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So if you do something naive and stupid like exclude=kernel* then you can't install certain developer packages...
Where oh where did @ewwhite go
@RyanRies I'm about to facepunch Microsoft
@MDMarra Punch Microsoft in the face! With your face!
Intune is so broken with iOS MDM that you can't even enroll iDevices right now
@MDMarra why?
Oh, speak of the devil!
You needed work done, right?
@MichaelHampton I'm upgrading ESX hosts
to get around the bug
8 mins ago, by Michael Hampton
All right, who's the FUCKING ASSHOLE who blacklisted the kernel on my EL6 virtual machine?
@MichaelHampton There's no reason to update the kernel. You don't want to have to deal with bugs and having to test your application code.
@ewwhite I wasn't trying to update the kernel. I was trying to yum install qt-devel. Which doesn't work if you blacklisted the kernel like that.
Everyone needs this ^ right now
@MichaelHampton Never update your kernel!
@ewwhite Even AFTER the remote root exploit? How about after the crash bug crashes my system at 209 days uptime?
@MichaelHampton The hackers probably deserved to get in. They put in some effort. That should be rewarded.
@Cole He's just playing with his food.
@ewwhite Oh, so you should store all your customers' credit card data in /etc/motd then?
@MichaelHampton Systems up for that long deserve a catastrophic reboot. =P
Azure's not impressing me. I think my phone has faster storage.
My grandma runs faster than your storage!
@Cole ... and she's dead!
My cat is laying on the couch just staring at me on the computer. Cats are so weird.
@Cole Plotting your death.
@WesleyDavid most likely
or, "How shall I cockblock my father tomorrow? Let me count the ways!"
I'm just going to let that fester in its own misquoted ignominy.
@Cole nothing kills the mood quite as much as a pair of beedy eyes staring at you intently while your trying to get busy....
or jumping into the bed and rubbing up on you...
@MattBear Yeah, so if you could stop looking in my window at night, that'd be great.
@Cole He'll be in the hospital suffering from epic burn
@Cole dont worry, I got my cameras mounted so I can watch from home
@MarkHenderson You're telling me, the cat runs out of the room when I'm naked.
@mdmarra. Go create the OUs!
What do you need, just OUs again?
Or do you need user accounts, UPN suffixes, mailboxes, etc
@MarkHenderson Well I couldn't do the experiement I wanted because I can't find a suitable root CA that I can distrust
OU will determine mail address, based on my address policy
no it wont
@MarkHenderson Tomorrow at work when I have more desire to look for SSL web servers
We were configuring OUs based on site, but they have different mail domains in the same site
@MarkHenderson And the real ones that Windows trusts by default, like Baltimore and Verisign, etc.? If you delete those out of your stores, Windows just adds them back automatically. :P
@ewwhite Also, I need default values for all of the info that they didnt fill in
so you can create the users, but it seems better to use the OU to determine email address
@MarkHenderson But I still say Windows/IE are still gonna give you shit about it, because even if you installed the cert as a Trusted CA... the cert still says it was issued by someone else... that you don't trust... ergo, invalid cert
"Ignoring" a cert warning in Firefox, et al. is not the same thing as trusting a certificate
I mean, there are people mixed between sites.
@ewwhite That's better for exchange...not for GPO
@MDMarra We're also scrapping login via email address
ok. i'm going to eat dinner
the local it guy determined it would be too awful
make a list of all of the things that have changed
Create the OUs
but I'm not sure which UPN suffix makes sense...
Maybe I'll just use a custom attribute to determine email address
I'm not quite sure that this is on topic for Server Fault. If you need help with understanding how ejabberd works, I suggest reading its documentation. If you need help with designing your application, try our sister site Programmers. If you're stuck on a specific coding issue, try Stack Overflow. — Michael Hampton 31 secs ago
Am I wrong (again)?
Wow. Any time you start your question with 'n00b' I feel like we've done a pretty good job of level setting expectations.
@Cole For someone without a child you sure seem to understand how they work.
@ScottPack what?
26 mins ago, by Cole
or, "How shall I cockblock my father tomorrow? Let me count the ways!"
@ScottPack oh well cat, child, same difference
Cats are far better behaved than children.
That and it's considered socially acceptable to lock cats in small cages in your basement.
You guys make me not want to have kids, ever.
Makes me glad I have a mangina, especially since my girlfriend is allergic to latex. So I don't have to worry about accidental babies.
@ScottPack Cat : "Small cage in basement" :: Child : "drop side crib in closed upstairs room"
@jscott That's less effective when they're 4.
Need a bigger, deeper crib?
@MDMarra Why are you mad at MS again? Is it because of Intune?
@jscott Girl's tall. We're talking either a tight fitting lid or a small pit with frictionless walls.
@RyanRies yuuuup
@ewwhite what ous am i creating now?
@MDMarra well, I don't know how granular to make it
maybe by physical location
thats how we had it
I'll handle email address policy with custom attributes
But we're not doing upn suffixes anymore?
I don't think so.
what do you do with a user at the olympic site who needs a coast citrus email address?
if OUs are set by location, that's going to be messy
You said they were trainable
I wasn't planning on automating anything other than the initial user account creation
just create the accounts, and I'll let the mail policy cover the rest.
I wasn't going to tie a suffix to a specific OU like we've done at the other places
for cert purposes, I'm going to just have autodiscover work on the main domain... coastcitrus
Ok, so what suffix do I use
And what are the default values that I should use for all the stuff that they left blank
ignore the people without names
they have copier accounts and shit that don't belong
what about the ones without site codes
don't worry about them... you've never done a mail migration, have ya?
I hate people
I mean, there's "hr"... the HR user shouldn't have a site code
in reality, it should be an alias
@ewwhite Sure I have
Not singlehandedly, but I was part of a team that moved 30,000 mailboxes from Domino to Exchange
teams, psssh.
So anyway
I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing now. I designed an AD that would be scalable and work based on what we talked about and now everything's different
So I seem to have found a bug in Boost on EL6. It's fixed upstream but Red Hat hasn't backported it. There's no workaround. What to do...switch to Ubuntu?
@MDMarra You have to think about what the purpose of OU separation would be in this case.
@MichaelHampton Is there another option?
@ewwhite Yeah, GPO for when all of those workstations get joined to the domain
@MichaelHampton for boost, the trading firms I've worked at all maintained their own versions.
@ScottPack There's always another option. I could go on a homicidal rampage, for instance.
@MDMarra so then that's location-based...
@ewwhite That's actually coming closer to the top of the list.
@MichaelHampton it was for consistency, but also for features.
the better firms rolled their own RPMs
the shadier firms used /usr/local
@ewwhite yeah
If nothing else it should be easy enough to version bump the el6 source rpm
@ewwhite I'd settle for a fix for bug 5105.
the worst did LD_LIBRARY_PATH
@MDMarra location is fine, but UPN suffix can't work with location
dont' you see the conflict?
Yes. I just got done telling you that I wasn't going to tie specific suffixes to OUs since you said that the IT people there were trainable
It would be up to the IT people there to set it at creation
@MDMarra yes, they can select... but what will their options be?
Originally it was going to be the email domains
But then you said that was scrapped
I see overlap with email address policy... but I'm not sure... I'd still have to tell Exchange who is supposed to get which primary address
Exchange can't be set to use the upn suffix for that?
I typically handle this with a custom attribute.
@ewwhite New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name "impotados-jose-exportados" -RecipientFilter {UserPrincipalName -like "*@importtados.com"} -EnabledPrimarySMTPAddressTemplate SMTP:@importadosexportados.com
psh exchange is so easy
There are priorities and layers... so for a company like this, the default is coastcitrus unless it's superseded by another policy.
because policy also enforces the naming conventions...
yeah no clue what that means
it looks like New-EmailAddressPolicy supports -Priority
a basic policy would look like:
but in coast's case, it would have three more domains... with the "set as reply" address being determined by the policy priority
what's %g %s and %m?
given name, surname, and ???
middle initial?
Exchange only allows sending from ONE address.
but can accept on many
so my produce sites became accustomed to IMAP setups where they could change who they were sending as.
and that's why the silly address policy is important now...
@ewwhite so I'm not sure where this is going. Quick searches are showing that you can set exchange address policies based on upn. And even if it couldnt, I don't know what that means for the AD design
if coasttropical people's email started saying coastcitrus, people would freak out.
yeah of course they would
It can be scripted... but would not be visible to the people who will need to manage day-to-day.
so I'd go ahead and create users.
doesn't that command just make the policy and as long as the admins don't check the box to override the defaults, wont they get the right account created?
so i'll make a UPN for each mail domain?
and create the users based on the spreadsheet info, leaving out users that have blanks?
ok. And OUs are based on site code?
I guess so :(
don't be sad little guy
maybe major company name makes more sense...
There you go!
Ok, so what would be more likely to have GPO based off of
The major company name, or the building theyre in
the building
for local resources
@MDMarra they won't like this... they're not going to want to dig into the Exchange Shell
It sounds like maybe we should have a top level OU for each company
and then sub-OUs for each site in each company OU
so OL, CTSD, etc under each company
ok. and I assume the company names are the same as email domains?
And can you get me the IP subnets for each site
no rush on that one though
We're going to want to use AD-site based GPO for some of this, the way we're doing it
This will resolve your exchange conundrum right?
I can add sites for sites and services, but there are clearly no DCs at the other facilities.
yeah that doesnt matter
if you get me the subnets, i'll do it. Unless you want to configure site link bridging and all that
I'll take care of that
ok. make sure you have separate site links for each site to the hub site and you're not bridging links
I don't even know the remote subnets right now
AD is never the focus
people care about mail
Yeah, understandable
they're re-IPing the network
just saying the site configuration is going to be really important when we start doing GPO
to get away from 199.3.63.x
so make sure it's perfect :)
okay, you can do it
I need domain admin for the new AD
I didn't save the old password. I just logged in and made an mdmarra DA account
Then you killed it!
I needed to rebuild
I know
well, go find the password!
I'm going to take you out of VIP at this rate!!
You don't have the password?
nah I just found it
Looked under your keyboard?
Post-It note.
found it in the mountain of @ewwhite requests :)
@RyanRies you would die at the for-each nesting im doing now
@MDMarra why? just why?
because @ewwhite needs a complicated OU structure for his Exchange policy to work :)
@MDMarra As long as you're getting compensated
Am I a sucker for taking 5 minutes to script 84 OUs being created instead of taking an hour to make them? :)
@MDMarra Are you going to bill for an hour?
Oh my god are you still here @ewwhite?
@MarkHenderson nah
@MDMarra Yeah, you're being paid by the hour..., so save the time and bill the client for the other half an hour.
I bill Ed :)
If you call it billing
It's mostly me saying "It's been a while since we finished that last project.."
@MDMarra hmm?
These knucleheads filled in the names as lowercase
I assume you need me to do some substring magic and capitalize the first letter so that they don't look like children?
Fix it in Excel ;)
its already a heavily edited csv on the server :/
Use the Unix tr command
@MDMarra You're going to have to do some Linux Pipe foo
so clipboard support on CoRD is a bummer, huh
@Jacob this is powershell, son
@MDMarra OK, so do it in C# then...
it supports .subString() and .Trim() natively
and .ToUpper, etc
<3 PS
@ewwhite should they all be created with the same default password. And should they need to change the password before first use?
@MDMarra Mark, I was kidding :)
@MDMarra you can use a default password... do not force changing upon first use.
Does anyone else find it frustrating that the 64-bit ODBC EXE is %windir%\system32\odbc32.exe but the 32-bit ODBC EXE is %windir%\syswow64\odbc32.exe?
You try explaining that to an accountant trying to set up a 32-bit DSN for ODBC
@MarkHenderson But that's true of everything in those particular directories.
system32\trollface.jpg.exe is the 64-bit version, and syswow64\trollface.jpg.exe is the 32-bit version.
@MichaelHampton Yeah but it's called odbc*32*.exe
Fuck you markdown
I dunno, its just... annoying
@MichaelHampton Does anyone really fall for a double extension anymore?
@MarkHenderson Ummmmm... system32\trollface32.jpg.exe?
@MichaelHampton Exactly
@Jacob Yes, they do.
@MichaelHampton No, it should be syswow64\trollface32.bat :)
@Jacob But that would be the actual 32-bit version.
And now the vmware support portal isn't showing any of our licenses and I can't submit a support request to them
Today is just not my day
@MDMarra Powershell?
I need to show you these scripts when I'm done
You'll laugh
@MDMarra Can I see them too, Grand Master?
I love PS
I put a ForEach in yo ForEach so you can loop while you loop
One of my Powershell issues is that I know so much C# that I end up breaking out into full-on C# parlance in my Powershell instead of using canonical PS syntax
I just went three nested foreaches
@RyanRies Been there done that :)
I just have to remember to use a [String]$var for a cast instead of $var.ToString() ... stuff like that
But they both get the job done
And to compensate for my love of calling methods on string objects, I have to initialize them to [String]::Empty
@ewwhite you have the worst users
Since they'll error if they're null
there are like 3 more site codes in here than there originally were
this totally fucked me up
Q: Memcached on MySQL Server?

4lvinI just installed yum install memcached on MySQL Server. But then as service memcached status is running.., what to do more as i do not think nothing is improved in MySQL/Application performance. I think i still need to configure MySQL to work with Memcached. What configuration need at MySQL end...

@WesleyDavid Saywhaaaaaaa
@WesleyDavid holy shit.... my wife does that exact same look!
@MattBear How many people does she know that do yum install memcached and then wonder why MySQL isn't performing better?
I mean the service is running and er'ything guis!!!
Oh, this explains it:
"I'm a hardcore Developer by using PHP, Java and Open-source Technologies."
"Heyy guysh I hash sum codez tat needsh tuh be fasters sho I inshtalled shum memcashes but my table shcans aren't fasther sho I chmod'ed my root directory to be sheven sheven sheven and apache:apache. Ish there anything elsh I mished?"
Okay but how do i configure it? Any guideline written already? — 4lvin 1 min ago
My face right now:
Okay, enough. Back to search engine frobbing
@WesleyDavid You are Johnny on the Spot with the face gifs
@MDMarra Best thing about PS - cd ~
Esp. when you start it as administrator and you start off in the system32 folder
I have a lot of "best things" about PS
I guess it's just all so shiny after years of CMD
@MarkHenderson Leave it to MS to make tilde-as-home-dir a new and exciting feature.
@WesleyDavid Only it's NOT the home directory!
@MichaelHampton dun dun dunnnn
@WesleyDavid Haha not quite, I hate them for making it so hard in the past. This is just status quo
Other things i'm less impressed by is ls as an alias to dir (which is an alias to get-childitems)
mv and cp as well
@MichaelHampton Its close enough
@MarkHenderson You're beautiful when you're angry.
@WesleyDavid Shall we have some angry sex?
CAT VS BEAR, we would have beautiful, angry children
@MarkHenderson If only you were a pterodactyl. sigh
@WesleyDavid Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first
(fun fact, I said that to my wife once - she got upset and stormed off)
Wait... this machine wanted approval for a Java update. Now it's installing Java 6 update 39.
I... am so confused.
@WesleyDavid This is your usual state, is it not?
string state = WesleyDavid.getState().toString(); //Should return "confused" when "at rest"
@MarkHenderson Usual state is confused-and-bitey.
Woo! I just installed Java 6u39 on an XP machine! As a reward, I'm going to do one internet!
Now where's @ewwhite?
First, it's not a major upgrade, more like a service pack. Second, if you go down this road, your systems will be running 6.3 ten years from now, about seven years after they should have gotten an actual major upgrade.... — Michael Hampton 25 secs ago
Where do you find this stuff?
Do you dedicate an hour a day to some animated gif tumblr or something?
Shoot - CentOS 6.4 is out now? grumbles
@MarkHenderson Ninja-bear lurk in shadow, find animated gif in wild!
Ninjabear hide from dread archenemy, @Zypher san
@WesleyDavid Epic bear is epic
That your uncle?
@MarkHenderson Mom, gettin' ready to whup me. I didn't come home before the street lights turned on. =(
@WesleyDavid Don't have street lights in my street
So that means I can stay out as late as I want
I need to learn how to carve up a PSD into a real live web page.
@WesleyDavid Noooooo.....
Anyone here ever created a GPO via PS before?
yes it is. I was hoping a sexier name might attract some answers. I guess I should just edited the title of my original post. — Red Cricket 5 mins ago
We need sexier questions!
So @MarkHenderson and @MDMarra - I just went to go brush my teeth, and it was then that I realized what shirt I've been wearing all day: i.imgur.com/3K7tHsp.jpg
Derp. Would be nice to include the link.
2 hours later…
@WesleyDavid Because it's necessary, that's why.
Good morning
Morning all
last day of term :)
working next week anyway :(
Yay. Boo.
only 6 more days at my current job left :)
Currently looking at our BackUp exec setup and what we backup - bugger me.
Too much or not enough?
We do back up quite a lot, although it looks like we should do more.
We'll need another DAS to do it properly though.
Doing test restores as well.
Created a VM, installed software, backed it up, destroyed the VM with rmdir, re-installed the OS and restored the backup.
Although test backups and restores of databases is for today...welp.
I've just created an Area51 proposal (area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/52910/teen-life); how can I advertise it?
I've just created an Area51 proposal (area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/52910/teen-life); how can I advertise it?
@Abody97 well, considering it was created a very short while ago, give it time. Advertise on your facebook or twitter or any forums but don't spam them or un-related StackExchange sites.
@tombull89 Got it. Thanks!
@Adrian oh man, I stopped looking at the Oatmeal comics.
A nice morning of I/O profiling. I need to get better at this.
1 hour later…
@MDMarra That question was so lazy
I'd never seen or used that command, and within 30 seconds I knew the full answer. You beat me to it by a few seconds
Where do I manage an organisations MSDN accounts?
What the heck!
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My browser didn't like whatever you just did
Zalgo text. Or "how to get banned from The Bridge"
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