The automation is used rather widely currently. I just wrote the tag-wiki to correspond to the question that currently use it and I think this is a good use, but see problems with this (especially it overlaps with the concept of scheduling.)
The current tag-wiki I wrote:
Automation refers to th...
@Fractaliste I guess if @kalina would make her question CW, answers might get auto-CW'd (but I'm not sure)
@AngeloNeuschitzer Depends on how you define "cloud service".
If a web-app is a simple "mobile version of the website" (say, nothing but a wrapper to read that website's articles and maybe leave a comment), I would not call that a "cloud service".
@Fractaliste concerning Software to send files through my private network (I prefer to not extend the comments, as you're around here it's better to discuss this in chat): Samba is what you know as "shared folders" on your Windows computer (nothing to do with Dropbox at all). SaMBa is the "spoken form" of SMB.
So basically, you right-click on a folder, go to properties, and select to "share" it. Then you can access it directly from the other PC (selecting the first in networks, and browse its "shares").
If that's not fast enough (SMB has some overhead), you might consider using FTP. That would require to setup an FTP server on one PC, which you then can access the same way. Less overhead, so more speed.
You should see some soon, they just have to be approved by two more members (I'm just walking the queue)
@AngeloNeuschitzer your "automation" tag excerpt describes a scheduler, not automation. Maybe you want to update that?
Do we really need bootable? That's somehow a contradiction. If it's about an OS: that should be bootable naturally. If it's about some other software: either it's an OS, or it's not bootable. Makes no sense to me.
The only question currently using this tag is rather speaking of a live-CD.
@AngeloNeuschitzer please also check app-store: "requires software to be available on the official app-store" would be much too broad, I'd leave that out. On Android, that e.g. matches 90% of the apps (raw guess).
The second part, "interacts with the app-store", is perfect IMHO :)
Yuck. another one: amazon. Wouldn't shopping be better (and more generic)? // just collecting them here to bring them to your attention already, I'll copy them over to Meta later :)
Another much to specific tag: change-history. Rather belongs to the description again.
@AngeloNeuschitzer one more: clipboard, the excerpt. I guess everybody knows what a clipboard is; shouldn't the excerpt rather specify what for to use it (not Ctrl-C, but e.g. "clipboard management")?
@AngeloNeuschitzer same for blackberry: "use only if..." should be in the excerpt. Only few people go so far as to open the wiki itself.
Thank you for reviewing 20 suggested edits today; come back in 6 hours to continue reviewing. Yuck.
We've got a bunch of tags which are pretty narrow, and thus not much of use. Similar to Private beta cleanup: tag synonyms and tag merges, I suggest we use this "question" to collect those CW-wise to decide on each one (one tag per answer).
Other than "over there", answers here should not be del...
We've got a bunch of tags which are pretty narrow, and thus not much of use. Similar to Private beta cleanup: tag synonyms and tag merges, I suggest we use this "question" to collect those CW-wise to decide on each one (one tag per answer).
Other than "over there", answers here should not be del...
Man in this speed I won't come to that 500 rep today :(
@Izzy: Good thinking to put them into a Q
With most of them I was not sure what to do with them.
(Most tags I found bad I directly threw out of the questions, when I was a bit unsure I stuck them into the tag cleanup question. For the rest I thought: "Ok. Lets try and see how they evolve. Give them a wiki for now and then either use or discussion will follow"
Is there a possibility to see what edits I made that were either rejected or reverted?
I wrote some tag-wiki entries today and a thought came up that I'm unsure on how to handle. Some tags have a clear meaning and its usage is mostly clear (linux goes to linux related questions). Other tags should have a notation on when to use them, and when not. The Tag Wiki help says:
The full ...
@AngeloNeuschitzer Good job. The latter was how they came to my attention (review queue), and why I brought them up in a separate Q on Meta. As "remove or keep" is a little different to "merge A and B", I thought they better should be dealt with in their own Q :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer on your user page, check the "activity" tab, and there the "suggestions" sub-tab
Should hold all your "suggested edits" (including tags). Then click the corresponding "suggested edit" link.
Shows you whether the corresponding edit was approved/rejected/whatever, and even by whom.
There might be a listing somewhere making it more comfortable, but I couldn't find it.
@Seth after having tried it, I permitted myself to add a few more details to your OCRFeeder recommendation (Tool for extracting text from a scan). You might wish to verify that :)
Much questions include a requirement about pricing. For example, a program should be free or "no more than $50".
I understand that the price of a piece of software is relevant in deciding which product to choose. However, making the price a requirement in the question drastically limits the poss...
Anybody working on the synonym requests from Private beta cleanup: tag synonyms and tag merges? Noone of us has the required rep for that yet (we cannot even "suggest" synonyms directly). Ping a CM? Or how do we deal with that?
* Earn enough rep to manage things! ATM, there's nobody with 2k+ around, not to speak of 10k+ * get somebody to do the tag-synonymizing (no mods, so we cannot do that ourselves)
Ah – OK, so I've messed that up. Sorry. Though being around for a while, I've never been part of the entire process yet :)
Joined Android.SE when they were already "graduated"
So this is my first time for that :)
@Gilles Still left are several "agreements" on what makes quality. Especially concerning tags.
That was a big up-and-down the last days. Which tags make sense, for example (thinking of the "server" tag here especially), and a "common definition" how to know them if they pop up.
For sure we need to have our help-center updated – which brings up the "gaming" section again, amongst others (what do we consider on-topic, what not)
@Izzy I haven't done private betas since there were per-site custom reasons, but I think for the time being we can live with commenting when we vote to close
@Izzy @Gilles We can close for "Off-topic" and then "other reason -> leave a comment". That should suffice for now. I think we should clear out a) gaming b) server and c) Websites and then we are as ready as we will get.
Everyone has already agreed if this site is going to work we need to have really high quality questions and answers (especially the answers).
This leads to the question, how are we going to moderate low quality answers?
I mean:
When should we delete answers?
When should we downvote?
Okay, so on Tuesday everybody can come here? Then we should have these three issues set before it. I'm just unsure on how to reach conses on them... (And I'm way to tired to think about it now)
@Gilles I agree with Angelo here: we should start into public as clear as possible. Sure, there will be things to agree on even when graduated. But the clearer we are to start with, the easier we can manage. And as soon as the "flood gates" are open... You know what I mean :)
Yuck does it make sense to tag a question databaseandmysql?
(waiting for Braiam and AngeloNeuschitzer to say "yes" #D)