Can guys take guesses at the five extremely faded digits in this product key for SU mod @studiohack so he can get his Windows activated? we need "fresh sets of eyes" because our eyes over at Root Access can only see what we originally saw.
ohh, I'm gonna enter that service tag over at dell support ;)
fwiw I hate those labels. Their probability of survival is inversley proportial to the amount of damage they receive. My laptop - moves all the time, taken in and out of bags every day, used everywhere - sticker perfect. Collegues laptop that sits on his desk all day and never even goes home; faded to shit
@allquixotic The barcode has the key embedded? Wouldn't have thought it was long enough
> No passwords were changed. If you see an invalid username/password error message then either the username or password is wrong. If you've been logging in with janew, the username is now janem...
Having to send out that email made me die inside a little...
"You know your Shift key? Ok hold down that, and see next to the question mark key, there's a full stop key? Ok whilst you're still holding shift, press that. No, don't let go of shift until after you've pushed that key"
@MattBear What bugs me about it is that we have like 12 people using the same employee's username -_- And she got married so... now they're all confused.
@MattBear My wife is pretty good, only she uses caps lock for typing single capital letters and it drives me nuts. My son, at nearly 3 years of age, can outperform almost anyone when it comes to finding shit to watch on youtube
@MarkHenderson My kiddo is like that too. His grandma left him alone with hers while she napped one day and he started ordering stuff off Amazon... yay for 1-click buying.
We sent them an email advising them of the mistake, and they were bastards about it, reported us to ebay and to paypal
But it all went OK, they dismissed the claim against us as I've been an eBay user for 10+ years and never had a complaint against me
fwiw it was a beautiful antique dining table and I would have loved to have bought it. He found it because it was on our watch list, but we didn't have the money
Please forgive me if i'm asking the WRONG people the WRONG question about something I know nothing about but my whole computer system seems to be going WRONG crashing, deleting & denying me access to my drives & files & I have no idea where to source help.
I have even asked my servic...
you guys will love this one: our restrictive proxy (which @MarkHenderson knows a lot about) is now deciding to shut half our team out of establishing any HTTPS connections.
this tells me that they're probably MITM'ing any existing HTTPS connections, otherwise they'd have no reason to block HTTPS and not HTTP
the lost productivity from this is quickly mounting to a whole lot of hours