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E5-2660 versus E5-2640?
who knows?
@ewwhite 6-core vs. 8, plus 300Mhz on the 6-core, same cache/core, same TDP, turbo's better on the 8-core - otherwise very similar
Clock speeds are 2.2GHz (8) and 2.5GHz (6), respectively
Hmm, okay. Will sell client two 8-core for their ESXi cluster
talking of which when are the the haswell's out? even though I do work for Intel I get ZERO from them on desktop stuff, no news, no discount, no free-bees - and no I don't want a xeon-based games machine :)
An here I go, into the resume pool again. Let's see how long I last this time :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Whatcha lookin' for?
Good people :)
We stopped actively recruiting for the amsterdam position as we have enough people for now, but it's still visible on the website and still attracts a handful of resumes each week
@DennisKaarsemaker Wellllll I'm out of the running then.
@WesleyDavid yeah, we don't need cats :)
mew :<
So I need to wipe this devices from exchange, and I'm not getting a ack from the phones.
@ScottPack Can you think of any downside of importing the sid-msg.map data directly into the referencing database? I just updated all of my alert codes in the DB that were just codes with no description.
If your only experience is a cleaners job, and you apply for a sysadmin job, you might as well leave out the experience section altogether. But really, FOAD and don't waste my time.
Oh, and if you look like dracula on your photo. Leave it out. MY EYES
Here are some of my favs:
1. If the job is for a secretary there is no point in having an 8 page resume that is completely double spaced throughout. All of your job descriptions do not need to be
centered on the page in a 3" of the 8" space allotted.
11. Keep the font simple..Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial... Old Montage Script II, italic, 10 point face isn't "cute."
12. Your resume should be a snapshot of your experiences. Not your entire life story and why you would love to have a job. That's what your cover letter is for.
Another one of my favs... 5. There is no need to have 3 or 4 blank pages after the end of your resume. When I print it out that gives me 1 page of resume and 2 or 3 blank pages that print with it. Or worse
use a "header" in your word document so now I have wasted 3 pages that are blank with nothing but your contact info.
@Travis I've been known to rant in here about crap resumes :)
Is anyone here a Cisco Call Manager expert? I'm so lost and could use some help. I'll be happy to not pay you for your help via chat. :)
It's funny though Dennis. Resumes are odd creatures. I know the resume I used to get this job was different from the rest of the resumes. I had 4 things off the "top 10 things to never do on a resume" on my resume. Got me the job though.
ooh, deadly mistake on this one: generic cover letter
Dear Sir/Ma'am: I am realy cupable to fulfil [position] you have as a [fill in job title here]. ....gotta love it when they don't change the [brackets]
The opportunity presented in this listing is very appealing, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.
Almost reads like nigerian spam
The place I started at a while ago had some specific, but simple formatting requirements, e.g. name your files first-last-cover.pdf and first-last-resume.pdf They wanted it that way to make it easier to get into their doc mgt system. But for every position, there are tons of people who don't follow the instructions.
@DennisKaarsemaker Prior Experience: Read Wired Magazine for three days straight.
@Ward you mean 99% lol
My cover letter for this was all about how much I liked their description of flexible hours, bike-friendly so I'd love to ride my tandem to work. Oh, sorry, I don't have a lot of Linux exp, but I'm sure I can learn...
@Jacob the phones are offline?
You can't wipe something that can't receive the "wipe me" signal
Anyone seen @Cole in a while? He lives nearish to Watertown.
Not online. =/
@MDMarra What it's appearing to be. They'll be in for a shock when they turn em on again then
@WesleyDavid He was here earlier. He's not that close to Watertown
@WesleyDavid he was here a few hours ago
@WesleyDavid I'm alive
I'm 40 minutes out from Watertown
~35 miles
IIRC, he's out near Natick
Ah, the man himself
I have like 20-some tabs open in Chrome researching web logging and tracking down AD and LDAP Authentication through the NetScaler
@Cole Oh heck. I thought you were north in like Arlington area.
Franklin, MA
@Cole Right, right. Why can't I remember that name
however I used to work in Waltham
@Cole Right, I was just going to say
Now I work in Milford - if you look the left of Franklin
@WesleyDavid think $100 :)
My mom's whole family is from Groton/Dunstable/Ayre
You're sort of near them, kinda
Kinda sorta
I wonder how many small grow operations or meth labs will be stumbled upon with this door-to-door sweep.
I learned a lot about NetScalers today
@WesleyDavid probably a lot, considering it is Watertown
@WesleyDavid They're not opening doors of people don't answer them
@Cole =P
Which is pretty hood
@MDMarra Ah
Cambridge is very nice.
They said that there are a few houses that are searched no matter what, because of phone records and stuff. But other houses where people don't answer aren't having the door kicked in
and so, SO expensive
So while Reddit has had some of the best up to the minute coverage as a result of people trading off and posting what they're hearing on scanners, Reddit got a big DDoS out of nowhere.
Strange... strange coincidences.
Boston Police took the online scanner offline
Also love how people are like "ERMERGERD THEYRE FROM THE CZECH REPUBLIC?!11" I hate my generation.
@Cole wat
@Cole Hmm... people are still getting scanner updates as of... ten minutes ago.
Wait, what time zone is this...
@WesleyDavid probably using actual police scanners
@Cole Yes, they are. And it was 18 minute ago the last written update on Reddit, not 10
@WesleyDavid The brothers are from Chechnya
So people are like "WAT CZECH REPUBLICZ?!1"
@Cole Stoo-pit.
@WesleyDavid what thread are you looking at.
gracias senor
Wow the father is saying that the special services have framed his children
Their aunt was saying the same thing
Yes, they put on the bomb vest and told him to shoot a cop...
Their uncle was like "They're losers and they've disgraced our family"
And their aunt was like "They didn't do this, you do the math!"
So, that seems like a marriage that's on the same page
No family likes to hear their loved ones are the bad guys
am back :D
@RobM Definitely
@MDMarra are you saying @voretaq7 is schizophrenic?
atlast I decided that I will build my own desktop
is here anyone here into building desktops ?
@DennisKaarsemaker Make your own conclusions :)
@MuhammadRaja no. Too much work :)
@MuhammadRaja good - go to SU that's what they do
@MuhammadRaja I've done it. It's fun. Usually cheaper than buying it all-in-one if you're doing a higher performance machine.
@WesleyDavid which motherboard did you used
@Iain you mean super user ?
@MDMarra a tool can be both awesome, and encourage bad things
@MuhammadRaja I prefer EVGA motherboards for the all-around support, drivers, and community.
@MuhammadRaja yes
I've always wanted to build a gaming machine using the SR2 motherboard. Dual Xeons.
I build machines for home use. Wouldn't go near the idea for work purposes mind you.
Then I remembered, I don't game. =|
@WesleyDavid long live the electricity bill :-)
@Iain looking at there tags on site, I don't think they actually do
@WesleyDavid I never actually got, why people use Xeons
@MuhammadRaja you're absolutely in the wrong place right now
@DennisKaarsemaker My dual GTX machine with a single i7-870 pulled less power than I expected. I swapped them for HD-6770s and it still barely pulled 500 watts at full load. Felt like a dork for buying a big PSU fo rit.
In servers and workstations? Because they perform better in situations that require consistently high computational needs.
if IT admin don't know about computer hardware, then who else would know :/
they deal with it all of the times
@MuhammadRaja Yes, SuperUser is the right place for home / gaming PC building. Lots of people over there do it. This is a place for professional system administrators. That said, we do tweak with hardware like this in our spare time for fun.
@MuhammadRaja yeah, with server hardware. Different beast :)
@WesleyDavid bit like cycling really ;)
@MuhammadRaja SuperUser is a place for this topic, they know hardware at the consumer / gamer level very well.
@Iain Hey, at least I built a PC. =P
@Iain ooh, burn :)
Plenty of people work in IT without building desktop machines. Working on server hardware and desktop machines are different skill sets.
@MuhammadRaja I haven't touched consumer hardware in 5+ years

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
I really hope they find this guy
@DennisKaarsemaker I actually want a desktop, that will be used for virtualization lol
Makes me nervous he could be down this way
@MuhammadRaja So a test environment for playing with things?
@MuhammadRaja Don't ask on the main site, that's just a shopping question. But there's more than a few people in Root Access who will help you out.
When people talk to me about fixing their home computer issues I honestly don't know that much about fixing home computer issues.
@WesleyDavid yup
@MuhammadRaja we know what you want you bored us about it days ago
I couldn't tell you the difference between an i5 or an i7 without looking it up, much less consumer motherboard features.
@MuhammadRaja The PC I built was great for virtualization too. I used it for a home lab. Any decent I-series CPU with enough RAM will be just fine.
My PC sucks at virtualisation. Goes great guns at playing bioshock infinate mind you
@WesleyDavid SharePoint 2013 won't work fine for anything less then 24 gb
Any recommendations for Windows Server level 400 training? Getting tired of level 300 MOC material
@MDMarra The i7 is i2 better than the i5, obviously. <_<
@Iain requirements changed now
i7 is more like for threading
@84104 yep
Sharepoint works fine if you get Microsoft to host it in O365...
i5 is about righ
@MuhammadRaja Depends on install base. I have it running on two servers with 4GB each in my demo environment
@MuhammadRaja I looked into testing SP 2013 and even with a DC and a DB server separate, it would have worked fine on less than 24GB
Aside from them not being able to get their own ADFS integration working. Hrmph.
@Iain 18, do I hear 18? Going once...
@WesleyDavid I got, SP 2013, server 2012, sql server 2012, on a single box and they work a little bit slow, they do work
@WesleyDavid you have 1
but I don't wanna do development where I will have to wait hours..
performance matters :)
@MuhammadRaja If you need that much RAM, the i-series CPUs can't address it and often times neither can the motherboard support it. Last I heard the limit for addressable RAM is between 16 and 24GB, with some outliers reporting they got 48GB to be addressed.
@MuhammadRaja I would suspect disk i/o being the largest culprit at that point.
That much RAM with so few cores is sort of silly
Another reason to go for Xeons right there. Or AMD, I think
And also such little disk IO
@MuhammadRaja How much of a budget do you have?
Anything less than 32GB is not worth the time
@DennisKaarsemaker Snob. =P
If i5s don't hyperthread at 4 cores and you put 48GB RAM in, you're looking at 12GB RAM per core. What are you going to do, assign 24GB to your database server and 1 core?
That's a waste
96 is standard on database slaves here now, 192 for masters :)
@WesleyDavid I am willing to pay around 600 £ but it can fluctuate depending on products
Not to mention if your SharePoint DB is big enough to need 24+ GB of data to be resident in memory for performance reasons, then you're going to need some legit disk IO
A couple of WD Caviars isn't going to cut it
yeah, will definitly gonna put two SSD-III atleast 7200 RPM
I run my SQL servers on daisy-chained external USB drives
@MuhammadRaja Okay, then you definitely can't build something that's going to have significant power to handle multiple Windows Server test machines, including SharePoint 2013. You'll have to deal with some sluggishness.
Motherboard, CPU and RAM will probably run you £400 to £500 if you're fortunate, and then the biggest resources that you'll need, disk subsystem, will be more than that even. =|
@MuhammadRaja 7200RPM SSDs? Naw man, you need at least 10k thumbdrives in RAID 0.
I'm wondering what he'll use to spin the SSD's :)
@OliverSalzburg Still haven't got a Pi or that oak case.
@WesleyDavid speaking about an "i-series" CPU isn't really meaningful; there's the Nehalem generation, Sandy Bridge generation, and Ivy Bridge generation (discounting yet-unreleased CPUs which will also carry the "i" branding). I personally have a desktop with a Core i7-3770K which addresses and uses all 32GB that my motherboard supports. Z77 mobo chipset.
@WesleyDavid I got 3 Pis :D
All doing nothing
@allquixotic Well there you go then.
@OliverSalzburg Y U NO PLAY WITH UR PIS?
@WesleyDavid I already played with them. Now they're waiting for serious jobs :D
@OliverSalzburg What kind of srsbiz are you going to put on a pi?
@MuhammadRaja Uh, SSD don't have rotational speeds...
@MDMarra They do when I throw them across the room
@allquixotic your 5. Gigabyte Z77X-UD5H - £160

@MuhammadRaja Actually, it's an Asus P8Z77-V.
@RyanRies wheeeeeeee
@WesleyDavid We just plan to use them for small jobs at fairs for example. Like playing an MP3 file in a loop or similarly impressive things
@MDMarra they do in the microwave :-)
@OliverSalzburg Nifty.
I also tried to run one of our NodeJS based applications on it but it was too slow
@DennisKaarsemaker Your evil cats are rubbing off on you.
Compiling MongoDB took forever!
My evil cat is turning into a whore
wants to be petted all day
@OliverSalzburg NodeJS on a RaspberryPi. You are a freaking legend. You should talk to TomTom about starting a consulting firm.
@OliverSalzburg Just wait until someone writes a JavaScript backend for LLVM that generates LLVM IR from JS. And then optimizes the crap out of it so you can compile JS into highly optimized machine code.
@allquixotic err... I thought that existed already?
@allquixotic Don't give @JoelESalas any ideas!
Next we'll see an OS kernel written in NodeJS. Wait... crap. Forget I said that. Suck that cat right back into Pandora's Box. (I know, I mixed several different sayings there; sorry.)
@allquixotic Most of the application ran client-side, but response times weren't so great. It was a nice experiment though
Windows 10: WinNT replaced by WinJS. BSOD becomes TypeErrorOfDeath (TEOD).
ah no, I was thinking about emscripten, but that's the other way around. LLVM to javascript
It was a 256 MB model though. I should try again with the 512!
after our discussion, this looks like a joke to me,

@DennisKaarsemaker Google V8 already does JS -> x86 or x86_64 (or ARM....?) but it's all JIT, I don't know if there's actually a compiler that will produce an executable binary, and invest in extra costly optimizations because "it doesn't matter how long it takes to compile as long as it runs fast".
@MuhammadRaja Hmm... might be cheaper to get that as a base, and then work on upping the storage system.
IR is delicious though. Great concept.
If you don't need hyperthreading and won't be using 24 / 32 GB of RAM, that might suffice.
Just put ESXi on it and be done with it. Test and play all you want.
Well... assuming all the hardware works with ESXi.
You'd likely need to get an Intel NIC
I did.
Next up, an LLVM backend that accepts speech input via pulseaudio, parses the plain English text into English words, then parses the English into LLVM IR. Speech -> x86.
I totally disagree. If we ban Emacs, it will just go underground, making the problem even worse than it is now. We need Emacs users to stay out in the open, where we can monitor them. Emacs should be legalized and taxed so the government can actually control it. And before you libertarian nutjobs go off about big government, the whole reason that government exists is to control things like Emacs, which the free market has obviously failed to do.
I'd rather have people getting their Emacs at Wal-Mart after a background check than on Silk Road with Bitcoins. Sadly, our politicians are too stupid to know the difference between Emacs and Bitcoin, so we'll be stuck with our broken system for the foreseeable future, and this discussion is irrelevant.
@JoelESalas what are you smoking and can I have some?
@DennisKaarsemaker Bro, you're in the Netherlands. You don't need any more than you already have.
@WesleyDavid well, he must be using something pretty strong there, sounds like fun
@MuhammadRaja ebay.co.uk/itm/…
Just add a couple more drives
@MDMarra servers make too much noise, otherwise I can easily get a 2nd hand for 300 £ with a lot of memory
Then I think you're in the wrong chat room. :)
posted on April 19, 2013 by ryan

I almost never talk about SQL Server here, which is a shame, because I think SQL Server is amazing.  If you're planning on deploying SQL Server 2012, and you haven't picked out your hardware yet, then I hope this post finds you in time and helps you make your decision about what processor architecture to choose.  (I hope the graphic doesn't give it away...)  Also, keep in mind t

@MDMarra sorry, no offense saying that servers make noise -_-
@MuhammadRaja We deal with server-grade hardware because it's just plain better at not dying
and yes it's loud and hot
@MuhammadRaja None taken. But we deal with servers and networking gear here. Our jobs generally don't cross over into desktop hardware or development machines. A few people here build their own PCs, but it's not something we do professionally.
Hey! I straddle the line between servers and desktops :( I do both
The thought of virtualizing on consumer-grade hardware is frightening, with no real RAID controller, no FB-DIMMs, no LOM, no redundant PSU, etc.
Has the network engineering site opened yet? I have a question for that site.
oh my god, just look at SQL Server 2012, license price !! 80,000 bucks
although "professional" is debatable -- does volunteering hundreds of my own $$ and hundreds of hours of time to work on a microbusiness with a few other people, count as professional? (and yes we use dedicated server-grade hardware, but it's in datacenters not controlled by us)
@Zoredache don't think so
@MuhammadRaja You seem to get "sticker shock" a lot from enterprise solutions.
@MuhammadRaja if you want something cheap, do mysql or postgres. Skip microsoft software :)
Also, no one pays retail price for SQL Server.
@allquixotic yes.
yeah, they get partnerships and pay less
@MDMarra my consumer-grade desktop has an enterprise-grade RAID controller. Nyeh. :P you win on FB-DIMMs/LOM/redundant PSU though :(
@allquixotic What controller? Did you yank a P410 out of an HP box or something? :)
@MDMarra Adaptec 6405E. Small, but enterprisey enough to be used in "Xeon" FB-DIMM servers at several hosting companies.
I don't suppose anyone here knows why I would see a pretty significant amount of jitter for VoIP traffic that crosses a link that consists of 2 T1s combined with MLPPP? (unfortunately I don't actually have access to the routers).
Hella reliable too. Just can't host OMGDOZENS of disks.
@allquixotic Adaptec doesn't count as enterprise-grade, does it? ;)
@freiheit Pretty sure it does :( Although I could easily out-enterprise all of you with the stuff I use at work, but I can't really... say... I'll just throw the words "z/Architecture" and "ISPF" out there.
day job and microbusiness and home desktop PC gaming... I live in 3 different computing worlds.
oh, and mobile too (Android)
@allquixotic You and your 6 9s of uptime. pshaw
As long as it's not RocketRAID, it's probably better than what most people would put in a desktop
well, almost nobody building a desktop will use an actual hardware RAID card; they'll use software RAID or BIOS RAID.
that Adaptec 6405E has a dual core dedicated CPU for calculating parity bits and that other fun stuff, and you can optionally add a BBU to it. Pretty enterprisey.
came with a hefty price tag, too: I paid more for that component than anything else in my system except the graphics card
I like the concept of an "enterprise workstation" but 99% of it is really just way overpriced desktop hardware with a few gee-whiz features here and there. Enterprise graphics cards? Come on. Underclocked POS is what they are
@allquixotic how much did you paid for your desktop
and which processor does it have
@MuhammadRaja About a year ago? Core i7 3770K, 32GB DDR3-1600, Asus P8Z77-V, 2 x 4TB 7200rpm SATA 6Gb/s HDD, Radeon HD7970, Adaptec 6405E, and a new chassis? About $2k USD.
Bought components retail online and assembled.
sounds good
What everything comes down to really is confidence in reliability. You can get great specs at great prices with no actual disadvantages except perhaps a theoretical (or actual, sometimes) increased risk of a malfunction or hardware breakage. Even consumer-grade stuff is often good enough for certain business functions, but it depends on how much money you'd lose if it goes down.
yeah I agree with that too
Day job org spends several orders of magnitude more money per unit of computing than they would have to even if they bought enterprise-grade x86 hardware, but because it's all mainframe, they gain (actual or perceived, I don't know) enhanced uptime. But it costs them.
Then again, if day job's site went down, people would get fired and there would be "post-mortems" and all kinds of other nasty stuff.
If my desktop goes down, I frown, maybe throw a USB hub across the room in frustration, repair the hole in my wall, then surf the web on my Nexus 7.
Consequences of outage: extremely low.
With my microbiz it's somewhere in the middle. Xeon hardware in a datacenter, nightly backups of critical stuff and weekly backups of the rest, but no failover production hardware. If it goes down, a couple people are quite unhappy, but a few apologies and a restored server later, and everybody is fine again.
yeah, but like you said, it gonna be only my development machine, so I can take risk
speaking of consumer grade hardware, what's the hard drive brand to buy these days?
@DennisKaarsemaker Not Seagate.
@DennisKaarsemaker Pretty much it's going to be Seagate or WD if you're going retail / desktop HDD. SSDs would be Intel. Hitachi does good laptop drives, particularly suitable for laptops that get moved around a lot while in operation.
@DennisKaarsemaker Been running in to new ones that die after a year or so
Very little actual difference between Seagate and WD these days.
neh, not ssd. needs to go into a consumer grade nas
wd is cheaper, I'll go for wd
thinking synology 212j + 2x wd green 3tb in raid 1
@DennisKaarsemaker AHHHHHH NOT GREEN
why not? Don't need the speed and I like the quiet
isn't green a synonym for slow?
@allquixotic your system still not less then 1500 $$
@MuhammadRaja why does it have to be less than $1500?
@allquixotic yeah, 5400rpm but burstable. Don't give a damn about that. I simply need an archive
@MuhammadRaja you can't have high specs and get it for nothing and get it from a reputable seller who probably hasn't swiped a capacitor off the mobo or mis-represented a CPU that's actually a much weaker model.
draw a triangle. label the first side "quality", the second side "price", and the third side "quantity (specs)". if you're lucky, you'll be able to grab one of those sides. if you're super duper lucky, you'll be able to grab TWO of those sides. but you will never, EVER be able to grab all three at once. just can't happen.
so: if it's cheap and good specs, it'll probably be low quality. if it's high quality and cheap, the specs will be more modest. if it's high quality and good specs, it'll be expensive, etc etc yada yada.
@allquixotic it's like people: smart, sane, attractive. Pick any 2.
@allquixotic Unless you buy from me! :D
it's a fact of business and applies to everything, not only computers
http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=780 seyz: "Desktop drives are not recommended for use in RAID environments".
That's not even what's driving my statement above. The green drives do things like forced time-based spin-down, they just don't really work well in RAID setups and die more often.
@DennisKaarsemaker +1 insightful. I'll take the first 2.
@DennisKaarsemaker Wait, you get to pick two of those?
@DennisKaarsemaker smart, sane, attractive, female... pick any two :p
@Tanner it's even harder with women. if they're attractive, the chances of them being sane are incredibly low.
smart, can happen. but not smart and sane.
@MattBear You keep trying to talk yourself in to being gay. Just go for it already. :P
@allquixotic young man wants attractive, more mature man, wants smart, wise man, wants sane
@MattBear parsing that sentence and the commas got me VERY confused for a while
semicolons, my friend
young man wants attractive; more mature man wants smart; wise man wants sane
@allquixotic Why do you say that, do you think that being attractive causes them to go insane? or vice versa?
@Jikag don't know. haven't dealt with women outside of a distal professional context in a decade. don't care anymore
@allquixotic Greedy bastard wants all 3.
... and hey, at least I have fun sampling.
@allquixotic semicolons, are my, greatest, failing when, it, comes to, grammer
@MattBear I'm going to with comma splices
@JeffFerland ah, the Mythical Perfect One
@MattBear There are plenty of smart, sane and attractive women out there. They are all happily married to their same-sex partner (super-double-unavailable), though.
Man + Woman == crazy
Everyone is crazy. See: The Comms Room
I stopped chasing myths and fantasies years ago. Unicorns, phones with desktop-grade computing and weeklong battery life, pigs that fly, transporters, and a woman I can live with.
@freiheit any women like that gets married young.. and stays married, so they just arent out there
@MattBear aye
@MattBear Yeah, find, keep...
friend-zoned with many of them like that though
@freiheit Lesbians have thier own set of crazy issues
@JoelESalas I can be totally sane about halfway through my third beer...
being friend-zoned to one of those is awesome in the same sense of "awesome" as watching your coworker who never does any work but takes all the thunder get a $1000 bonus and applause in front of the whole company
@allquixotic because it's an year's old technology, I don't understand why technology prices are not dropping as national average earnings are in respect to inflation rate
@MuhammadRaja Hafnium and Platinum shortages? Just a guess.
@freiheit IPA or double IPA ?
@Iain Barleywine
@JoelESalas ugh!
@MuhammadRaja Components don't generally go down in price. You still pay $2000 for a good desktop/laptop, just as we always have for the last 10-15 years. Difference is $2000 consistently gets you more and more power
I'll take a bud light lime. /me runs before he gets nuked
already gone
@Iain IPA. With double-IPA it's 3/4ths of the way through the second one.
am confused then ever now Lol
I will just get a laptop, with 16 gb ram and ssd, job done ;D
@MuhammadRaja good plan... mine only has 8 and SSD hybrid (WHICH SUUUUCKS, im getting a new drive ASAP)
I don't trust them hybrids, it ain't natural
@freiheit yah - just checking - detail matter :)
How did I not know that OnTAP 8 was just FreeBSD + secret sauce?
@allquixotic Just say *NO* to beer brewed by the giant evil megacorps (InBev, MillerCoors, maybe even Diageo)
@Iain I usually mix it up, starting with something less intense than a DIPA
@freiheit Is Widmer evil yet?
@freiheit Anheuser Busch?
@MattBear == InBev
@freiheit oh
@freiheit Heineken?
@Tanner Mostly not evil. Though they're part evil and their distribution deal with ABInBev is, of course, also evil...
@freiheit Ahhh, didn't know about their distribution deal. I was wondering how they became so widespread.
@MattBear They're mostly just boring and big. I don't think they do any of the big anticompetitive stuff that ABInBev and MillerCoors do. At least not in the US.
All this talk about beer... :( Two weeks ago the doctor told me I had to stop drinking or I was going to die young. Still haven't decided what to do yet. :P
@Tanner Merger with RedHook and then some kind of partial ownership distribution deal... A lot of craft brewers are in on that deal now in one way or another. Kona, for instance, who has their bottled stuff actually made at Widmer or RedHook (depending on coast).
@freiheit they own Newcastle :D
@Tanner This is crazy. This is really really crazy. But I think maybe you should stop drinking.
@Tanner How much do you drink dude?
@Tanner there gonna be beer at your funeral?
@MattBear Nah. Whisky at my funeral.
@Tanner good plan...
@Tanner you can give up life, and keep your heart beating longer, or live and die sooner
@JoelESalas I don't know. It varies. Apparently I do a lot of things that are bad for the liver + stomach lining. Trying to cut out everything else so I can at least keep my after-work beer.
@Tanner I can't believe I actually suggested that somebody stop drinking. Any alternate plans that would allow continued alcohol consumption, like taking up marathon running and living on raw kale?
@Tanner At 24? Are we talking a case of 160 proof rocket fuel every week?
@Tanner Do you chug Clearwater?
@WesleyDavid Well I got started young. :P
@Tanner So what else do you ingest that's so bad for the liver?
@JoelESalas Nothing illicit but I'd rather not say.
wait, is that bad for the liver too?
I don't know
@Tanner No. Doesn't need to be metabolized by the liver.
Didn't think so.
Friends are trying to convince me to do that instead but... ehhhh, alcohol will always be my first love.
I'd be more concerned with taking burning plant matter and holding the gas in your lungs.
Speaking of that I switched to one of those electronic cigarettes this week. I like.
@Tanner Never tried those! Always wondered about them. I stopped smoking... everything.
I once made it 48 hours without nicotine before the wife started crying and asked me to smoke again. Apparently I'm an asshole.
@Tanner =(
@Tanner Of course you're an asshole. You're a sysadmin.
@Tanner It's a normal symptom of quitting
You should research the changes your body goes through
You'll be irritable, it'll be hard to focus, you'll be fucking starving 24/7
@JoelESalas Sudden urges to machete someone's arms off.
@WesleyDavid May not be related to cigarettes bro
@JoelESalas Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all those tried cactus chips...
Depends on the cactus!
I think I'll go backpacking when I quit. Three days alone in the mountains seems like the only way it would be safe for my friends and loved ones.

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