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@WesleyDavid long story
@JoelESalas Did you take that job?
Still at my current job
so, no?
or did you just stall more
and dumps done!
@Dan I made good bonuses in finance... I think my base now is higher.
@JoelESalas Hmmm... playa
@ewwhite Finance scares me - I'd like the London experience for a bit, but I do value my sanity and work/life balance
@ewwhite It's why old folks your age start trending toward management.
Doesn't President and CEO of EW Consulting have a nice ring to it?
@MDMarra I need a better name
Mark Marra consulting
EW Consulting lol
I'll just take a 15% cut for the usage of my name and the esteem that it brings to your organization
I think I pulled off a miracle with my HP SSD + Smart Array + ZFS zvol + compression + XFS solution for Produce Pro.
But don't you dare try to use @MDMarra's blog posts.
I used to gauge the intelligence of girlz I spoke to on the web back in the day by their reaction to my dating website username...
ewwhite?!?! Do you hate WHITE people?
@ewwhite My body is ready
That would be an automatic fail.
Depends on what you're into.
@ewwhite Best part of job hunting is you can't lose.
I've seen a situation where you could lose...
Story time!
An engineer at Produce Pro sent his resume to my old trading firm... who asked me, WTF?
remember, the people at Produce Pro software don't like me...
so now I know that one or more of their engineers is looking...
Grandpa Edmund, tell us the one about the guy whose dog took a dump in the lobby!
@MDMarra it stank
You guys made me lol at work
@MDMarra and the guy who was fired (and subsequently brought his dog in to poo) lost his job because...
Wait a guy who got fired had his dog come take a dump in the lobby?
He wrote a manifesto... A Sysadmins Rules of Engagement outlining what he WOULD and WOULD NOT do, when he could be contacted, on-call and off-call information and how he wanted to be approached with questions.
The boss said f-that... and fired him during lunch.
Holy shit
I'm going to try that at work
I need to find a copy of it.
I'll do that for my 2 weeks
Please do!
Sadly, I think I could get away with doing that
@ewwhite My rules of engagement are simple. You can call me anytime! You can ask me anything! (Contingent upon large sums of cash per hour, variable rates according to time of night and holidays.)
@ewwhite This was what provoked the poop-attack?
@JoelESalas yes
I'm so frustrated. My boss is "testing" multiple tier storage pools with a DBA and has a solid hole in his understanding of how it works.
5. Lotus Notes Administrator
When he was describing his test in a meeting, I mentioned to him privately after the meeting that he would get no valid results because of his methodology, and he dismissed my concerns in a way that indicates that he just doesn't understand my point. Now he's seeing exactly what I said he would, and he's chalking it up to "the workload" of the benchmarks.
@Basil That's not a fun scenario
@ewwhite So the dude was a piece of work to begin with. How long had he been there?
@JoelESalas few years. I replaced him
and then I turned into a BOFH monster.
@ewwhite So how many poop attacks were you able to get in?
Oh, i did everything else... I was terrible
Can there be two story times in one day???
@Basil Wow - sad. Wait, the workload of the benchmarks? What does that even mean?
@pauska gmail !
@WesleyDavid we're using RAT from oracle. He thinks it's some unquantifiable issue with the segment of IO that we are playing back
@Basil It's a database, everyone knows you can't quantify those.
@JoelESalas heh
Anyways, that's enough IT for one day. I'm going home.
Q: Methods for analyzing Red Hat sosreport output?

ewwhiteFor some time (since EL 4.6), Red Hat has embedded a system report and troubleshooting tool into the operating system. The tool, sosreport, collects system information and settings and bundles it into a tar.bz archive for easy distribution. Normally, this is intended for Red Hat support, but can ...

@ewwhite What about that tool you showed me that generates puppet configs?
@JoelESalas Blueprint is nifty...
Would that help in this scenario?
in case anyone is interested: devstructure.com/blueprint
but sosreport shows the following...
[root@xt ~/sxarchive/ereports/15555553/2013-04-17_155601/xt]# ll
total 52
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 Apr 17 15:53 boot
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   37 Apr 17 15:56 chkconfig -> sos_commands/startup/chkconfig_--list
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   25 Apr 17 15:56 date -> sos_commands/general/date
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   27 Apr 17 15:56 df -> sos_commands/filesys/df_-al
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   31 Apr 17 15:56 dmidecode -> sos_commands/hardware/dmidecode
drwxr-xr-x 39 root root 4096 Apr 17 15:53 etc
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   24 Apr 17 15:56 free -> sos_commands/memory/free
Zeus loves her. Look out for oversized bulls descending from heaven.
Is anybody actively using New-MailboxExportRequest to move messages out of Exchange mailboxes to PSTs?
@ewwhite You are the only one on the site that can ask a question like that with all the worst features that we all hate, and still get 31 upvotes, no close votes, and 9 favorites. =P
@WesleyDavid Don't hate.
@JoelESalas =D
@WesleyDavid It's not bad as a question. Amusing to read too - tons of Schadenfreude
and a bit of hope that you won't ever face that while being in charge of the infrastructure.
It just happened again... so being remote, I have to figure out what's broken.
most devices are up
Barracuda Web Filter is down.
elfiq link balancer is down
so this time the current came through the telco's line?
don't you have any monitoring there or has it been struck by lightning too?
@syneticon-dj What do you mean?
I said what's down.
Cisco ASA 5505 is up... servers and SAN are up
I'm still kind of amazed that lightning is a problem of this magnitude
three switch members in a stack are down..
but I have four new switches ready to go...
@JoelESalas it might even be not the lightning itself but currents induced by its EM pulse. If you have a large cable plant with long runs (like telcos tend to have), you can bet there would be quote a voltage spike if a lightning struck nearby.
@syneticon-dj Holy shit, so the lightning moving (safely) through the building will still induce current in the surrounding components?
Makes sense, yes
I lost some equipment at home to lightning a few years ago (as did several neighbours) - a strike on the telephone pole serving us all was to blame
See how I'm not panicking.
Safely in NYC.
As the wife's server equipment burns. Really. On fire!!!
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Burn Barracuda, burn?
@ewwhite Have you suggested they add some proper lightning rods around that building?
or enclosing the entire estate into a Faraday cage?
@freiheit there were. This facility was built new.
and has the only real wind turbine in Chicago
@syneticon-dj Maybe also sacrificing goats to Thor, Zeus and any other gods that are angry at them?
Nah, no goats. The Gods obviously want new HP Gen8 servers.
I don't even want new HP Gen8 servers.
@ewwhite So what's wrong with Gen8, anyways?
So sacrificing them would not be a problem then.
(we have a couple and may get more soon-ish, but haven't noticed anything problematic yet...)
what is burning BTW?
@freiheit Chenged the disk form-factor, overcomplicated monitoring, stepped back in each of physical deployment and added features nobody asked for.
(smart drive carriers?!?)
The Gen8's do the Dell-style rail mounting.
What is the Dell style? I have to say I liked the HP style up to Gen7 quite a lot.
lay the server on top of the extended rails
@ewwhite You don't like every drive carrier having something like 6 lights?
try mounting that server in rack unit #42 without help
Did seem like the rail mounting wasn't quite as nice as I was used to with HP... have to get the back in first, then the middle, then the front...
@freiheit the next generation would come with a color hi-res LCD panel visualizing a spinning drive
@syneticon-dj 4 of the LEDs form a circle that they use for the spinning drive, so Gen8 doing that in hi-res is pretty plausible...
it's silly
means people are stupid
The "whatever you do don't remove this drive" light is kinda nice
it's smart. HP is going to be making money out of options after all. Just like Dell.
G7 sales spiked
And be bought by Microsoft shortly after as server sales drop
@freiheit It should include a 3G chip and a touchscreen so you can check your facebook on it too
@JoelESalas Wait 'til gen10 for that
Best VPN? SCP server exposed to the Internet.
HTTP over IPv6 with opportunistic encryption by IPSEC
is $25,000 a little much for a SAN? when we only have 3 physical servers that will be attached to it
@MattBear If you can afford it and it fits the use case, why not?
@MattBear No.. What are you planning?
@ewwhite using it as storage in the ESXi cluster,
what are you talking about?
@ewwhite dunno, I diddnt spec it out, all I was told was the price tag
Oh, it will be fine then. Don't you read Dilbert comic strips?
@ewwhite im speccing out what we need from HP, and seeing if the prices are similar
@joelesalas What? SCP? Could it be that exciting?
@JoelESalas I hope you're wearing protection.
Hey, SCP is secure by default
@ewwhite our budget is pretty lean right now, if it was me, I would go for it, but the boss wont approve... (if you remember the story on this place).
@MattBear HP P2000 G3 can be had from me for under 10k
@ewwhite I forgot what the regex was I gave you, but I'm pretty sure I anchored it properly and left no odd behaviour in there.
@DennisKaarsemaker I'll show you what I'm getting...
@ewwhite thats actually what I was just looking at lol
@DennisKaarsemaker I'm getting this and this...
the first is fine... the second isn't.
so you're missing an anchor
so no "+", but "$"
or both if you can have a zd10 and want it
I'd still combine the three regexes
better example...
I don't want the "p1"
/^zd\d+$/ won't match the p1
basically right now... I'm showing them whats possible, without the equipment for good performance. Once they can use everything, like it, but want it faster, is when I can get some budget
First is good.. second is bad.
@MattBear WHere are you located? How much usable space you need?
@ewwhite CA, and 3TB with expandability
@ewwhite so the anchored regex is still good
wasnt there a site where I can find used equipment?
if( $name[$r][$i] !~ /[0-9]/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /c[0-9]d[0-9]$/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /zd\d+/ <== are you sure this means what you think it means?
it matches things like "fnarble" or "asdasdc0123"
@MattBear I can do SAS-connected or Fiber 8Gb connected P2000 G3 with 24 x 300GB disks for under $10k
@DennisKaarsemaker I don't want it.
What is it you actually want to match?
"hda" "sdb" "c0d3" and "zd213" ?
@ewwhite I'll need a quote
If so: /^([hs]d[a-z]|c\d+d\d+|zd\d+)$/
@DennisKaarsemaker all of them.
@MattBear email me from my profile page contact details.
then go for just the regex above and kill the other 3
@DennisKaarsemaker so fancy
@ewwhite maybe I'm slow or somthing... but I cant find your email
@MattBear yes, you're slow.
@ewwhite that hurt my feeler
@ewwhite how did you set the "The Workplace" user to be your parent user?
@MattBear check out the network profile instead of the one on "The Workplace". They are different it seems.
ahh hah
@MattBear you are welcome. How's your feeler?
still hurt
you should take care of where you stick it.
Today on Hardware with Ed: a P-series SAN for under 10k. Stay tuned, more after the break!
@MDMarra I should mark it up
You don't already?
@MDMarra on some deals... but for someone just in need of a SAN.. meh.
I'd make it back on the servers.
@MDMarra Getting a P-series san for < 10k is easy. Just order the $8,000 model
Full of dicks.
@MarkHenderson after VAT, that's like 90K for you, right?
@MDMarra GST for us, and no because it's only 10%
For once ;)
Q: Finding the domain a domain controller belongs to

user1766888How do I figure out the name of the domain a domain controller belongs to? For example I have the domain controller \\nFS01.nfs01.local. It says the domain of this is NFS0101 but I don't remember setting a domain name like that, so is there a way to find this information out for another domain s...

Some people shouldn't touch computers
Q: DHCP Server only remembering one lease

Mark HendersonI have a Server 2008 R2 DHCP Failover Cluster that serves two VLANs - an office network and a guest WiFi network. Both of the members of the failover cluster are virtual machines (ESXi) and use the iSCSI Initator inside the VM for their shared storage. Each node in the cluster also runs other FO ...

Help me @MDMarra you're my only hope!
I was just about to write a snide comment on it
@MDMarra :(
Upgrade to 2012 and use cluster-less lease replication, noob
Why everyone on this site so mean?!
@MDMarra Totally an option. I've been looking for an excuse to go to 2012
there you go
HA DHCP without clustering
Unfortunately doesn't fix my problem right now ;)
As for your actual question, no clue
I've never clustered DHCP
The biggest reason I've not gone to 2012 is the lack of RSAT for Windows 7
Sort of embarrasing to admit I suppose
Windows 8 isn't bad
@MDMarra I'm considering un-clustering it to see if that fixes it
I use it at work
@MDMarra Yeah but a core piece of software I have to use doesn't work on it
I loved Windows 8 in the pre-release era
thats too bad
@MarkHenderson ever considered breaking the cluster and seeing if it would work with a single DHCP server?
@syneticon-dj Yep
56 secs ago, by Mark Henderson
@MDMarra I'm considering un-clustering it to see if that fixes it
It might be a database corruption issue or something like that
@MarkHenderson what software? FoxPro 2.6?
It's next on my todo list. Just haven't gotten around to it yet, too busy
@MDMarra Hah actually not far off
eDeveloper 9.4 - last updated 2007
Is that a Novell thing?
@MDMarra Nah it's a RAD tool that actually dates back to the 80's
I did it! Put in 2 weeks
there are up to date versions that we use at all, but we have one client on a super old version
where are you going?
@JoelESalas Good for you
I don't know!
Fashion land or Ed White city?
Do you have offers on the table?! haha
I don't know yet, it's really up to Ed White and the Defenders of Porn
Did you turn down HL?
No, didn't turn down
(or let them pull their offer)
@JoelESalas Wooo!
I really need to stop job hopping. Why do people keep offering me money???
Have you seen @ewwhite's resume?
Apparently no one gives a fuck about job hopping any more
well in that case... I need to start hopping!!
someone offer me more money!
My last move came after 10 months
Although, I was at $job[-2] for 4 years
@MDMarra I don't have a single stint longer than 1.5 years
Yeah but you're Mexican. Employers probably look at that and think "He's probably just trying to keep immigration off of his tracks"
And then they give you tacos with ranch dressing
It must be nice.
Seriously this taco with ranch knowledge that you dropped on recently me is brand new.
It's very regional, like the California burrito
I never would have guessed that. I have some Puerto Rican friends and I assumed you guys were all the same, but I guess not.
Burritos are a hotbed of contention
not even close, Latin American food is quite varied
Cubans make the best sangwiches though
@JoelESalas Had a burrito for dinner last night, my asshole is still on fire
Why oh why did I order chipotle sauce...
@JoelESalas Haha, was making an intentionally broad statement
Are your people unable to eat the spicy stuff
@JoelESalas Because they make their bread with lard
@JoelESalas Fucking love the spicy stuff. I love it on the way in anyway...
My resume is great!
This is what Ed's resume looks like when he's applying for jobs
@MDMarra Is that an HP laptop? It should be. ;)
Apple PowerBook 1400cs
He would know. It's his resume setup

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