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20-10 last year
UGH, I need advice.
@Jacob blue wire
@Jacob use a condom
@Jacob or pull out
Don't listen to this guy, he can't even spell it ^
@MattBear If only my problems were that simple
@Jacob too late for that huh...
@MattBear there are 2 "o"s in that word
change your name, move to another state, or country
@MattBear Nope not the issue
@Jacob well, ask away, I'll can the sarcasm
Someone needs to tell me how the fuck I change it to say I'm not looking for a job on linkedin
And I thought updating Facebook info was bad
so what do you need advice on
After doing the math, I realized that I'd have to be turning over 20K in sales a month to make enough to support myself(margins suck). I'm just not seeing that happening. I'm going to get my degree with online classes. I have to decide whether to get a job from somewhere. I could probably combine with this other host in the area, but kind of last resort I guess.
whats your net on 20k/mo
@MDMarra 5K, right now list price is 25% margins. Obviously as I get bigger, I get discounts as well, but I'm just not sure.
so youre saying you need 60k/y to live on your own?
@MDMarra that's net, what about miscellaneous expenses
so what are you budgeting for living expenses and all that
forget the business
how much do you think you need to be taking home to move out
@MDMarra safely, 3-3.5K MTH
post tax?
@MDMarra yeah.
That's like 70k/y pre-tax base pay if you contribute to retirement and have health insurance
Are you planning on buying a house and driving a BMW or something? :)
@MDMarra No, but I do have car payments I have to pay for.
I moved out on $40K/year
@Cole I would too, but if the business profits 40k I can't take all of that.
And that was rent + utilities + cell phone + student loan payments + car payments etc
70k/y with 500/month taken out for retirement and another 100 for insurance (this will be higher for you if you self-insure) taken out minus taxes and all that works out to about 3.5k per month takehome
@Jacob ah I thought you were saying for if you got a secondary job
I moved out making a pre-tax 34k/y with a roomate
@MDMarra I'm staying on parents business policy for awhile.(I'll reimburse them for it)
Yeah, just saying that I think you have a high estimate of what it takes to move out on your own
@MDMarra I can't afford to come up short though
Who can?
I'm just putting it into perspective. If you don't contribute to retirement and skip the insurance, you'd still need to gross about 62-63k pre-tax per year to take home between 3-3.5k per month
@MDMarra for perspective, 1K for rent, 1K for car, 1K food, utilities ect. is what I guesstimated
a thousand bucks a month for food?
@Jacob Fuck me, are you bulking?!
I budget 150 for grocery shopping and 200 for restaurants per month. And that's for me and katie
1K for food!?
Jesus, going out to eat for every meal?
Unless you're dining out every night 1K is a lot for nosh.
@MDMarra food, utilities and ect
and a car payment will be between 200-350 depending on term, rates, etc
1 sec
@MDMarra 450$
I pay $30/month for electric and $20-30 in the warmer months for gas and winter $55-60
@Jacob what the heck do you drive? a yacht?
@MDMarra Toyota Tacoma, my dad bought it on his credit and whatnot. He sort of does pretty well.
450 is high though man
@Jacob a LOT of people live on <$20,000 a year
unless it's like a 24 month loan or something
@MDMarra It is
So I went to the chiropractor - my back is fucked
how can i take a screencap of a whole web page, even stuff below the scroll
on a mac
@MDMarra You don't?
@MDMarra Get a plugin
I use FireShot
Use the GRAB utility
oh, you need a different prog
My next job, I'm totally going to negotiate a Mac for my workstation
@mdmarra how much did you do on Coast Citrus? I'm going to blow AD away and rebuild
@Cole Mac + VMWare Fusion is basically the best of both worlds
@MarkHenderson I had a MBP with Parallels at $oldjob
Loved it.
I question my ability to get a "real" job especially around here.
3x 22" WS monitors
@Jacob honestly man, if you can live at home while you get school done, do it
Now I have a Dell Latitude E6400 and a 20" Standard and 20" WS monitor
@ewwhite nothing really
@MattBear school is done <3 months
OK, this is craziness. Has anyone ever seen buffer usage such as this? gist.github.com/anderiv/5b8256515a28b0ab8bc3
@Jacob I mean college
@Jacob That's my budget. A lot of it is for two people
Rent in mine includes utilities
And the auto payment is so high because I pay double
@MattBear online, no way I could sit through 4 years of further schooling.
@Jacob college is waaay different then high school
especially a good tech school, with decent teachers
@MattBear Doesn't matter
@Jacob I know what you mean though... of course im going back for my masters soon :p
@MattBear example, yesterday in stupid PS class, everyone was talking about prom*sigh* and I was working on IPv6 subnetting. For the past 4 years I've been waiting to work in the industry.
@MDMarra time to dump it
let me check my notes
yep i'm good
kill it
ooooo kay
@Jacob get a job at a university
free education and you're in the industry
@Jacob so did you get the advice you were looking for?
@MDMarra advice is almost never what you want to hear, but it was good :)
@MDMarra I can't go to Uni.
@Jacob college, for me, was business
go to class, learn, go home, work
@Jacob Heh. For your first place, get a roomate and live cheaper. If you cook for yourself and you're only feeding one mouth, you can get by with like $150 per month total food
dont be in a hurry to work though.. seriously
split rent and utils, etc
@MDMarra food isn't the worry :)
once your on your own, thats it
@MattBear I can't explain it, this is always what I've wanted to do, nothing would make me happier, even if I was on the helpdesk.
Yep, I know. Just saying, you should be able to live much cheaper than 3k per month. I live on a budget of 3k per month (and funnel the rest to retirement and savings) and a lot of it is for two people.
@MDMarra My mortgage is $3k/month :(
@MDMarra 2.5K at the least
@MarkHenderson AUS$ aren't real.
@MDMarra It's basically 1:1
I know that, but it's more fun this way
@Jacob well... try working and doing online classes and all that, but remember, if you let IT become your life, you will have no life
@MarkHenderson I'm also funneling away a shitload of money into savings and investments so that I can put a huge dent into the cost when we do decide to buy a home
I'll probably be in a similar boat sooner than later
@MattBear :(
@MattBear I'm fine with that.
my network admin boss gave me some advice when I was 17...
@MDMarra Yeah our min. repayments are $2800/month but we pay $4000/month
you have your whole life to work, you only have a few years to enjoy school, chase girls, and have fun
And we a $120k deposit
@MattBear I enjoy absolutely none of those things.
@Jacob you dont like girls?
@MarkHenderson is almost as ballin' as @ewwhite -- $120K down payment, not a problem...
@jscott We had to sell our apartment to get that deposit :P
@jscott it's going to be a $198k downpayment
We bought a rundown apartment, renovated it over 3 years and sold it at a neat profit
Jesus what am I doing wrong with my money?!
@Cole Not making enough of it quick enough apparently.
@jscott That's definitely my summary!
@MarkHenderson I could afford that! without students loans, wife, or kid... haha
@jscott I make......pretty good money
@MattBear I can only afford it because I have a wife
@Cole $198K down payment good? :)
@MattBear No I do, but the entire chasing thing not so much.
My entire post-tax salary goes into it and we live off her 3-days a week salary
@Jacob the chasing is the fun part...
@jscott no but for 5 years in the field and in the suburbs
@MarkHenderson wow, your loan will get paid off quick
@MattBear nope
you know how to beat a 95% failure rate? go after 20 girls
Oh, that downpayment will wipe me out... but the monthly on this place will be low
I was just restoring my iPhone, because I wanted to update to 6.1.3 but had to remove the jailbreak... I kicked the usb cable out and the restore failed, so I had to dfu then re-restore, once that finished I got this notice:
@jscott O_O
@jscott But is it really?
@ewwhite You're putting down 1/4 of the loan... I'd expect you'd get amazing terms
@MarkHenderson I don't know! It's still doing the iCloud restore portion, so I'll have to find out how to check once that completes.
@Jacob 1/3
sweet... got my VM's running, transfer procedure figured out, and everything!
@ewwhite They pretty much expect 1/5th here, and if you don't have it then you have to pay insurance on the loan
same here.
now just waiting on the dev to change the site coding so we can test...
i... can chill
I have to do more because I wanted to avoid a home-sale contingency
so I have to qualify with all of my mortgages.
Having more mortgages makes it harder for you to get a loan?
holy shit... 2 months of non stop crisis's/deadlines etc... now I can relax!!!!!!!!
Here if you're going for the 2nd mortgage they usually throw money at you if you use your 1st as security
(and have equity to use)
Great tax writeoffs too
3 mortgages @ewwhite ?
@MarkHenderson My mom lives in my first condo... wife and I are in the current place... and we're trying to do a new place...
but I can't promise to sell current place before moving
Aah I see
but it's a hot market in chicago, so having that home-sale contingency would make my offer super-weak
@MDMarra I can't even see myself selling 15K of servers a month, which would be the min required to sustain
@Jacob So there are two things you can do. Lower your expections (live cheaply with roomates, don't eat out, etc) or make more money
That's a choice only you can make
@MDMarra option 2 is much nicer :)
Some people like @wesleydavid are hardcore do anything to make their business work and it takes a lot of sacrifice. I'm sure he'll tell you that
Other people, like me, would rather let someone else take that risk and reap the huge reward if/when it works out in exchange for a pretty decent living that's predictable
@MDMarra Working that angle right now.
@MDMarra I'm with you
I'll never be rich, because I'll never be the founder of anything
@MDMarra That's really all I want :). I'm not trying to compete with my dad.
You've got to be able to come to grips with that
Ain't nobody got time for that.
But you can do pretty freaking good in IT even without being a founder
@MDMarra Even average/below avg would make me happy.
Then it sounds to me like you need a job :)
@MDMarra This^^^ Go get that junior admin/tech position, or even do some helldesk.
@MDMarra I'm not sure I would qualify in the traditional sense.
@MDMarra degree in progress plus a HS diploma will get you anywhere?
@Jacob If you're just some dude, running a site selling servers, that doesn't really help you stand out.
@Jacob helpdesk somewhere with potential
you should be able to weasel your way up pretty quickly
@Jacob got my first desktop job with 9 months of college and a HS diploma
@Jacob fwiw, I never completed my degree, but then I've also lived in the woods for months at a time and worked in a cranberry factory.
@jscott a what
I'm working with this local host right now, think we might be able to work out a deal.
I've found a way to hustle... that's been the key for me. I try to remain a bit independent, even when I work for someone else
@ewwhite You're on your way to founding E&M consulting. You just haven't realized it yet.
I need to figure out a way to make more income.
@MDMarra I've been consulting on my own for 5 years
But I can't get a second job because I'm on call :/
@MDMarra Yeah, basically migrant work. You got overtime on more than eight hours a day, so when the season was in full swing you'd do 18-20 hour days. There were lots of crusty punks, it was actually a lot of fun. (I think)
@Cole craigslist
@ewwhite If you don't have a partner it isn't real!
@ewwhite what do you mean?
@jscott haha awesome
people need help... temporary, part-time...
@ewwhite yeah I've checked that - nothing in Boston :/
From cranberry cruncher to powershell guru
most of the PT jobs are during the day
@Cole J&C consulting :P
@Cole not jobs... but stuff like, "we need someone to help us move our mail server"
@ewwhite yeah I've checked for stuff like that
or I took on job here that involved setting up a satellite office for a Lond-based company in Chicago.
LOTS of website stuff, that's about it.
I had to setup Cable internet, PCs, VPN and hang a 42" TV on the wall
@MDMarra Yeah sort of, I mean I had worked in IT before. Back then I flipped out with how things with my job at Xerox went (they denied me an xfer to a more fitting position) so I fucked off to Denver to stay with some friends. A couple of them were going to MA to "do cranberries" so I tagged along. It's seasonal, and a few guys and I went back two years in a row.
I made a few thousand from that
for 3 days of work
@jscott Where in MA?
^^ +
By the way, I'm pretty sure you just described the plot to On The Road
@MDMarra Where we stayed was Carver. One sec...
@ewwhite that's pretty sweet, I'm trying to find something
@MDMarra This is the receiving plant where the fresh fruit came in. We camped across the road, about half a mile back on an old fire road.
Why oh why would somebody obscure their link-local address?
@jscott Ha!
I used to live out that way in North Dartmouth
I also used to drive sort of past there when I played in a band based out of Bourne
Wow, New Bedford, sort of crazy place.
yeah that place is a dump
old burned out whaling town
some cool stuff there though
New Bedford is a dump
what's the longest bridge in the world?
Yeah the weirdest place out there we went was Buzzards bay, near the cape. There was this total shithole fisherman bar Port O Call (or something) we got hammered there with some real old fishermen and they shit talked us the whole time. It was great.
@MDMarra China?
The Fall River bridge. It connects Portugal to Massachusetts
This is a list of the world's longest bridges more than two kilometres long sorted by their full length above land or water. "Span" refers to the longest spans without any ground support. __TOC__ Note: There is no standard way to measure the total length of a bridge. Some bridges are measured from the beginning of the entrance ramp to the end of the exit ramp. Some are measured from shoreline to shoreline. Yet others are the length of the total construction involved in building the bridge. Since there is no standard, no ranking of a bridge should be assumed because of its position in th...
(I think only @Cole will get that)
@MDMarra zing
I hate Fall River
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) is a long fixed link crossing the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay and connecting the Delmarva Peninsula's Eastern Shore of Virginia with Virginia Beach and the metropolitan area of Hampton Roads, Virginia. It replaced vehicle ferry services which operated from South Hampton Roads and from the Virginia Peninsula from the 1930s until completion of the bridge-tunnel in 1964. The bridge-tunnel originally combined of trestle, two long tunnels, four artificial islands, two high-level bridges, approximately of causeway, and of approach roads—crossing th...
I thought it was something about hair dye at first.
My buddy works at a tattoo shop there
@MDMarra what shop?
^^ that one is clearly the best
@Cole Ink Clinic
@MDMarra hm never heard of it
@Jacob Oh cool! I'm hoping I can check that one out this summer. Last year a buddy an I took a motorcycle trip out to DE, but couldn't spare the time to ride that.
@jscott Let me know when you hit the otherside. I'm about 10 minutes away from it
@Jacob Sure thing. :)
@jscott Got your trip planned?
@Jacob Nothing concrete yet, date wise, we know it's going to be another stop at Dogfish in DE, but other than that....
@MDMarra Rhode Island is super Portuguese
@MDMarra he's pretty good
He's only been doing it a couple years too. He got tired of being a starving artist
@MDMarra Digging that birds/dandelion, that looks pretty well done for something so delicate.
I should probably take pics of my tattoos
If I were a tattoo artist, I'd be terrified of words
@MDMarra Not if it was in my native language. I would hate any kanji requests.
@MDMarra lolz
my tattoo artist did this
My half sleeve isnt finished yet so I won't show you guys - but he did it completely freehand, no stencil
@Cole Is that yours? You an artist too?
@jscott no
@Cole tattoos are bad unfortunately. it causes people to get the wrong impression
I am an artist though
little known fact
@Jacob People that judge based on tattoos are bad
@Jacob I'm covered in tattoos - so
It's not 1950
@Cole I mean, is that on you, the paint brush, pencil, needles... art, uh, artifacts.
@jscott negative
Roger. Over.
let me get a pic of mine hold on
@MDMarra I agree, but like discrim against LBGT or transsexuals it still happens unfortunately.
@Cole Is that Garrus?
@MarkHenderson idk lol
@Jacob: I kind of see it as being the same as turning up for a job interview in T Shirt and shorts - if you're going to do it, make sure your employer is cool with it
@Cole Oh. I assume that's not on you then?
@Jacob I'm sure it happens a lot. But I'm old enough and not-give-a-fuck enough that if someone else is judging me by my tattoos, fuck it. I'm certainly not going to let someone's opinion of me bring me down.
@MarkHenderson Mass effect?
the anchor tattoo was done by someone else
phish ghoti
the anchor tattoo says "you had faith in me and this is all for you" with my parent's initials
also lol nipple
@Cole I was just about to ask
I got that tattoo when my mom got diagnosed with cancer
@Cole That used to be a girls nipple. So I'd probably still get into it
@MarkHenderson it's been cut a lot
"oh, you used to be attached to a girls boob? Thats pretty cool. Hey wanna come back to my place, you little nipple you?"
Warning - shirtless man, 7 weeks post op: instagram.com/p/XE_U90HLk4/…
you can see two of my other tattoos
@Cole What does it say?
@MarkHenderson my chest?
@Cole Yeah
"This too shall pass"
I got it right before my transition started/my ex fiance and I split
@Cole Deep
@MarkHenderson definitely.
Probably one of the perpetual truths though
my wrist tattoo you can see, my best friend of 14 years has a matching one
both of my calves are tattooed, my left wrist as well and my thigh
@MDMarra Instructions unclear. Worked 25 hours a day and started eating my own limbs to distract from the gnawing pain of operating a business.
Ok, how slick is Apple? I was changing the SSID on the Time Capsule, from my Windows machine. The utility automatically added the new SSID (and WPA2 pass) to the Windows machine while the Time Capsule restarted.
@MikeyB Stuff like this is amazing. I don't get how there are IT companies out there that will gladly charge by the hour to do nothing except make things work -- and somehow have a queueueueue of customers waiting for them. I'm networking like mad and still get either closed doors or a place that nags me down on price with excuses like "Look, we're paying the college-kid PHP developer $25 an hour, so come on, work with us on your price."
I was re-connected to the new SSID without any futzing.
@jscott Nice.
@WesleyDavid Hey, how have you been?
@MDMarra Go away DevOps. You are drunk.pp
@jscott Clearing my head, focusing, thinking, chilling, come to terms, acceptance... just bear stuffs.
@WesleyDavid Haven't move onto the mauling yet then?
La Salle is up 8 at the half!!
@jscott Well it is springtime, so I guess it's about time I started thinking about mauling some campers.
@jscott What is happening in the World of Scott?

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