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@WesleyDavid Women?
@voretaq7 That's boring.
I had no idea porcupines had such creepy hands and scary teeth.
@ScottPack Hate is such a strong word.
@ScottPack kitty turns upside down.
BTW, I'm officially done with this Q/A
@WesleyDavid I have compiled the samba server for my architecture. I can find two apps named as smbd and nmbd. Should I have to run them both smbd and nmbd? Will only nmbd serve my purpose? — Malay 11 hours ago
I just got a notification of a new comment on my answer, and it's the same guy again.
Something tells me he's out of his depth.
Speaking of out of his depth, lamp_scaler sounds like he needs a pro.
And since when has Jenny_D been showing up in here?
Do we have to start behaving ourselves since a lady is now present? =(
So we don't have another repeat of the Ethabelle Incident.
Ethabelle Incident you say?
@WesleyDavid What is the Ethabelle Incident
I require detailes. STAT
Also I doubt you can behave under any circumstances, @WesleyDavid
@JoelESalas I behave - I just have varying degrees of poor behavior that I can choose from.
The Ethabelle Incident wasn't so much a one-time thing, but I think we skeeved her out so bad she left. @ewwhite blamed us all for being slime bags.
Um yes. That is what we are.
Speak for yourself, slimebags :P
I'm not saying it's good, but that's historically the behavior in here
So we'd need an AHOD approach to be less morally reprehensible as a group
@Basil You're a storage admin. It would take two promotions to make slime bag!
@WesleyDavid You hate not having a brand new shiny bicycle to ride?
@freiheit Yeah. =(
@JoelESalas Our strongest character traits are honesty and forthrightness. So really, we're probably better than most people! Oh, we're also humble.
@WesleyDavid I thought Storage Admin was towards the top of the Slime Bag promotion chain?
@WesleyDavid You should always behave yourself
@ScottPack Ask Mr. MBA.
@WesleyDavid I did, indeed.
@WesleyDavid I've been showing up here since, um, today.
Also, I'm a sysadmin, not a lady.
@ewwhite Hey, I put on my best behavior for Ethabelle! (and that means I hardly talked to her)
@JennyD Hello!
Hey. Just got home from work.
@JennyD Noted - there be dragons here though, but we usually scare them off.
Hm. I used to have an axe around somewhere...
(spammers, for the use on)
@JennyD So, what you're saying, is that you already know all the curse words and are familiar with heavy drinking?
@JennyD so what do you do? eg. @WesleyDavid complains a lot and seeks bikes, @Basil does storage, etc
@freiheit Those are our best features.
I'm sure you can think of some new curse words.
@JennyD blurgleflurgle!
But yes, been a sysadmin for almost 20 years. Professionally I currently do security/unix at a bank. Used to be mailadmin at one of the larger Swedish ISPs which is where I got the sarcastic bitter personality.
Just got an email for contract job with the State of MA...located at Two Boylston St :/
Privately I can bore you about horses if you like.
It's nice to have someone else with a vagina in here.
@Cole I thought you got that taken care of?
@JennyD I already hear enough about a friend's miniature horse that came with her new house and likes to run around with the dog...
Cole, everybody. Subtle as ever.
@ScottPack no I still have mine - don't think that's going anywhere. Unless you want to donate $75K
@freiheit I hear that's a delicacy in some countries.
nod I too like hanging around people with innies as well as outies.
@freiheit I've got cats, too.
@JennyD 20 years!??!
@JennyD I'm a cat.
@tombull89 you love it
@JennyD This room has a cat infestation. Keep a squirt gun handy
@freiheit And any thoughts on a Trek 1000 to start out with? Or should I just go hipster fixie?
ewwhite Yes. I started with Novell/Windows 3...
20 years ago...I was 6.
20 years ago...I was 3.
My list of people to hate in this room is growing.
I got into unix around 1997.
@WesleyDavid I don't know. Whatever. Just get a bike already. If you go hipster fixie, get a brake on the front wheel.
but you wouldn't think that with all my gray hair D:
@WesleyDavid You're being like @lamp_scaler !!!
@JennyD I had to learn what "banyan vines" were when I came here.
@Basil OK, that's something I've only read about, I've never had to actually touch them
@Cole No thanks. Your fiddly bits don't mean that much to me. :)
But I have had coax cabling in my own home. When I were a lass, we didn't have any of these newfangled router thingies. We had to bang rocks together to make our own ones and zeros travel to other places!
@ScottPack :(
And talking about old tech, I've actually managed a UUCP server that people used for their actual mail.
@JennyD I only know about them since the reason it's taking the windows team three goddamn years to migrate from file server clusters to the NAS is that they're still using data structures or something from the pre-windows days
@ewwhite That is the worst insult I've ever received. And it's true. I... I... I need to re-evaluate my life. =(
@Cole You really need to work on the "ask" for that fundraising campaign...
@JennyD I went back to the school that I went to last year for an IT Technician interview. They'd pulled their last bit of co-ax a couple of weeks before...
@WesleyDavid You need to set a budget and buy a bike.
We went to dfs once- it broke our helpdesk.
Don't buy old shit... get a newer model (<3 years old.)
@tombull89 The bank where I work still has COBOL coders... they actually trained up a new batch recently
@freiheit I would never ask anyone seriously for money for my surgeries.
@ewwhite Oh, I was looking at a 10 year old aluminum frame.
give me the $$ and I'll buy a new bike for you @WesleyDavid
@JennyD We have a whole room of mainframe system programmers here!
@WesleyDavid Oh hey, his beard looks as full and luscious as yours!
@ewwhite and @WesleyDavid can have it when it becomes a used bike? :-)
@WesleyDavid Don't... Aluminum or Aluminium is over.
@JennyD Holy shit, actual factual mainframes?
@Basil basement? :)
@Cole So.... No indiegogo campaign for surgery?
@ewwhite Get a horse instead. They're more fun.
That's how you know I'm a baby by the way
@JennyD that's not actually surprising
@freiheit no that shit pisses me off lol
@voretaq7 5th floor, biatch.
@JennyD you have a bunch of iSeries guys too I bet?
@JoelESalas Yep. Old bank is old.
I talk about mainframes like this ancient legendary creature
@ewwhite I don't have another drug dealer I can have drive it down to me though.
@Basil lies - mainframe programmers can't climb stairs! :P
z/os or gtfo
@voretaq7 What's wrong with iSeries?
@JoelESalas we had them at Kraft Foods.
@voretaq7 We do. They keep saying we should throw out unix boxen and run everything on iSeries.
@ScottPack absolutely nothing
@ewwhite What are people doing instead
@freiheit EVERY DAY I get some trans guy adding me on FB that I've never spoken to asking for money and if I can repost their link of my profile. GTFO bitch.
@JennyD well I don't really agree with that... but you should switch to AIX :-)
@JoelESalas Steel, titanium and carbon fiber.
Our z/os mainframes should still be on the floor. We officially made the switch starting this academic year.
@ewwhite No Al-yoo-mini-um frame, huh?
@voretaq7 AIX is probably the only unix-ish system I've never worked with.
@WesleyDavid Buy a makerbot and print out a bike :P
@JennyD Yay smitty!
Oh, we've got VMS too, of course. It's been scheduled to be moved out for the past ten years, always for "within three years"
@JennyD It's a lot closer to OS/400 than it is to unix
@JennyD HPUX? Solaris? SunOS?
@voretaq7 which is another thing I've not worked with
@ScottPack Run smit and watch the little man pump weights while the commands run! :)
@WesleyDavid I currently mainly work with HPUX. I like the security model there, it
it's better than any other unix I've seen for separating processes and their rights.
@JennyD I'd like to introduce you to our BSD fanwagon. Meet @voretaq7 and @ChrisS - they're almost normal, so they have that going for them.
Otherwise FreeBSD is probably my favourite server OS, and MacOS for the desktop
but HP-UX when high security is important. Really, it's that good.
I'm a big fan of OSX as a desktop.
except for the pricing, and the company attitude.
I've run it as a server, boy was that a terrible...terrible experience.
Hm. That goes for both hpux and macos.
The management tools are pretty, though.
Uh oh, we have a third BSD proselyte in here. What are we coming tooooooo!
@ScottPack for hpux? I never use them.
@ScottPack have a friend who owns his own consulting (web dev) firm - only uses Mac Mini's running OSX Server.
@JennyD Oh, no, sorry. I was still reminiscing over OSX Server.
@Cole That's because he's a terrible person.
We have an xServer here with OSX server. Nice machine.
@ScottPack Ah, I've never used them as servers.
@Cole That would seem to be more effort than its worth. What does he even do with them all?
@ScottPack haha, he said they're solid.
@WesleyDavid for different customers
@tombull89 I got rid of an old G5 Xserve. Was so pretty I used it as a shoe stand for about a year.
But here's the whacky thing
But in the end, I had to ditch it.
He's running Windows virtualized on it for IIS
I'm like, whaaa?
No words.
@Cole Um. I'm sorry. Is he in a great deal of pain?
IIS makes me want to slit my wrists.
There's a place near me that'll colocate weird hardware. Including a MicroServer, a Rasperry Pi (yes, seriously) and a Mac Mini.
@Cole I don't even know what to type so here's a bunny:
|\ /|
/. .\
@tombull89 The hardware is pretty stinkin stable, the number of sensors in those bad boys are insane.
@WesleyDavid as it should be.
@ScottPack Yup, it's been rock solid in the three years we've had it. Too bad we can't say the same for the Macs and iPads we manage with it though...
@WesleyDavid I'm using one as a shelf because I don't have 2-post rails for the Dell that replaced it.
In other (good) news is - my manager seems to agree with anything I say I want to do lately.
@WesleyDavid I was just reading about adoptable bunnies...
We also found we had a spare motherboard for it when we moved into the new school. I don't know why.
@freiheit ugh bunnies are so cute!
@freiheit First parsed that as "adaptable bunnies" and started wondering what kind of adapters...
@JennyD They get Skill Focus for free at first level.
did @ewwhite find a food truck?
@voretaq7 I listened to the first sixty or so episodes of Foamy in the background while working yesterday. Had a few times I had to stop and laugh hard while repeatedly watching a section.
@MDMarra Yes, I did...
@steaksNcrepes, New York
We serve authentic Philly Cheesesteaks and sweet crepes in the streets of NYC
115 tweets, 249 followers, following 184 users
@Cole We had one for a bit... They are cute. They are fuzzy and soft. They are litterbox trainable. When they get mad and poop on your shoes, it doesn't smell too bad (unlike cats). They like being pet, but not being picked up.
@freiheit I should have gotten a bunny.
My cat is a dick.
@ewwhite I read that as "Steaks N Corpses!" and thought "Wow, NYC is more hardcore than I thought."
@WesleyDavid the best meat, is body meat.
@Cole "All cats are dicks." FTFY
@Cole booty meat! booty meat! booty meat! booty meat!
dat song
I...don't know what to say
@Cole It's possible for cats and bunnies to get along.... There's a whole thing with cats doing high up head bumps, bunnies doing low-down head bumps and grooming social order where they both can be convinced they're in charge while the cat cleans the bunny...
@WesleyDavid We got the bright idea that a big cat would be fun, so we got a Maine Coon kitten. Big adult cat may be fun. Humongous kitten... destruction.
@freiheit hmmm that's interesting. Last thing I need is to take care of another thing, I can barely take care of myself and my cat. I really should not have kids.
@JennyD Heh - I had a cat that looked exactly like a Maine Coon, even had the M on the forehead, but he was 9 pounds of scrawny.
@JennyD At least it has a fighting chance against rats...
Satisfied? @MDMarra
@JennyD they have those muppet paws.
@freiheit I should think so, except he's a coward. He's 9 months now and weighs something like 5 kgs
11lb cat is still fairly large
My cat is.....I think 8lbs? He's fat and cute.
^ Patron cat of SysAdmins
Well, Tarder Sauce usurped him. But still...
I though our patron cat was Grumpy Cat?
@JennyD Fun fact: I live just minutes away from Grumpy Cat!
@WesleyDavid I did not know that.
@WesleyDavid is impressed Or something.
Well, my learning is done for the day now that I know that @WesleyDavid
Evening girls
@Dan sup betch
chest bump
@Cole I believe the correct term is "betch"
If you see pictures of Grumpy outside, you notice he's in a desert with scrub and cacti around.
@JoelESalas fixt
@JoelESalas I believe the correct time is biztatch.
Q: Persistent connection between a WAN and a LAN server

mvbl fstWe need to have a persistent connection between servers on WAN and LAN. Basically multiple LAN servers have to register with a server on Internet and always keep an open connection, because we can not ask clients who own serves on LAN to set up port forwarding, and because there might be firewall...

@Dan His picture makes it 10x better
@Dan No. No, you don't.
@JoelESalas I hadn't clicked his profile. Is it bad that I presumed his first language wasn't English?
@JennyD It's a weakness - but I'm getting better at being nicer about it (Maybe)
@ewwhite yuck
@JoelESalas so?
cheesesteaks in Philly are for tourists. Cheesesteaks on NYC are for no one. Cheesesteaks in crepes in NYC sound disgusting.
@Chopper3 Ask that kernel question on the main site and get it migrated to SO
@Dan haha
@Chopper3 how are the tits holding up?
And the rest of you, for that matter.
Mind you, it's no wonder we have a bad rep :D
@MDMarra singular don't forget! I'm fine, 15 of the 25 doses of radiation done now, so 2.5 weeks to go, then a short break before buggering off on vacation/holiday - can't wait
nice man
So everything's looking good then? Just a matter of the last few bags of poison?
@Dan There's the message and the messenger - I'm a rude cunt but I'm usually right :)
@Chopper3 Good stuff, dude. So how long before you get superpowers and can go all hulk on these SO losers?
@ewwhite Just silly, is all
@MDMarra finished with the poison really, got a tablet to take for 5/10 years but that's going to be fine.
@JoelESalas No, I'm referring to the interview process.
@Dan dunno, need to manage my mood a bit more than before, we'll see
@Chopper3 :)
@Chopper3 good stuff. glad to hear it
@Dan can you respond to that guy, I don't want to get more dragged in than I have, he's not listening and I don't fully understand his last comment
@Chopper3 Read it, couldn't process it, closed the tab
he's had a go at you now - tool
need quick help from a experienced sysadmin
@Chopper3 He's from Orange County, they're all entitled fuckheads
there may be one here.
need help with munin fcgi + httpd
can't get bloddy thing to work
@SeeBeen Why use fcgi?
And it should be noted that our friend at http://slayer-productions.com now no longer has a functioning website at that address.
@JoelESalas so I could use the graph zoom function
am using cron to generate graphs+html
but it needs CGI to generate images for zoomed in graphs
@JennyD Oh, so now you're being unhelpful. Jesus, can't you just give me the codez
@SeeBeen Ahhh, got it. I'd try without using mod_fcgi first though, plain CGI support should take care of you
unless you have lots of users clicking your graphs?
@Dan Yes. Hostile, too.
so I should uninstall mod_fcgi then try running it
it's munin master node btw
Let me look at my vanilla apache httpd setup
I think I ran into this problem
scriptalias has been setup properly
Completely Unrelated: A few weeks ago I needed an excuse to take a day off. What I came up with was
@JoelESalas interview?
When: Thursday, April 04, 2013, 12:00 AM to Friday, April 05, 2013, 12:00 AM. Pacific Standard Time
Where: Not Burbank
I've been selected as the world's poorest millionaire and will be accepting my award this Thursday
@JennyD Thanks for the comment :) - edit, we've not said hello before, I'm phil, nice to see you about (happen to love stockholm too!)
@Chopper3 I have to practice diplomacy somewhere, why not here :-)
(as you see, the practice is badly needed)
@ewwhite Tomorrow
and hello to you too! I'm currently at Handelsbanken, migrating to Init in September
@Chopper3 Don't you wish you could just burninate users right about now?
@JoelESalas see? That wasn't so hard.
@SeeBeen Try plain mod_cgi first
@SeeBeen This is a correct mod_cgi config pastebin.com/Hj93L4rB
( •_•)>⌐■-■
@Chopper3 Huh. I read "live in Stockholm", not "love Stockholm". I think it's getting close to bedtime, I can't even read straght...
Didn't run for a month, popped out for an easy 6mi. Got lost, did 11 (eventually). Ouch.

No wonder I can't bloody walk today
@ScottPack "Right now"? more like "whenever I like"
@JennyD Don't worry - nice to have you about
@MDMarra Did Pauska ever do anything with Discourse?
Stupid iPhone is being a bitch
@dan I was planning on it
@JoelESalas I fear everyone is planning on it :D
Battle to the death!
@JoelESalas I got stuck thinking of a name
@Cole I got an iPhone 5 right at the start of my cancer treatment to cheer me up, only just started using it and my word the battery is shit with 3G switched on, just shit
@Chopper3 doh.
@Chopper3 ayup - nice to see you on form :)
@Chopper3 just get an optima yellowtop, carry it in a backpack or somthing and run some leads into the phone
should double your battery life
@Chopper3 weird question - but your incision - did it get a bit bumpy - like raised in some spots?
@Iain feeling pretty good thanks
@Chopper3 pleased to see and hear it
@MattBear I don't often need a good battery to be honest, when I'm in the car it's charging, when I'm at home it's redirected to a land line and when I'm in the US I have a cheapo voice-only one that lasts a year or something, so it's just when I'm out and about in say London that it'll be a problem.
@Cole yep, a bit, it's got better over time (over 6 months ago now!), but it's never going to perfect - want a picture? (the answer is no btw :) )
@Chopper3 hehe, deep cycle car battery with 200 cranking amps... would only double the iphones life :p
@Chopper3 do they tell you to drink a bunch of wheat grass juice?
@MattBear a) no and b) fuck that noise :)
@Chopper3 hehe just though of somthing funny, are you married?
@Chopper3 Yeah, but the spectacular flatulence that you have afterwards makes the wheat grass worth it.
@MattBear yep, nearly 20 years
Wheat grass flatulence can be summed up in two words: Nuclear. Bouquet.
@Chopper3 Congratulation on successful treatment. My MiL has a recurring cancer, she needs to get chemo about every 3-4 years or so. But she's mostly well. I hope it stays away forever from you!
Why Wesley, why
@WesleyDavid If they'd told me to increase my intact of barbecue food I'd have soldiered on to help out, but wheatgrass shall not pass I'm afraid
@Chopper3 pick up some glow sticks, after a chemo session, come home, go to bed, hide a few under the covers, tell her you think you got too much and feel funny
lift up the covers, green glow!
@JennyD That's terrible for her, I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope I don't have to do the same, barely made it through my chemo
@MattBear I'm done with the chemo now but I'm mid-way through the radiation so that'd be even funnier :)
@Chopper3 It's hard on her but the alternative is worse. If this were 50 years ago she wouldn't have had a chance at survival.
@JennyD No, my wife's mum died of breast cancer and the treatment has moved on so much
@JennyD lymphoma?
@Chopper3 And on that cheerful note I'm off for tonight. See you!
@Chopper3 haha no, just because my incisions are a bit bumpy in spots - was worrying it may keloid
@JennyD bye
@MattBear No, something abdominal but I don't recall what.
@Cole ok, just get it checked out, mine's fine, get the odd twinge of pain every so often but otherwise it's fine
@Chopper3 yeah I get those often, damn nerves!
Hey, I just realized. You guys have both had breasts removed. You're like breast friends.
damn it
@JoelESalas Just pulled the discourse source, it's nowhere near ready
fat fingered the username in putty
@MDMarra arf!
@MDMarra my best friend (who also had his chest removed) and I always says we're breast friends lol
@Dan It's seriously janky but it does look workable
I'd contribute back to it, for what it's worth
@Dan ember has been using it for months
so I mean, it's probably not pretty but it does actually run
Oh, I don't doubt that
@MDMarra ember ?
the ember.js community
I'm not buidling a server just for PostgreSQL though :D
which is the framework that discourse is built on
@MDMarra Warning: Circular Dependency Found!
If there's anyone you want to use your software, it's the people that provide the tools that you're building on, right?
Too true
Apparently they've evacuating a courthouse in Boston
"Hey guys, we'd like this upstream change"

"Yeah, no shit! Here it is!"
Friend of mine was interviewing at a place across the street - had to cut the interview short
I'm reading a new VMware spec from a prospective client.
@Cole woah
@MDMarra yeah :/
and my girlfriend is right in that area at work
or whatever she is
Q: how do I get the time spent by the linux kernel servicing interrupts

Ginger SnapsI want to track down jitter in a piece of code and I know there are many potential sources ( task switch, system calls, cache misses, moving task to another CPU, cpu throttling, etc ) and I know how to track all of those but the only one I don't know how to track is time the kernel spent servicin...

My old boss asking a question on SO.
@Ward I missed that- CN doesn't have any passenger at all. All freight.
@Cole Ex, right?
@ewwhite Sounds complex
full dump of dev mysql server... yaaawwwwn
@MattBear Are we back to talking about poop?
^ from r/sysadmin o_O
@Dan That was the stuff I used to do!
I'm getting stupider.
@ewwhite I've hit the bottom of the stupid barrel and am currently in the market for a pick axe.
@WesleyDavid wait... your a mac user?
@MattBear Yeah.
I <3 my macs
@RobM I do too, but I also double <3 self deprecating humor, so...
@MattBear ^you're and ha! I waited until after the 60 second timer so you can't go back and change it!
@ewwhite But Richer?
@RobM I <3 poontang, doesnt mean I want to work on them
or be around them...
lol Mac sysadmin=gynocologist

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