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@Holocryptic I know. I thought his old username was his real first name and that his last name was Heat.
@WesleyDavid Giggity
On the plus side, there should still be enough branding for identification.
@WesleyDavid Whenever I have a kid (hopefully through consensual...well, you know...) , and on the off chance it's a male, I want to have his middle name be Danger. So he can actually say, "Danger is my middle name..." That would be awesome.
Also, @WesleyDavid, I am glad to see that you have finally taken to discovering all that a beard can offer. This is truly a blessed time for you, my friend. I envy you the experiences you will have learning, for the first time, everything that goes into living the bearded life.
@Holocryptic Just be careful naming them after a character from a SciFy show. If you pick the right name, it will sound and look normal enough that only those "in the know" will get it. If you pick the wrong name...well...you don't want to think about a child named Dargo.
@Holocryptic The fact that you felt the need to disclaim your hopes for impregnating someone so as to exclude non-consensual means makes me a little worried for you.
@WesleyDavid Depending on your municipality the phrase "non-consensual" can mean many, many things.
@packs Yes, the world of beards should have a big sign over it: "Welcome to Celibacy!"
@WesleyDavid I wouldn't know. I've had all of my "tail", to use the parlance of our time, since becoming bearded.
@WesleyDavid heh
Likely by the time I have a child it will be counterculture to name them things like John and Susan.
@packs That doesn't count, you had a beard when you had your training wheels taken off.
@packs Oh, and this is the fourth largest city in America with lots of college students, so "the middle of the desert" is a relative term.
Oh yeah, big university, I get emails about their degree programs frequently :)
so does the @packs thing still work, or is @WesleyDavid just running on muscle memory?
I more meant climate, though. For several months of the year my beard collects frost.
I'm blaming muscle memory.
@WesleyDavid where are you at?
Does that still tab complete?
Your new nick is not yet tab completing for me. I still see @packs
which means he's typing the whole thing out
@Holocryptic Phoenix AZ, yes.
Interesting. Granted, I only changed it this afternoon.
he needs to refresh probably
I wonder how long it will take to fully propagate.
Perhaps your new nickname hasn't filtered into my inception dream yet. Or Neo is still working on fixing the BGP problem in the MAtrix.
Speaking of refresh, time to change the nicotine patch...
BTW, I think I'm the only person in the developed world who has not seen any of the Matrix movies.
I finally watched Inception a few days ago.
I've got a list of movies I need to watch. Inception being one of them.
@WesleyDavid What do you mean plural? They only made one Matrix film.
I have Inception downloaded, just haven't got to watch it yet
@packs Just like they only made three Star Wars films?
@WesleyDavid I'll count 4. By episode 3 they were starting to figure themselves out again.
Of course, the best one is the one in which Lucas had the least creative control. Go figure.
waits for the hailstorm
Lucas has slowly started taking on the characteristics of Jabba the Hut.
@ScottPack which one was that? Ep 1 sucked huge hairy goat balls, but the other two were ok...
@Holocryptic Empire.
Really? Who had creative control on that one? Fox?
I'm more of a Star Wars nut inside the universe. Didn't pay too much attention to the "real" details...
@Holocryptic Kershner directed it, Brackett and Kasdan wrote it.
@ScottPack just found this and started reading it. Interesting. secrethistoryofstarwars.com/natureofthebeast1.html
The InUniverse SW is something I never really got into. I probably should have, it seems pretty interesting.
@ScottPack you should see my book collection. It reeks of geek.
So does mine, just not with Star Wars. My leisure bookshelf is full of Wheel of Time and Forgotten Realms.
gahh ... i got approval to get one of the new intel ssd's and you can't get them anywhere!
@ScottPack mine too. Dragonlance as well
@ScottPack you should check out Steven Erikson's Malazan series, too. I think you'd like it. Very indepth, great writing.
I'll add that one to the list. I'm finishing up my Holmes collection now, will probably start a reread of WoT to gear up for the last book this fall.
You checked out any of the Dresden books, @Holocryptic? Despite the recent hype, I found them a lot of fun.
@ScottPack Dresden Files? If that's the one, no I haven't. I'll put that on the list as well.
O'reilly just played Rebecca Black. I'm ruined for life
wtf ?
@Holocryptic That's it. I won't claim he's a good writer, but he's certainly good enough and his stories are a lot of fun.
That's what I said
i wish that pre-teen would die a horrible horrible death
well ok that video
but still
@ScottPack If you're into monster fiction, I also highly recommend Monster Hunter International and Monster Hunter: Vendetta. Really fun books.
Nope. You don't get no context from us for that comment.
damnit ... although i expect nothing less
@Holocryptic I've not actually read any monster fiction (except for Dracula and Frankenstein of course). I'll add those to the list as well.
@Zypher Good man!
gotta do some cdn research, any companies that you guys would suggest, or any to stay the hell away from?
@Zypher I have a buddy at Akamai
@Zypher haven't really dealt with that yet, sorry.
I know that Netflix uses Limelight and Level3
@ScottPack yea, Akamai is the 800 LBD gorrilla ... i really relaly want a tour of thier NOC
They get kind of...twitchy about that.
what's the second 'C' for?
network operations and control center, according to google
I know of at least 2 places that host Akamai boxes for their customers. One a cough university and one a state ISP.
@Holocryptic That's an affirmative.
I was really going to enjoy telling him the second 'C' stood for "center". Just to see if his brain got confused.
i guess they qualify for a setup where the people that staff the NOC**C** actually can control shit
most corporate NOC's are staffed by tier-2/3 helpdesk types
I've also been told by said "buddy" that their NOCC really is as cool as it looks, and that yes they do offer tours.
@Zypher If it's even staffed.
hmm i think i need to call them just to wrangle a tour of the NOCC outta them
I really need to get up to Boston some time for a visit. That would be fun stuff.
think they would be pissed if i brought a flipcam?
2 moments
@Zypher depends. When was your last physical?
don't even remember uhh 3-10 years ago?
I'm sure they could accommodate you, then :)
excellent ... i think
hmm i shoulda been paying attention to where the train stopped
i'm not sure where i am on the tracks right now
You could, I don't know, ask the person next to you. Hopefully a cute, single girl that you can then woo with puppy dog eyes or something.
hmm nope not cute, and hiding the ring finger so i can't tell on the single ... not that that has stopped me in the past
Which part, being cute or being single?
Yeah, that ring doesn't really tell you a whole lot about whether they're open to that kind of question.
single ... well cute too but i plead drunk on those
I have that!
hrm... That's my ambition, too!
be back in a bit...
hahah .. whoops yea def let me know
oh nice ... my stop is next
much better than now
That ecard is...truth...
And it looks like someone was on reddit? (Samuel L. Jackson graphic earlier)
I love the answers for that thread too. Show the users how to do it themselves so you'll not have that problem down the road! HA! I nearly whizzed myself!
They sound like people WANT to know how to do it themselves. What next? If people knew how to change their own oil or a flat tire, they'd do it themselves?! NEVER! I'm keeping those fucking secrets to MYSELF!
@BartSilverstrim what?
@Holocryptic ME not that great
@Holo: Snap? There's an idea! Snapping!
Excuse me while I put underwear on my head and begin running around in random directions! WHEEE!
@Jacob You're high. It's Mass Effect. It's awesome.
@BartSilverstrim you're clearly high, or drunk. Or both. Carry on.
Oddly enough, neither.
Besides, I maintain that if I were too drunk to use the computer, I'd have more typos.
Although that doesn't seem to work since apparently I experience memory blackouts before typos occur. That's another sign I spend WAY too much time online and being pedantic.
My wife told me that I actually had her come over to check some sentences I typed before posting them to something like Facebook or...whatever it was...before hitting Send. I have no memory of it.
@Holocryptic Yeah, your grammar is good, but it doesn't mean your not drunk..
@BartSilverstrim It's like your own secretary. One that your wife can't get mad at you for sleeping with. Win!
@BartSilverstrim crn.com/news/security/229400468/…**.ecappj02
Well, side from the blackout part.
this news caused me to have to clean out my pants...
Which is apropos given the name commode-o.
You know, today is Monday. But what I discovered is that the day before was Sunday. And before that was Saturday, Friday and Thursday. REBECCA BLACK IS CLAIRVOYANT
Awww yeaaahhh,...
You are some sick, twisted mother effers. With that, I'm off to bed. Right after I gouge my eyes out.
@WesleyDavid I flagged that...
@Jacob Only because you are a baby puncher.
And with that, I depart for dinner.
@Zypher You love her. Don't lie.
ha ... maybe in 5 years
@Zypher HMM It appears you haven't choosen :)
I think I found the three dancing twits less offensive than that replacement image.
The one in pink actually did a reply video answering questions from people.
Hmm...turns out that "girl in pink" participated in a flash mob dancing at some mall to raise money for Japan.
nah, if i agree it'll autoban him for 1 min or something ... and he is AWK making that pointless :)
Oh geez...she's picked on mercilessly for the autotuning, so naturally she appears on Leno and performs. Autotuned.
In truth, this reaction to the <dubious> fame surprised me. youtube.com/watch?v=qZh-Y6Opgbs
@BartSilverstrim Of course, she can't sing otherwise\
Despite all the criticism, I do have to give proper acknowledgement that they're handling it very well. More power to them. It would have been easy for them to lash out or run and hide.
The lyrics are brain damaged, but then again most pop music is.
gah ... of course i had to watch the leno interview ... she's giving the money away WTF dumb
Benni Cinkle was the one I found more admirable for her reaction to being picked on.
Your version of "Lady in Red" is disturbing.
Best song ev3r?
no no this
Well, now that I can't really sleep after seeing what cannot be unseen...later, ya'll.
@BartSilverstrim ohhh the nightmares fridayfridayfriday.... ahhhhh
posted on March 29, 2011 by SysAdmin1138

Signal boosting this one:Survey expires on the 29th, so you probably have less than 24 hours from when I hit submit to fill it out.What is it?The Ada Initiative (http://adainitiative.org/) is a newly-formed organisation which aims to support and promote women in open technology and culture. We've just launched our first annual census -- a broad survey of open technology and culture participants

I like how Rebecca gives me the benefit of the doubt in thinking that I do indeed know what fun is.
I feel like superman
Yo man, I heard you like Batman! So I killed your parents.
Sooo, @hobodave How's Dragon Age working out?
I quit that shit, I'm addicted to CrossFit
@WesleyDavid Dude, type out that awesome staring face that you do all the time
i need to copy and paste it quick
the one where it looks like the guy is wearing glasses
gracias sir
We should just pin that. =)
i would if i had such magical powers
I'm assuming that was @Zypher flexing his mod muscle
nope i don't flex mod muscles :)
this girl on FB chat was jokingly giving me the silent treatment
had to copy and paste it about 10 times in a row to get her to say something
haha ... nice
@MarkM And by "jokingly giving you the silent treatment" you mean "threatening me with restraining orders"?
@WesleyDavid Semantics, sir. Semantics.
they can't restrain who they can't find amirite
Sooo... she can't find you because you kidnapped her?
so apparently i've had itunes on repeat a single song for the past 40 mins ... and i jsut realized i've been listening to the same song over and over again
any UFC fans?
@hobodave I try and go to the bar near me when it's on but i dont follow it religiously
I know a few of the top guys like bj penn and uriah faber, etc
i go in phases @MarkM, I love it
I'm watching knockout compilations on youtube now
dude those are ferocious
i do that at work sometimes and someone will unexpectedly walk into my office and i almost roundhouse them on pure adrenaline
I would love to fight in the UFC, as long as I didn't get hit with one of those
UFC for pussies
I have a friend of a friend that fights in a local mma circuit in philly
I could grapple
they have weird rules
its 2 rounds and if its split they go to a third rond for a tiebreaker
so this kid was supposed to lose after 2 rounds, but someone marked their card wrong
so it went to the 3rd round
and he opened with a spinning heel kick that knocked the other guy out like a light
like three seconds in
ah amateur
and they brought the guy that got KOd out later like "he was supposed to win but got knocked out in a round that shouldnt have happened, give him a round of applause"
if you fight less than 3 rounds it doesn't count on your pro record
didnt know that
but imagine being the guy thats supposed to win at decision
ever watch The Ultimate Fighter?
someone writes a 1 in the wrong box
yea that would suck
and then you get spin kicked to the dome
ive never seen ultimate fighter
ah, they do 2 round fights
except for the season ender
i doubt even the matches that go 3 rounds count for pro records in the local thing
its local and amateur
it's tied into the regulations of the sports governing bodies in Vegas, Atlantic City, etc.
but i dunno
I'll ask
a friend's cousin promotes some of them
some of those guys who you see with records of like 18-0 are really like 64-15
if you were to count the small fights
I buy a $10 bleacher seat, shake a couple hands and get ringside :D
yeah i always figure those records are bogus
this is awesome
3 hours later…
any thoughts on the comments (not mine) on this one?
Q: Faster Synchronization between two windows server

rishiHello, this problem is quite similar to my previous problem. I am using Doors for synchronization of my project modules. However if i have to synchronize modules for two different servers located at two different locations, say from Pune to Hallstadt. What script can I use for faster transfer of ...

Cheers, @Chopper3.
no problem, dude's a dick
he flagged my comment as well? o.O
the account is down as "Unregistered User" so it's unlikely he'll be coming back even if hes get an answer.
cheers, anyhow.
oh I would have loved to see the comment for that one. "people should NEVAR sleep, not when I NEED MA ANSWERS".
I think I mucked up the timezone. Ah well, w/e
oh and "wake up" on a 24/7 site, smart
seems like their problem is between their ears
moar comments. @Chopper3, if you would.
maybe that was a little harsh.
some people need a shotgun enema to clean out what's between their ears
one final point, 'this problem is quite similar to my previous problem' worth finding the other question(s)?
well it would be nice to see them link to the similar question, i have to say. I'm a great believer in the idea that the more effort you put into something the more you'll get out of it.

And they didn't put a lot of effort into that question.
2 hours later…
woohoo - just got the new contract for my next project biked to me for signing, wasn't expecting that until April, means I'll be able to finish this one big job off properly, keep me busy until christmas or so :)
Another monster ESX-build?
no, it'll sit on the ESXi platform I built last year, there's enough resources (each cluster has 2.3Thz and 16TB, and there's 24 clusters :)) - this is a software/STB one
uh...THz? one up from GHz?
Joking aside, that's massive.
Oh wow that guy flagged a comment...(see chopper, tombull earlier here) after being so rude...
what does it go up to after that? jiggawats?
@BartSilverstrim my comment, I think?
That computing platform is so fast because once it hits 88 instructions in the CPU pipeline, it solves them in the past and sends them back to the future.
@TomBull89: Apparently. Dude must have been a massive douche to not only be rude as a noob on the site but then flag someone for a comment that wasn't even rude in the first place.
it's just 32 x HP BL680c G7's, each with 4 x X7560's and 64 x 8GB DIMMs per cluster
just !!
@Chopper3: what is it supposed to do?
Or is this a sooper-seecrit project?
no, it's a general purpose farm for my platforms
though I did tune it to for as low latency as I could given the budget
i.e. it's all 10Gbps IP and 8Gbps FC, not IB or FCoE
am I wrong or has the 'other answerer' got the wrong end of this stick?
A: Other than KVM, does any hypervisor support live migration between AMD and Intel servers?

Jonathan RossOpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux. You can migrate 32-bit "VMs" or containers between both 32-bit and 64-bit hosts but obviously you can't migrate a 64-bit VM to a 32-bit host. More here. It's very fast (native hardware speed for the VMs) but can't run MS VMs.

looks like he's going off in a different direction...
Johnathon seems a little excited by the site - I think he's answering questions before they are asked
That would be a cool feature request.
@Iain just on this Q or on others?
I'll just create a big old' pile of answers and link them to questions as they're asked.
I'll give him credit for his avatar though.
Sadly, that could actually work.
One I saw yesterday too
"wipe and reinstall from backup."
"Can't trust compromised servers."
@Iain hmm... I'll have a look
Afternoon dudes
@ITHedgeHog G'day
@Iain I see, thanks for that
Hi Dan
he'll calm down (no jokes from you @Chopper3)
How's the world of IT for you folks? I see @Chopper3 is happy with his project =)
I'm happier with the contract - always nice to pay bills etc.
Yeah, I can understand that
I recieved the first draft of my new job description today. Vague does not quite describe the wording of it.#
Congratulations! You just got introduced to the world of Job Descriptions!
"Other duties as assigned." Very common phrasing with public employee descriptions.
mine's quite vague too - "make what those telly people who keep forgetting it's not over-the-air-telly want to happen...happen"
but you get the budget to make it happen
I'm to disseminate information to clients, staff and external contractors relating to new technologies and development environs
So...you give information to people.
That's your job?
damn, what's the pay for that?
It's a sub set of my job, I'm to develop new technologies and mobile offerings and then tell people what I haz done
With 0 budget
Oh. That sucks.
@ITHedgeHog Mobile offerings? like mobile discos
Its vague enough that I could be
I liek that idea... I'm stealing it to tell teh boss :)
@Chopper3 I am supposed to be looking at providing marketting and engineering tools on the Android Platform, and also looking at deploying some in house excel tools as web tools for our members and the general internet.
Did they just sit down and figure out things they are deficient in as a company and tag certain items as "tech related" then pass it on to you?
wow - genuinely interesting stuff
re: room topic - shouldn't it be "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here?"
@tombull89 Either way works I suppose. But, there should be a comma after "abandon" in the current one.
I always thought "010011010110010101101000001011100010111000101110" would be good
@Chopper3 Okay, I'm not awake enough for binary to ASCII translation this morning. Does that actually mean something?
I don't know why I'm slightly surprised, but dangit... someone's actually made this! roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/…
I was going to use Wolfram|Alpha, but that'll do.
W|A didn't like it anyway.
@Chopper3: Wouldn't 01000100011000010110110101101101011010010111010000101110 be more apropos?
Any thoughts on Amazons new cloud storage?
They have a new one?
It's consumer oriented
or 01000011011011110111001101101101011010010110001100100000011100100110000101111001­01110011
@BartSilverstrim I prefer 0100001001001111010011110100001001010011
I was gonna suggest this, but perhaps it's better-suited for SO.
they also created a Cloud Player, which allows you to play MP3s from the cloud, @BartSilverstrim
@phsr It feels to me like they just overbought storage last year :)
uh huh
@Iain You missing a character there? I get "must be divisible by 8"
MP3s bought from amazon (from today on) do not count against your storage quota, and if you buy an MP3 album this year, they bump you up to a year free of 20gb storage
@Iain Nevermind. Fixed it. I think the dash was throwing things off.
Way to go Is. Way to go.
@phsr thats kinda cool, be nice if they had a sync to mobile service, but i suppose you could just stream that too
they also have an android app to stream your music
pricing: 20gb: $20USD/year
I've been looking for a Lala replacement ever since apple shut it down, amazon cloud player could be it
hrmm... pandora usually cuts it for me
not really interested in owning things anymore
Too bad it runs on Android. :-p
but isn't dropbox better in some ways?
@Chopper3: amazon has a better price
50gb on dropbox is $10/month vs amazon $50/year
Oh ffs that binary has 2 stars. Now I have to look up what it means!
HA and now it has 3 :-)
Certain things always seem to garner stars in this room, @BenPilbrow. Keep up.
50GB for $50/yr is nice
I pined around for a dropbox like software so I can utilize my own resources for syncing, but nothing as smooth as dropbox
@packs yeah I should know by now :P
Room topics? I figure the same as alt.sysadmin.recovery : Down, not across.
@ChrisS yeah that's what I was using :)
So, is 7 stars enough to get the room topic changed to binary sweater melons?
Is there a way to alias people in chat? I refuse to type @ScottPack instead of @packs.
@MarkM I'm having a hard time with that one too. But, probably no.
@MarkM Look on the bright side, now only 2 character should be required.
I'm going to change my name to @ScottMarkM just to mess with you.
Anyone here have some good experience wit the dell m1000 blade enclosures?
I may as well go for the formal "Scott, Jason" then.
@MarkM That's because you're a 01100011011011110110001101101011.
I'm assuming that's binary for the ascii chars in assole?
@MarkM Not enough bits

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