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@MarkHenderson SO still has 50K questions in their queue... WTF.
@MichaelHampton They have millions of questions
And perhaps not enough 3kers who care
And all their other queues are at 0
(I only have 194 rep)
Q: Windows 8 Goes To Sleep When It Shouldn't

John JuddI have an installation of Windows 8 Pro that goes into sleep mode when I leave the computer unattended for a few minutes. This does not always happen, and there was a few weeks where it didn't sleep at all unless I forced it, but it is now happening again. I have, many times, looked at the power...

ya, better fit for SU if it isn't a dupe
@MarkHenderson I had no interest in my 10. The 15 is coming up soon, I may be more tempted. We'll see how morbidly curious I'm feeling.
@ScottPack My Mum had her 30-year anniversary a few years ago. She said it was interesting to see who had died
Speaking of morbidly curious!
She went to a very very small school though, only about 15 people in her graduating class
Ah, too small a sample size to be meaningful. I think my class had about 275
Mine was about 150 students, 99% fuckwits
But that's about the standard fuckwit:not ratio
I can't disagree.
Of course, I probably would have been in that 99%. I try not to think too much about that time period.
@MarkHenderson Mine was 1200 students. SouthernCalifornia.jpg
@JoelESalas Shit, in just one class/year?
@MarkHenderson That is correct. Lots of Garcias.
My entire school was only 800 students, and that was considered a big school
@MarkHenderson My high school was ~1000, but not much to compare against for normality. we only had one high school for the county.
I've always lived in densely populated places. Can't imagine what an actual small town is like
@JoelESalas I lived in Australia's 2nd largest city when I was in highschool
But it wasn't very densly populated to be fair
There were four highschools that I could have gone to that were close enough
And maybe 10 primary schools
 --- /home/melissa.prentice/mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   34.7MB  /.imap
    1.8GB   Deleted Messages
    1.3GB   Sent Messages
  420.2MB   Trash
  162.7MB   sent-mail
   32.7MB   GOOGLE
   31.2MB   Junk E-mail
    4.5MB   Sent
    4.0MB   Notes
  184.0kB   COR First Press 2012
   56.0kB   Drafts
   52.0kB   saved-messages
    4.0kB   .subscriptions
@ewwhite Looks good to me
@ewwhite It looks like a mail folder used by some IMAP server or another... Client probably isn't set to purge deleted items (or they recently cleaned up a bunch of stuff)... Looks like a few different clients have been used that didn't agree which folders to put things into...
Basically looks typical for a mail folder that's been used for a while.
--- /home/jeff.howland/mail ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   36.6MB  /.imap
    3.1GB   Sent Messages
   11.3MB   Archive
    1.4MB   Deleted Messages
   84.0kB   Apple Mail To Do
I hate some of my old-school customers.
because this stuff is a pain to clean up
--- /home/jose.gomez/mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.7MB  /.imap
    2.5GB   Deleted Items
  214.0MB   Sent Items
    1.0MB   Guillermo Lopez
  748.0kB   documents
  304.0kB   carlos magana
@ewwhite Thats a made-up name, right?
Cos could you get any more stereotypical?
@MarkHenderson No. Why would it be?
Jose Gomez
I must watch too much American TV then
Reasons why IMAP sucks...
--- /home/gerardo.machuca/mail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.3MB  /.imap
    1.2GB   Sent Items
    1.0GB   Sent
   49.9MB   Trash
    4.9MB   Deleted Items
    4.0kB   Drafts
So I think they're in Pennsylvania. That's about when I got bored.
@ewwhite I smell a Microsoft product.
@MichaelHampton I'd love to... BUT...
there's no active directory here.
AND... the customer has a shitload of transient and short-term workers...
@ewwhite So one guy's using Apple Mail, someone else is using Thunderbird and another person entirely is using Outbreak. What a nightmare.
to the point where the login scheme (three initials) doesn't scale...
typing w on the application server yields...
430      pts/56   wireless-137     16:59    1.00s 13.19s  0.09s -bash
417      pts/60   wireless-147     13:48    2:17  47.88s  0.09s -bash
175      pts/59   wireless-130     16:19   46.00s  5.59s  0.08s -bash
120      pts/61   wireless-151     15:34   40.00s 29.29s  0.06s -bash
389      pts/55   wireless-085     13:48   54.00s  1:43   0.01s login -- 389
vic      pts/58   los_angeles-105  17:05   10.00s 27.05s  0.09s -bash
562      pts/62   wireless-190     17:00    2:40  20.52s  0.05s -bash
288      pts/63   wireless-196     14:00    2:33   1:04   0.08s -bash
Hell, first.last would be a start. Or just make everyone a number.
The customer just started giving people NUMERIC login IDs
219:x:1627:1628:JONATHAN FLORES:/home/219:/bin/bash
289:x:1628:1629:ESTEBAN MEZA:/home/289:/bin/bash
290:x:1629:1630:RAYMOND LOPEZ:/home/290:/bin/bash
dbm:x:1630:1631:DAVID BARAJAS MIRANDA:/home/dbm:/bin/bash
vgz:x:1631:1632:VIRIDIANA GUTIERREZ:/home/vgz:/bin/bash
291:x:1632:1633:ANTHONY HERNANDEZ:/home/291:/bin/bash
292:x:1633:1634:FAUSTO ORELLANA:/home/292:/bin/bash
293:x:1634:1635:ELIEZER ROLON:/home/293:/bin/bash
WLH:x:1635:1636:WALTER HERNANDEZ:/home/WLH:/bin/bash
wlh:x:1636:1637:WALTER HERNANDEZ:/home/wlh:/bin/bash
that's sloppy, right?
Terribly sloppy. And... WLH versus wlh... that's just trouble waiting to happen.
I actually had to put a provision in for this software to handle that.
@ewwhite How many Walter Hernandezes are there?
because the users of Produce Pro software prefer to keep caps-lock on when they work.
There's a lot of stuff out there that, if you feed it a number for a username, will assume it's a UID. Which, in this case, it isn't. A sleeping dragon is about to awaken there...
@MichaelHampton that's what I'm saying...
and this is on the public interwebz! (ssh)
I really should do something with serveritsyourfault.com now. Or find a different domain name so I don't get sued into oblivion.
@MichaelHampton Yeah so then everyone can pass judgement on your jQuery skills instead of mine :p
@MarkHenderson I'll have you know that my site works perfectly fine, with or without JavaScript!
@MichaelHampton Cos it's got no content
Or functionality
@MarkHenderson I'm passing judgment on your spelling
Or boobs
@JoelESalas Whats wrong with my spelling?
@MarkHenderson "judgement"
@MarkHenderson Not my fault there's no content, blame the lawyers.
"In Great Britain and many of its former colonies, “judgement” is still the correct spelling, but ever since Noah Webster decreed the first E superfluous, Americans have omitted it. "
My apologies
@JoelESalas Looks correct to me?
Just finished reading down
Can anyone guess what I'm doing?
[root@LA_XXXXX_Web /var/spool/mail]# dd if=/dev/zero of=BIGFILE bs=1024000; rm -f BIGFILE
@ewwhite I'm intrigued now
@ewwhite "Wiping" the disk?
@ewwhite Testing ZFS's compression?
@MarkHenderson I tried that! It wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped
@JoelESalas One would hope that a 1gb file of 0's would compress pretty well
@MarkHenderson Actually I used it to test compression AND deduplication
I missed the fact that he deleted the file afterwards though
Gawd, it's a miracle the produce gets to my plate at all.
My favourite thing about dd is that nobody knows why it is called dd
Filling the filesystem with zeroes after deleting a bunch of 2GB+ "Deleted Items" folders... Then I'll proceed to svMotion the VMDK's from thick to thin-provisioned. The deleted space will be reclaimed.
@ewwhite Thats perverted
@MarkHenderson That's what happens when you thick-provision VMWare storage in 2008...
and run into problems in 2012.
Q: Understanding how Tracert works

iridescentFrom what I gathered so far, Tracert works by sending 3 ICMP echo messages. Starting with a TTL value of 1. For each router the packet encounters, the TTL value will be decremented. For the 1st router, 1-1 = 0, so an ICMP "time exceeded" message will be sent back to the sender machine. Next, the ...

@MichaelHampton That's an odd question
@MarkHenderson Yeah, it is an odd question.
@ChrisS sums it up basically
I don't see what possibly value could be gleaned by the program sending extraneous error messages when it expects and handles the data properly.
Sometimes I just want to ask people why their so "unintelligent"
Like the guy who thinks Windows keeps time completely independently from the BIOS. Like, really?!
Q: Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 and Scalability

O_ODoes anyone have any idea approximately how much Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 can scale to (i.e. scale to x nodes, cores, processors, etc.)? Thanks.

It's going to be one of those nights...
@ChrisS We need a "Send to Asshole" queue, and either TomTom or Womble pick a question out of the queue to berate
When did we stop talking about attracting system administrators with more experience, insight, and skill?
@ChrisS When we realised that they were all already here
And that the rest of the worlds sysadmins are shit
I don't mean to imply that you are any less than Limoncelli's mentor, but I feel I rank pretty well in the middle of the pack; even the bottom end when I watch Usenix talks.
@ChrisS Good Evening from the shallow end of the gene pool.
Well, first, you have to get Limoncelli here. Then you have to get him to plug SF in the third edition of his book.
@MichaelHampton He has been, doesn't post much.
TomOnTime, Bloomfield, NJ
913 3 2
@Adrian Indeed; we've actually been visited in passing by a number of large names. But they aren't part of the community.
@ChrisS I know a few good admins who don't bother with this site.
@ewwhite Because of the low quality of questions?
@ewwhite Yeah? I don't suppose you have any particular insights into why? Or any online communities that they do "hang out" in?
This was during some financial industry interviews... I took it as a bad sign.
Trading is pretty insular, and all of these guys thought that they had the secret sauce.
so there was very little sharing...
and then there were other people... but they were either too old (yes, I said it)
It seems that many industries think they have 'secret sauce', which commonly turns out to be the same ingredients everyone else is using.
or were contributor to open-source projects, mailing lists, etc... but never serverfault
@ewwhite Don't let Gardeniers hear you say that; though that guy borders on classical psychopathy.
@Adrian I'm sorry but that guy asks shit questions
If that's supposedly the best system admin ever to grace our planet and he asks questions like this; then the game is already lost
Q: Monitoring system that scales to 1,000 hosts and 100,000 variables

TomOnTimeSuppose I wanted to monitor 1,000 hosts. For each host, there is 100 or more variables I want to monitor: ping, disk IO/latency, RAM free/swap/etc, and so on. 100,000 data points every 5-10 minutes, stored for 5 years. What system scales this large? What if I had 10x the number of hosts? Wha...

@MarkHenderson He's probably the best DevOps on the planet.
he also doesn't get how the system works, or come back to maintain his questions:
he should have known about OpenNMS...
Q: How to set up Google ShortName service for my domain, so that the FQDN isn't needed

TomOnTimeThe blog post "A 'tinyurl' service for your domain" explains how to set up a ShortName service for your domain using Google Apps. For example, if your domain is example.com and you use Google Apps, you can configure it so that http://go.example.com is your enterprise's personal ShortName service....

(not how I don't talk about OpenNMS anymore)
I had no idea who that guy was when I posted that comment on his question back then
Good evening @Chopper3
@Adrian Well he can't ask a good question to save his life
So if he asks shit questions, how can you expect anyone else to ask good questions that are 'worthy enough'?
@MarkHenderson Don't look at me. I think there are issues with the strict Q&A format, but I don't run .SE either.
Fair enough
@Adrian You'd like more forum-like discussion?
Why SHOULDN'T I buy a Sonicwall?
Q: SonicWall "gotchas"?

Mark HendersonWe're looking to move away from PFSense and CARP to a pair of SonicWall NSA 24001 configured in Active/Passive for High Availability. I've never dealt with SonicWall before, so is there anything I should know that their sales guy won't tell me? I'm aware that they had an issue with a lot of the...

@ewwhite Used Cisco gear costs the same, works, and you'll find 100x more admins who know how to configure it.
@ewwhite Not sure I'd want that either. But .SE has always been about the gamification of IT Q&A discussion
@ewwhite Because the boss owns stock in F5 or the boss' buddy works for Juniper or ...
I wouldn't want "forum" like discussion where is degrades into 100 pages of crap for every page of relevant content.
@ChrisS I think the mark of a bad admin is one who insists on Sonicwall gear... you've outlined the best reasons..
Plus, there's hardforum.com
and ArsTechnica server room
But there should be a middle ground somewhere; where people can have intelligent discussion.
@ChrisS But but but sonicwall is shiny
@MarkHenderson I suppose if "shiny" is a business goal, that makes sense.
@ChrisS Of course it is
I am curious as to your problems with pfSense... Wonder if FreeBSD is aware of the issues and if someone is working on them.
Nothing like some good server porn to scare people with
@ChrisS Absolutally nothing any more, but back then we had huge problems with the hardware it was running on
So we took the oppertunity to upgrade. Client had money, I wanted to spend their money.
@ChrisS I've recently seen forum software where each individual post can be marked as a "discussion" thread or a "Q&A" thread.
My firewall is locked in a closet, roughly 2.5m off the ground where nobody ever sees it... no "shiny" requirements here.
I still have plenty of pfsense machines
@MarkHenderson Ah; yeah... That's a pet peeve of mine; open source can allow you to cheap out on software CapEx, but if you run awesome software on crap hardware you still end up with crap.
@ChrisS Yeppp
@MichaelHampton Yeah, but discussions are still either a long list of "contributions" or a tree of responses. I think Slashdot made a step in the right direction with the voted tree, but it still seems pretty well abused.
@ChrisS How should they be done, instead?
@MichaelHampton I dunno, but those formats don't seem to work.
Most important question of the night: Do another shot or Cut-off ?
@ChrisS Your time zone?
@ChrisS Hm, cutting it close there. Make it a nightcap.
Need to build some tolerance for New Years anyway.
@ChrisS Huh. I tend to just go to bed on newyears
Actually... Let's try that again, since I'd rather the world wasn't able to take that out of context or something.
I'm going to a p-a-r-t-y and it's going to be epic in comparison with my boring normal life.
Taking things IN context? What kind of American are you? Must be a Commie. Yup. Definitely a Commie.
@Adrian Some comments are more equal than others.
@ChrisS Heresy! Commie! Commie! Commie!
I've been accused of worse.
So VMWare people... what would be wrong with using a Linux-based NFS server as a storage unit for VMWare?
@ewwhite I thought you were VMWare people...
I guess I am... but I'm doing some crazy migration/space-recovery/janky-high-availability surgery right now, and I'm using a high-end Linux server for NFS datastore space temporarily... it got me thinking why I've never used a straight Linux box as VMWare storage.
Personally the main reason I don't use it is because I know nothing about it and I don't like maintaining things I don't know baout
I know iSCSI and I know some FC, so I stick to that
@MarkHenderson If you saw what I was doing... Well, it's far beyond the limits of supportable
@ewwhite Haha, well I wish you the best of luck. And like I said the other day, are you ever not working?
@MarkHenderson Holiday time == downtime.
Also time-and-a-half? ;)
so at this rate, I'm clearing $2k/day of maintenance work.
but my real job's tasks are piling up... so after this surgery, I have to build a bunch of ESX hosts... on Supermicro :(
Shit for $2k/day I'd be doing 12 hours of maintenance too
But it involves all sorts of craziness... like remote in-place VMWare upgrades from 3.5 to 5.1 over ILO... with single hosts and local storage.
Oh, I'd put up with all sorts of craziness for $2k/day.
So that's why I'm always working.
@ewwhite The saddest part of that sentence is as I read it, I thought "That's not so bad, I've done that before"
So I've done this for six clients this weekend.
last one now...
Tell me how much wrong you see with this...
@ewwhite So listen, if you want help with these in-place upgrades my standard rate is $150/hr or $1k/day ;)
Where to start?
Windows 2000? Or the fact that it's Windows 2000 that seems to be a time server?
Time clock and accounting server... with 90GB of company file storage.
Or that a Windows 2000 server seems to be exposed on a public IP
(and thus probably has no firewall)
IP scheme dates back to 1994.
before they had internet connectivity.
They didn't have internet in 2004?
But no, they didn't have internet there in 2004.
it was all serial.
You know what... maybe you can keep that $2k/day...
But on the other hand that's over a weeks wage in one day...
Maybe I could sell my soul for that
This is hard work... a lot of it fixing things I did 5-6 years ago.
These are the guys using someone else's IP space as private IP addresses, right?
@ewwhite I've run linux servers as plain NFS for VMware in a temporary capacity like what you set up. It worked perfectly for my purposes
@MichaelHampton yes.
Thought that looked vaguely familiar.
@JoelESalas So what's wrong with it?
@ewwhite I assume that in a high performance scenario you need to tune TCP settings and kernel parameters and such
@JoelESalas Just thinking, it's essentially what I do with nexenta boxes.
reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/14z34b/… I find the idea of using stripper rates to work out how much to charge people interesting ;p
I'm $200/hr
so that works
Yes - Flash this device? [NO, yes, quit] Device [P410]: FW Ver [ Current:2.74 | Apply:5.70 ?]
@ewwhite YYYYYY
@JoelESalas YYYYYY not a valid option. Please choose [NO, yes, quit]
Geezus I'm about to get yelled at soon; my boss asked me "How do you screenshot on a Mac?" I replied "I dunno - try Control+Shift+Google" and I heard him repeat that to a customer verbatim
Then he realised what he said and shot me a death stare
That's bad.
I also didn't realise he was on the phone, but whatever
It's a Mac, so you need to use Command-Shift-Google, not Control-.
@MichaelHampton Good point
I now also know its Cmd+Shift+3
I'll add that to the Today I Learned list
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I've known that one for 25 years. So I thought maybe you had some keyboard where "Google" was printed on the 3 key.
@MichaelHampton Haha no such luck, it was just me being an ass, and now it backfired
(hardly my fault it backfired, who the fuck tells a customer to press the "google" button)
@MarkHenderson I have a keyboard here that seems to have an "Internet Explorer" button, so it's not too far fetched.
@MichaelHampton Haha ok point taken
I wonder how quickly I can cook up a Windows app that makes the Start button open Google instead.
Cmd + Shift + 4 is quite useful too
Don't forget Grab.
top - 21:07:31 up 41 days,  1:12, 122 users,  load average: 5.15, 4.58, 4.75
Tasks: 975 total,   4 running, 971 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Mem:  32953640k total, 30974660k used,  1978980k free,   139184k buffers
Swap: 16779852k total,      408k used, 16779444k free, 24470596k cached
I'd just use Grab
@ewwhite Not seeing a problem here. Well, except that the box doesn't seem to have any CPUs.
just all of the silly users....
and the shitty software that doesn't cache I/O
@ewwhite What's the I/O wait?
Told you there seemed to be a line missing from that output.
@JoelESalas Not too bad... in purple.
@MichaelHampton I removed that line in the paste.
@ewwhite Yeah, I thought that the CPU would be a bit underutilized.
2 hours later…
260 rep. See you all in about 15 hours.
2 hours later…
Well, this is significatly better than last week.
@tombull89 Very nice too
@Dan I'll admit, that's probably the highest Speedtest result I've ever got.
@tombull89 We've just had BT Fibre - getting aout 20Mbps either way according to speedtest
it's usually at 105/105 though
@pauska Pfft
that ^^ is my work connection. Home is nothing special.
I haven't found an interesting question to answer in the last week :(
Good news, restore tests aren't necessary. So sayeth TomTom. :/
A: Is it useful check data integrity in one DAT tape?

TomTomCheck your backp softtware for a validation routine. In general, restoring to SEE THE CONTENT is ridiculous - you can trust checksums to work well enough that a file that does not show an error contains the same content that you had at backup. You basically waste a LOT of time. Tape integrity c...

New toy to put in this evening ^_^
@tombull89 I seriously need me one of those
@tombull89 Wow, they're not too expensive
@Dan yup - £138.59 from eBuyer for that one.
@tombull89 So tempted, but I've spent so much cash on stuff recently
My issue is still drive space - I have a 300GB drive in this laptop and I'm always low (14GB free right now)
Though as I said the other day, I'd be more than happy with a small OS SSD and a bigger storage drive but I don't want one of those caching SSD/Drive combos, I'd want two drives presented
@Dan: ya, those things are reaching the point where they are worth it
You'll have to look around quite a bit to find a laptop with two HDD enclosures. Or you could look at taking out the CD/DVD drive (depending on how much you use it, that is) and replaced it with a hard disk caddy and put the SSD in that.
It's something I considered doing.
@tombull89 I'm just going to nag my boss until he hands over some ££
Haha, fucking winner
Just been handed a 512 SSD
Joys of working for an IT company
Was meant for a project down the line, but now it's all mine
The question is - do I go Win 8 or stick to Win 7
@Dan 7. Or dual boot. Use 7 when you want to get stuff done, 8 when you've got spare time and want to learn how to use it.
@tombull89 Well, I was thinking that with an SSD, I suspect a Win 7 virtual machine will do the trick
Yes, using Windows 8's Hyper-V to run Windows 7 on top of a SSD would probably be quite neat...how much RAM does your laptop have?
Hah, that's another conversation, only 4GB
But it does have another slot so may treat myself to that
I'd go with windows 8, its actually not that bad other than metro
Guys, need help
I've done a terrible thing
I was in home root on my server and by mistake called sudo mv /* tickets/
Can anyone suggest how to fix that? Is there any way at all?
@Eugene see where is says 'The Comms Room' up there in the top right corner? see the words below that? can you read them
@Eugene I'd say, probably unhelpfully, restore from backup? However I've got no linux experince whatsoever so you could ask on Unix and Linux.
@Eugene Restoring from your known-good backups will likely be faster than any "clever" methods.
Else tickets/bin/mv tickets/* . could be a hoot.
We do a "secret santa" sort of thing here. I've also just noticed we've got some empty iPad boxes...
@tombull89 I wrapped your holiday fruitcake in an iPad box! Enjoy!
@jscott it can't find tickets/bin/mv
morning all
oh wait its afternoon, ahh time flying
@Eugene Yeah, you may want to just grab your latest backups.
anyone know how to move an entire exchange db to a completely new domain?
@jscott yeah, would be awesome if I had any :)
@Eugene Ouch. Not having backups is roughly the same as saying your data have no value.
@Eugene On the plus side, you didn't "lose" any data, you just hosed your system. You can probably just pull the drive and stick it in another box and copy out the stuff you want.
@Eugene If it's a VM, just mount the VMDK/VHD on another VM.
@jscott It's on a VM
@Eugene Which shell? Did you rehash ?
@Eugene boot off a livecd then
@Iain downloading latest lts currently.
It should have live cd option, right?
Do you expect us to answer that without an idea which latest thing you are downloading? :)
@Iain show me the smart way of executing chmod with find again..
@pauska erm find ... -exec chmod 777 {} + ?
@Iain it will include all kinds of weird chars etc?
find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +
yeah it did :) thanks mate
@pauska np
Icy as all hell here.
wetter n Seattle/Vancouver here
It's raining, but freezing. So, that sucks.
Cold but surprisingly sunny here.
@Iain Can you remove this comment please? serverfault.com/questions/458647/…
I'll replace it with a more precise ASP.NET pointer
@BrentPabst done
@Iain Thanks, me too
@chopper3 My vCenter is not healthy :(
only 3 left in /review/close atm too
Damn, someone was bored this weekend
@BrentPabst no, they fixed the stupid buttons so that you can choose no action needed
@Iain same here, went through the remaining ones now
huh, tools - most delete votes is blank here
@Adrian That explains why I got an email from a Google EMEA recruiter - same day as the last time he logged in
@MDMarra sup G
@MDMarra More VMWare surgery.
@ewwhite Bummer
I didn't hear from you this weekend, so I assumed as much
@MDMarra That client we spoke of had an 8-hour ISP outage....
there are only 2 questions in /review/close then we're zeros across the board
ha wow
But I spent the weekend doing in-place VMWare 3.5 and 4.x migrations to ESXi 5.1... (on single-host and local storage systems)
remotely... with one hand tied behind my back....
That's just painful.
always fun
anyone here watch the walking dead?
I can't stand having the volume up...
@BrentPabst yes, but only season 2.. don't spoil if season 3 has begun
freaking awesome
and quite expensive, since it will be only for laughs
ha ha
Dunno, I could use a machete in the summer when the stupid milk weeds start to bloom

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