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@DennisKaarsemaker And, shock of shocks, the well-recognized corporate entity that formerly used them did not delete its configurations.
@MilesErickson that's no surprise. But can you really find anything useful in there?
@DennisKaarsemaker Makes me wonder whether a black-hat-inclined individual could do passive recon by buying recently used network equipment...
@MilesErickson that's a pretty common tactic.
even more fun with servers that are sold with unwiped harddrives
Q: Why are company names hidden from job postings by third party recruiters?

Tim76I often find job postings from third-party recruiters (a contracted personnel company, not an in-house recruiter) that do not list what company the job is for. Why do they do this?

I mad
@DennisKaarsemaker Do they really do that?
Just got a recruiter email for a job very similar to my own
@MilesErickson you have no idea how many stupid people don't wipe harddrives...
@MDMarra Now that you've asked, I have some ideas along those lines, but they all require developers to develop...
@MichaelHampton save it for your rebuttal!
we have a degausser nowadays for things that may not leave the dc ever, and use a shredding company for other disks
@DennisKaarsemaker I shouldn't be surprised.
@JoelESalas Were you on the other day when I was contacted by a recruiter for the position that I'd applied for at $job[-2] that was filled 3 weeks previously?
@Adrian Hahahaha nope, that's great though
@DennisKaarsemaker Doorway degausser from Cryptonomicon =)
@Adrian unfortunately that's fantasy :)
degaussing takes time
I've bought servers off eBay. "Fully wiped" I think not (wiping one disk of a mirror doesn't count).
A: Can we do anything to change the dynamic of the site?

MDMarraThe quality of content coming in needs to be drastically pruned. I remember a few times where Iain spot-checked all of the questions on the front page, and over half of them were consistently from users with almost no rep on SF, but a lot of rep on SO or Programmers. This is a continuation of the...

I'm fairly sure @ewwhite bought some servers as well and they had a lot of stuff on that shoudln't have been left around.
Who's with me!
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah. One of my favorite books.
@Adrian it took me a little while to get used to stephensons long-winded writing style, but the book is great
@JoelESalas Yeah, they didn't want to admit that's who the position was for, but there's not a lot of other organizations doing LTSP
haven't yet manned up enough to read more stephenson, am on an asimov kick now. Almost done with the foundation series, robots series follows
@DennisKaarsemaker Cryptonomicon is short enough that I can deal with it. Diamond Age is good too. The Baroque Cycle bored me to tears, I must admit.
@MDMarra it needed to be asked. I'm looking forward to SE's response. If there is one.
@Adrian Anathem?
Speaking of which... the second foundation is calling. See y'all later.
@Adrian A good friend and I both, independent of one another, read the first 300 pages, gave up, then picked it up about a year later and read it straight through.
@MilesErickson Somehow I've never managed to find a copy of that used.
@Adrian Basically, he spends hundreds of pages setting the scene before anything exciting happens, but in the end it might be worth it.
@MilesErickson Ok. That's what I liked about Eddings. He just jumped into things and let the details fall in as he went along.
@Adrian It's still his newest book IIRC. Just give it time, or put yourself on the SPL waitlist (it's probably one of those where you're #120 for one of a dozen copies).
@MilesErickson I'm on the waitlist at Twice Told Tales. Somebody from Seattle Central will buy it and trade it in. Then I buy them as hardcover on the cheap.
@MDMarra Nice! "We need a Summer of Relentless Massacre."
@Adrian Neat! I didn't know that TST had waitlists.
@MilesErickson Not really, but I'm in there twice a week, and I buy so many that I usually snag hardcovers before they even get put on the shelf.
Going to need to buy another house in a few years since there's only so much space for bookshelves in this little Cape Cod.
Ok, Gents. I'm off. Time to go visit the Aerostich Popup Store.
@Adrian you still in the market? I saw something cool for a syseng at University of Washington.
What's the most popular low level nas? freenas, right?
@Basil Freenas probably
@Basil !!!
@Cole hi :)
Just ate lunch, ready for a nap. - my body thinks it's 2:30pm
@voretaq7 ServerFault motto
@JeffFerland "Read the manual or you'll find out what it feels like as a suppository." <- ?
@voretaq7 When did you first find out?
@tombull89 Totally. The server I bought was RIDICULOUS and full of proprietary LSI source code, product schematics and donkey pr0n...
9 out of the top 10 questions on the front page are from users with more rep on SO than here
Well at least that was the case when I updated my answer on meta a few minutes ago :)
"Hey guys, I got a downvote on my answer, but nobody commented! Can you fix that?!"
Thanks, @MichaelHampton
@gWaldo Huh? For what?
the comment.
Oh, I see you replied. I was busy picking up my jaw off the floor after reading that question about someone using green drives in a server.
@MichaelHampton I hadn't seen that, but that's ... wow...
Q: KVM IO leads to high system load, WD Caviar Green (EACS)

TaderI have Ubuntu 12.04 host running Linux 3.2.0-24-generic, libvirt 0.9.8-2ubuntu17, qemu-kvm 1.0+noroms-0ubuntu13. Host uses elevator=deadline, guests use elevator=noop. All KVM guests use virtio, no caching, io mode default, and LVM logical volumes as storage. I use bonnie++ 1.96 to evaluate IO pe...

"Because you're using green drives"
/head desk
@MichaelHampton I have green drives in a server.
<img src="http://gullee.com/smilies/5.gif" />
@ewwhite You're just a fountain of bad practices, aren't you? :)
@MichaelHampton No Bitchassness!!!
A: Hosting a ZFS server as a virtual guest

ewwhiteI've built a number of these "all-in-one" ZFS storage setups. Initially inspired by the excellent posts at Ubiquitous Talk, my solution takes a slightly different approach to the hardware design, but yields the result of encapsulated virtualized ZFS storage. To answer your questions: Determini...

@ewwhite That P.Diddy shit again?
@MichaelHampton you think VMware's current line is named confusingly
Wait until everything is Horizon and vCloud suites
(I had to use a modified zpool binary to align the green drives)
Now I know which answer to add that image to.
You know what I think is pretty fucking cool? VMware Mirage.
Just rub some Cloud on it, and you'll be fine
@ewwhite Anyway, it's your home server, so I guess using green drives is OK...
I will not mention to my manager anything about FreeNAS, OpenFiler, or NexentaStor
@JeffFerland The FreeBSD documentation wouldn't fit...
@JoelESalas I will punch you IN THE THROAT.
So, I've spent the better part of two hours wrestling with .NET on this XP machine
every installer fails with an access denied message on a specific .dll
@NathanC So you're a masochist, then?
ran the cleanup tool, deleted the files, everything ...still won't go :(
No, it's just the framework so an employee can install AutoCAD on it
... on XP?
I've never had a machine this stubborn with it before.
Yeah, it works on XP
I'm actually not looking forward to going home to MA
Fuck that. Use an operating system that came out within the last decade.
What version of AutoCAD?
Fuck, I got AutoCAD 2005 to work on Win7 x64
Welp, it just BSOD'd after a system restore...
Burn it
@Cole: we're a window manufacturing company...so autocad is "the" tool lol
@NathanC I've worked for a Door & Window hardware manufacturing company.
That's where I got AutoCAD 2005 to work.
They don't make the doors or windows - just the handles, locking mechanisms etc for them.
then sells them to Window manufacturers - like you.
@oberstet that's only for fetch (and it tells you what to do about it in the error message). Also to be blunt I don't think you know the requirements of freebsd-upgrade better than the dude who wrote it (he's been doing this longer than I have, and he's pretty good at this whole "write stuff that doesn't destroy the universe" thing), but if you really think you know better it's just a shell script -- You can copy it and hack to your heart's content to make it behave how you want... — voretaq7 8 secs ago
some people can't take subtle hints.
therefore I have to be mean.
So I got conned / guilted into doing this charity run thing for my company team. Even better, I had to pay for the privilege. Let the ridicule begin.... Now.
It begins in a little while.
@gWaldo run about 10 yards, fall, clutch your ankle and shriek
oh, and it's 3.5 miles
(if the first-aid people at the starting line aren't hot you may want to run a little further until you find a better place to injure yourself)
@gWaldo so basically a 5k (actually a little over)? Man up and run :P
@ewwhite why you trolling on my summer of hate post? :)
@gWaldo BTW re: your meta answer, it's not so much that I think developers can't ask good questions, it's just they're not qualified to ask the questions (it's like when a user calls in with a bug report and all they can say is "The widget doesn't work when I click on it!" -- they may actually be trying to help, but they can't formulate a description that can actually be answered
@MichaelHampton:This is not learning material request or service request or product.I just ask what other collegues. Not what is the best to buy or compare products etc — user76678 1 min ago
@MDMarra I was going to say that @MDMarra is getting all Butthurt, but it would have soiled an otherwise classy post :)
For example, Tom O'Connor and Joel E Salas are two Devops guys that bring a lot of value to this community. They're not Sysadmins by trade but they bring good, on-topic content and participation here. The guy that asked about why his ASUS consumer router was causing his CPanel sessions to disconnect...well that's another story. — MDMarra 1 min ago
I really do think we need to re-scope server fault to be narrower than "IT Professional". It's unfair to new people who come here and go "I write web pages. I'm an IT professional" and then get whomped because they never bothered to read the Apache docs...
@MDMarra I would argue that Devops guys are sysadmins
I've been doing devops since long before devops was a term
I think focusing on titles is part of the problem
and historically sysadmins have always been expected to write code when they had to
@voretaq7 I get shitty questions. If we want this to be a SysAd site (for and of), I think that's fine. But we should say so.
I think we need to focus on what makes a good question and what the requirements for asking are
@gWaldo well we do want it to be slightly broader than that. SAs, network admins, guys managing desktop environments (NOT the end-users), DBAs to a small extent, web hosts if they're really web hosts...
Q: How can I ask better questions on Server Fault?

voretaq7 This is a Canonical Question / FAQ Candidate to help our new users ask better questions, and hopefully get better answers. Similar questions: How do I get better answers? How can I get people to fully read my question? Welcome to Server Fault! You may have found your way to thi...

"Do you manage the servers or workstations that you're asking about?"

"Are you asking about managing or maintaining things in a professional (business) environment?"

"Is your question about: Networking, Server hardware, Operating system deployment/management, Enterprise technology solutions, etc"
If you answer no to those, then SEE YA
Title is less relevant
@voretaq7 Sure! Be explicit!
@MDMarra How about workstations? Some people have to manage end-user workstations...
@MDMarra that's a good start for the "professionalism" section of the FAQ
Sure those are fine
"IT Professional" is anything but
@gWaldo the problem is we can't be explicit -- everything we've said excludes Asterisk/VoIP questions
but managing and maintaining our VoIP infrastructure is a major part of my job - if the phones break that would be BAD...
Once you get into titles or areas of IT, it becomes grey
@gWaldo You've convinced me that term sucks, so I'm not downvoting your answer.
Some places consider devs IT, others don't
We need to focus on what kind of questions we allow and what kind of detail and self-help we expect before the question gets asked
I think @MDMarra is on the right track with a 5(max) question test for "Is your question good enough?" / "Have you done enough of your own legwork?"
I would also add

"Have you consulted your vendor's documentation?" as a soft requirement
(because if I close one more goddamn fucking Apache question this week with "read the fucking mod_log_config docs!" I will drown a basket of kittens)
I think that there should be two sections. The first qualifies whether or not you should even ask (are you a professional). The second should qualify whether what you're about to ask deserves to live.
Q: Two apache servers using same port?

JJ Edgar VIso I have two apache servers on the same system. Basically what I'm trying to figure out is if since I have 2 different IPs running on my system is it possible to have two different apache servers running on different IPs but using the default port(80) so the user doesn't have to specify the por...

Of course, getting Shog to approve another faq change might not be good
We can always just go picket the Stack Exchange office...
@MDMarra Every place that I've been with more than 12 people (basically anything that wasn't primarily a Dev-shop) considers Developers to be part of IT.
@gWaldo My last job was at a shop with about 80 devs and 10 Ops staff
Devs weren't considered IT
But I've been in the reverse situation as well
first time system restore actually made the computer worse
reboot, 0x0000007B bsod
Which is why I think we're barking up the wrong tree trying to categorize the people. We need to categorize the question
@voretaq7 I like those "have you checked the documentation? Have you googled?" soft-requirements. Absolutely!
@NathanC It's time to take that old computer out back and shoot it.
Q: Alternatives to wireshark?

user76678What would be a good option to troubleshoot an interaction of browser with a server besides wireshark? I mean being able to see what the browser sends and receives. Is firebug a good alternative or is it only for css and the html useful?

@MDMarra That's a good example. Most of the small companies that I've been in have been Dev-heavy; I think you're right in pointing that out...
@gWaldo Frankly when I was a junior admin it was made explicitly clear to us that if we went to the boss with a question, the answer was in the documentation, and we weren't bringing the documentation with us there would be consequences
I've always treated my junior admins the same
We also had like 800+ other employees. But as far as tech people go, we were dev heavy and they weren't considered IT
@voretaq7 I like it.
@MDMarra nothing wrong with doing another FAQ change, but we really want to get the scope right this time
honestly though
do you think the faq will deter people?
I think that all it will do is give us something nicer to point at after we piss people off by continuing to close their crap
@MDMarra no, which is why I think it's a two-part solution
there's an extent to which we frankly need to be iron-fisted tyrants (as politely as possible)
and there will be people who scream and bitch and complain about it, but as long as we can show them why they don't belong, and as long as the tone on the main site remains professional when we do so I don't think that's a problem.
I think it's clear enough on the about page, the FAQ just needs to be updated to match.
@MichaelHampton "For professional system and network administrators"?
@voretaq7 I would delete my post if I could upvote yours again.
I think that's a fine way to phrase it myself
@MDMarra no. because as we know people don't read it
I think @MDMarra is right that we need a litmus test of sorts though (and the FAQ is probably the right spot for that)
@voretaq7 BIngo.
@tombull89 The FAQ isn't really meant to be read so much as it's a usenet-style "This is why you're out of line" tool
(it's also not supposed to be a blunt instrument in that regard, but it's something we can point to so every fucking closure isn't a drama fest on Meta)
and there are some sites where every fucking closure is a drama fest on Meta
complete with people flouncing
Q: Does a web server switch contexts between php scripts or do they run in sequence?

JohanI occasionally get the feeling that on my vps account, one busy php script, like an image processing script, can hog the server and almost completely stop all other page deliveries for its duration. As if the server has to wait its completion before doing other stuff. Is this true or do php scrip...

Oh god.
@MichaelHampton That depends. Is he running a webserver on Windows 3.1?
@gWaldo Lunix.
Where's my "too basic, go learn how a computer works" close reason?
@voretaq7 Mild-mannered and single-process most of the time, but once a month, during the full moon...
@wesleydavid would love this. Burger shop that plays dubstep.
LUnix, short for "Little Unix", is a Unix-like operating system designed to run natively on the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 home computer systems. It supports TCP/IP networking (SLIP or PPP using an RS232 interface). Unlike most Unix-like systems, LUnix is written in 6502 assembly language instead of C. The first version of LUnix was released in 1993, the current version 0.21 dates from 2004. Amongst others, it supports preemptive multitasking, unix pipes, a variety of protocols like TCP/IP, SLIP, PPP and RS232, dynamic memory management and virtual consoles. It contains a web server...
@voretaq7 oh, well... no shit...
Wait, what are you guys whining about today? @MDMarra @voretaq7
it's actually not a bad little hack. I ran a webserver on a VIC-20 with it...
@ScottPack they won't let me use the cattle prod on my users anymore
@ScottPack Look at meta, you crappy excuse for a candidate
something about $12000 in batteries in the first quarter of the year
Candidate cat-fight
Two men enter. One man leaves. With a diamond
@MDMarra Dude, I've been busy yo. Tickets! Tickets Everywhere!
@gWaldo we have two diamonds up for grabs - and really we just smear the candidates in tuna and throw them all into a pit.
@ScottPack just connect the ticketing system to an eliza program with random tech support responses
@voretaq7 Remind me to never go out drinking with you...
"Have you tried turning it off and on again? How does turning it off and on again make you feel?"
aw, hell... Of course I would...
@voretaq7 Tech support? What kind of a drugeon do you think I am? I'm doing approvals, yo.
@voretaq7 Great, I'll bring my pet piranha.
In that case use the approvals response package.
"Have you fully evaluated the risk matrix and FMEA associated with this change? How do you think the updated risk matrix and FMEA will make the auditors feel?"
(that's a trick question of course: Auditors don't HAVE feelings!)
Some of them are really good at simulating human emotion.
@ScottPack Auditors, or Eliza bots?
I've met auditors who can emulate anger pretty well
I have an auditor in my weekly gaming group.
@ScottPack ...Troll is a player race now?!
(what class would auditors be... pally?)
@voretaq7 No. Auditors would be Lawful Neutral.
"Sarbanes McOxley - 9th level Troll Paladin of the order of the Holy Shit"
@ScottPack a case could be made for lawful evil...
Being a jerk isn't unique to auditors.
@ScottPack I've never met an auditor who was a jerk
@voretaq7 I haven't either, but they certainly exist.
they simply have a job to do - If your company is compliant with the relevant standards/regulations/laws their job is really easy and they're very pleasant. If your company is a shitpile their job sucks and they hate you for making their life harder.
Pretty much.
@ScottPack probably - I've definitely worked with a few who were "generally unpleasant"
That's one reason I get on so well with them, I think. Once you realize they're there to see if you follow your own standards, and they're there to measure not judge, things go much better.
@ScottPack and if you get along with your auditors the good ones will usually offer helpful advice on improvements/streamlining
(our last auditor helped me get rid of 3 paper processes)
Yeah. I've never had a problem with auditors.
@MDMarra I think we need a simple test along those lines, but we'll still get whining "But I am the net admin for our company, and we're on a tight budget so I need to run my company's web site and ERP system on a Win7 desktop machine. Don't just tell me 'get a real server'!!!"
I had a middle seat on my flight home tomorrow - just checked while checking in - aisle seat available. fuck yeah
The key with closure or downvoting as an enforcement tool as there needs to be some feedback to the user -- the forthcoming changes to close votes (including custom per-site close reasons) will help with that. — voretaq7 42 mins ago
there a meta post anywhere about these changes?
OK, would some moderator like to explain this?
very low quality – yesterday declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer
A: WHM/cPanel - Setting up wildcard SSL, shared IP, Reseller account

Bobbin ZachariahYou can do it from whm/cpanel. for further step go though cpanelforum post.

@Tanner not yet
There will be when we get them though because we'll get to change the close reasons :)
@MichaelHampton Could be multiple flags with different reasons, I think when a mod acts on a flag, they only get to approve one reason. Maybe someone else flagged as "not an answer'?
@MichaelHampton Not sure why it was declined (it is a shit answer), but I wouldn't delete the answer based on a flag (because it does answer the question - it says "cPanel fucking sucks, you can't do it unless you step outside the walls")
but flag weight doesn't mean anything anymore anyway so don't sweat it. we mods are a fickle lot.
@voretaq7 Eh, it's basically a link-only answer and is otherwise content-free.
And he didn't come back to edit it.
...Now to go install Windows 2003 x64 on a 4-socket HP ProLiant DL580 G7....
@ewwhite Torture!
@MichaelHampton I agree - but it's also the only answer (and that's also why we have downvotes)
if a better answer is posted on the question then I'd have no problem deleting that one as a lousy link-only answer
@MichaelHampton The NIC drivers weren't available... using HP SmartStart CD...
@JeffFerland UW has so many SysEng openings that they've created a "catch-all pool" for SysAdmins and System Engineers. The problem with UW is that it takes them 4 months to get back to calling you.
I ordered hard drives Tuesday afternoon w/ 2 day shipping. They haven't shown up. The bathroom scale that MiLady asked me to order last night w/ 2 Day shipping just showed up....
Stupid bathroom scale gets here in under 24 hours. Hard drives are MIA and the FedEx guy already came by to do her other box off...
@Adrian Can I telecommute? :)
@voretaq7 Can we just kill all the questions?
@voretaq7 Doubt it. It's cheaper to live here and The Gayz can get married here.
I must admit, I'm having a pile of fun going to weddings this year. it's been a hoot.
@voretaq7 And even downtown condos with waterfront views are cheaper than Manhattan apartments.
my own personal suggestion...I like that there's the "red numbered alert" at the top of SF, but why can't it just update based on your "activity response" to it? For instance, if it says "5" and you click on it and see the 5 updates...if you click on one of them the rest go away to "Inbox" instead of it now showing 4 updates.
@freiheit not at all - a web host asking about cPanel installation/management/upgrading is certainly on-topic even with that new scope :)
@voretaq7 I've already made my own statement on cPanel...
@voretaq7 No, that's strictly forbidden in this state. Due to some unfortunate incidents in cough Enumclaw, we have some of the tightest laws in the country concerning such things.
@Adrian your state sucks.
I can have telnet storage? serverfault.com/q/373346/2101
@voretaq7 We got to draw the line somewhere. Sodomizing livestock is apparently a problem over there...
samurai vs. zombies...why must your siren song be so strong today.
@voretaq7 omg
@Adrian I'm not sure my lizard would let me put him in a dress...
@voretaq7 What if you called it a kilt?
@voretaq7 If I tried that with either cat, there would be lots of bleeding
@Adrian Cats wear Hats.
@voretaq7 Cats also piss on the bed when they're angry.
@freiheit I think the angry-lizard-hiss I'd get in response means "Man Skirt!"
@Adrian lizards shit on vet techs.
and bite vets.
(never attacks me though)
@voretaq7 Yes. I had a cat once that would attack a certain vet tech and chase her around the room.
@Adrian My parents had a dog that could piss out twice her own volume in urine when startled.
@voretaq7 that's a neat trick
@Adrian spaniels are apparently Tardis-derived.
They're smaller than I remembers them being, precious.
Anyone know why the -SearchBase isn't applying on this? Get-ADUser -Filter {memberOf -RecursiveMatch 'CN=SomeGroup,OU=Groups,OU=Corporate,OU=Company,DC=companydomain,DC=com'} -SearchBase "OU=Company,DC=companydomain,DC=com" -Properties *
@voretaq7 did you take that photo? Is that tree actually alive?
Anyone here do vSphere on NetApp?
@MikeyB I have
@Cole Can you speak to, write, or do you already have a end-to-end 'Best practices' document for vSphere on NetApp?
@MikeyB there is one
At least there was an internal one
@Zoredache no I found it on the interblags
it claims to be bonsai, and I've seen similar specimens that are alive so I'm going to go with "Everything green in the picture is probably alive"
Hm that's the 2011 version, I know there's a more updated one
Ah - here we go
@Zoredache it's apparently called the Bag End bonsai
@ewwhite I have a need for NFS in AWS. How crazy is it to set up ZFS on Linux with multiple EBS volumes???
@JoelESalas bat-shit insane
@JoelESalas sounds nutty
@ewwhite nuttier than this? i.sstatic.net/HDDKa.jpg
@Cole Nice, I'd love to see it. He's trying to get it configured with as much space as possible, no snapshots, no snapshot reserve.
he got bit hard when he didn't realize there was a snapshot on his netapp lun volume and everything went offline :(
Jan 2013
I told him "Dude! Set up the NetApp virtual image that NetApp provides in vSphere, set up a test ESX server, figure it out there."
@Cole You da man.
@ewwhite @Ward @wesleydavid almost back to winter tonight :( app.strava.com/activities/54572484
@MikeyB I knew there was one. Do you know what version of ONTAP he's running/What model filers? 7mode or C-Mode?
yay! FedEx Person #2 is here with my drives!
@Cole 8.0.1P3 7-Mode
Oh yah… vSphere on NetApp FC LUNs.
Eh that guide should still be fairly accurate
Yeah we had our Lab vSphere environment on NetApp 7-mode FC luns.
Prod stuff/user home directories were on 4 x FAS6080's running c-mode - about a 1/2PB of storage.
@Iain winter? boo. I was seriously considering calling in "Weather too nice not to go for a long bike ride" tomorrow.
@Cole We have NetApp 7-mode 2 x 3070 cluster, with FC-connected vSphere hosts...
@freiheit yay NetApp
NetApp heads are due for replacement, but we're bumping that off to next FY.
I may just be partial to them since it was the first "real" storage I worked on.
I mean I've done everything from installing ONTAP from base image and setting them up
We went NetApp (NAS only) -> EMC (SAN and NAS) -> NetApp (SAN and NAS). Hated the EMC setup we had.
OK, gotta run home, take my dog out for his last walk…
@ewwhite - cool; I know you were wanting to use the full 1Gbps of your link so I was wondering if you went to a 5550
@MarkHenderson I get ~300mbps
@freiheit I didn't have overshoes on or leg warmers so my toes got very cold
@ewwhite Which should be enough for most purposes ;)
Q: Why is the TCP checksum inverted?

randomblueFrom the Wikipedia page: The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all 16-bit words in the header and text. Why, after summing the 16-bits in the header and text, is the one's complement taken to compute the TCP checksum?

@MichaelHampton why is that even still open ?
@Iain Because it has a bounty on it, we can't vote to close it.
Give me a minute, though, I think I know the answer :)
oh geez, we have a splunk install
has anyone used this before
@JoelESalas Yeah, we use splunk
Mostly we use splunk for alerting on saved search things.
@freiheit have you used other log aggregation tools?
@MarkHenderson no, I need moar bandwidth
Not fast enough!! Moar bandwidth!! http://Speedtest.net! http://speedtest.net/result/2712830625.png #sysadmin #colo
Well in this case it is actually 'professional'. We plan to deploy it as a microserver. — Octopus 6 hours ago
@JoelESalas We used to have syslog accepting logs from a bunch of stuff and using, uhm, SEC to alert about certain conditions... (but grep or perl were frequently used)
@Ladadadada people will torture anythingn

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