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Instant replacement nearly doubles the cost of a unit.
@ewwhite Now that's some racket.
@KennyRasschaert It's almost better to resell the cloud filtering... I pay $800/year for it...
but make ~$5k/year off of it.
I've been flirting with the thought of doing that. IT for SMB I mean.
I'm not sure how to get the ball rolling and get customers. Not to mention having to quit my stable day job.
I did IT consulting for mostly small business. It made me cry.
@KennyRasschaert I use it for Mom and Pop firms who have 10 users and don't want to buy a $3500 spam filter
@KennyRasschaert don't quit
How do you combine the two?
@ColdT It's always the Web Filters that fail. The Spam units are solid.
@KennyRasschaert "Hey job, I have a consulting business... Doesn't compete... Keeps me fresh and there are some synergies and installation knowledge that may help the organization."
I negotiate it before I start a job.
I'm surprised that it's not just "standard practice" that non-compete side jobs are allowed.
@ChrisS I've been fired for it... so now I try to protect myself ahead of time.
I've got the same exemption for my employment... The standard form here says that they own everything you do or think of while you're employed (paraphrasing of course)
I have a section in my contract about intellectual property.... and that I own what I create in the context of my consulting business.
@ewwhite That's crazy... I can understand if you're stealing business, but if it's not a job you're employer would be interested in, why should they worry?
<--- always excited when new Android update is available....flashes right away....looks pretty much the same...goes back to reading email and making phone calls.
@ChrisS Goldman Sachs.
@ewwhite Oh, you didn't mention the company was crazy wholesale.
They didn't like not being able to control/leverage an employee... consulting has always been a road to eff-you money... I think it helps relax the fears about losing your job.
@ewwhite Ah, that helps I suppose
There are things I won't put up with anymore...
The thing I'm worried about is getting urgent phone calls during the day job.
knowing that I can (and have) support my family without the full-time work.
@KennyRasschaert It happens... two weeks ago was the worst
I had 3 major failures of my personal client sites...
So you're a master juggler?
as well as work emergencies...
as well as being in NY for the real job
I pulled two all-nighters.
@HopelessN00b I do incident response too. So there's no avoiding people.
Always be up front with side customers that you have a day job...it will help when a crisis does happen.
@KennyRasschaert Not a master juggler... That week killed me.
@ewwhite I have no idea how you do it.
Do you drink a lot of coffee?
Was I the only one here that cared to watch Revolution last night? I have yet to figure out why I even like it...yet I watch it.
Hello bros.
I mean, my crises were... A total failure of a big linux application server, forcing failover to a DR system and having to walk the VP of the company through removing a faulty PCI riser cage...
hey @mossy
- A windows RDS terminal server system that had a bad Microsoft Update that took @mdmarra hours to resolve. Client was down for 6+ hours.
Anyone take their VCP5?
@Cole nope. I'd fail.
Just curious, going to take it in the next 2ish weeks.
@Basil !!!!
Sweet, new City & Colour album out June 4th - you into Dallas Green @MDMarra?
@ewwhite And to think you made it sound so appealing a few minutes earlier... :\
@KennyRasschaert Depends on what you do. I have a lot of clients who depend on me. But then there's just basic project work, too. That's the easier way to start.
I'm sure you can find someone who'll pay you for your services on Craigslist.
@ewwhite Take that out of context and it's a brilliant insult.
Hell, maybe it was meant as one in this context :D
Thanks for the info, it's been enlightening.
But small businesses all need help
the number of shitty hacks supporting them makes it easy to strip away business
most of the time, it's stuff like pointing people in the right direction...
@ewwhite Yeah, but it's usually the "I can haz clue" kind... not the "I need IT services and am willing to pay a reasonable compensation"
there are pretty good industry standards for how printing should work, how spam filtering should go, when to outsource mail, what AD should look like for 10, 20, 30 users, what a network closet should look like, how to collect and maintain backups.
@ChrisS That's consulting true to the dictionary definition though, isn't it.
@Cole yep
the first dance song as the wedding is city and colour
@MDMarra which song?
@ewwhite In fairness, it was only down for 2 hours after I started looking at it :)
@MDMarra That's what he said... ANywho, they were down a long time.
I remember walking into things like...
@Cole we found eachother in the dark
or whatever the actual song title is
@MDMarra I was hoping you'd say that
It's a really beautiful song.
that or Northern Wind.
I like the older stuff more, tbh
@MDMarra agreed, I think his older albums are a bit more raw.
But I get where he's going
I'd love to send @mdmarra into one of these environments...
I saw them play at the electric factory last year, it was a bunch of bros
and now he tours with pink and has a full band
@MDMarra with..Pink?
he's opening for pink
The. fuck.
they just played last week in philly, I didn't go
but apparently they're good friends and she's covered city and colour stuff
I just..wow.
check youtube
I'll have to
they've done duets and stuff too
gotta run though
later folks
@ewwhite 10Mb hubs??
Anyone go to a chiropractor on a regular basis?
@ChrisS Olllld-school
@Cole I have in-laws that swear by them. But it's always a very temporary fix, hours at best.
@ChrisS the manual was printed in 1992
@ChrisS just had my third session yesterday, I'm already feeling better.
Also adjusted my desk chair so I'm not slouching, much better.
I'm either slouching or hunched over. All. The. Time. My back is going to shit.
My desk is 6" too low to not slouch... I'd like to rearrange my desk, but I'd need a new chair, and I'm too cheap (and my wife is thinking about quitting her job because her boss has gone on a 6 month power trip since being promoted)
@ChrisS ouch :(
Meh; I've gone my whole life sitting in chairs made for people who are 5'7"
Well my pelvis is tilted 8mm higher on one side, L5 disc is pushed forward and L6 is rotated. So, lots of ouchie.
@ChrisS I have two options, either sit really low with the desk really high so my feet can touch the floor - or sit high and have my feet barely touch the floor.
Being short sucks, too.
I'd be happy with 5'5 - 5'6
That reminds me of the local crap school district. Last night they were on the news because they were nearing a vote to approve a contract. The news reporter, teachers, and union reps all STRESSED how they've been working without a contract for 8 months. I've bee working without a contract for... MY WHOLE LIFE. Nobody "owes" me a better retirement (the sticking point)
speaking of chairs... seems every chair in this entire office is broken.... the armpads are all worn and torn from being chewed up by the desk (people sit in the chair, get an armrest under the desk, stand up, and the desk is like OMNOM I DESTROY), and the back "gives" so easily that you can't help BUT slouch unless you sit up straight using your back muscles
@allquixotic that'll do a lot for your core strength
@Cole you mean not using the backrest?
@allquixotic aye.
The union finally caved, but not for the reasons you'd expect. Right To Work goes into effect next week in Michigan. This contract bars RTW for the school district for the next 2 years (the duration of the contract). So they apparently don't care about their retirements as much as chaining people to compulsory union dues.
what and why
Q: Can I have multiple Exchange servers in the same Domain?

satori7I'm pretty sure that I know the answer to this, but is it possible to have two Exchange 2010 servers in the same domain that are not aware of each other? I want to have another Exchange server that is insulated from my main Exchange server without having to set up another DC, but I don't think th...

for(;;) { Meeting m = client.schedule_important_meeting(this); if(Runtime.getRuntime().getEnv("WEATHER").equalsIgnoreCase("snow")) { this.rushToClientSite(); client.cancelMeeting(m, m.getScheduledTime() - (TimeSpan.MINUTE * 10)); this.rage(); Thread.sleep(TimeSpan.WEEK);}}
@allquixotic We don't speak web scripting languages in The Comms Room you unwashed heathen.
Why does it always have to snow on Monday so that the meeting gets canceled on Tuesday. Ughhhhhhh. I have to adjust my entire schedule to get into work early to make the meeting, then it's cancelled.
@ChrisS that was some freakish mix of Java and Vala, I think.
@allquixotic punch everyone IN THE FACE
@ChrisS We hateeess them - the short people who make chairs!
@allquixotic Looked like JavaScript to me... But I said it for the lulz
@ChrisS "looked like JavaScript to me" -> I cry. That's like looking at a painting by DaVinci and saying "looks like Dadaism to me."
Do you see var in there? I sure as heck don't. >_<
@allquixotic I suck at JavaScript, as you can tell... I just copy-n-paste until it does what I want.
@ChrisS so in other words, you use JavaScript just like every Senior Pro Elite Web Developer Master out there. including the language designers
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up
^Me, programming JavaScript
That came up while searching for the prior....
I wonder if we'll get to hear Darth Vader sing in Star Wars 7.
Him and the Emperor. Singing together.
"Weeeeee are the rulers of the galaxyyyyyyyy"
I have a question for those who drink coffee. Do you drink it (primarily) for the taste, or for the caffeine?
@Kevin People drink coffee for the caffeine. Anyone who says different is lying or delusional.
(World's most popular recreational drug.)
I drink coffee due to peer pressure to drink coffee.
I think after awhile it starts to taste ok. I wouldn't pick coffee over an Oberon though.
@Kevin I drink espresso for the taste; coffee and similar ilk is for the caffeine
Caffeine, no doubt
See, that's what I thought. I got into a small argument with a coffee service rep about the fact that most people drink coffee for the caffeine, meanwhile he pushed that people drink it for the taste.
@Kevin taste.
Just like I drink beer for the taste, not to get drunk.
But I like the taste so much, the latter usually happens.
Oh wow, this just happened to me
@Cole How do you prepare the coffee? Black, cream, cream w/ sugar, just sugar, etc?
Am I the only one who drinks his coffee and beer for the taste?
I heard on the podcast a while ago that they were considering tests in the review process. I didn't know it was live.
@Kevin black
@Tanner no, see above - I'm the same way
Oh, read that backwards xD
@Kevin If you can't drink the coffee black, it's not good coffee IMO
@KennyRasschaert pop quiz!
@Tanner Must be. Because the people I've seen who say that don't drink decaf coffee and non-alcoholic beer. Oddly, they seem to drink the drug-infused versions "for the taste."
@Tanner word to that
@HopelessN00b Have you had non-alcoholic beer? Rather drink my own piss.
I mean, if I didn't have caffeine? I'd probably be a raging dickhole.
@Tanner it would taste better.
Non-alcoholic beer tastes worse than Natural Ice
Also I do drink decaf. Local coffee shop has some really tasty decaf espresso that's "water washed" or some hippie thing to remove the caffeine. Nice to be able to have a few shots of straight espresso and still sleep at night.
@Cole A raging what? I've never heard that one before... ;)
Tried the Sierra Nevada Rye IPA the other night.
It's dry, but I like it.
@chriss Can you take a look at this thread? Just want your thoughts.
@Tanner Kinda the point. Beer exists for alcohol ingestion, coffee for caffeine ingestion. Making them taste good (or not like piss) is purely to make the drug ingestion process more pleasant.
@ewwhite Do you have to patch/update Nexenta that often?
@ChrisS 4-6 times per year.
Bugfixes... UI improvements.
Certain settings require a host reboot.
That doesn't seem very often (not to a Windows admin who's accustom to Patch Tuesday)
Anyone know how you're supposed to mount one of these? newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816101364
@ChrisS Not too frequent, but an example... This guy posted a list of Nexenta defaults that should be changed for tuning purposes. I'd love to apply them to my main storage, but it requires a FULL reboot of everything.
There doesn't seem to be any way to mount rails to it...
@Kevin it front-mounts at the bezel. No need for rails.
@ewwhite Really? I thought only switches were light enough for that...
@Kevin If it doesn't include rails, it's probably not intended to be used with rails. Plus, it's half-depth. The real tell is the build of the front bezel and rack ears. That will show you what the intention is.
Maybe I've got "better" users/clients, but when they demand fixes, new functionality, etc they accept scheduled downtime. I'm still halfway through the thread, but by kneejerk reaction so far is that it seems like fail from the get go.
@ewwhite Okay, works for me. Thanks.
@ChrisS Nexenta has high-availability presented through a commercial RSF-1 plugin. THat requires two head-node servers and a shared JBOD enclosure. Something like the HP P2000 just has two internal controllers to accomplish the same.
@ewwhite Right. In the first post Ashley admits they aren't trying to plan for hardware failure, but for software problems... Seems like the immediate answer should be to use software that doesn't have "problems"
@ChrisS It happens to me 2-3 times per year.
Trigger Name : nms-rebootcheck
Fault ID : 1001
Error Repeat Count : 1
Error Severity : NOTICE
Error TimeStamp : Thu Feb 28 19:22:05 2013

Appliance booted after system crash
I really like the idea of the dual VM Nexenta setup for failover where the host hardware isn't a problem (especially since FreeBSD can probably steal a page or three out of that playbook), but I'd be concerned with using software the crashes on a semi-consistent basis. My P2000 has never crashed, never had any problem other than a backplane that went bad.
You guys would probably like what I'm working on… using glusterfs to make a DNFS target for Oracle on high performance disks… should be neat.
@ChrisS There are a load of settings that should be changed from default. By not selling a COMPLETE solution, Nexenta ends up with a lot of less-than-optimal installations out there.
Including mine...
simply because they have no control over the hardware.
@MikeyB Maybe. What OS?
@ChrisS I tweeted to a Nexenta guy and he replied... "Why would we try to price compete there? ZFS has bucket loads of features, plus file protocol support, that P2000 does not."
Yeah, but ZFS isn't a Nexenta value-add feature. It's available in quite a few OSes now.
@ChrisS And you listen to Nexenta, and it seems all about roll-your-own... so to do things the right way, it does cost money. I mean, they don't come out and say, "this is how you build a solution"
@Kevin I've had plenty of big devices only come with ears. Sometimes it's wise to invest in a shelf if you're unsure, but generally you just screw the thing in and call it a day
@MDMarra laaaaaate!
I know
I'm slipping
I also haven't repcapped in like two weeks
@MDMarra That's what you kids call it these days?!?
In my time, we used "knockin' boots"...
have you slept?
you're losing it for 10a your time
I'm trying to get vCloud billing policies implemented. Mind-numbing.
Why can't you use PowerShell? That seems like a silly restriction in 2013, like saying you can only write scripts in /bin/shMDMarra 1 min ago
Rofl I'm on a conference call with a dude who forgot I'm there. Now he's just whistling
@JoelESalas LOL
@jscott around?
How does that happen @JoelESalas
@MDMarra Yes.
I finally got an answer to that interview question about the schema update if you remember
@KennyRasschaert I see loads of them. Too many in my opinion.
@Cole Early morning deployment
tell me, tell me!
@JoelESalas ah
He said he was looking for "Use NTDS util to disable outbound replication. Run the update, check the logs. If it works, re-enable replication"
If not, do a metadata cleanup
so I was mostly right when I answered "move the schema master offline, run the update, and bring it back online if it worked"
Oh.... I was hoping for some superseekrit AD command there to be honest. :)
@jscott agreed
@jscott yep, no kiddin
@MDMarra at least it isn't eating away at you anymore.
you can also sometimes use an LDS instance and AD snapshot
but it's not a 1:1 comparison , so it's not a good test
I'd prefer to not do it during the day, ever to be honest
I'm super cautious
but I guess if you had to
Then again, the environments I tend to work in are fucked to all Hell and everything breaks if you look at it the wrong way. o_O
In my experience, it's a non-issue
@MDMarra Why is he adding a lot of attributes to the schema???
How do I know
Devops or something
@MDMarra I thought you were magical or something... I'm so disappointed.
Sorry, son. I'm just an average guy.
Curious to what attributes he's trying to add.
Heh... that's what she said?
@Cole I've actually found that to be a good thing, on occasion. "Oh, someone sneezed and the Exchange 2003 server collapsed. Guess I'll have to build up a 2010 replacement really fast."
@HopelessN00b haha too bad here they're like "WE DONT HAVE MONEY FOR THAT! FIX IT!"
So then I cry at my 15 NT domains
We've intentionally pulled drives from NetWare 5 intranet server and dropped them about 10 feet onto the floor
still not a bad sector
RAID rebuilt just fine
@MDMarra Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by devops.
Wut? They don't have licensing entitlements to a newer, supported version of their shit?

Good thing you're getting interviews. :/
@HopelessN00b correct.
I redid my WHOLE resume
It's been received a lot better than my old one.
@Cole Shit, I didn't even know you could get such licensing. Well, maybe you can't any more, but you could in 1992. :/
Dude, half the people are using cracked software on their laptops.
Only half? =)
@Roy the others only have a desktop :)
@Cole What did you change?
@JoelESalas everyone lol
@Dennis Ah, figures
It's cleaner, took advice from @DennisKaarsemaker and @MDMarra
Highlighted the projects I've done under a short description of the position.
word up
Makes sense
Looks much better
I'm proud of it lol
way to go
@RobM They need to do way instain gateway> who block their servers. becuse these server cant pnig back? it was on the news this mroing a gateway in ar who had block her three servers. they are taking the three server back to new york too shuty to down my pary are with the switch who lost his chrilden; i am truley sorry for your lots
Trying to get my shit together
Actually went grocery shopping, packed a lunch today, and cooking dinner at home. Studying for VCP5, getting shit done yo.
haven't seen a resume in weeks \o/
Mostly because I'm off
@DennisKaarsemaker you must be rejoicing, yes?
@Cole hell yes.
I've gotten a lot of emails for DevOps positions.
I'm like er?
Yeah, people scan keywords and go nuts
I've recently taught myself quite a bit of Python - but I don't put it on my resume because I'm not an expert by any means. I don't want a bombardment of DevOps/Dev positions for Python
@Cole Wrong response. Correct response is "Sorry, I'm a competent sysadmin... but I'll be happy to forward this on to some of my friends, who happen to be poor SAs."
I got a bunch of .net dev positions because I list a job description as "...supporting IIS/.net stack..."
@HopelessN00b you're giving me far too much credit sir lol
@MDMarra ah yeah
DevOps is not too bad a theory: devs and ops working together. The problem is that most people implement it as "let's give devs root and damn the torpedoes".
At booking, we definitely are DevOps of the good kind. Even though some devs have root :)
@DennisKaarsemaker Where I work devops means "Project teams always have a Dev person, a QA person and an Ops person"
@JoelESalas I'd say that's an ok approximation.
For example, when dev team is like WE NEED 45GB RAM I can be like "Why do you need 45 instead of, say 2"
@DennisKaarsemaker It's just generally poorly executed elsewhere, such as "Well we have this developer...lets have him take over the SysAdmin duties to save money!"
coopted more like DEV-OPTED
@JoelESalas Heh. Seems too polite. Can't you just be like "my cat can write better code than that, why can't you?"
@HopelessN00b or it's written in Java with uses all the MEMORIES
memorys? I don't know
@Cole All the memories of dead children yes
@JoelESalas pretty much, NetApp's SANscreen (more like SANSCREAM) product is written in Java. Needs 16GB of memory to run.
@Cole Ah, Java. Oracle's solution to more powerful computing hardware.
All the development of that product was done at the office I worked out of. I supported that group, the release engineer over there......oh god. Bad flashbacks.
ugh, I'm ripping ass like I was on the cover of Fart Aficionado magazine. Today will be a bad day.
@MDMarra Yeah, that's what I said. I wasn't planning on bringing it up to them though.
@JoelESalas That's me lately with my whey protein and weightlifting regimen.
We should be butt buddies.
Dagnabbit autocorrect, stop helping me.!
@WesleyDavid Did you learn ruby and python while riding a bike yet
@JoelESalas He can't just buy a bike. He has to learn welding, first.
@JoelESalas No, but I hit a garden snake with my friends bike while scouting for agates. Does that count?
@freiheit To buy a bike from scratch, you must first create the universe
@freiheit Okay, so you're telling me that you exploted that Evernote security flaw and have been reading my notebooks?
@WesleyDavid I know I have.
@Cole Best Harry Potter fanfic, amirite?
@freiheit Metallurgy. One cannot simply grab some metal and begin welding.
@JoelESalas Ingredients: Hydrogen + Time
@JoelESalas Twilight.
Do you know how much I hate IBM? Because it's a whole lot.
@Cole Fifty Shades of Harry Twilight?
@JoelESalas Don't give @WesleyDavid any ideas about needing to build iron, molybdenum, chromium and carbon from protons, neutrons and electrons... he's never going to get his own bike at this rate...
@WesleyDavid Dude.
@jscott They sell complete bikes. And complete frames. And ready-made tubes that you can just grab, miter and weld...
@freiheit Really?
@freiheit Not our Dear Wes... ;)
So I can just buy some tubes?
And start glueing them together?
Is Bluehost.com shitty?
Dude there's only two kinds of bikes: $50 ones from craigslist, and $2000 road bikes
@WesleyDavid actually... That's kinda how the bamboo bikes are made...
Can you afford the $2000 one? if not, go craigslist
@ewwhite Typical shared host oversold nonsense.
@JoelESalas Buy a bike on Craigslist? "Will trade degrading sex acts for bike."
One of the blogs I like is hosted there... I don't like the amount of time it takes to load... See: Crib Chatter
@WesleyDavid degrading sex acts are almost like building a bike...
RED ALERT! browser war going on in Root Access chat! all hands to battlestations! (someone there is actually defending IE 9; lord save us all)
@ewwhite that did take a bit to load
lol IE9
@jscott But bamboo bikes sell for as much as carbon fiber bikes...
Werp, time to make a phone call I don't wanna.
@Cole Flock or GTFO
@WesleyDavid wat?
@freiheit Hype.
Is the obvious bambike.com taken
And this hipster on his Bamboo bike... Oh wait, he built it...
@ewwhite But I hear that they are laterally stiff and vertically compliant!
@allquixotic Enh, I defend IE 9 on a daily basis. And it is a step up from what we run now as our corporate standard, IE 7.
@WesleyDavid that's the company with the dude who resells keys bought by other clients
Can you connect to the comms room using an IRC client?
@Kevin Nope.
@WesleyDavid oh well...
@Cole Wow, that's lame.
@Kevin I think there was an IRC gateway once - but it didn't work so well.
@WesleyDavid thanks
@WesleyDavid that thing still exists. The big problem is that irc doesn't let you edit messages the way stackchat does
i miss my shell history up/down keys in stackchat; other than that it's a huge improvement over irc
I think LinkedIn just accidentally a whole site
How do you implement dropbox for a company?
The office is basically empty. I'm here. I must have done something very wrong.
or SharePoint if you meant "what are the alternatives"
@JeffFerland missed the memo about the company party? :)
@MDMarra Valley just called about it.
@DennisKaarsemaker Yeah, they're at Oracle.
SharePoint + SkyDrive Pro
@MDMarra A sales guy takes photos in the field with his iPad and wants an easy way to get them to the bosses at Valley in a central rights-protected location.

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