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...are we back?
But I fixed that domain controller - lulz.
Have I ever told everyone here how much I love you?
I love you.
I mean, love you man.
I do not love markdown, however.
@syneticon-dj we use their switches as access switches - they do the job
I love you @voretaq7
I love you @Cole
I love you @ScottPack
I love you @MDMarra
I love you @ChrisS
just don't hump my leg, @WesleyDavid.
It feels really gay in here right now...like more than usual. I think we've reached the homo-quota for the day.
I love you @Iain
@Cole please - this is IT. The only gayer industry is fashion design.
I love you @MikeyB
Stack Exchange chat will return shortly, we're having some fun on the database transfers to New York
@StackExchange No shit peachfuzz!
@WesleyDavid Love you too man.
@StackExchange As usual you're late to the party. Dumb bot.
Stackbot does it all for the lulz.
@MikeyB No man! I love you!
Wasn't that from Wayne's World? I'm forgetting my movies. =(
Oh, and every remember Slayer Productions? Check out how hawt his site is now! http://slayer-productions.com
No link juice 4 U!!
@WesleyDavid erm lolwut?
What we can tell From this infromation
@MikeyB Did you see his question yesterday? I can't find it. He deleted it after David Schwartz kindly tore him a new one.
@Cole It's ok. It's possible to love another person without wanting to involve sexual organs.
I want to punch this server in the face. W2K3 box - Workstation service wont start
@ScottPack ...oh.
@Cole Punch it with your foot.
@MDMarra :-*
@MDMarra Go throw me a few dozen upvotes. I want to see that.
@WesleyDavid he was quite pleasant about it too
@Iain But was he correct? All to often it seems like he's not.
@ScottPack he was
Not really
I mean, he was technically correct about configuring glue
The choppers are in disagreement.
But he didn't bat an eye about the guy thinking he needed an AD domain controller to do it
he pointed out politely and correctly that the OP was confused about how DNS works
So, yes he was right about glue. But in the grand scheme of things - not really
the OP got sulky and the rest is history
this is true
OP reminds me of that 4uik guy
or whatever his name was
Now, I know I know nothing about networking and security as an experienced indie game developer when I talk to you guys...
@MDMarra HaZe ?
there's a but comming ...
@Cole was right.
@WesleyDavid You shut your face.
@MartijnCourteaux Development and systems administrator are very different animals :)
Which is why there are so few truly good DevOps engineers
Yes apparently.
All the world isn't @TomOConnor and @JoelESalas
@MDMarra they didn't start out as developers (or they left line development very quickly)
Tom did, if I'm not mistaken
So, you are sure that my problem isn't related to the AD software but is due to an other security system. Like 802.1X certificates, firewalls, etc?
@MartijnCourteaux Nobody is assuming that it's a security related device. It does, however, certainly seem to be something unrelated to AD.
You can conclude this because pinging doesn't work, right?
@MartijnCourteaux yes and no one here is going to help you circumvent your school's policy. We're the kind of people that put that policy in place.
@MartijnCourteaux Ping doesn't mean anything...
Ping is a very low level, so that shows to me that it isn't related to the software.
That's not quite true at all.
@MartijnCourteaux Ping is at the same level of the stack as TCP/IP
In fact, the Windows firewall is on by default and blocks ping by default.
Not being able to ping a host means exactly one thing: You can't ping that host.
Oh, I didn't know software could change ping behavior.
@ScottPack Exactly. Which is why I hate interview questions based on that.
@MartijnCourteaux ಠ_ಠ
@MartijnCourteaux This would be a case where you should talk to the local network administrator (which is obviously not you) about integrating your device into their network.
@MartijnCourteaux I think you need to read the last few things we've said about ping again. :)
@MartijnCourteaux You need to go take a basic networking class.
@ScottPack Because ICMP is scary. fume and rage
Now, I feel dump...
@MartijnCourteaux Ping is an ICMP echo request. It's a portless transport-level protocol. It runs at the same level as TCP/IP. It can be blocked, mangled, redirected, or ignored just like anything else.
A: Is it a bad idea for a firewall to block ICMP?

Scott PackCompared to other IP protocols ICMP is fairly small, but it does serve a large number of disparate functions. At its core ICMP was designed as the debugging, troubleshooting, and error reporting mechanism for IP. This makes it insanely valuable so a lot of thought needs to into shutting it down. ...

@MartijnCourteaux We're all dumb. Just each of us has different levels of dumbness.
@voretaq7 But what if I haven't patched my devices for the ping of death? What then??
^ I'm level 85.
@voretaq7 I get so tired of people who confuse Ping with the entire ICMP set. Took me the better part of a year to convince boss @ $job[-2] of that one.
@ShaneMadden Then you deserve to die.
@Adrian ICMP Tracer Tee!
@Adrian I get so tired of people who block any ICMP traffic
@voretaq7 %s/Then you deserve/Prepare/
@voretaq7 Thankfully, those folks will fail at IPv6.
@voretaq7 You and me both, brother.
What's this? Linky?
@voretaq7 The internets don't need no stinkin' ICMP! Destination host unreachable Oh.
Would DMZ do the trick?
There is absolutely no valid reason to block ICMP traffic.
@MartijnCourteaux I'm sorry, but do you know what these words mean?
if your network is so badly engineered that you can really be knocked out with a source quench it's time to rearchitect your busted hoopty.
Well, what I think it is:
@voretaq7 He's a student trying to circumvent IT policy
In the router, you choose one machine that will act as not being behind the router.
@MartijnCourteaux You are much better off asking about what you don't understand than trying to bluff this crew.
(and it sounds like the IT policy is working just fine)
@MartijnCourteaux Please stop grasping at straws before you break something. Take 5 giant steps back from the problem and contact your local network administrator.
@MartijnCourteaux That's....not exactly right.
A router takes packets from one network and moves them to another network.
Hmm, I'm reading about DMZ, trying to understand.
@MartijnCourteaux If you want to hang out and chat and learn some stuff, then that's cool. We like when people hang out in here. Even non-sysadmins. Everyone is welcome. But stop asking us how to get around your network policy! If you don't, the tone is going to get a lot less friendly very quickly.
@MartijnCourteaux I think a better use of your time would be to go talk to your Network and/or Systems Administrator so they can help you figure out what you need to do to operate in the environment they manage.
Learning network architecture is certainly useful, even if you still just write code having a base understanding of other fields really helps with context.
@ScottPack @MartijnCourteaux Because at least here in the States, continued efforts to circumvent such will likely get you expelled from your school.
@Adrian If not arrested.
Attempting to reverse engineer the architecture and policies that are being enforced is rather jumping into the deep end without being able to swim, without an O2 tank, and without knowing how deep it is.
some schools are dicks about this kinda stuff.
Hmm, alright.
@ScottPack you forgot the giant cut on your leg and the hungry hungry sharks.
Maybe a dump question, but would replacing the router by a switch give different results?
@voretaq7 Or the 50 pound lead weights on each ankle.
@MartijnCourteaux Please. Just. Stop.
@MartijnCourteaux That depends on the security policies and network infrastructure the administrators have put in to place.
Hahaha, right now, I'm interested in learning something and trying to solve my problem at the same time.
We're not interested in solving your problem for you
Learn in an isolated environment that isn't your school's network
@MartijnCourteaux While the rules in the FAQ are not as strictly enforced in chat, the one about not discussing circumvention of system security or local policies is absolutely in effect. If you want to solve your "problem" you must talk to your site's network administrator.
Ok, I got the message...
@MDMarra I suppose we're not the ones that will end up as Bubba's boyfriend. Let him shoot his foot off if he wants to.
I used to be an admin at a university. It's a sore spot
The fun part of this project is this:
Learning is awesome. Doing so by potentially violating the Computer Abuse and Fraud Act is less than ideal.
Or whatever your local jurisdiction's equivalent is.
I wrote an iOS application to control the projectors in our school.
Just because a student doesn't understand a policy and thinks that it should be circumvented doesn't mean they understand the impact it could have on other students.
It works great, but I can't get onto the network without placing my own router
Yeah. I'm an Information Security Analyst at a University. I have worked with students and faculty many times. I just don't much care for the ones that cause me to begin a formal investigation.
"The rules shouldn't apply to me because I'm smart" is a selfish attitude and it's going to be a real character flaw for you going forward
Maybe, but it was fun :)
@ScottPack oh the CFAA - the government's catchall for "We don't like you!"
@voretaq7 Pretty much. It's pretty scary.
For my last few months in college... It would have been nice :)
@MDMarra Do you remember how clueless you were at 17? I certainly do. Man I sucked.
I don't know if "college" is the right word. I'm 17 years old.
Haha, I AM 17 :P
@ScottPack You security guys. So authoritative. While you use SOCKS proxies to watch Turkish amputee porn.
@MartijnCourteaux you're still here whingeing - why ?
@ScottPack yup
I don't remember 17
Almost ruined my life before it got started. And no, I'm not telling that story
@MDMarra well, glad you didn't!
@MartijnCourteaux I know, it's in your profile.
@Iain You Brits. Speak English!
@MDMarra that's my primary gripe about working for startups. Way too many very smart kids with very little perspective and experience to temper it.
It's always funny to see pictures taken of my daughter during the school day. "Wait a tick, that's not the shirt she left home in...."
@ScottPack Ya know, there's days I'm fully in favor of uniforms in public schools.
@ScottPack Martijn Courteaux I say old chap why you still here having a good old moan about the heartless administrators of you college network it's falling on deaf ears you know. Chin chin
@Iain Lor' luv a duck! I see what yew did there. Know what I mean?
@ScottPack They're weird over there on them islands. All sorts of inbred or somethin.
@Adrian Big ears and all that.
Ok, now I'm even more confused.
> Apple Toff is Cockney slang for Do the off.
I still don't understand what that means.
@ScottPack go away
and now for something completely different
my peach is in flower - 2 weeks later than last year
Is anyone still running Nortel BayStack switches in their environment?
@Iain That's a tree, not a euphemism, right?
@freiheit indeed
@freiheit There's things in this world that I would rather not know anything more about.
I'm proud of myself... I got a regex working in perl
I'm now DevOps.
but I need help.
Well, the perl code looks like...
        while ( $line = <F_DSKSTAT> ) {
            if ( $line =~ /sd|hd|cciss|zd/ ) {    # just IDE or SCSI disks
                chomp $line;
                $line = " 0 " . $line
                  if ( $minor == 6 );    # make 2.6 version look alike a 2.4 one
Over the years, I added "cciss"
and I just added "zd"
I'm using a messed up combination of XFS running on top of ZFS on top of HP RAID controllers on top of CentOS.
You're cool matching those strings anywhere in $line?
so I get new block devices...
but the import part is this...
                if ( $name[$r][$i] !~ /[0-9]/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /c[0-9]d[0-9]$/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /zd[0-9]$/ ) {
                    $dsk_rio_t[$r]  += $rdops[$r][$i];
                    $dsk_wio_t[$r]  += $wrops[$r][$i];
                    $dsk_rblk_t[$r] += $rdsct[$r][$i];
                    $dsk_wblk_t[$r] += $wrsct[$r][$i];
which works... but I can't control the naming of my ZFS zvol block devices...
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2              20G  3.6G   16G  19% /
tmpfs                  32G     0   32G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             291M  144M  133M  53% /boot
/dev/sda7             2.0G  120M  1.8G   7% /tmp
/dev/sda3             9.9G  3.0G  6.5G  32% /usr
/dev/sda6             6.0G  510M  5.2G   9% /var
/dev/zd0p1            400G  104G  296G  26% /ppro
/dev/zd16p1           420G  273G  148G  65% /images
That's <F_DSKSTAT>?
So I need to match "/dev/zd0p1" and "/dev/zd16p1"
In the same way that this matches something like "/dev/cciss/c0d0p1"
Your /zd[0-9]$/ will not match.
I only need to report on the main block device... so /dev/sda, /dev/cciss/c0d0, /dev/zd0 and /dev/zd16
But the $ specifies end of line. So 'zd', followed by any of 0-9, followed by end of line.
I know.
So what should I use?
I didn't realized ZFS would name the device zd16
Is this question regarding regular expressions or about unix?
Try /zd[0-9]{1,}$/
I think you need:
beat me...
This will work as well:
@Iain Everything has been late this year. Our cherries are just now starting to pop
@ewwhite That's a pretty lame regex
I should know this, but when you enable AD audit logging for changes to things like group membership, those events don't show up on all DCs, right?
Why is it lame?
You need log aggregation to see it all at once, right?
@Iain Same with the quince. That stuff usually blossoms the beginning of March.
You can rewrite it like this if you want:
@ScottPack Why?
That's what the software comes with,.
@jscott You could also do /zd[0-9]+$/. It's a big cleaner
@MartijnCourteaux WHat does "+p[0-9]$/" do?
@ewwhite Just so simple to read. :)
@MDMarra I believe that is correct.
@ewwhite The + says "one or more of the previous match"
The + means that you should have at least one of the thing in front of it
@ScottPack I like my curlies and I'm sticking with them, thank you very much.
p is a litteral character
like in dev/zd0p1
@MartijnCourteaux I though he said he only wants to match the main block -- /dev/zd0 and /dev/zd16?
Full code block.
I see.
    # Now lets get 2.4 /proc/partitions and 2.5 /proc/diskstats for
    # accurate disk measurements
    if ( $minor >= 4 ) {
            $dsk_stat_t[$r], $dsk_rio_t[$r], $dsk_rblk_t[$r],
            $dsk_wio_t[$r],  $dsk_wblk_t[$r]
          = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        my $filename = 4 == $minor ? 'partitions' : 'diskstats';
        open(F_DSKSTAT, "$PROC/$filename")
            or warn "$0: cannot open '$PROC/$filename' for reading: $!\n";

        $i = 0;
        while ( $line = <F_DSKSTAT> ) {
\d instead of [0-9]
if you only need the major device you don't need anything after the +
@ewwhite So /zd[0-9]+p[0-9]$/ will match zd followed by any number of numbers (except zero) followed by a p followed by any single number at the end of the line
@Shane: That is what I already wrote.
@jscott I don't need the "p" for partition
Well then it is like this: /zd[0-9]+/
or shorter: /zd\d+/
3 mins ago, by Iain
@MartijnCourteaux Sorry, didn't see it.
@Shane: Np :)
@MartijnCourteaux [obligatory anal retentive comment that \d isn't [0-9]]
I'll google.
I need to go and get lycra'd up - laters
@Iain SRAM 22-speed!
@DennisKaarsemaker Not according to perldoc
@ewwhite I saw earlier - you should have stolen their thunder
@DennisKaarsemaker: I found this: \d is Shorthand character classes matching digits
@Iain I did.
A SRAM friend said, "take a pic of that bike right there"
A: Does "\d" in regex mean a digit?

Kirill Polishchuk[0-9] isn't equivalent to \d. [0-9] matches only 0123456789 characters, while \d matches [0-9] and other digit characters, for example Eastern Arabic numerals ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩

@DennisKaarsemaker Specifically perldoc.perl.org/perlrequick.html. It explicitly says that \d is \[0-9]
dennis@lightning:~$ perl -Mutf8 -E 'say "Hello" if "१" =~ /\d/'
There are more digits than 0-9
Do you have १ on your keyboard?
That implies there are languages other than English. Foolish thinking that.
I said it was an anal retentive comment :)
So, in this situation \d will do the trick :)
@DennisKaarsemaker: Thanks, I learnt something today :)
for matching things in /dev/*, \d is fine. But don't assume it's fine when matching random text.
@ewwhite When I checked this morning they had announced it themselves
I missed this part.
> Perl has several abbreviations for common character classes. (These definitions are those that Perl uses in ASCII-safe mode with the /a modifier. Otherwise they could match many more non-ASCII Unicode characters as well. See Backslash sequences in perlrecharclass for details.)
@DennisKaarsemaker Making sure @ewwhite's script matches /dev/zd१ - it's better!
@Iain I got the pic on Saturday
@ShaneMadden: Indeed.
[[:digit:]] is a POSIX class, exactly equivalent to [0-9]
Huh, I just fixed like....3 big issues this morning
@ewwhite so you had days to beat them to it
Not really a shorthand...
Yes, I do know more perl and regex than what's sane.
@DennisKaarsemaker I still go back to my statement about ASCII being good enough for anyone.
I wish I would know more.
@ScottPack at least it fits in 640k :-)
if ( $name[$r][$i] !~ /[0-9]/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /c[0-9]d[0-9]$/ || $name[$r][$i] =~ /zd\d+/ ) {
@DennisKaarsemaker If ASCII isn't good enough then you're doing it wrong.
@ewwhite no. Be consistent! Either is \d or [0-9]. Not both :)
also, that begs for more optimizations
The part I'm adding is... $name[$r][$i] =~ /zd\d+/
@ewwhite How many times do you expect this regex to get called on each script run?
once every 5 minutes
if ($name[$r][$i] =~ /^((c\dd\d|z\d)|\D*)$/)
@ewwhite So how many times do you expect the regex to get called on each script run? Is the regex part of a loop, inside a loop?
oh dear, I shouldn't have scrolled back and read the script. Bareword filehandles. 2-arg open!
@ScottPack It's part of the main loop.
@DennisKaarsemaker I'm thinking we should compile this, don't you?
@ScottPack compile what?
@DennisKaarsemaker The regex
Welcome to 2013. That's not needed anymore.
Don't know when that was fixed, either 5.12 or 5.14 made /.../o superfluous
Next think you know you'll be arguing that unicode digits are meaningful.
@DennisKaarsemaker Oh, fantastic! RHEL6 still uses perl 5.10
So you're wrong.
The guy who wrote this is on SF
@DennisKaarsemaker Apology accepted.
@ScottPack oh, didn't notice. Being a perl shop, we've been using our own perl distro for a while now :)
and meybe it was 5.10 that made /.../o meaningless :)
Looks like a putz.
Not nearly neckbeardy enough to be a perl guy.
Strangely enough, most perl guys don't have a beard.
You guys see the graphs I post... that's what generates them.
@DennisKaarsemaker Much like Scarran mivonks they're internal.
this script just populates RRD files.
I need to do this.
@DennisKaarsemaker I do too
@ScottPack no idea what a scarran mivonk is. And after blue waffles, I'm not googling random terms from chats anymore :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Sooo? the XFS kernel?
@ewwhite it sucks.
@DennisKaarsemaker Scarrans are a war like reptilian species from Farscape. Mivonk is Farscapian slang for testes.
trying qlogic hba + netapp storage tomorrow to decide whether it's an XFS problem or a p420 problem
@DennisKaarsemaker Did you try another Gen8 box?
@ScottPack so, lizard balls?
also, what's the underlying disk?
@DennisKaarsemaker Yes, but they're internal.
@ewwhite yeah.
(spinning or SSD?)
rotating rust
unfortunately SSD is too expensive to replace all rotaters, despite the pile of ssd's I showed that @Cole was drooling over
Cache settings are normal, right?
yup. same as on g7. Forgot the exact settings and too lazy to grab my keyfob
so are you trying to say that EL6 sux or P420 sux.
mmmm SSDs
@ewwhite basically yeah
it wasn't an exclusive or :)
HP kinda messed up with Gen8
but RHEL messed up with EL6...
@voretaq7 So I had to fax something today. And the goddamn thing failed with no error message.
wow that's a TERRIBLE quality screener.
@ScottPack isn't that what faxes do?
@voretaq7 I'm usually on the receiving end.
@ScottPack Nominee, Best Quote Starred Out Of Context, 2013.
@ewwhite I like that the Gen8 iLO emails me when anything goes bad...
@voretaq7 I am to pleasure.
@freiheit But I've had the server doing that for years.

Logical Drive Status Change: Slot 0, Drive: 2.Status is now OK.
@ewwhite Belt, suspenders and, uhm, a third redundant pants-holding-up thing.
@freiheit agentless monitoring is good, though
Why settle for 1 email when you could get 3 or 4?
@freiheit or 30 million!
In particular, on a Gen8 box I'd be likely to get the email ewwhite pasted, an email from our monitoring system (talking snmp to the same agent) and an email from iLO itself.
@freiheit I'll try the ILO thing
I particularly like the agentless iLO-itself thing for things like ESXi where maybe we don't have to bother figuring out how you get the freakin' agent installed this time around...
One of our Dell ESXI servers had a drive fail with an evil click of doom. Naturally, the front status light to indicate this problem is a blinking green light.
@ScottPack we currently send 2500 faxes/minute. Failed attempts to send is an order of magnitude higher than that. Fax sucks.
(there's two lights, "hard drive icon" and "heartbeat icon". healthy drive: heartbeat solid green and drive light flashes with activity. This failed drive: drive light off and heartbeat flashing green)
or maybe the heartbeat was out and the drive light was steadily flashing?
@freiheit Staples.
@freiheit what the hell model Dell is that?
@voretaq7 Belt, suspenders, staples and cyanoacrylate!
All the Dells I worked with were green or amber
Paging @ewwhite
Q: How to delete and reuse ZFS filesystems inside a Pool

RhyukI have this ZFS Pool. NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM app ONLINE 0 0 0 raidz1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c1t2d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c1t3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c1t4d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c1t5d0 ONLI...

@voretaq7 R805. Controller's underlying chipset is some LSI variant.
@freiheit hmm
@voretaq7 I think it may relate to the drive totally failing instead of doing the usual slow failure thing

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