :)
Good, I hope I don't sound like a migrate junk kind of person ;P
What? 4 days over? And I told you: you must win, you had my (sticky) vote! Congrats, @Seth!
I need a site on SE to post my I'm having problems downloading the Android source code question...
@Izzy Thanks, the election just ended today though ;)
@Seth Definitely not! You always ask first.
And that makes you a nice guy: Even if you know you cannot migrate something, you try to pull in help for the asker.
Second time now we two met this way. And I see my vote went to the absolutely right person :)
@Caleb in your comments, you might wish to replace the trailing /185 with /$MYUSERID$ – though I don't mind getting badges if you don't do so :)
It just last week dawned on me why me userID was in every share link I got.
Yeah. That's a feature I introduced to that AutoReview script: people giving helpful links should be rewarded for that. I'm feeling honored for those "extra rewards" Caleb grants me :)
@Caleb I've updated that in Meta accordingly already.
@Izzy Re this:
I'm going to argue that those need to be requirements not preferences or the question is too broad.
> has a GUI if possible
This guy wants a gui. It's possible so that should be the question. There are more command line utilities that you can shake a stick at that would fix this so that's a dumb question.
@Caleb That part is fine IMHO. But from the context, you're right: he wants a GUI. And I'd even bet it should be for Windows. OK, shall I roll back my edit?
Similar reasoning for the platform, there are just too many and it will turn into a "my favorite way to manage music" bog and completely loose sight of solving the guy's problem and moving on.
@Caleb for the platform I agree to 100%. Just was thinking about a nice way to tell him that :)
WTF... I cannot rollback? Hm, that must be Caleb's fault #D
@danijelc @benmiller See above chat messages^^^
@Izzy I didn't touch it!
No, I just refreshed, you're right. I thought you might already have rolled-back. So what is it?
Can you rollback?
If not, I just create another version :)
@Izzy I'm still below 1000 rep :(
@Caleb rev 8 created.
@Izzy I don't think you can roll back to suggested edits if they were improved as part of the review process. Could be wrong on that though.
I just edited it one more time. No idea why it shows me a rollback link, and then just gives me a popup telling me "cannot rollback"...
@Caleb You should be able to rollback your own edits. If I remember correctly, I did that already before.
And it shouldn't give you a "rollback" link if you're not supposed to use it – thought that could be a bug ;)
Q: Do I have to ask one question per OS?

Franck DernoncourtI use different OS, namely Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Therefore, when I'm looking for an application, I'm interested in applications for Windows, Linux and Mac OS (with generally a preference for Windows as I use it most of the time). Do I have to ask one question per OS, or can I say that I woul...

A: Do I have to ask one question per OS?

CalebIt depends. If you give us a user story that paints a specific problem and give enough criteria to reduce the field to a reasonable number of possible answers that can be judged according to their suitability for your purpose, then you can certainly leave off the OS as a requirement and just li...

Q: What shall we do with answer recommending the same application than a previous answer?

Franck DernoncourtI saw that this answer (since deleted, screenshot below) is recommending the same application than a previous answer. Should I flag answers recommending the same product as another answer?

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