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Trying to add the EPEL repos on CentOS rather than having to compile syslog-ng myself.
@edmicman SU would be the better fit... I don't think that's possible off-hand.
@edmicman I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'd say it depends on where you're doing the processing (if the exchange server is doing it and you have to be an Exchange admin to create the rule it would be OK here. If you're doing it through Outlook as an end user it's probably better on SU)
Like @ChrisS said I think it's not something you can do with stock Exchange/Outlook - you'd need to feed it through some external program
Hah thanks, that's part of the problem....not sure what my options are, if it could be done on the Exchange side that'd be best I think
@Cole Why not just use rsyslog? That's the default syslog for el6
What about these "custom actions" I see options for in the Outlook UI, although they are greyed out on my work system
it's also a pretty big security risk (someone could decipher your magic address / subject line coding and use your server as a relay)
@ScottPack I was just asking if there was something better than rsyslog.
but I'll deal with this after lunch, I need to eat.
@voretaq7 good point....I'll have to point that out although the system in question is fairly locked down, that's why we're entertaining this idea. I think they'd limit it to only internal addresses as it is
@Cole Define better? rsyslog has more features than syslog-ng, is already installed, and has just a painful a config language to learn.
@edmicman those trigger Exchange/Outlook add-ins if I remember correctly (so you'd need an add-in that does what you're talking about and you'd need to get your exchange admin to unlock the feature & install the add-in)
I guess what I really would want would be to take any incoming messages from address X, parse the subject, then redirect to embedded address Y
5 mins ago, by voretaq7
(someone in here was talking about how if it's operating in TCP/Reliable mode it shits itself when its queue of messages gets too big)
^ "Better" = "Doesn't do that"
No built-in addins then? I was hoping there might be some sort of 'run custom macro on incoming messages' option at least through the Outlook client
@edmicman none I'm aware of -- you're asking for way more than a MUA like Outlook is supposed to do (it's job is done when the message is displayed)
@voretaq7 thank you for your help :-)
@voretaq7 Wahwahwah.
errr, does Exchange have plugin/addin support?
Just use syslog in UDP. LIKE LOKI INTENDED!
@edmicman that.... would be a question for an exchange admin :-)
I still might post to serverfault then just to see if from the Exchange side what if anything is possible
<- knows fuck all about Exchange outside of "you connect to it with outlook, and it's good at calendars and shit"
Fuck networked multi-user systems that rely heavily on SMB.
@voretaq7 lol that's where I am, too.
@edmicman You should check with your site admin before asking on SF :-)
Been using Sage for a few months and only now we find out that one MOS has been patiently waiting 1-2 minutes for requests to complete (that should take ~1 second)
(they would also know if you have a local policy that says "You can put custom code on my Exchange server the Wednesday after Hell freezes over!")
Pro tip to self: Other people's definition of "It works fine" might not agree with my own.
@voretaq7 Too true.
anyone want to help me answer my question? I'm in a huge predicament.
Have to set up local client VM with RDP for them, now.
On that note, anyone tried Server 2012 SMB over high latency?
@DS Hi again. There was some more discussion of your case a little while back. Nothing more useful came out of it, though.
@DS where's your question? :)
Q: Accused of accessing restricted files - Shortcut on network to personal folder?

DSAll, Any advice in this matter is much appreciated. I am currently being investigated at work for accessing files from my computer that I was not supposed to access. As I was browsing for a document that I could not find, I thought it might be in a certain folder. I double-clicked a shortcut and...

@voretaq7 I recently found a user who was scanning images in to a folder in Citrix, using a print to TIFF printer to kick it out to the local desktop in TIFF format, then pulling it back in to Citrix and then copying it to a remote workstation (by using remote desktop inside of Citrix) and then importing it to a document imaging system. Not even gonna touch that process...
Morning everyone!
Oh, and she works from home. So the scanned images were printed, written on, then scanned.
@DS not really much any of us can say except "If you shouldn't have been able to access it a technical restriction should have been in place to prevent such access (file permissions, share permissions, encryption, SOMETHING)"
ok, what do you think about this reply though? it scares me
The "innocent until proven guility" won't protect him from being fired for accesing information you shouldn't have accessed. After all he did access the information, the fact he wasn't aware it was restricted, is inmaterial to that fact.
There's no way we can prove the state of the environment that allowed you to innocently access restricted data (just like we can't prove you hacked anything to do it, absent audit logs showing such evidence)
@DS they're correct - if you're in an at-will employment state you can be fired at any time for any reason (or no reason)
of course
you can sue for wrongful termination, but they could charge "unauthorized access" (a delightful felony) in retaliation -- honestly (assuming you really did do this without malice or intent) if the company doesn't believe you and take this as a wake-up call to fix their completely fucked up lack of security on sensitive information you really don't want to be working there anyway.
@DS Bottom line I agree with the guys on IT Security - YOU did nothing wrong. The problem is access to sensitive data was not properly controlled by (a) IT or (b) the user who owns the data. It's the equivalent of putting a list of everybody's bank account number on a bulletin board in the break room and saying "This is for the payroll department only, nobody else is allowed to look at it"
@ScottPack Nothing dear - pay no attention to your declining bank balance :)
@voretaq7 Have you been conspiring with Katie?
@ScottPack I wouldn't call it "conspiring" - "colluding", maybe "scheming" at times, but not "conspiring" :-)
@DS Innocent Until Proven Guilty is a criminal thing. Labor laws would be civil, probably contract law, where generally the rule is "Preponderance of Guilt". It's not that hard to be found Not Guilty in a criminal trial and Guilty in a civil one.
@voretaq7 Depending on corporate policy. Don't forget the whole "unauthorized use of authorized access" thing.
@ScottPack it would be trivial to be found "not guilty" in this civil trial - it's obvious there's no malicious intent, and any expert witness worth their fee will say something to the effect of "There was no lock on the door, and nothing was posted about the area being off limits"
Although I don't really like that turn of phrase.
Oh, I dunno. I haven't bothered to read the question.
My argument would be it's reasonable to assume that if you have access to a tool you're allowed to use it, absent specific instructions not to (though if the employee handbook says "And stay out of the boss' porn folder!" that would be specific instructions :)
@ScottPack I think the new turn of phrase is "exceeding authorized access" (which is less precise, but also doesn't make you sound like an idiot when you talk)
@voretaq7 I came from Kentucky. I always sound like an idiot when I talk.
I wonder what happened to my adopted wayward hacker kid from Tennessee?
Damnfool kid probably kept violating his probation arrangements and wound up in prison.
@voretaq7 eh?
@ScottPack a while back I got hooked up with the kid who leaked the Miley Cyrus shower pictures (among other stupid stunts) - couple of friends and I were trying to help keep him out of jail since he had the Futurama Hyperchicken as his appointed public defender
he had a serious problem with Rule Zero (if you're going to commit a crime, KEEP YOUR DAMNFOOL MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IT)
@voretaq7 Silly boy.
eh, he's a bright kid with lots of potential - just lacking in judgment.
(by which I mean "no judgment at all")
Aren't they always?
Jury duty tomorrow ><
@ScottPack bright, or lacking in judgment? :-)
@RyanRies Serving, or voir dire?
The latter. I know better than to claim the former.
@ScottPack well if they got caught.... :-)
@voretaq7 serving
@RyanRies THE BASTARD IS GUILTY! (but I refuse to cast my vote until after lunch - never convict on an empty stomach.)
how do i delete my post?
my lawyer said that i need to remove it immediately
@DS Ruh roh.
@DS Standby...
I just haven't been up to answering any questions the past couple of days :(
@DS You should have a "delete" link, if not flag it for moderator attention
i tried to dlete, but it said i could not
@DS Do you see the option to flag the post where the delete button is?
i just changed the title to "deleted deleted"
and the description to the same
@DS Okay - that's good for now, but the text is still there in the edit history.
@DS That won't help, since the revision history is still open to all. Flag it for moderator attention.
@ScottPack Are you around? Can you flag DS's post for deletion or get someone in the DMZ who has those powers?
I do not have the power to flag apparently. Guess I don't have enough rep on the Sec site.
@WesleyDavid I just tried DMZ - no mods appear to be about
i flagged, thank you
Mods can delete, but 10k users will still be able to see it. The only way to completely delete a question is to have devs purge it
evidently, my lawyer thinks the IT people are so incompetent that they will google search the issue
@Iain Rory is at a conference, and Avi is probably playing halo in his undies.
@DS Can't you delete it yourself?
@DS Na, it's a standard lawyer thing. The concern is your public statements could be twisted and used against you.
@MichaelHampton Just like all the conversation in here today
@DS what @MichaelHampton said - lawyers typically don't want you making any public statements because they'll come up in the case
(if a case develops out of it)
Yeah, I try to be very careful talking about work stuff in these chat rooms because they are Google indexed.
@DS You have the right to remain accused. Anything you say can and will be misquoted and used against you in a court of pre-paid accusers.
ok, well when does google delete them
i see it appearing on google already :(
@DS I think you can make a specific request for content deletion, but I'm not sure.
@DS whenever they get around to it - once it's on the internet you can't really get rid of it. (You can ask google to delete content but I forget the exact procedure for it)
and this is why you don't make public statements > youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc (well worth watching to the end)
Chat doesn't do nearly as well in the search engines as the main sites do.
@DS I wouldn't worry, there was nothing identifying in your original question, they are highly unlikely to find it.
@lynks depends on how aggressive the company's lawyers are, and if they go that route -- Personally I don't think there's anything untoward in there @DS but I'm only an armchair lawyer
well nothing identified me specifically
@DS or the company you work for (which is the important bit)
can soemone please delete all the responses though?
im very concerned
@DS It's been punted into the chain, it'll probably get zapped soon
your lawyer should grab a copy of it (or you grab one and give it to him) though
@DS relax, remember you're not the one in the wrong here
the responses there would be very useful if you wind up in court.
f-ing Barracuda.... Client calls... "We cain't get to the web!!"
ok its gone
thank you
i know i am not in the wrong, but he said that i should keep this private
What did I miss?
Sounds fun
@ewwhite Man a couple years ago I was calling Barracuda almost monthly to report new bugs in their damn load balancer software
@MDMarra craziness, it seems
@MDMarra Sec.SE happenings
@MDMarra Nothing you'd be interested in. It's just sec.se stuff.
@ScottPack Just curious, how do you pronounce "sec.se"?
@DS "deleted" also isn't "gone forever" on SE for the most part so if things settle out you may be able to have it restored (it should show up as a deleted question in your user history)
@jscott How do you pronounce it?
ok, i did send a claim to google to get it removed from results
@jscott "seck see" is the usual way. like how you would pronounce "dirty.cx"
(I miss owning that domain)
A: The Memes of IT Security

GillesMeme: Sec.SE Originator: Rory Alsop Cultural Height: practically the official site name since July 2011 Background: <offtopic> does anyone else think our shortened site name sounds kinda cool, or is it just me... (hint say out loud SEC.SE)

@makerofthings7 ...and done in three. Thanks!
...why are there so many sec.se people in here? Let in one @ScottPack and all of the riff raff follow
@MDMarra For the record, I started out here. Bitch.
@MDMarra Their chat is probably "secure" so they don't talk in there.
@makerofthings7 Hmmm... [sec.se] ?
I've even seen @RoryAlsop in here.
no, guess not. They should fix that.
@MDMarra I heard @DS was here and was checking in... hope it all works out for you bud
@MDMarra its ok, we're wearing the appropriate hazmat suits to protect us from your evilness
Haha, at least you came prepared
So, can one of you guys explain to me what a firewall is?
@MDMarra yes i am also wearing a condom. standard procedure.
@ScottPack shouldn't you be installing patches on some NT4 server somewhere? (and by "patches" I mean "metal covers over all the ports"
i somewhow got a silver badge
I wrote something!
@voretaq7 Epoxy is my network segmentation tool of choice for 2k/NT4.
@DS your question was popular
@ScottPack it's also the government approved solution - metal plates can be removed, but good (NON CONDUCTIVE) epoxy is forever!
Yo, @voretaq7 put @RyanRies's blog in the room feed, ok?
@voretaq7 Four. Evar.
ok, well im very sad about the situation
@voretaq7 The previous informal benchmark was 3k rep. he's 6k
Waive the FIVE DOLLA fee for a brotha
@RyanRies I've been trying to do that forever!! People stay logged in all the time and never log out. Will use that to email and nag people
voretaq7 has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@DS you should have a room invite from me...somewhere
@ScottPack better as in ease of use.
added as inline because I assume you don't post every day @RyanRies :)
@Cole meh, never make that your standard
@RyanRies Shouldn't it be w.exe ? :)
@ScottPack I've never setup a syslog server so I didn't know really too much about differences from rsyslog or syslog-ng
you'll wind up with BSD syslog :P
@voretaq7 I have to, not my rule
Since the guys here are very.........simple.
@Cole then learn to lie
"this is really the simplest solution, honest"
@voretaq7 haha that's what I'm going to say!
I appreciate the blog props guys, thank you
@Cole It's been my experience that more complex collection server configs are less error prone in rsyslog than syslog-ng.
"vi is really the easiest editor" (which is true - once you learn it your brain is destroyed and you can't learn EMACS)
@voretaq7 yeah I can't do emacs.
I still don't know vi on an expert level - but I know enough that I can edit shit super fast now/
@ScottPack IDK I didn't have a problem with syslog-ng at the ISP - and we were doing internal, customer, router, firewall, UPS...
Now to read documentation man rsyslog
we did write a script & DB backend that handled the config updating, but that was more convenience than difficulty (when you're changing the damn thing every day...)
@Cole read tutorials instead - rsyslog isn't bad but it's documentation is... well... Linux documentation.
@voretaq7 On one hand, the fact that you can tie together generic sources/filters/destinations is cool, I do admit.
@voretaq7 tried searching tutorials.
Same for syslog-ng actually but its docs are better.
I fackin' hate mysql - I just don't like database stuff.
@voretaq7 It also ends up resulting in odd dependencies that you need to be real careful when you start making changes.
@ScottPack the filters and custom destinations are what sold us because we tied that into monitoring alerts
I always fuck it up 3-4 times before I get it right.
@ScottPack it's not bad if you (a) write all your filters in perl or shell & (b) keep them all in one specific directory
@voretaq7 Oh, and use includes as opposed to a single monolithic syslog-ng.conf?
@voretaq7 \/\/hatever
Well let's remember I'm a newb at this syslog stuff
Q: Display banner on phpmyadmin on staging server

Vlad ZloteanuI would like to display a specific warning when visiting a phpmyadmin on a staging server ( EG banner on top, different background, other mouse pointer, etc.). What are my options?

is this sf material? For some reason there are 4 migrate to sf votes to it
god dammit I really need headphones
Someone keeps whistling, it's so hard for me to work like this.
@Sathya would likely be closed as dupe of serverfault.com/questions/322997/…
@Sathya not sure if SF material, but the question sucks
Is building a bootable usb key the most difficult, yet seemingly-simple exercise out there?
@ewwhite It's annoyingly more complicated/difficult than it should be
@ewwhite Shouldn't be too hard. There's even a nice HP tool for it.
@ewwhite I've only done it a couple of times and it seemed quite straightforward
RIght, I just use the hP tool
@ewwhite depends for what OS
Q: use mybook world edition as usb raid storage

CCG121Is it possible to plug a MB WE NAS in to a windows sbs 2003 server as an external hdd with raid? if so can I just plug it in or do I need to do some extra setup

uNetBootin is what I use.
@ewwhite You just want to convert an ISO image to a USB stick?
"You need to configure the USB drive in a stripe, because it will be very slow without it". (then run to the hillls)
@MichaelHampton not me.. helping former boss
@Hennes I facepalmed so hard I broke my glasses.
I guess I could actually answer that. Or point to some webpage where they describe how to do precisely that in Linux. (USB drive detected on mount, made part of a previously degraded mirror. start resync)
Apparently someone never considered 'just a drive' and triggering rsync
Wow, poor DS is in some poop, isn't he?
He seems to be but I haven't read all the way back - really he should have kept his mouth shut till after he'd spoken to a lawyer - even this is scraped by google
@Iain I hear that a lot, but what good is a lawyer gonna do the guy? Just gonna cost him money and probably won't be able to do anything at all, let alone anything worthwhile.
@ewwhite For HP firmware updates?
@David @Sathya pretty much the question sucks, but the answer is "hack the CSS"
@Ted Just something to consider (and ask) before spending any money on one (because I've seen a lot of "get a lawyer" advice)... but what is a lawyer going to be able to actually do for you?
In the US? probably nothing.
Over here: A world of good.
But then he is in the US and they do not need a reason to fire him. Over here abuse to get someone to quite would be looked harsly upon.
@Hennes Yeah, won't stop a lawyer from taking a few grand to handle your case, though... so it seemed worth mentioning.
Or for free
There is a thing over here call 'rechtsbijstand'. Kind of a lawer insurance.
You pay a small free per years (about Eur 25) and they happily collect
Then if you need help you have the right to call them for one case
So, not free. For a very tiny number amount
@tombull89 Not that I don't feel for the guy but either 1. His company was crazy before this happened.... and he's still there. 2. They were looking for an excuse to get rid of him and this is it.... in which case we're not getting all the details.
/flips desk
@ChrisS It can be both 1 and 2, as well. In any event, the best approach is to find a sane workplace, as no good comes of staying... even if you're not being made to take the fall for something, for whatever reason.
Long term, yeah.
Fucking blew this server to pieces jesus fuck
@Cole not sure if good thing . . . or just revenge
@voretaq7 /headdesk
Can't concentrate with the talking and the whistling.
Nothing ever works the way it does in these tutorials
@Cole whistle back
I can't whistle -_-
@Cole google wolfwhistle.wav :)
@Cole and Welcome to Open Sores Software
Open Sores
Open sores, closed sores, what matters is open standard.
@voretaq7 haha!
@Hennes And it should be a good American Standard dad gummit!
I agree with 'a good standard", but I will happily settle for a good standard from our ecomic would leaders and owners of large parts of the US of A (aka the chinese)
Sadly that sounded more fun when I wrote it. Real world is getting to darn close to that as it is
@voretaq7 Not just OSS; Microsoft and the other closed-source vendors are just as infuriating WRT the shit not working the same as it should, according to the docs, tutorials and so on.
Developers. <grumble> ...If only we could find away to develop software, without developers...
@HopelessN00b it's worse in open source because everyone and their grandmother writes them
and then they stop updating them
I suppose so.

Still, nothing like seeing the official documentation saying your problem is because of X... when there's no possible @#$!ing way that's the case.
man, I don't know how I ever computered before I learned unix.
Well, like this: C:\Users\hennes>"c:\Program Files (x86)\CMUD\cMUD.exe" mymudname.tld portnumer. :)
And ditto windows commands.
@Basil Are you just learning??
What's a cmud?
a mudclient with a graphical mapper.
Or, to be more vague: the succesor to zmud
I use both on windows to create map, and tf or tintin to play
Linux people... what's the right way to make static routes persistent in 2013 RHEL 6 land?
Ehm, right part only in answer to the cmud question
So it's a utility for designing maps? I know what a MUD is, but played for a short time a very long time ago.
@ewwhite Add to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/routes-eth0
@JoelESalas My company uses /etc/sysconfig/static-routes.
Exact path might be a bit off
Well, technically it is a full mudclient with lots of scripting options etc. But I only use it to map
@ewwhite You can set them per interface if you want, but in a separate file from the IP configuration
and I've seen instances of people using the ifcfg-ethX files, too
So I broke Active Collab's newest version.
"experienced fatal error"
I was testing for XSS in ticket comments.. I was happy that it didn't execute, but the entire application failed.
@MichaelHampton brofist
I just enjoy beating @ewwhite over the head with the RHEL documentation.
I use route-ethX myself.
but company wants me to document it for staff
So I worked almost a full day on Sunday
do you think it would be bad to ask if I could leave at 3 instead of 430 today?
@Cole mega-overtime? or salary?
I feel like shit
the other guy I worked with Sunday has left early twice this week
he just left now
meh, salary = get your work done, who cares about how long/not long it takes
To my boss it matters lol
@Cole 4:30 dude? I don't leave work before 7
@JoelESalas I work 8-430
at $Oldjob 9am- ~10pm
@Cole can you work from home? just say "I'm ditching to beat traffic and take my pants off, I'll be on VPN in a bit"
@JoelESalas I live 8 miles away so lol
@JoelESalas I'm pretty sure he won't care.
Lost my whole sunday to work and couldnt go grocery shopping and shit
@MichaelHampton you shouldn't. Don't you know that I don't really understand Linux?
@Cole I do an 8-4:30 salaried thing, too. If I had to work on the weekend I'd definitely ask about an unofficial "adjusted work schedule", otherwise known as "I had to work on Sunday, so can I take Friday off?"
"The static route is placed in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-p4p1 according to the Red Hat documentation. via dev eth0"
@freiheit Yeah I'm just going to ask if I can leave a little early
Q: Calling a script with nested drive reference

Greg Virdeni am doing a simple command script that is using pushd to access a script on another server. The script on the remote server has a drive reference in it for a program call and i can't get the script to run? any ideas?

Yeah he said I can leave when I want
I leave at 3, I need a nap
sounds like a plan
@ChrisS I've only used unix for a year
I know how to program in C++ and Java from high school, but never followed that through
shell isn't pretty like a real language, but it's nice to be able to write a for loop in a command line with grep :)
Ah; yeah... I can appreciate that.
I barely remember any C++ or Java.. I program in C enough that I'm fairly proficient, remembering the names of standard functions still gets me from time to time.
Fuck I have a meeting at 3 ;_;
Should only last 20ish minutes
@ChrisS What do you do in C?
@JoelESalas Kernel hacking, various utilities, other pet projects...
@ChrisS It's an unusual language of choice for pet projects these days
My pet projects are command line utilities and daemons... not an unusual language for that.
Well shit. There goes my perfect "flagging" history.
^^ Courtesy of Zypher, who's working in our new cage.
Sweet,sweet fiber uplink.
@PeterGrace You're your own ISP?
I thought mine was fast.
@JoelESalas We have our own ASN.
i.e. we have a /24 netblock assigned by ARIN for us, in our name
@mossy Awww, it's ok.
@mossy who needs to download DVDs in 10 seconds, anyway?
@PeterGrace Nobody, DVDs are crappy quality
Oh yeah, ultraviolet is the next big thing eh
@PeterGrace ;D
So how do you guys like the new /about page?
Looks really good.
@PeterGrace jerk
I like that @ewwhite is featured getting upvoted
@PeterGrace It needs a better question and it's missing your mug shot :(
@JoelESalas That changes, I think.
@JoelESalas I think the question chosen is somewhat random in fact, though I'll ask the guy who wrote it
@PeterGrace meant to ask, I was browsing through #semove - what's with all of the single PSU boxes?
@PeterGrace Either way it's an accurate representation of daily life around here
@MDMarra single PSU is DEVOPS
@MDMarra There is someone on our team who thinks that our web tier is perfectly redundant enough without buying multiple PSUs.
Actually, the answer is that when the boxes were ordered someone effed up and didnt put in second PSUs
we're ordering fresh PSUs for all the boxes that aren't redundant
@PeterGrace Fucking Kyle
@PeterGrace we chose it temporarily meta.serverfault.com/questions/5147/… and we'll choose a better one when the UI is created to allow us to change it
Q: Adding ISCSI NAS to ESX5

felix001Does anyone know how to add a NAS that is attached via esata (using ISCSI) to an ESX5.1 Hypervisor ? Thanks,

Windows Server 2012 has a much nicer looking printer test page.
@Iain oh nice
so is there actually a chat for just stackoverflow ?
@Aaron not sure, they are sufficiently large that they fragment aroud tags
ah I see, they're all hiding on 'chat.stackoverflow.com' instead of 'chat.stackexchange.com'
@Aaron yeah lots of sub-rooms
ah - right
@MDMarra You use an eSata to Hypervisor cable, right?

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