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We actually, believe it or not, had to put a filter in to block words like "cunt" and "fuck" because the people doing to the repairs would write that in their assessment reports
Hide yo' terlets! They sewerin' er'ybody up in herr!
@MarkHenderson Well, to be fair, maintenance workers don't spend much time on the Queen's English.
@WesleyDavid Haha yeah, but the customer sees that shit :p
So you get fired when you write "customer is a bit of a cunt"
(fwiw I argued that this is a management problem, not a technical one, and should be treated as such - but then they argued they'd have to fire almost all their assessors)
@MarkHenderson Do they know that the customers see that stuff?
@WesleyDavid Yes, but I think they forget
@MarkHenderson Every day I wake up and think about my TimTams. Out there. Alone.
Ok, time to go ride my bike in the 20-45mph winds...
@freiheit Don't veer into oncoming traffic and die.
@WesleyDavid Good advice
@MarkHenderson For Australians, my advice is "Don't die" since it's kinda hard to include all the potential vectors for death to be delivered to your person.
@WesleyDavid It would be a long list
@MDMarra - If you were dead, you would be turning in your grave
Q: Connect .com domain to successfully work with a Domain Controller.

Daryl GillI have a domain registered with godaddy, and I have changed the DNS settings to point towards my Domain Controller: @ - ns1 - ns2 - I have a Domain Controller configured with slayer-productions.com as the active directory name, and the do...

Kills @MDMarra
There! That's... that was the plan, right @Mark?
@WesleyDavid short list, go!
@MattBear Snakes, spiders, dingos, driving on the left side of the road (the correct side), cyclones
@MarkHenderson holy wtf
Death by:
Rogue Boomerang
Rabid Kangaroo
Drunk Abidiginals
Falling off Bottom of Earth
@MattBear Catching an STD from a New Zealander and having your cock spontaneously combust,
@MattBear Drunk Aboriginals is a bit racist :P
@MarkHenderson Jellies, tiger fish, sun exposure, heat
@MarkHenderson Dingos are a real threat?
@WesleyDavid Actually yes
Fraser Island is an island located along the southern coast of Queensland, Australia, approximately north of Brisbane. Its length is about and its width is approximately . It was inscribed as a World Heritage site in 1992. The island is considered to be the largest sand island in the world at 1840 kmĀ². It is also Queensland's largest island, Australia's sixth largest island and the largest island on the East Coast of Australia. The island has rainforests, eucalyptus woodland, mangrove forests, wallum and peat swamps, sand dunes and coastal heaths. It is made up of sand that has...
Dingo attacks on humans are rare but are known to happen. Dingoes are a danger to livestock, especially sheep and young cattle, which is why the Dingo Fence was constructed. Wild dogs are fairly large predators, but are much smaller than able-bodied adults and therefore not generally much of a threat to them. However, they can be a serious threat to incapacitated, isolated, outnumbered, or very small humans, especially infants and young children. Humans and dingoes generally tend to avoid each other. In some situations, however, such as on Fraser Island, close interaction between dingo...
Feral pigs are also trouble if you live in the outback
But on the upside...feral pigs are delicious.
@ScottPack If you have a rifle to kill it with before it attacks you
Dingos, on the other hand, are tough and stringy.
@MarkHenderson Details
About maybe... 12 years ago, I was in the parking lot at night at a bowling alley in Oregon. It wasn't a rural area, but there are small pockets of forrest all over in the Willamette Valley. I got my bag out of the truck and turned around. I saw a big dog run-walking through the parking lot. It was coming right at me.
As it got closer, I realized, holy shit that's a wolf.
Kangaroos are also killers; but mainly in the same way deer are - if you hit them with your car, the car will probably come off 2nd best as the 'roo's head flies through your windscreen and shatters your brain
It had the craziest look in its eyes. Scared, but also just crazy.
@WesleyDavid Whoah. Ok so we don't have a wolf problem :P
It padded right by me, glancing at me out the side of its head. That thing was huge
And no wild dogs in urban areas :P
If it had turned, I would have been dead.
@MarkHenderson Except for your ex-girlfriends.
@ScottPack Actually she's a cow
@MarkHenderson Moo
My friend did that, frequently, to his wife while she was pregnant.
@ScottPack My god, is he still alive?
I think he's too ornery for mortal man, or woman, to kill him.
Death would give up after spending a few hours trying to get a word in edge-wise.
Funny story - my ex girlfriend sent me an email out of the blue a few months ago, wanting to tell me how she was sorry about being a bitch and lying to me all the time, and about how she's now married with three kids, and gave me all their names etc. I didn't reply to her, but I did just check out her facebook page - she was preganant with her first kid, but sure as fuck didn't have 3
Some people never change
I'm sorry I was such a bitch and lied to you all the time. See how I'm lying to you right now? Awesome.
@ScottPack Yah pretty much
To this day I have no idea if she tramped around before I dated her or if she was a virgin or if it was somewhere inbetween
Not that I particularly care, but I don't think I ever really knew her
If only there weren't so many federal regulations in higher ed in the US... I'd just approve myself and get this over with.
I had a girl get married to someone while we were dating. I figured, "Meh, I've been trying to break up with her. Maybe this will help."
She also "accidentally" sent me messages about how she got stabbed at a nightclub or something, which I'm also pretty sure was a load of shit
@ScottPack Whatwhat? You were dating someone and she married someone else?
@MarkHenderson Stabbed with a penis.
@ScottPack Most likely lol
@MarkHenderson Yeah, she was a bit...crazy. She was diagnosed with BPD while we were together. This guy had health insurance that would cover her meds so they got married.
Like I said, I was trying to break up with her, but was a bit nervous about the repercussions.
@ScottPack She must have been a freak in the sack if he married her just so his health insurance would cover her
@MarkHenderson It's hard to say. From what I recall he was more of a pussy than I was.
@ScottPack *am
BPD is really hard to deal with.
@WesleyDavid I find it easier to make more time restrictive puss level comparisons. Helps keep the samples pure.
Hey! Could be worse. Could be living with your parents and scraping the povery line with your face!

@WesleyDavid I can top that.
Yeah, no kidding. I would hate to be that guy. What a loser.
@Jacob Shuttup you're not even 18 yet.
@WesleyDavid You can start failing young...
Now time to put the little one to bed. Hopefully then wine and GoT.
Ugh, the wife told me she has to leave the house at 6am to go to her first appointment. Sucks to be in sales.
@ScottPack She'd better be able to expense Starbucks.
Otherwise that's just cruel.
@ScottPack oh gross
@WesleyDavid Independent contractor. It's probably tax deductible? I dunno. That's for the accountant.
@ScottPack Yeah, meals are sketchy to write off, but if you're on a trip and keep the receipt as well as write on it what you were doing that day, it should be good.
I keep the receipt for food, write what I was doing that day that was business related, scan to PDF with my phone and keep it all in my OCD filing system as well as QuickBooks.
@WesleyDavid QuickEvil?
So tomorrow I'm going down to my datacenter, I'll pick up something on the way, including coffee. My CPA has not shown disapproval yet.
@WesleyDavid The tasking is no big deal. She does a good job of keeping her schedule up to date and will retroactively add in entries for things that crop up or when prospecting.
@WesleyDavid Enjoy yourself. I was up there last week building a few more Nessus scanners. Woowoo.
@ScottPack Oh the pain. The pain.
Raarrrrr I don't know why anyone uses TNT: 16 Apr 2013 08:31:55 Sydney Delay Due To Routing Error. Recovery Actions Underway.
I know what that message means; it means they put it on the wrong truck
@MarkHenderson what is that
@MarkHenderson Nobody wants us to get our TimTams! Oh the Hugh Grantity!!!
@WesleyDavid Hah if I want tim tams I can go to virtually any store in the country - you can get them a the grocery store, corner stores, department stores, they sell them at Target and K-Mart, they probably even sell them at the hardware store
Mine is a box full of Ubiquiti gear I want to get my hands on
In fact I'm fairly sure we have tim tams in the work fridge
Q: Connect .com domain to successfully work with a Domain Controller

Daryl GillI have a domain registered with godaddy, and I have changed the DNS settings to point towards my Domain Controller: @ - 178.33.xxx.yyy ns1 - 178.33.xxx.yyy ns2 - 178.32.xxx.yyy I have a Domain Controller configured with slayer-productions.com as the active directory name, and the domain I hav...

Can someone kill this please
@MDMarra My god what he's doing is even worse than I originally thought
@MarkHenderson D=
I really hope he's not fucking up the real Slayer's site.
@jscott Why doesn't he just buy a $10 HostGator account...
Going to Slayer-Productions.com: "Welcome To A First In The Slayer-Production Servers. We are looking for developers. Please contact The administration our facebook page for more information!"
Oh boy! Can't wait!!
BRB guys - being a developer.
@MarkHenderson People think they can DIY it
Anyone can DIY. But DYI doesn't mean Doing It Right.
@MarkHenderson I don't know what's better. The DC being on the Internet. Him wanting the DC to be the public resolver for his zone. Or the fact that he made A records for NS1 and NS2 in his AD zone and thinks that's going to take the place of glue and registrar delegation.
@MarkHenderson For that matter, just use his GD account and get some of their hosting. If you're going to suck, suck under the same vendor.
@MDMarra DC on the internet is the worst of all of that :P
Not getting glue records I can sort of understand, they can be confusing if you're just starting out by throwing yourself in the deep end
But the rest of that is pure insanity
Wanna bet whether or not the firewall is off? :)
Standby testing now
@MDMarra I VTC'd as off topic since I don't think it's a professional setting.
@MDMarra No. I didn't even bother bringing it up cos we know what the answer is
@MarkHenderson More like the best! Party hard
I can't stand it when people say "yous"
Why does that bother yous so much?
@jscott Only if I refresh teh pages
@Jacob snerk
@jscott Come on yous guys, be nice.
@MDMarra Loluntarily removed
Scanning ( [4 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 21:07, 0.12s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 21:07
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 21:07, 0.02s elapsed
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 21:07
Scanning slayer-productions.com ( [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 53/tcp on
Discovered open port 135/tcp on
Discovered open port 3389/tcp on
Discovered open port 139/tcp on
@MDMarra What was that about the Firewall being off? ^^^
Well at least he's got LDAP+SSL running.
@WesleyDavid - ignore my email; ^^ that is for you
@MarkHenderson I hate you.
What the hell is our problem:
@WesleyDavid The next 2 are just as appropriate
user image
And yes, what's even sadder, is that I starred everything in the top five that I could. =P
I'd star myself if I could.
I'm brilliant!
Can I pay like ten bucks a month to star myself
because I'll do that
@JoelESalas Auto-Starlatio?
poor cat is poor
Not sure how this one job keeps getting posted in my local CL's "Tech Support" category: Mechanic "Dairy experience or related" -- starts at $23/hr, not shabby for tech support [on a dairy farm].
That's...interesting lol
@jscott "Must be familiar with teats."
@WesleyDavid ...and pass a drug test.
I have a meeting with a potential client tomorrow morning. Life's fun...
@jscott Drug tests are bad, mmkay?
@JoelESalas Well if you're expected to be familiar, and work, with teats...
@Kevin Mimosa breakfast then?
@jscott Donuts...
and coffee...
@MarkHenderson Wasn't that question too crappy to migrate?
@MichaelHampton It was too crappy for us. It's not too crappy for Ask Ubuntu
@MarkHenderson Haha, good point.
Not making fun of Ask Ubuntu, they just have a totally different target audience
Their target audience is: "Do you run Ubuntu? Yes? Then come on in"
@MarkHenderson I've noticed. In order to get an answer upvoted there, you basically have to explain everything as if the person had never touched a computer in their lives.
@MichaelHampton Yep. Although to get an upvote on SF you need to answer a question from someone who has never touched a computer
"What's a DNS? LOLWTFBBQ" - answer with a link, get +10000
Until someone stops your perpetual rep dribbling in by locking your +400 answer :(
Not looking any anyone in particular. Certainly not a certain mod from the motherland...
Heh, my one-line answer is up to 160.
Holy cow.
OK, well, it was one line when I posted it (FGITW). Now it's closer to a real answer...
Great answer, but is it being Google fodder that keeps it earning? Or did it burn that brightly straight off?
I mean the question has +81, so it must have a ton of views.
It got to about 100 in a few days, though I see an occasional +1 every week or so.
Your comment to sergiol is almost better than the answer. :)
howdy folks
@Kevin How'd you score it and also what's it all about?
@Goatmale Whattup Goat - haven't seen you in a while.
luck you :)
@Goatmale What's up in goatland?
on da phone with HP to get my MSA fixed
Q: SolusVM + OpenVZ + Second level quotas -- how to enable?

Tiff AleisI have a lot of CPanel clients and I've seen some host automatically enable secondary level quotas on signup. I was wondering how do I do that? Do I need to run a script on signup? Do I need to edit a default container config file? Thanks.

NARQ or TL or shoot the user?
@MichaelHampton Hmm... interesting question. I'd say it's on topic. Perhaps TL if anything. Really, it's so little to go on and I don't think there's any hosters on SF anymore that have cPanel farms to lend insight from.
I think Womble had to deal with a cPanel farm - but he's not around anymore. =(
@JourneymanGeek Too Localized.
Is anybody running Nortel BayStack switches in their environment? I just bought some off ebay and I'm having difficulty locating a manual for my switch (BayStack 5510-48T)
@JohnD Nortel are still around?
No wait, that's Novell, never mind
@MarkHenderson Nope, they went bankrupt.
@MichaelHampton I can answer that Q
@Jacob Anybody can, I imagine. It's right there in the freaking docs!
@MichaelHampton I need the reps
Go for it. I couldn't be bothered....
Wooo! Mazzy Star! 1990 all over again
@JohnD Nopers.
@WesleyDavid I called him and said "Hey, wana meet up for coffee?" and he said "Ya." We're meeting about him selling my open source solutions to his clients...
I've never run a business before... It's pretty easy.
@Kevin Ass.
@WesleyDavid Huh?
Actually, with how hard things have been for me these three years, it's probably me that's been the ass.
@WesleyDavid Having spoken with friends from NY, apparently Austin is just an easy city to work in.
@Kevin That sounds pretty awesome
A: SolusVM + OpenVZ + Second level quotas -- how to enable?

JacobAs Micheal Hampton alluded to in the comments with the docs link you need to enable this at the container configuration. You're going to want to change the QUOTAUGIDLIMIT from the default of 0 to an amount that will cover all the users on a VM. The docs suggest 100, but I usually deploy 1000 as t...

The people are naturally friendly and it's easy to build connections.
Comments? I think I covered it all?
@WesleyDavid I keep telling everyone to just move to Austin ;)
@Kevin I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you're caucasian?
@JoelESalas Who the whatsit!? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
whoo my first final close vote
@Kevin Approximately 100% of non-caucasians I know from Texas claim that it's quite a rough culture for non-caucasians
@JoelESalas Same here
@Jacob Regarding Texas or Virginia?
@JoelESalas VA
@JoelESalas Texas? Or Austin? As far as I can tell, there's a distinction when it comes to that sort of stuff.
@Kevin My boss (who is Korean) went to UT Austin. He says it was not fun growing up there
ANYWAY that's what makes me reluctant to take Texas seriously as a tech hub
@JoelESalas I don't know what it's like to be a minority in Austin personally, but I have friends who are, and they seem to be doing well.
@Kevin We don't even call them minorities here, that's how diverse it is
Non-Hispanic Whites: 29.4%
@JoelESalas We don't here either, I just couldn't think of a better word.
not sure how that got lost
thoughts on this? I'm curious for myself
Q: VMWare ESXi: to extend a partition or create a new drive?

ģ—ģ“ė°”Is it better to extend an existing partition or to create a new drive in VMWare ESXi? I'll be using LVM to put the drive in an existing volume group and to extend a SAN mount point. Which would be better to do and why?

@Andrew If I wanted to extend an LV and I was using LVM, I'd just add virtual disks
@JoelESalas 48.7% white here in Austin...
If it crossed datastores then I'd reconsider
@Kevin So what are you selling?
@JoelESalas yeah, we're looking a template for our VMs and wondering about LVM vs. just growing disks, our SAN datastores are huge so it doesn't really matter
@Andrew The majority of our VMs don't store a lot of data, we size them at 20GB for production with LVM
If we have to extend a given VM for whatever reason, we tack on a 100GB virtual disk and do pvcreate, lvextend
@Kevin That's awesome! So how many have you deployed so far?
also I'd brand them a bit
Anyone here use Fixed Wireless?
@MarkHenderson yes
@JoelESalas I only started this last month, but I have three leads, and one paying client...
@MarkHenderson Yes.
@MarkHenderson I'm somewhat familiar with it, why?
@Jacob Hm, I wouldn't call tethering to your mobile phone "fixed wireless"...
@MarkHenderson My dad does it, anyway.
@MichaelHampton I know what he's talking about :)
@MarkHenderson My dad does free space optics: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-space_optical_communication
@JoelESalas we're just going to thin provision them and let the SAN take care of it
@Kevin As much as I don't want to... When I get to uni, I'm going to run PFsense for my FW/Router in an ESXi VM. Ever done it before?
@Kevin Is it shit?
We're getting really sick of our rubbish RIM-service ADSL connection
@Jacob That's shitty, why would you do that
My main concern is latency
@JoelESalas Better than a 5$ netcrap?
@MarkHenderson He's told me that it can withstand Seattle weather with 99.99% (four nines) of uptime.
@Jacob yeah, we do that in production....
@Jacob Not really? There's no way your ESX "server" is as reliable as a dedicated device
I'd never run a FW on a VM in prod
oops :)
elaborate why not...
@JoelESalas I can't afford the space/power for a dedicated PFsense box, otherwise that'd be what I do
@Kevin Interesting.
There's a fixed wireless provider that I can literally see from my window (now that I know who they are)
So speed should be good, but I'm concerned about latency and ultimately licensing costs
I bet it will be expensive
@MarkHenderson You're going to have either a point to point microwave or a radio link to the ISP, the microwave should have virtually no detectable latency, the radio might have a bit more than zero though. Depends on what your provider is doing.
@MarkHenderson wimax via ISP or private?
@MarkHenderson Fixed wireless is expensive as hell. The cheapest I know of is $3,000.
@Andrew Private
Everything on the star wall seems to be about sex. Just what is it professional sysadmins do all day?!
@Andrew the biggest thing is CPU timing.
@MichaelHampton No it's what men do all day
@JoelESalas That and I doubt a linksys could run an OpenVPN point to point sustained
@MichaelHampton I've been researching the Ubiquiti AirFiber - claims up to 1.4Gbps over unlicensed 24Ghz up to (by our local laws maximum transmission) 1.5km - which is fine, because even at 10km it's still roughly 250Mbps
The units are about $3k/pair
And it's an unlicensed frequency, but it will be a hard sell to get a fixed wireless provider to try it just for one small client
Especially when they'll be getting kickbacks from their wholesalers, and this is strictly 1:1 PTP rather than a 1:many
@MarkHenderson Offer to be a beta tester?
$3k what? A month? A week? A gig? Just setup?
@MarkHenderson It's also one of the few that's full duplex gigabit at that distance and price point.
@MichaelHampton If I can convince them to even give it a go ;)
@MarkHenderson Hardware/
@Kevin Yeah full duplex was pretty cool
@Kevin $3k on hardware is bearable if I can get a really fast link out of it
@MarkHenderson Why are you considering PTP Wireless?
@MarkHenderson AirFiber, we're talking about the same thing ;)
@Kevin Ahh yes
I can get the AirFiber nodes for about $1600/each
@Kevin US Only
@MichaelHampton They do; they're exactly 2x the price too
@MarkHenderson oh...
@MarkHenderson Oh no, you save $12!
Totally worth it ;)
@Jacob I don't see your point
I found (one of ) Mark's secrets
Q: Is air conditioner installation a DIY project?

Mark HendersonWe got a bargain on a brand new 6.2kw Split System Inverter Air Conditioner. The quotes we've received for installation are almost as much as the unit cost itself. Is this something I should be brave enough to attempt myself? It's a back-to-back installation.

Aussie ay
@Goatmale Oi oi oi
I tried to watch "fat pizza" and it was really the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.
@MichaelHampton - is today "find all of Marks old questions" day or something
@Goatmale Terrible, terrible
It's worse than British comedy
But Rebel Wilson has done pretty well out of it
Although I watched "The Castle" and I thought it was pretty great.
@Goatmale See now that's a good aussie comedy
But to be honest, our film industry is fairly poor
It's badly funded and poorly promoted
my aussie media knowledge is very limited, haha.
maybe that's why
Wolf Creek was pretty good if you're into a horror movie about the outback
So we just claim films like The Matrix as Australian
It would be hard to top Summer Heights High.
@Goatmale You've seen Summer Heights High?
Yeah, for some reason I've seen a lot of Aussie stuff, haha.
Summer Heights High is a bit obscure, even here
He had one before that called We Can Be Heroes
@Goatmale did you see We Can Be Heroes first?
and another one afterwards, I forget it's name
@MarkHenderson snap
@Andrew It was something about boys
angry boys
just found it on the pirate bay
@Goatmale Thats the one
I recorded it but never made it past the 3rd episode
oh crap
it's already almost time to go home
Main part of Summer Heights High I remember is "Puck You miss"
@MarkHenderson seen any of The Checkout?
I heard that there is one American dude on the voice that is killing it over there, so strange because he wasn't really that popular here
I have not; don't get to watch much TV today. I catch a re-run of Spics and Specks after The Night Garden on ABC2 and that's about it
@Goatmale Seal?
There's also the Madden brothers who have been selling KFC lately
yeah haha
I don't watch much commercial TV so I don't really know what's going on
the madden bros
@Goatmale Yeah over-hyped that is. They signed two big sponsorship deals - Vodafone and KFC and they pretty much just jump around and yell at people
Isn't one of them married to Paris Hilton or something?
Nicole Riche
Jason Ellis (ex-proskateboarder from Australia turned XM Radio host) is friends with them.
Haven't heard anything about her; she must have stayed behind
Our custom reccomendations suck sometimes... Issue: Switch is reporting a loss of connectivity.

Recommendation: We recommend verifying the device has power.
@Goatmale First place to check
have you turned it off and on again?
@Goatmale You on helldesk duty?
NOC - 2nd shift
@Goatmale Hang in there dude
I like this shift :)
Q: External hard drive connected to lan

keepwalkingIs there a way to connect an external driver to my lan network (direct connection, without having any PC opened) and then access it from any device from lan? Like a network drive? If its not possible, can you please recommend a sollution? I am asking this so all my development files will be easi...

I saw it last night but figured someone else would kill it
@MarkHenderson I know, it has 3 answers.
@MichaelHampton - were... were you just nice to some cleverly disguised spam?
@MarkHenderson If you say it's spam... The destination link did actually contain an article that seemed to address the question. So I chose VLQ instead.
@MichaelHampton True. But yeah I called "spam" ;)
@MarkHenderson OK, fine, have some spam flags.
evenin gents
What the fuck?
I just lost my accept tick to TomTom on this question:
Q: How to make SQL Server 2008 redundant?

Albert WidjajaAt the moment I'd like to combine my departmental SQL Server into one big SQL Server 2008 instances spread across two servers (for redundancy reason). How/what is the best way to approach this ? is it through clustering or Log shipping or VMware (hypervisor) High Availability features ? Note: t...

And on another what the fuck:
Q: How did the search engine optimization advertising company get rated faster than my website?

Adam FaircloughI've discovered that my website has dropped positions, and this site how centered the search engine optimization Market, and pressed my site right back to page three. I did some research, this website is just a couple of days old, and has 1.1k FB wants, and more than 100 tweets, how is this feasi...

@MarkHenderson Loling so hard, I love Markov chains
They registered two seperate accounts for that too
SF seems like such a poor target to spam
@MarkHenderson Is that the first time you've seen that?
It's specifically targeted to the people who are least likely to fall for spam
It's a spam attack designed specifically for Q&A sites.
@MichaelHampton Honestly, most of the spam falls during @Iain's shift. I don't deal with much spam.
But they actually registered; they didn't just post anonymously which is what most of them do
Spam Spam!
The fake question is the setup for the spam answer.
Spam Spam Spam Eggs and Spam!
Lovely Spam!
I'm spamming with Spam!
Some (non-SE) Q&A sites require registration, so I guess they just go ahead and do it anyway.
Okay dear hearts, time for bed. See you at the datacenter tomorrow.
@WesleyDavid Cya
and good morning to you :-)
How's Boston doing?
@pauska "What?" "Sorry" "Hey, 'sup?", "Whats up?" "Hey"
@MarkHenderson yeah, that's roughly it
Q: Cisco ASA 5520 as a home router

PatI have a Cisco ASA 5520 that I recently acquired from work that I am planning to use as my home router. I also have a Linksys E4200 router and a Linksys WRT610N router, both dual-band, that I would be turning into access points. I also have a 3rd 5Ghz-only N access point lying around. I am pla...

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