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@MDMarra How'd the interview go?
I think it went well
@jscott We've got a client with Sprint picocells in their office/warehouse. They're just two little black boxes with an Internet connection and power.
@MDMarra Yay.
@MDMarra Did your shoes squeak?
Nah, I snagged a new pair of Perry Ellises for pretty cheap yesterday
@ChrisS We've got Sprint and Verizon ones working with no changes to our network. An ATT user has got one of these microcells and it will not activate for anything.
@MDMarra So any idea how long it'll take for them to get in touch? Several days, weeks?
here's an automation question.
I have the following task...
Hire an intern.
go to a vSphere cluster... add a second NFS interface to each host.
Or, at a university, a grad student. They are exceptionally cheap automation.
set the load balancing and active/standby interfaces to be the converse of each other.
enable jumbo frames...
repeat on the next host.
this is 7 hosts....
do it from CLI?
do it from vSphere client?
automate it?
it's 20 clicks per host....
Just saw this question advertised on SF: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/22257/…
Reminded me, I played CoD:MW2 last night for the first time. I can see why "No Russian" stirred up so much controversy.
@ScottPack I'd guess next week at the latest
it sounded like they wanted to move fast
@MDMarra Cool. When's your next one?
@ChrisS Is that the level where you've got to murder a load of civillians in an airport?
@tombull89 Yep... Well, you don't have to kill any civis yourself.... You do have to take out the airport cops.
@MDMarra Same type of position/place?
@ewwhite Always automate
@MDMarra Not fulfilling, right? You leave interviews and feel dirty, don't you?
@ewwhite I feel fine
@ScottPack Nah
@ChrisS I know it's "just a game" but I feel that while it got blown out of proportion the devs kinda let it roll to sell more games.
@MDMarra Not always... this requires more logic than it's worth.
@MDMarra So what's the other interview for?
@ScottPack This morning was for a Sr Windows Engineer at a consulting firm that's growing its Windows practice. This afternoon is with an IBM-owned cloud provider thingy
They do HR/People management stuff
@tombull89 I thought it was an excellent plot, made the player really think (if only for a moment), and got a lot of free press....
@ChrisS TBH, COD isn't a game I'd play for the plot...and yes, it certainly got a lot of free press.
In all I like the scene most for the fact that it brings up the conversation. The difference between games and reality; and hopefully the blurring of those two in multiplayer modes. I think it's an important conversation, especially for people under the 17 recommended minimum age.
@ewwhite Until you have a similar problem down the road and you can slightly modify the logic and solve that problem too
Ever get a user name list back, btw?
@tombull89 I picked up MW2 and MW for $16 the other day just to play the story lines. I've only played MW3... so I know how it ends.
@MDMarra no, this is a one-off.
@MDMarra No user list.
I fell asleep at 8pm last night instead of doing that documentation for you
I've got plenty of time today though
Now it's time to do the CLI portion of the task...
~ # esxcfg-vmknic -m 9000 VMkernel_NFS_2
OK. Let's figure out how to write a canonical SAN / NAS question.
Q: Building a small server setup - need storage and reduncy - NAS or SAN?

Rasmus Theodor StyrkI want to build a small server setup. With 2 load balancers, and at first 2 webservers. I need a setup where both webservers would be able to upload and download files from a common storage solution. What would best suit my needs ? NAS or SAN ? My webservers should be able to, via a webinterface...

Or shall I just write one and we'll CW it and figure it out from there..
I was asked this question in an interview today and I don't know the right answer to it
"If you have to do a schema update to AD for one reason or another but you don't want to risk a failed schema update, how do you handle this during business hours?"
I asked if it had to be done during business and they said yes
@MDMarra You don't.
Could you clone the VM that AD is running on, do it on there, and then switch them over?
My answer was "The only think that I can think of is transfer the Schema Master role to a DC that isn't critical, i.e. not the only DNS server for a site, disconnect it from the network, and run the schema update there."
But then I followed it up and said that I'd feel less comfortable taking a DC offline during the day than I would just running a schema update
@TomO'Connor Pretty sure that would break replication
@MDMarra So what did they have to say about that answer?
@MDMarra and disconnecting that from the network wouldn't?
@TomO'Connor No, because replication just wouldn't happen. Swapping them would have some changes replicate to the clone which wouldnt be there on the offline copy when you swap it back
On a disconnected DC, replication would just pick up where it left off when you reconnect it
@jscott No feedback really
Just "ok" and moved on to the next one
esxcfg-nas -a -o 10.XXX.101.3 -s /ifs/nas/oreodr oreodr-nfs1_path2
repeated over and over...
Well that was an interesting meeting
@MDMarra Sounds like the right answer. Though, honestly, a better answer would probably be "kill whatever moron's insisting it be done during business hours, then schedule a maintenance window and do it right."
There was a portion where he was like "Ok, mind getting up at the whiteboard?"


"Ok, there's a client that has two locations and has a complex file services architecture. How can they leverage DFS"
Me: bingo
@TomO'Connor Pretty sure that's been tried (and failed) before... too many variables/design decisions to make a simple NAS or SAN question.
@MDMarra What difference does the file services architecture make to leveraging DFS, by the way?
took me two days to figure out how to get back in this chat
i think there may be a bug on the website
I usually just click chat > the comms room
I started actually answering a bunch of questions because it kept telling me that i didnt have enough rep
@HopelessN00b Namespaces simplifies it. Replication keeps it in sync. Namespaces are site-aware so you can point scripts or GPO to the namespace path instead of a ton of different server paths, etc
@cole thats what I usually do too
Sometimes you need to login through StackExchange then come back
yeah thats how i got in
@NickM. It happened when they failed back to NYC. The OAuth cookies from when they were running out of Oregon were no longer valid
So I'm getting my test environment, no more testing in production!
If you had clicked the link that's like "Still can't log in" you would have seen that as a suggested fix :)
and a new computer.........and a promotion?
I'm not sure what just happened
@Cole cool
@MDmarra they should have made it a big red button.. then i would have clicked it for sure
@MDMarra instead of bitching in here, I just told my boss basically all the shit I bitched about
As we suggested :)
nevertheless I made it a mission to get back in here and here I am
@MDMarra I know :/ I was a little scared being the new guy
After answering two questions
yeah .. i actually did work to get back in here
Usually I come back in here to not do work
@Cole bosses respect people that speak their mind
(as long as they're right)
@Cole Dude, that's awesome
(It's 16:40 and I just checked into my hotel. You suckers have got me all night)
@MDMarra yeah, he told me he completely respected the fact that I put it all out there.
@Cole Hey, nobody said sleep with him
@Dan I'm so sore now...
@NickM. I wonder if you have 2 SE network accounts and need to merge them.
I grew some balls guys.
@Tom I think you may be right but dont ask me how that is done
@Cole Testosterone'll do that.
@Cole I'm genuinely chuffed for you, mate
@MDMarra So, basically, the answer is "you use DFS namespaces to eliminate complexity and server-specific-path-hell" ... much the same as any DFS deployment, just that you have a bigger benefit as the complexity increases?
@NickM. You might need to summon Kyle Brandt or someone similarly powerful.
@Cole congrats.. welcome to the club
@Tom One day I will
I feel relieved.
@HopelessN00b Yeah. I mean, I also whiteboarded the sites and services setup and talked about client referral ordering
well this week is turning out okay. This whole thing at work, I have a date on Saturday, awesome.
fuck yeah! just got 10 rep points
finally moving up in the world
@Cole so what's this promotion?
@MDMarra How did your interview go? #Too lazy to scroll
@MDMarra Supervisor/Senior role
@Dan well
They called the CTO/co-founder in to meet me, so they must be somewhat interested
@MDMarra Cool
@MDMarra how's you're interest level?
Good :)
It's small, not a lot of bureaucracy, I'd be at the top of the org chart for Windows engineering
Chances to travel, lots of architecture
Basically everything I'm looking for
So, I hope they make an offer
(and that it doesn't suck)
@MDMarra awesome!
Did they mention when they'd be in touch>
But I get the feeling I'll probably know within a week or so
hey what do you guys use for documentation? like internal documentation
@NickM. Notes.
@NickM MediaWiki + Google Docs
@jscott :(
I wish we didn't have to, but we do.
none ever use Confluence?
Sorry, had to, I did laugh
@NickM. Oh, use is word documents in sharepoint
But I hate it
Mediawiki is way better
@NickM. Word docs and a whole load of folders :(
TWiki > Mediawiki
Or the SharePoint wiki
nope, but atlassian makes a bunch of stuff
I find mediawiki too complicated if you want to do something quickly and nicely
we use confluence ourselves
$10 for 10 users
cant go wrong
there's a WYSIWYG editor addon for mediawiki
makes it much nicer
@MDMarra didnt know that
@MDMarra did not know that
fckedit or fcpedit or something
@Cole must be the balls
@NickM. also, my legal name is Nicolas - could be the name
it's a little buggy, but only if you constantly switch between wysiwyg and wiki-markup modes
@NickM. We've got a 500-user confluence instance here. It has it's weird issues, but it's generally pretty good.
@Cole your legal name is Nicolas? for real?
Mediawiki is awful if you ever need to start doing granular access control.
@MDMarra Yeah that project got canned.... Give me a sec, there's a replacement which I think is part of newer MW releases.
@NickM. for realsies
@SmallClanger great so i made a good decision then!
@jscott yeah I know it got forked and renamed
I honestly don't think there's a way we could get us to move from Notes to sometihng else.
@Cole Nice. Mine is Nicholas with a silent "h"
@NickM Just give it plenty of RAM. It's Tomcat, after all :)
And a silent 'k' apparently.
@NickM. I mean my legal name was Nicole, I like Nicolas without the h. Now my name looks super french
Always makes me lol when people pronounce it "Nico-las"
@SmallClanger I was smart about it and put it on a VM. You guys have any issues with keeping backups?
@SmallClanger Why do you need access control on a wiki?
I mean, sure, restrict it to IT staff, but why hide documentation?
Knowledge is power!
@NickM. I've not used that product, but we use several pieces of Atlassian tech. All in all most of it's been pretty reasonable. As others said, Confluence has weird issues.
@Cole when I was in French school the teachers would pronounce my name Nicho-la
For internal stuff we use dokuwiki. It has really nice granular ACLs. Really handy for an incident handling workspace since we can grant acces to specific incidents to the people involved in them.
@ScottPack especially if you start adding addons.. I can see it getting weird. A lot of times I have to clear the cache and let it rebuild. Pretty resource hungry
@NickM Not really. ~20GB of attachments and ~400M DB dumps + 300MB Application. Easy enough.
@NickM. From what I understand it's also messy to step between versions.
@ScottPack I've heard that too
@MDMarra It's not just an IT thing. Most of our teams use it for planning and docs. Some of the stuff is public, some restricted.
I've always just spun up a separate it-wiki VM
@SmallClanger Yeah, I use it for internal documentation on clients. has been working great for over a year now
What was crucial is that confluence allows for multiple spaces. The access control is such that a user logging in will only see spaces they have access to, as if they were the only ones that exist.
Means we can let contractors in to areas without exposing too much.
@SmallClanger yeah thats what we do. We have a space that is public that can be seen without login while hiding all the others
My chest is feeling really good today.
Anyone know of any really good document scanners? I need something that I could feed a pile of paper snowflakes into and it would still scan them correctly.
@ChrisS there's one that's like that
but it's so damn pricy
@ChrisS What do you actually need it to do? :)
We do a lot of scanning where I am now
I can ask the client services guys what they deploy tomorrow
@ChrisS always had VERY good luck with the Fujitsu ScanSnap scanners
and in a manufacturing environment, in less than ideal situations
@ChrisS Do you need speed, or just accuracy?
@ChrisS yeah, all of my produce places do high-speed scanning.
We use standalone units...
as well as MFP's
A: Need recommendations for a hardy scanner that has a robust feeder tray

ewwhiteI came from software firm that featured an integrated document imaging solution. The production scanners we recommended/sold for customers imaging more than 1,000 documents per day was the Fujitsu fi-6240 or fi-4340c with appropriate SCSI connectivity to the imaging PC (roughly 40ppm). For the ex...

The only thing Fujitsu is good at, scanners.
I take that back, Fujitsu is good at two things, scanners and sucking at everything else.
@Cole so do you get to choose your hardware?
@Cole Fujitsu is still around?
Q: Recommend a Linux FTP server for customers and internal use?

TheCleanerWe currently use a BulletProof FTP server on Windows. While it works well enough I have no real need to have an FTP server running on a Windows platform that I have to patch/secure, etc. What I would REALLY like is an FTP server running under a VMWARE appliance...but I'll settle for just a grea...

@MDMarra I requested a Mac. He is asking if I can, if not I can pick out whatever Dell I want, and put Linux on it like I have now.
What a noob...shopping questions are not constructive!! ^^ :)
@TheCleaner when do you start the new gig?
March 11. Just ordered my fancy new Lenovo Yoga 13.
@Cole nice
@TheCleaner awesome, man
I'm hoping for some of that soon, myself
@TheCleaner Can I invite you to post your shopping question here: notconstructive.shapado.com ? :)
What is a Lenovo Yoga?
Not the Yoga, sepcifically, just new shit
/me ducks
@MDMarra ah
@TomO'Connor - lol...I'm not clicking that link...
I may just get a desktop, I don't really need a laptop
@TheCleaner It's safe!
Ah...I can be the first!!!
@cole get a precision workstation configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/…
@TomO'Connor hopefully get something pretty beefy but most likely just an Optiplex.
Better than a 5 year old laptop
@TomO'Connor - that's what I currently have is a serious Dell laptop...was around $5k when I got it. But now I'm loving the idea of a laptop and tablet all in one.
@TheCleaner I basically disagree with the Shopping is Hard thing, and as WebhostingTalk is a car-wreck/circle-jerk, it's time to do something better.
@TheCleaner I'd probably want a 17" MBP.
@TomO'Connor 17"?!
so big
so hefty
IVe been on this diet for about 3 weeks and I lost so much weight that I need to go back to trying to gain weight again
Well, if you're gonna get a preciison laptop..
or alienware
i have a 13" mbp for personal use
@NickM. I just ate an egg roll
@TomO'Connor Me too. 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD
@TomO'Connor I'll give you some personal use.
@TheCleaner oh coolio
Did anyone see the Ubuntu tablet at the top of HN all day yesterday?
god I hate skype
Anyone who uses it does not care about their privacy
Anyone that uses the Internet does not care about their privacy
@NickM. Eh, it'll do for anything unimportant.
if there was something trying to see what I was doing
They would have no idea
not only do I make sure im working over vpn but I also make sure my stuff is encrypted inside that vpn
@MDMarra +1
Okay lunch time bitches
@mossy heh
@mossy With a hat like that he must be a reputable business man!
dat pinky ring
@NickM. mods can't do profile merges now, you need to hit serverfault.com/help/user-merge
@tombull89 Ill do that when i get some extra time :)

F1 Team - Software Development Engineer (C#, WPF) at Red Bull Technology

World Champion C# developer required. We are seeking an experienced .NET Software Engineer with WPF/MVVM experience to work for our Formula 1 Team – Infiniti Red Bull…

Posted on Careers 2.0 on February 14, 2013

That sounds like fun
@Dan that's some goodness.
Loaded plugins: rhnplugin
/usr/lib64/python2.6/xmlrpclib.py:612: DeprecationWarning: The xmllib module is obsolete.  Use xml.sax instead.
  import xmllib # lazy subclassing (!)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in <module>
    yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True)
  File "/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py", line 285, in user_main
    errcode = main(args)
who can fix?
There's only one Exchange 2010 Standard Setup key, correct?
Meaning only one exists everywhere?
Yes, it seems like it.
Every time I order Exchange, I get the same key.
First five letters of mine XJG6B
I would HIGHLY doubt the same key is used globally.
Keep going
between the two of you maybe I'll assemble a working Exchange license key out of spare parts!
crap...so far the same
final five?
I've ordered maybe 10 Exchange licenses over the past few months.
"exchange 2010 standard key XJG6B" google search reveals you are onto something
same for enterprise.
What's the point in even having a keycode
I had no idea...I figured it was for our EA agreement only. Makes you wonder why they would do that (exactly @Dan)
No wonder companies like the BSA exist
@TheCleaner SHH! :P
@voretaq7 - it's cool...superuser will keep us covered: superuser.com/questions/134754/…
You know you use them as leverage on your enemies. :)
Sorry everyone... Got called into a few things.
hello BOFH's
Do all suspended users show as having 1 rep
Scanner - I need to scan mostly 8.5x11 documents, but also a mix of other sizes down to 4x6 (or thereabouts). Some documents will be freshly printed, others old worn and torn, other might have crap stuck to them, etc. Needs to be reasonably quick, say 30+ PPM min. Needs to do 300 DPI Gray.
@ChrisS the Fujitsu's I recommended.
@DennisKaarsemaker Ah, never noticed that before
Oooh, you could even get a SCSI scanner!
Q: My account has been temporarily suspended; what does that mean?

The AntiSantaMy account has been temporarily suspended, besides the following restrictions: an account will be locked at 1 reputation the user page will have a visual indication that the account is in timed suspension, and for how long the account holder will be unable to vote, ask, answer or comment What...

@ewwhite We have a Fujitsu currently; it's ~6 year old. Works reasonably well for this task, but misses things occasionally, or grabs two pages. I replace the rollers and clean it with alcohol regularly.
@ChrisS My produce sites are scanning multi-part carbon forms and other crinkly nastiness that's been handled by delivery drivers and warehouse staff..
@Dan Mod suspension, yes. Low quality suspension, no.
@ewwhite What model are they using?
@ChrisS and you want this to be "not hideously expensive"?
@ChrisS Fujitsu fi-6240 or fi-4340c
@voretaq7 Um, 5 digits is acceptable.
@ChrisS Cleaning with alcohol is probably part of your problem BTW - it leaves a film on the rollers.
@ChrisS oh... in that case any of the Canon ImageRunner series systems work very well
@voretaq7 It's the stuff Fujitsu sells for cleaning it... Isopropanol.
@ewwhite how much are those scanners, roughly?
@ChrisS hmm, we were always told not to use alcohol on the Canons
@Cole $2000 and $3500 respectively
fujitsu F1 is alcohol based?
@voretaq7 Yep
@ChrisS exactly
I know the Fujitsu iX500 does 300dpi/25ppm/8.5x11 docs and I've seen it work for some fucked up pieces of paper very well.
I wonder if that's how they sell spare parts (or maybe their roller is a different type of rubber than Canon's)
and I think it's ~$600
All of my other scanner solutions are high-end Ricoh MFP's.
@TheCleaner lol
the produce sites all hire a clerk to sit and scan shit all day.
@ewwhite that much stuff?
We have around ~20 Fujitsu fi-6010ns. They're running through hundreds of crinkled sheets of paper from truckers every day. They don't do to bad...
a big site will bring in ~4,000 invoices a day that get barcoded and scanned.
it was rejected as Spam by me...why they thought editing someone else's answer to add their own comments is beyond me
@Cole It's only got a 50 page ADF... Sorry, forgot to mention needs to take a "stack" (preferably officially supporting at least 150 pages, though I think ours only officially supports 100 and we've put way more than that on there)
@ChrisS if your Fujitsu is working except for the occasional double-feed how much is it to have a factory tech come out and to a full service on it?
@ChrisS ah
@ChrisS that rules out the ImageRunners - I think ours supports 100 pages (I've crammed 200 8.5x11 in there no problem though
@voretaq7 Good question; not sure. We just do all the recommended procedures.
Then yeah, any other models in this series only do 50 page
@TheCleaner Suggested edits which should be comments are quite common.
I strongly suspect it's just the design of the scanner... there's pretty good space between feed rollers and such. And doing a full replacement of all rollers, friction surfaces, and tensioners didn't improve the situation.
Probably the 20-rep-required-to-comment thing. The "edit" link is just sitting out there for anyone to click.
@ChrisS I know for the Canons they change the feed rollers, adjust the tension on the lifter, sometimes change the belt, and actually open/clean the scanner paper path if you keep the machine after 3 years. It's a few hundred bucks (as of about 5 years ago)
Is it possible for a question title to change without anything showing in its revision history?
@ChrisS that sounds like a combo of the scanner design and the paper type then (light paper seems to double-feed more, especially if it's been scrunched / wrinkled)
@MichaelHampton yesBut
@voretaq7 There's no mystery to the paper path on this one, it's a very simple device. Also no belts, other than a feed belt, that I just lump in with the rollers.
@voretaq7 But?
@voretaq7 No control over what paper we'll get from clients... The "big problem" is bullsh*t we get from clients
@MichaelHampton the only ways I'm aware of that being possible is if the OP edits a question very soon after it was posted, or someone from SE deletes a revision to redact stuff that shouldn't have been posted.
We'll get mail with the sticky crap on it still, or something with stickers on it... all kinds of stuff. Also, torn pages seem to be a common culprit.
@ChrisS yeah $job[-3] had that problem, they basically sorted everything into "Scannable" and "Scan later when I can stand there and hand-feed it"
@jscott - oops I just realized then that I should have chosen "should be a comment"...
torn pages fuck up auto-feeders (it gets worse when bits rip off and settle into the paper path)
@voretaq7 I submit for your consideration... serverfault.com/posts/480624/revisions
Yeah... Unfortunately the software we use to "process" the information requires that it all be scanned in one batch.
@MichaelHampton -net=virtio ?
posted on February 20, 2013 by Matt Simmons

I meant to write this entry the other day, but got busy. I posted a question about labeling to the excellent LOPSA Tech mailing list, and Tom Limoncelli used it as the prompt for a blog post on the subject of labeling datacenter cables. Head over and check it out.

@TheCleaner No worries, that's how I reviewed it. I think any two rejects/approves will work.
@MichaelHampton I want a 1000MBps NIC =[
Q: Copying OU permissions from an existing security group to a new security group

ColeCurrently we have a security group named: Limited_IT_Admins that has special permissions (restricted to only certain tasks they can do) on ~7 City OUs within a Country OU. [Country] <- top level OU [City01] [City02] [City03] [City04] [City05] [City06] [City07] However, now I h...

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