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@ewwhite Yeah, it's a niche still
They keep adding lots of cool features to it, though
for free
But it's not appealing to a Unix person
right but the majority of shops aren't unix
I think it'll slowly start grabbing market share over the next few years
Definitely won't unseat VMware any time soon though
@MDMarra the majority of shops are a mix.
I've never been in an all-windows environment
I watch it unseat VMware in a lot of small shops that are tired of the licensing cost
and even then, you have people who need Linux for their Wordpress installation (or something trivial like that).
right but that generally leads to windows admins learning some linux
not to a unix guy taking over
Leads to my pockets! $$
We have a majority of Windows servers and two linux servers. One's for mail, the other's for nagios/small projects
So when you go to virtualize, do you think, "oooh, Hyper-V looks compelling?"
I can see Hyper-V in a lot of non-profit/SMB areas.
But at the small scale VMware is cheap.
@ewwhite not really, we use VMware ESXi
But Hyper-V is free and with more features than say - VMware vSphere Essentials
$Free or $500 or $4500... those tiers cover 90% of business use cases.
I truly do find Hyper-V attractive
@ewwhite think of it like this
I go into a shop that you're bidding VMware to
typical produce client
I pitch a few windows server datacenter licenses and SMB storage for VMs
Oooh, Azure's offering trials of server 2012
mine is the cost of hardware and windows they'd be buying already
Yours costs that plus 10k and accomplish the same thing
plus they get more features with hyper-v like storage live migration
They wouldn't be buying the Windows :)
@NathanC My blog is a Server 2012 VM on Azure... costs me $10/mo
@ewwhite Assume a level playing field where you abide by licensing terms and conditions :)
the $4500 tier of VMware snuck storage vmotion in.
The FREE Hyper-V supports it
Yeah, they have a 90-day trial for one VM (750 compute hours)
@MDMarra but businesses like this don't abide by licensing terms...
If only I didn't burn my free year with AWS
I couldn't get one client to buy Windows datacenter (even though that's what they needed)
Hell, I couldn't get them to buy RHEL either
(not that anyone should)
@ewwhite Ok, so your shady customers aside. Imagine normal customers of their size
RHEL is just CentOS with enterprise support anyway
Two choices: two servers a small SAN or DAS, windows licenses, and vSphere licenses. or Three servers, windows licenses, done.
who do you think they'd choose
Nah, Windows virtualization still isn't compelling.
@MDMarra I completely agree. From working in mostly mid-sized manufacturing plants, it's very attractive and an easy sell.
@ewwhite Do you really think your clients care?
It's not compelling to you who is selling
that's an up-front cost... ongoing maintenance and management.
I bet if you start presenting both to clients, they'll pick Hyper-V more times than not
More likely to find a VMware expert.
Most people think VMware is very expensive
@ewwhite They log into it and it's a windows server. They can point and click
Give them a choice and, ignoring person favouritism, most will end up going Hyper-V
$free, $500, $4500 ---> $expensive
The management barrier is lower to dumbasses in Hyper-V
But remember, my customers are always 50% or more Linux in their environments.
(in terms of what gets virtualized)
Seriously, man, VMware are going to have to shift some features down to Ent Plus I think
sure. and rhel is supported
Our entire virtualization environment was under $50k
all VMware with fibre channel SAN
@Dan VMware is expensive for the good stuff... but at that tier, people should be leveraging other things. Going through a good vendor.
Even so, it's not exactly cheap
And like @MDMarra says, Hyper-V with a Datacenter license is going to look real good
@Dan SMBs don't need more than three hosts usually, right?
Usually :)
I've worked for some SMBs with 10+
so that caps your VMware costs... growing beyond that is more expensive.
But with Essentials, they're locked in to three with a large cost to forklift out of it
Yeah, so it's not a cap - it forces them to scale up not out
Which isn't great
@MDMarra there's an upgrade path..
Oh my..Azure's interface is so ...slidy.
@ewwhite a pricey one
@ewwhite Two lots of Ent Plus servers :D
But a lot of people do bad VMware design and don't understand how to meter...
or size appropriately.
We're on ESXi 4 still ...48 GB of RAM in the host box and it's buzzing along happily
I thought the limit was 32 GB...
Yeah, we know a lot of people do bad things - but it doesn't change how stuff is
@NathanC It is on ESXi 5 if you're unlicensed
If you're licensed, vRAM entitlements went away with 5.1
but a $500 license eliminates that
Yeah, we actually have a license for ESX but it's just not applied...haven't decided when we're gonna upgrade to 5
since that all has to be done after-hours :/
@JennyD Looks good to me. That's what I concluded after our chat but started off confusing myself before we talked. I agree 100%.
@NathanC Not got vMotion and redunancy? Should be seamless :D. No, ignore me, I'm an idiot
Looking at a new customer environment...
Holy shit, 91% waste
Sounds like SO
Curious what our environment would look like.
Hm, what's that app by chance @ewwhite
@Dan Not yet ...we only have one host right now. The second box is likely going to be in the next couple months
urg too many tabs open
@NathanC I updgraded someone from ESX a few months back
@NathanC It's called vCenter Operations Manager
Man our DCs are busy
@TomTom I don't really feel like getting into a comment war with you here, since you tend to fly off of the deep end very quickly, but perhaps you were reading the question differently than I was. I read this as the OP looking for storage software that would allow him to cluster Hyper-V hosts, not do storage clustering/mirroring. English isn't the OP's first language, so I very well could have misunderstood the intent. Perhaps you're better at "interpreting" than I am. Either way, you should consider being less of a dick. — MDMarra 8 secs ago
Ah, that expensive software.
@NathanC it's included now... but different licenses unlock different features.
Ah I see. This job's actually the first exposure I've had to vSphere and such so learning is part of things
@MDMarra HA
all good in MY environment.
@MDMarra I don't understand "Oh, answer from a mathematician"
no clue
@ewwhite dayum son.
English isn't his first language. Angry is.
I wonder if there's any other tools that can do that, aside from Ops Manager.
@MDMarra sounds like it.
The Internet is serious business, as you know.
@Cole VMware bought it from another company.
Oh...right...I forgot they want you to register to download anything
and i don't have our company's login details :[
Might DL the free trial
@NathanC it's a free trial - make a personal account.
That's what I do
My incisions hurt today, jesus fuck.
Lots of charts and graphs to appease decision makers.
I was wondering if you guys might want this question?
Hmm, looks like I need more RAM...
@Bob Looks similar to a couple of questions there's been here recently.
Saying that, you've pretty much answered it already.
Urg, vOps Manager is a Virtual Appliance. VMware guy will be like WHAT ARE YOU DOING COLE
They don't like me much
and by much, I mean at all
@Cole it's two Linux VMs
Look at all the fucks I give.
Honest truth, I had a dream about you the other night. I need to spend less time on SF
@Dan Hahaha great comment
one for anal... one to watch.
@ewwhite oh I know, but RESOURCES
I dream of @MDMarra's beard.
@MDMarra I expect he'll enjoy it
I like how you can tell the level of anger is rising by how many typos there are in his replies.
I wonder if TomTom voted in the election.
I see him as essentially punching his keyboard
@tombull89 Ah, ok. I wasn't sure if my answer was complete enough, since he mentioned he's running some kind of web hosting. I won't mention migration, then. Thanks.
Just organised our engagement photo shoot, I'm quite nervous now
The only photo shoots I've engaged in previously have been with me behind the camera and the gi....nevermind
@Dan "paint me like one of your french girls?" :>
@NathanC Are you girl? If not, no.
lol recruiter emails me, I respond. He then says "I saw you were at NetApp for a little do you know <my manager from netapp>? I'm helping him with his job search." lol too funny
I noticed TomTom has been fairly quiet recently.
@tombull89 nail that sticks up gets pounded flat?
why does the operations manager have to be a VM :(
meh, i can just toss it in virtualbox and call it good
@Cole If you want him to spell check his answers, that'll cost ya'.
@mfini - get real. First, I spell check when I want. Want me to spell check - that is 150 USD per started hour. When you pay? Second, simply said, of all the about 200 build agents I know in about a dozen companies all of them are IO bound and oerload a single disc. Even if you run a single threaded compiler - you will run multiple agents in parallel pretty soon, so you hit random load on the disc which makes the disc slow. Game over, per definition. You can ignore reality, neither reality nor me care. — TomTom Mar 21 '12 at 6:28
I so want to know what he does and where he works
@Dan I tried to connect him with my old boss.
@NathanC it should be a VM...
uses vCenter APIs
I can't shake the feeling that ServerFault is something of an outlet for him to feel good. He's clearly technically competent, but I hypothesise that he's not let the free reign at work he'd like
oh, so i should install it on the vSphere host?
@ewwhite Did you succeed?
@Dan I wonder if he's seen the MSF threads about the direction the site is going.
@Dan my old boss has the same personality... TomTom is a German living in Poland. my boss was Polish living in Germany. TomTom wants to get into financial trading... US markets.
@tombull89 HAHA
not high-frequency, but more quant-based algorithmic trading
@tombull89 And one of his mis-spellings was of my handle...
ugh I ate too much bacon this morning
I flagged his comment on the question about voting to close it
@mfinni tell that to my heartburn
Doesn't seem appropriate...
@Cole that's too little $medication, not too much bacon
I need to up my bacon intake.
Could have been the texas style french toast
@Cole Perhaps there are exercises you can do to strengthen the pyloric valve...
@DennisKaarsemaker You hear any update? At least one you can talk about. =)
Did someone say bacon?
@Cole That. I vote the sticky starches were the problem. Pasta kills me, it's not the sauce.
@mfinni yeah bread/pasta kills me
I need to stop drinking soda/eating shitty food again
I didn't drink soda for 6+ months or eat fast food for 8
Fell off after my surgery
Oh dear lord, one of the sys admin's just had to ask how to give certain users full control on a folder and everyone else read access.
Sometimes I wonder if the stupid questions on SF are coming from my coworkers.
@Cole I sometimes wonder how those people get jobs.
@Cole I'm fairly certain at least one of mine couldn't figure out how to post the question. Or understand any answer he might conceivably get.
Well that didn't take long. I signed up for the trial of Azure and immediately get a phone call from the azure team about what i'm using it for
A few minutes ago:
Me: "So did you ever actually read and follow those instructions I gave you?"
He: "No, why?"
@Adrian I can tell you how this one did. He came off the manufacturing floor - worked up from help desk to desktop support. My manager liked him and they were friends, so he promoted him to sysadmin, everyone in the IT group told him not to.
@JennyD wow.
@Cole Only 37 days to go now...
@JennyD Until your vacation or departure of said co-worker?
He was like "I have to add every user in the domain and give them read access?" other sys admin "no add the everyone group" him "I cant find that"
@Adrian Until I quit. I'm working out my notice here.
@JennyD Ah. Hopefully there's a little vacation in it for you then. =)
...and Azure...they charge more for Linux virtual machines
@Adrian Yes, I've scheduled two months between jobs this year. I really really need it.
@Cole Wouldn't the right group be "Authenticated Users" so non-domain people couldn't access it?
@NathanC they want non-domain people to access it
@NathanC Yeah, I would make sure that you also have very good and well-tested disaster recovery strategies in place.
i.e. outside consultants
@NathanC Not naming names to protect the innocent, but I don't exactly trust Azure.
I'm using it to test Server 2012 really
Since it'll take a good 4+ hours to download the image ...I'll do that at home where my net's faster
@Cole Ah, makes sense then.
@NathanC that's good. some of the people involved in the decision making for that division couldn't find their ass with both hands and approach radar.
@NathanC yar.
But my point is, you're a SYS ADMIN. You've been part of the group for 3+ years and you don't understand NTFS and Share permissions?
I'm trying to figure out what the free limits are...
According to the warnings I get when I select A6 and A7 I can have an XL VM for free no issue
So I've been reading this New York times article: Unexcited? There May Be a Pill for That
@JennyD I'd like your opinion. (sorry to put you on the spot)
@ewwhite well then
@ewwhite I'll look at it
@JennyD Thank you.
@Cole Yessss?

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