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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

I never knew that.
I just read Wesley's blog and created it.
He never mentioned anything about another person doing anything.
Oh right. Heh, well someone else is doing it :P
ooooh, @wesleyDavid moderates his blog.
@BenPilbrow Writing the app you mean?
@ScottPack Yes
phsr is I believe
Let them test themselves. There can be only one!
Two apps never hurt I guess.
Does it matter if we end up with two?
Well I guess not. Don't want to get people confused though, do we?
@GeorgeEdison regarding the SE Editor toolkit for FF - can't get it to work on FF3 either
My name was invoked.
@Holocryptic Yes, I moderate comments for first timers. Once I approve your comment you're free to comment without moderation again.
@GeorgeEdison Hello! I just took a look at your app.
So, who made the app? I've been in contact with Nathan Osman today. I just stumbled upon the stackapps page for this serverfault challenge app.
And I see that you are associated with it. So I'm a bit confused on who's doing what where and why. =)
@Iain: FF4?
@WesleyDavid That's me... :)
@WesleyDavid can't wait for unrestricted commenting on your blog. Should be fun evil laugh
I just go by the name George Edison on SE sites.
@GeorgeEdison no like I said last week FF4 don't work - I'm on another system atm with FF3 & it's the same no menu. It's like it's not being called
@GeorgeEdison Ah, okay.... I get it now. =)
@Iain Sigh... that script is really giving FF trouble.
sadly - true, but it's fab to use
I wish there was an easier way to debug it.
But alas - it's just one long string of JS that gets injected into the page.
I tried with firebug but gave up
Hmmm, when I see FF I think Forefront or Final Fantasy.
@GeorgeEdison So I'll link to your app as a temporary means of tracking reputation until the larger app is done if that's okay.
@WesleyDavid Lol... I just read that :P
Sure, that's fine.
Do you want me to credit you in my blog post as Nathan or George?
Maybe George if that's alright.
@WesleyDavid WE can haz teh codez
@GeorgeEdison DNS is updating please standby sorry!
oh and
@Jacob Dancing Mice.
@voretaq7 lots of them?
I also wanted to rename fping to faping
Can anyone see me?
Is @GeorgeEdison someone new or someone changing names
@GeorgeEdison Is Thomas's younger brother.
I'm in your VPNs Stealin' ur MPPE keys!!
@WesleyDavid oh noes
@WesleyDavid No!
@Jacob I got in. I forced MPPE
who's thomas
@WesleyDavid hmm, I still cant connect
@Jacob Tee hee. Time to start nmap...
@coredump Just checking if you're aware? :-)
@WesleyDavid Hey man
@BenPilbrow Category: Obscene/Tasteless
stupid web filter
@coredump Is Brazilian. With that culture comes a perfect understanding of all sexual slang, fetishes and predilections. He knows what fapping is.
Oh, sorry about that
Faping is a combination of raping and fapping. It is when you don't particularly want to have sex, but your hand (or sex toy) goes roaming without your will. Most often, this will happen in your sleep. Many a poor soul had woken up to find their hand faping them.

*Shauna's hand is a dirty fapist, she's always waking up to find it faping her*
I heard there was hacking goings on in here, so I decided to join :-D
Nope. Just fapping. Or some derivative thereof.
Yep. It's the same reason why I want to rename cron to blow or hand
@Holocryptic how your web filter doesn't block this room as obscene/tasteless I will never know!!
@BenPilbrow shhhhh!
I already looked at the stats, and I lead web pages viewed for the company, with the largest (read 99%) of the viewings on SE. I'm going to catch some shit about it at some point I'm sure.
oh god if he uses a filter in this room he will never read anything...
it will be complete silence.
Not even the boobies!
Boobie fail.
those are cute, perfectly juggling boobies.
Wouldn't know. Says image not found
That's a nice pair of boobies those are.
is it bad form to push a question in the chat room? we're having a big problem and want to get as much exposure as possible in case someone has some arcane knowledge that'll solve it
Well, considering I'm the only person active in here (and will be leaving again in a few minutes) and I don't know shit about Windows, I'm not sure how much it would help :)
It does look like a doozy, though.
it is
Ooh, that sounds.... nasty
Has anyone been futzing around with group policy lately?
only in response to the issue
Are your local users (i.e Administrator) also buggered?
And is it constrained to users in a particular OU, or is it all users in the domain?
Symantec hasn't done something daft and quarantined some system files has it?
all local users affected. all users in the domain are affected. So far, symantec seems ok, but we've only been able to submit some stuff for analysis
I wonder if Last Known Good Configuration would help? (Personally it never has... but you might get lucky :P) Reboot, keep tapping F8 and go for Last Known Good Configuration
Is safe mode alright?
safe mode is affected too.
Eek. Do any of these machines have system restore enabled, so you can roll it back a few days?
doubtful. our previous admin turned it off everywhere he could
Ack, bad previous admin! (Unless he had good cause)
This won't be a quick fix, but have you got an XP CD handy to try and do a repair on the Windows installation?
generally system restore has caused him (and me) more headaches than it helped anything. I've only see one instance of system resote helping, every other time it breaks stuff even worse
thought about trying a repair install. gotta get the boss' ok to try
I'm not really hopeful for this, but have you tried autoruns to see if anything weird is loading on startup?
I'm getting to the point now where I'm clutching at straws :/
haven't tried autoruns, but we tried hijackthis and the startup logs looked perfectly normal
Have you considered biting the bullet and paying the support fee to open a Microsoft incident?
we're working with some security consultants now. I'm just throwing this out while i'm waiting for the network admins to tell me what else they need me to do. trying to see if any other avenues of inquiry yield results
Fair enough. Unfortunately I'm pretty much all out of ideas now, sorry.
that's ok. thanks for the attempts :)
Ugh, so it's 20 past midnight here and all I want to do is go to bed. A good friend has been on the phone for the last ~hour because she's just split up with her boyfriend and now I just agreed to go and see her.
Night all...
@BenPilbrow I know how it goes.
I am the only one here seeing the opportunity of sex tonight for ben?
just checking
Good luck @BenPilbrow.
@coredump Given that he said, "she" and "her"...probably.
@Tom With any luck the security guys you brought on will give a more informed answer, but after reading your question again a malware infection just doesn't feel right.
not entirely, but it's all we have right now...
Do you have the security log enabled on the workstations?
need to register a .net
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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