@voretaq7 I hope he doesn't. I'm gonna have trouble not trolling him with inquisitive excerpts from his deleted question if he does that. "What version of Vista are you using? Vista Enterprise, or Vista Cnut? And are you using a fugtard-compatible ftp client, or trying to connect in fwaggust ftp mode?"
After I added our Infoblox (DNS) server to the Forwarders tab for a server in Portugal since NO ONE had any idea how to setup DNS: My boss says this: "We'll have to check how one of the other systems is set up as I don't believe we used forwarders. I think they just do lookups against the Infoblox here."
how the hell do you think I look so smart? I watch other people deploy things, and then carefully step around the craters from all the landmines they stomped on :-)
This will blindly set the displayName and cn to "givenName surName" -- you will almost assuredly want to test it with both an known "good" record as well as "bad".
@Cole I don't know if my examples should be used as learning material, unless you're learning ways not to do things. :) Sure, it works, but there's no conditions, error checking, etc. It's typical of all the crap I write.
@voretaq7 For anything that will run repeatedly (this example is really a one-off) I would feel that I should at least acknowledge problems and maybe let someone know before I silently push the entire domain through the meat grinder.
@HopelessN00b I've been in my present job about 6? 7? years and I still find shit wrong with our domain. It was inherited from NT4 -> 2000 -> 2003 upgrades which I had no part in. I don't think I'll ever "fix" it all.
@jscott Yeah, that's how our domain is too... plus at least one of the previous SAs used it as a practice lab for MS certs, but given that it started off as an NT domain, there's just no way to completely unfuck it.
Hmm, on an unrelated note... deploying (VM) server builds from SCCM 2012... anyone have any experience, or opinions on that? I'm trying to figure out why or how this could possibly be preferable to using a vSphere template and customization spec.
@HopelessN00b we do it from SCCM 2007 and are currently moving to 2012. And we do it simply because all our deployment is managed from one place that way.
@allquixotic Actually, probably not that. The tax code is so ridiculously complicated that any CEO of a decent sized company can avoid paying taxes with a good accountant. Probably more of a small-businesses-worried-about-the-economic-climate thing.
There's that too. If we used a template it would include a routine to install SCCM client and promptly start a task list after install. Either way it ends up managed by SCCM so why not start there too.
@HopelessN00b The tax code is so ridiculously complicated that anyone with a decent investment portfolio can probably avoid paying taxes if they work at it :P
@Tanner Guess what? If you'd love to experience the nonstop thrills and excitement of SimCity, then please remove $60 from your bank and promptly pay someone to kick you repeatedly in the friggin' mouth.
@RobM Cool, thanks. Will hit up the web instead of looking for a book, in that case.
@voretaq7 Same reason anyone thinks using DRM to punish their customers is a good idea. Some overpaid asshat in a suit actually believes their own shit about piracy costing sales, so using DRM to prevent all those lost sales is a no-brainer.
I object to DRM that rootkits my PC. for multiplayer games that demand an always-on connection, that's fine. single-player you just trust the user, period.
@voretaq7 I love the sim city type games. Actually playing theme hospital right now from grand old games. But I really can't see myself going for this always online type of thing. Even without the DRM issues, I play games to get away from other people, not to be forced to interact with them. If I wanted to hear a bunch of teenagers tell me I was a fat cwunt I'd just go to work
@voretaq7 Depends on the level of DRM. DRM should be used to prevent casual copying, period. But that's not its intent anymore, and that's where the problems arise - from the disc-based ones that would occasionally cause optical discs to shatter to this always-online bullshit... well, it's certainly moved far beyond preventing casual copying.
I mean, I might of downloaded it to see if it was any good, and if it was good, bought it, or waited till the price dropped and get it on steam or somthing
@HopelessN00b This is true, but when there's something like 15000 possible codes (the Life & Death beeper had about that many combos) memorizing it gets pretty difficult
@MattBear Literally, too. You know what the licensing cost on these DRM schemes is? Not cheap - last I checked, it started at $15,000 base, plus a small fee per sale.
and yeah someone could make a photocopy that you put together win a pin and an exact-o knife, but even that casual effort starts getting into "It's easier to buy it"
@HopelessN00b plus the cost of maintaining (and now, building out) the server farm for it
@voretaq7 the trick is making a good game, and have additional online online content or interaction that requires an account based off your license key
that's what makes it stupid to me: It's a SINGLE. PLAYER. GAME. You're getting ONE SALE FEE PER USER, and you're going to commit to maintaining a server infrastructure (recurring cost)?
well the server farm is their upgrade path? Want to play sim city in 6 years time? Sorry dude, we turned the servers off when we release sim city 2015. You'll need to buy an upgrade.
My response letter to them was basically "You submitted this claim to my insurance 4 years after the event - I'm not surprised they denied it. Your irresponsibility isn't my problem - feel free to sue me if you'd like but you know you'll lose"
@ewwhite legit legit, or legit like mine where yes you needed the ambulance, but they never filed the claim and now your insurance is saying "WTF hell no!"
<grumble> This place. Had to delete the vSphere template I'd been using to deploy servers from, because no one reviewed it. So what did I get done today? One server, with not-even-all-the-Windows-updates installed. >:/ I'm going home.
@ewwhite It's kinda cool that you're responsible for a permanent blood stain. Not cool that you had an accident of course, but it's now an indelible mark on everyone who ever uses that course
I typically just use lynx for this. Take a moment and familiarize yourself with the navigation keys. The download process is straightforward and allows you to select the output location...
However, in this case, I tried to run the download through lynx, but had no luck.
So just take the resulti...
(that's when I know I'm tired of work - answering silly questions)
page cache is extremely fast, not sure if it's faster or slower than on-disk cache, but the capacities of on-disk cache make it not incredibly useful because you're probably dealing with tens of gigabytes of data, so unless you have very heavy memory pressure and are doing very frequent I/O on the same few megs of data, a few more MBs of disk cache won't make a huge difference
if disk performance is a real issue for you, just use SSDs... the whole disk is as fast as a HDD's disk cache... problem solved
Extra cache should not be needed unless you do crazy things like sending 60 MB of random 512 byte sectors. (In which case a drive with 64MB cache could just accept all of them and internally optimise the writing.
Does anyone know of any home / small business ARM routers that run Linux (either out of the box or something you can install) with a fairly nice processor, dual band wifi and a handful of ethernet ports?
I can find dozens of models but they're almost all MIPS and very low-end CPU -- like, my smartphone kills their CPU, many times faster
"I just got a popup asking if I really want to do what I just told my computer to do. Should I say yes?" FFFFUUUUU Windows! If I get that call one more time today...
"The power spupply plugged into your docking station is not powerfull enough to use the dock and charge the computer. Press F1 is you want to continue:"
@Hennes the choices I have that I consider acceptable are either ARM or x86(_64), but x86_64 uses much more energy than I'm looking for, while ARM is right in the sweet spot of power consumption while also providing very nice computational power relative to the typical router
basically I want a 2012-era ARM SoC that would normally be used in a tablet or smartphone or set top box, but packaged in a router form factor with a chassis optimized for good antenna reception
My -not yet build- home WAP/NAS will be an Asus E701 netbook (about 4 Watt power for the CPU. More than that from the chipset). (ULV celeron-800 underclocked to 2/3rd of the speed)
I could of course build a low-end small form factor x86_64 based box, but not only would it far exceed my power and space constraints, but it wouldn't have the best quality that a wifi router can offer, namely, antenna optimization
Then again, I was planning to dual use it ( laptop HDD in sleep mode, accesible when needed, monthly backups to 3.5 inch drives (sleep mode 99% of the month) etc
(fwiw I'm not that good at powershell; I learnt it 12 months ago to try and get a 2nd chance at a FC job, and I use it all the time, but I havent progressed much with it in 12 months)
Last day at my current job tomorrow. So far the docket is: 11a meeting with the VP about why I'm leaving. 12n lunch at a BBQ place and beers with my team