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@ChrisS Sure, you can install 2012 headless. As long as you install a head somewhere else.
@ChrisS how do you like server 2012?
i've heard good things about it actually
I remember about 3 months after I got here the CFO was telling someone he wished I worked faster and got the entire change over to a Vmware environment done already. I told him give me $120k instead of "oh lets wait until next month to buy that $5,000 piece of equipment" and it would have been done the first month I was here
@Travis Even Numbered Windows Releases are like Even Numbered Star Trek Movies.
He hasn't mentioned anythign since
(Win98 was Wrath of Kahn)
@voretaq7 Good thing I don't know anything about Star Trek :)
@voretaq7 what was vista
@Travis GET. OUT.
@NickM. The flexibility of installation is rather nice, it's more of a gradient between Core <-> Full Desktop Experience
@voretaq7 Where there was that one Star Trek....Debbie does Spock or something
@MattBear Save the Whales. ("I've never installed 400 tons before -- it's not just the OS, it's the bloated shitty UI!")
@Travis Insurrerection.
@Travis You're thinking the new movies (Uhura does Spock)
@MikeyB I think Inerection was the name
@Travis InSirErection
Oh myy
@Travis Geez, Picard does ONE mambo and all of a sudden everyone is hot for ol' baldie...
Asking a vendor questions about their software that runs on top of tomcat, and the answers are that they provide their own Tomcat 5.0.27 server... Wow...
@NathanC +1 Takei
@freiheit what's wrong with that?
that means you don't have to touch it
Q: Workstation admin reluctant to install packages?

chenarenWhen I needed some Python modules that I can't build myself, the admin questioned the efficiency of running these things. What's the point of keeping a workstation so clean? The other workstations to which I have access works all well everyday with tons of packages installed. Is it normal to be q...

@voretaq7 Not even the last 5.0.30 release from november 2004... just wow...
@NathanC Move it to workplace.stackexchange.com ?
@voretaq7 Yeah, I think the new version of our building management system is again going in an isolated network with no internet access...
@DennisKaarsemaker havent heard that in years lol
@84104 I don't have the power :(
So apparently when I'm using my proxy, our timeclock system won't show the "punch in" button
i was very confused for a few minutes...
Don't use Red Hat unless you've actually paid for it and registered the machine. If you aren't willing or able to pay for it, use CentOS instead. — Michael Hampton 18 secs ago
@MichaelHampton Did he...did he really type yum install R instead of the actual package he was trying to install...
i just died a little
@freiheit As It Should Be.
@NathanC R is the package.
SCADA should never touch the internet. Door systems are SCADA's kissing cousin
@NathanC Yes. There is a language called R.
Available Packages
Name        : R
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 3.0.1
Release     : 2.el6
Size        : 19 k
Repo        : epel
Summary     : A language for data analysis and graphics
URL         : r-project.org
License     : GPLv2+
Description : This is a metapackage that provides both core R userspace and
            : all R development components.
            : R is a language and environment for statistical computing and
            : graphics. R is similar to the award-winning S system, which was
The more you know!
R is similar to the award-winning S system
That should clear it up.
serverfault.com/questions/515046/… ... "RPC over TCP/IP" ...why...
@MikeyB R is substantially better than S
(having used both)
@NathanC Because NFS.
@NathanC Would you prefer RPC-over-HTTP-via-Gopher?
@MikeyB He's managing DNS over a WAN link ...at least use a VPN!
And his domain is probably hosted on bind or something, isn't it.
Server 2k3
y'all mind putting some gentle close votes on this
Q: Juniper EX3300 Abnormal Shutdown

ArtRetThere is an issue with Virtual Chassis of two EX3300. Suddenly it began to reboot permanently. So we had to power off them. There were alerts on both switches, but I couldn't analyse them, so I took them into our office. After several reboots one of switches informed that it was booted from the ...

at least 1 or 2 so I'm not Mean Mr. Mod all day
@voretaq7 why? They may be out of support so he doesn't have that option.
I flagged it as "not a real question", that help? :P
@DennisKaarsemaker He didn't provide any real useful information.
@voretaq7 You want me to flag it too?
@ScottPack nah
I've been in park on the highway for 30 minutes. How's everyone else doing?
@DennisKaarsemaker he always has that option - Juniper might just charge him some money for it
@MDMarra You moved to Long Island?
Not a chance
PA Turnpike
@MDMarra drinking scotch. It could be worse :)
The OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.4 Update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and includes new features and fixes.
Improves Active Directory log-in performance, especially for cached accounts or when using a .local domain
Yeah, @JoelESalas pointed that out the other day
It's silly.
What is?
@MDMarra Just got back from home where I ate lunch and am eating some smarties.
Improving support for .local .
@84104 stop antagonizing @MDMarra
@voretaq7 Aww, do I have to?
Yeah, antagonize @voretaq7 instead.
Well, using .local is dumb, but it doesn't change the fact that there's a shitload of it out there
@MDMarra I also cut a few cosmos stems to hand to the ole lady. They're just starting to bloom.
@MikeyB GNU > POSIX ?
Hey @voretaq7, I totally upgraded all of our FreeBSD boxes to Ubuntu. They have better POSIX compliance! And NFS is faster!
@MikeyB mmhmm, call me when you have to patch something :P
What's the etiquette around peeing on the side of the highway when everyone is deadlocked?
I shouldn't talk though - I broke a FreeBSD machine during an upgrade yesterday for the first time in like.... a decade
@MDMarra Face away from the vehicles is pretty big.
@MDMarra Are you the edge car or a middle car?
@MDMarra Not into a tailpipe.
(and median or shoulder?)
I'm in the rightmost lane but there's nowhere to pee that would be private
@MDMarra Do you have an empty bottle of some sort in your car? soda bottle or something like that?
@MDMarra empty water bottle?
There's construction so there's no area on the shoulder to provide cover
@voretaq7 I nearly did last night. Suddenly my "new" freebsd install ground to a half while copying things over to it and compiling ports. No disk I/O, nothing. Spent a few hours figuring out that it was probably going out of memory.
Should I sacrifice my brita bottle and just dump it?
@MDMarra NY Acceptable Options include "Nearest tree" (on parkways) or "piss on your own tire" then.
@MDMarra The people from NASA plan ahead by bringing diapers I hear.
@84104 Fix your speling and you can have a star.
@MDMarra that would be the most acceptable option if you have a container to piss in
I fix for him
@voretaq7 But no, it can't TELL me that. It just grinds to a halt. So apparently you need RAM to support a large L2ARC? :)
@MikeyB I had some "complications" in the world build
But it's a brita bottle. Those ain't cheap
You think I'd have to replace the filter after?
I got it working and installed it but it splatted on reboot
@MDMarra remove the filter cartridge
@MDMarra Pee cleans out. Remove the filter.
@voretaq7 leave the filter cartridge in and drink it. Worked on Arrakis.
Woah. Who knows how long I'll be stuck here. I might need to Bear Grills it
you knew that was coming.
If you have to Bear Grills it you may want to hang on to the filter :-P
@DennisKaarsemaker whatever
@DennisKaarsemaker Look who's an expert on American Reality TV. =)
"The dude from discovery channel who likes drinking piss"
One time I had to pee in my water bottle. It took 2 or 3 trips through the dishwasher before I felt ok drinking out of that water bottle again.
Needs one more frame.
(Bear Grills Bear Grylls)
@MDMarra Bears with gold fronts. Oh yeah.
One time, I has to pee in a bottle but all I had was an empty three week old chocolate milk bottle. Turns out, those get just as rancid as regular milk bottles when left in a hot car for that long. As soon as I opened the lid, I got a whiff and puked out my window while pissing into the bottle. In the chaos, I peed a little on my steering wheel.
So that's why I'm a little resistant to the bottle thing. Bad experiences.
@voretaq7 spectacular!
@MDMarra I tried to pee in a coke bottle while going down the road. Did you know that liquids displace air and when you block the exit hatch for the air it tends to give you a little blow back?
@MDMarra Also, when you start to realize that your bladder has slightly more capacity than your water bottle, it's hard to stop and leads to a bit of a scare...
@Travis ewwwww
@MDMarra that TOTALLY deserves stars. I'm REALLY trying hard not to pin it.
@Travis coke & blowjob, eh
@Travis pissing into a coke bottle at highway speed is an art.
(the splatter on the headliner when you screw up is "modern art")
@voretaq7 Pin it! Pin it! pin it! Pin it!
@freiheit also worried about that
@MDMarra If you're ballsy just open your door and go. Door hides your junk and people will know because they're thinking the same thing you are.
@Jacob @MDMarra If I pin that it'll wind up next to the one saying "I'm going to be hiring soon"...
@freiheit thats my cousin for yah
way to scare off the potential job applicants @MDMarra!
@voretaq7 JUST DO IT!
It's cool. I can unpin when I get home
I'm an italic now
does anyone have @Iain's phonenumber? He can undo that :)
Or any of the mods like @voretaq7 ...
Any mod can undo it as well
I mean undoing the 'being italic' :P
Italics govern italics. Mods govern all
@MDMarra For as often as you have to pee while driving I recommend getting your sucrose levels checked.
@DennisKaarsemaker ???
@ScottPack Philly traffic and poor plannig
@Iain @MDMarra needs to not be an italic so he can be publicly shamed :)
I am only about 10 minutes from home, which is the worst part
@MDMarra piss poor planning ?
And the chocolate milk incident was like 2008
@MDMarra you can unpin from your phone too
Pin the other message
it's just really difficult because the UI sucks.
Not from mobile
@voretaq7 is it ever
Can you?
@Iain poor piss planning.
@voretaq7 What you did there, I see it.
Server Fault: Proving that while sysadmins are individually quite mature and responsible, collectively we are 12 years old.
I just coughed up Pepsi TM from that conversation
planning piss poor ?
@voretaq7 It's PP either way.
@84104 hehe, you said PP!
PPP - Piss Planning Protocol
@MDMarra Sucks. I had a commute home take 12 minutes the other day. It was damn near unbearable.
@voretaq7 the Graziano theorem: the mental age of a sysadmin decreases proportionally to the amount of sysadmins (virtually) around him.
Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
I was at a client 60ish miles away this morning
@DennisKaarsemaker That makes a lot of sense actually...
@DennisKaarsemaker postulate. I can't conclusively prove it.
Gah, my desktop keeps buzzing because my desk is just slightly uneven
@NathanC Hit it.
so vibration -.-
@voretaq7 I did...it helps for a little while.
@voretaq7 I'd hit it!
@voretaq7 It's a social science we can't prove anything
Also strangely enough it makes a weird noise when I RDP into our camera system's server...
@Jacob pansy-ass soft sciences
@NathanC Closed- too localized
Engines are starting!
Peace, bitches!
@Jacob You're too localized!
@NathanC Did your cd drive just eject? If not then I'm not involved.
@ScottPack What is this, the netbus days?
@voretaq7 postulates? you're jesus now?
Hold on guys, I actually need to go fix something now. To THE SERVER ROOM!
@DennisKaarsemaker I find your lack of background in formal geometry disturbing :(
@voretaq7 formal geometry? as opposed to drunk geometry?
@Jacob Don't trip.
@DennisKaarsemaker yes
@NathanC Thanks.
Back in park
Short-lived eh?
Made it about 1/3 of a mile
For you!
@MDMarra stuck on the Highway?
Me and the rest of Philadelphia
> JohnMerlino, you've pretty accurately described what is modem doing and what is software doing: Modem accepts AT commands, software sends AT commands. You can use modem without software and type commands directly from shell, but it is not very comfortable way of using it
fab :)
@MDMarra You need to take some lessons from bike racers
@Iain Wut?
@voretaq7 someone commenting on JMs recent 'question' made me snigger
hello hello
@Cole Goodbye Goodbye
@freiheit thats about how I do it when I'm driving... just slide it down my pantleg and hang it out the window
The Windows 8 system noises are so much better than previous versions of Windows.
@Cole Then it's unanimous. Windows 8 is totally worth it.
@WesleyDavid it's actually not that bad
@Cole I've been supporting it more and more, and I'm getting angrier and angrier at it. Not even the UI - that's the least of my pissed-offness towards it.
@WesleyDavid for what reasons?
It's mine...all mine!
that is exactly what I said when my daughter was born...
Stupid Call Manager...(only stupid cause I still don't get it)
felt so bad, her first experience with the world was poking prodding and shots
gee it got cold in there all of a sudden :-P
(I probably shouldda frozen it right after the election. One more day and I think it would have auto-frozen)
I am officially cracking down on shit like this
If you see something that is so blatantly terrible that it can't possibly be from even the most junior of system/network administrators please flag it so it can be stomped on.
@voretaq7 You racist bastard.
@ScottPack You got me. I hate humans.
reminded me of when I posted for almost 2 weeks on a car forum in their regional "Hawaii owners" sub-forum by myself until I got temp-banned.
localhost of the server from any other computer
@voretaq7 your so mean
@voretaq7 Sounds like a winadmin to me ;)
@TheCleaner Sounds like a developer to me
@TheCleaner Or, god forbid, BSD.
@ScottPack Don't knock BSD
@voretaq7 He would like you to guide him to the appropriate website to use.
@ScottPack The BSD community would have chased that person out (for better or worse -- IMHO better)
@Jacob I remember the horrors of HPUX and SunOS. I'll mock what I want.
@voretaq7 - he replied...you should tell him IPofXAMPPserver
or Experts-Exchange
@ScottPack HPUX survives explosions don't ya know?
@TheCleaner I'm deliberately not responding to that comment. I already told him what to do (talk to his network administrator). I can't in good conscience send him to any other SE site with a knowledge gap that huge, Google would be considered "mean", and I really don't know where else to send him.
"My NAS now has a DHCP address called NAS.newdomain.local" - I hate when my DHCP server starts forcing A records on machines instead of giving them an IP address...
@TheCleaner Don't let @MDMarra hear that
@Jacob couldnt they have just flipped the power switch... and then shipped me that datacenter :p
@MattBear IKR.
@Travis hear what?
@MattBear I had a client that did that!
they shipped us everything....
...except the DHCP server. All their servers had static DHCP leases.
@TheCleaner About the newdomain.local
@Travis I was quoting this question: serverfault.com/questions/515060/vmware-esx-clear-dns-results - found it humorous ( sort of) that he referred to his DHCP address as a DNS record.
@TheCleaner I know
I think I need a crap nap
and my internal company domain is .local and we even run a single DC. I'm happy knowing I piss @MDMarra off on occasion. You hear that Marra? I'm not playing by your rules anymore!!! :)
@Jacob So good, even the fish failover
@TheCleaner lol... wouldnt this be partly a DNS issue?
@TheCleaner Our company is actually running like that
Ours is running as a TLD we don't own
@Travis - probably but a reboot of the host would probably fix his issue
@TheCleaner Amazing! I run a single DC domain of .local and registered .local as our top level! I can't believe that punk @MDMarra thinks it's a bad idea.
@Jacob sorry, I couldnt listen to that
you americans make such tacky promo videos
@TheCleaner My assumption would be he already did that
I actually did work for a company in the late 90s that had its INTERNAL subnet(s) setup with actual external IP ranges owned by Bell Labs. Everything was 12.10.x.x.
@TheCleaner thats legit, too legit to quit
heh its kinda fun to sort questions by votes, go all the way to the end, and look at the worst questions in history
@MattBear thing is, the worst ones have been deleted.
@ScottPack .noregrets
@tombull89 there are worse ones then some kid asking for help with homework?
@MattBear the /32 one near the bottom was just last week
@TheCleaner wow... that was pure laziness
my link? :)
the question
My latest ire has been raised over the backup and recovery tools built in. It's a confusing mess of restore vs refresh vs file history vs "Windows 7 File Backup" and I already had one person doing a backup that they thought was a system image when it was just a "refresh disc" that doesn't return applications.

It's a headache to wade through the different options and a non-IT person is pretty much screwed unless they enjoy spending a few evenings parsing through indefinite technet articles and forum posts
hmm virtual box for a production server
sounds reasonable
@WesleyDavid ah, I can see where that would be pretty frustrating
@Cole Microsoft is known for renaming things just to rename them, and moving things just to move things, but was is that section of Windows a cluster.
Q: What's the meaning of logging in as "[email protected]:something"

Harvey KwokMy Windows 2008 R2 machine is joined to a domain. In the logon screen, if I type in "[email protected]:something" as the username, I can still logon properly, what's the meaning of ":something" appended at the end? I can even see the current user is displayed as "[email protected]:somet...

still like this one
@WesleyDavid Because Politics. Seriously, all that crap is driven by internal MS politics.
@TheCleaner that's interesting
@WesleyDavid - why do you think places like Carbonite exist? Or those "one-button" backup HDDs? Non-IT folk enjoy a wide range of "hand holding" software/hardware out there.
Nothing like 486,000 approved comments on a wordpress blog that you didn't approve...
And not to take MS' side, but it's a WHOLE lot better than telling a home user to use NTBACKUP.
I'd love to get 5 comments on my blog...even if they are spambots...not even the bots care for my rants.
@TheCleaner lol
@TheCleaner link your blog, I will comment for you
evil grin

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