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@Cole Be a man - go over and say "BITCH, Gimme mah fuckin' hoodie!"
And she rubs your hoodie on her vagina, do you really want it back?
my therapist said she's holding onto it to have a reason to see me in the future
@voretaq7 Nah, the ones I put in the other day got accepted after two <20k reviewers approved 'em.
@MarkHenderson that's what washing machines are for.
@Cole Because of what your therapist said...
@HopelessN00b no idea why
Not like we talk.
@Cole Right, but this way she can at least tell herself she'll see you again when you get your hoodie back. It's a way of not having to move on.
@HopelessN00b but she broke up...with me?!
and told me she never wants to be with me again!?
@Cole Yeah, women are crazy and don't make sense.
Wtf women.
I'm telling you man, it's estrogen
posted on December 13, 2012 by Matt Simmons

This is my fourth LISA conference, and it's unique in my experience in that it is physically separated from the rest of the city by a decent distance. It's not that we're far, necessarily, but the Sheraton Marina in San Diego is situated on an artificial peninsula in the San Diego harbor, as you can [...]

@Cole - stop asking for it, maybe she's using it to so that you keep contacting her, putting her in a position of power
@Cole But also want be friends, right?
@HopelessN00b yeah she wants to be friends
@MarkHenderson yeah I'm just not going to ask for it, even though I really like that hoodie :(
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
@Cole Right, so mainly she's crazy and doesn't know what she wants/wants mutually exclusive things, and having your hoodie lets her tell herself she'll get it... part of it.
@Cole Fuckin "friends" tell her to go fuck herself
Not so unusual, woman-wise.
Friends don't let friends be friends with their ex
I'm starting to hate Avamar.
Document reporting and how to read the reports
@MarkHenderson right?
@Cole Go out for drinks, stop by her place and pick up the hoodie.
@MarkHenderson I'm friends with most of my exes. They're the only friends I have.
my therapist said she doesn't think this is the "end" or the "last I've seen of her"
them and my booze bottles
A: poor performance with vmdk mounted as loop device even after conversion to raw

Joel E SalasDon't back up the entire VM. Depending on the application, you should be able to do some application-level replication. Also just filling a VMDK file via rsync is not the same as backing up the VM. There are intangibles like locked files in use, databases (if applicable) and configuration files t...

as soon as I'm over her, she'll be like OH HEY I STILL LOVE YOU
@voretaq7 OR... wait until she goes out for drinks, pick up the hoodie and any loose cash or valuables she has lying around. That's how I got my really nice couch.
@HopelessN00b she lives with her parents lulz
@Cole "OH hey, I don't."
@Cole NEVER date them if they live at home. Learned that lesson the hard way.
@voretaq7 Second
@voretaq7 yeah I gotta stop doing that
OK, 1907 - gohome time.
@voretaq7 Amen to that. There's a reason they're single...
come to think of it
99% of the girls I've dated live at home
@Cole at home with their parents?
@Cole Can you use that to your advantage? Ask her parents to give you your stuff?
@NickM. yep
Wee! that was a fun chat ban.
@Cole Well, the ones that don't live at home are also bat-shit crazy... just not quite as bad, FWIW.
who got banned?
I can't imagine the day i get banned.. will probably shed a tear
@NickM. The santa-cat.
fuck Santa
he hasnt gotten me anything that ive wanted
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I don't wanna do this documentation. Someone break our backup system tonight so I don't have to do it.
@HopelessN00b I will take erryones advice here
All i wanted was a private island, personal jet, a new Audi S5 with free gas and two Polish blonde twins wanting to do nothing more but please me
@HopelessN00b Post the IP + credentials for the backup system online? I am sure it will get broken soon enough.
@Zoredache Yeah, not a bad idea, but with our network being the way it is, there'd be way too much collateral damage. :( I guess it's too much to wish for a spontaneous server-fire.
Have you ever heard about WTF coffee drink?
@IceBox Depends... is it an actual product, or just that thing where you put assorted "substances" into someone's coffee for being a pain in your ass?
@HopelessN00b It is an actual product.I saw that yesterday in a flight(in their menu).
While laughing about how my ex is tweeting about no one will hang out with her..I realized I'm sitting home drunk with my cat. So, decided I should go be social.
@WesleyDavid someone actually agreed with the ban? jeez :(
@Cole But then who will get your cat drunk?
I've been banned so many times you could nickname me Wardrobe Malfunction.
Yay, yet another .SE dysfunction.
Evenin gents
D'awww, the cute sleigh that shows up when someone leaves chat is fun.
@Adrian Top of the night to you sir.
Or evening, which ever your tzselect may indicate.
There's someone on their sportbike, right now, just ripping up Kings highway. They must be insane. The cold is one thing, but man, the freaking deer are everywhere.
@Adrian I'm seriously taking your advice
@Cole The thing about the lubed up Zebras or the one about dampening recoil on your carbine?
Ick. Fscking deer.
@WesleyDavid sometimes...I just don't know where those things you think of come from.
@Cole said advice had never done me wrong. By the time they're in their 30s, ghe crazy is either there and clearly apparent or they're cool.
well my goal is to find some cougar, and I can be her boy toy
ok gents have a lovely evening!
@michael-Hampton other place, doing nest stuff. Learning more each day and having fun.
The recent good fortune of others here switching jobs has renewed my interest in expanding my horizons.
@Adrian Did you tell Cole to... yes, you did. :-D
welll... just got done joining HR to the domain
I need a nap... :D
it's 2:13 am here
the upgrade of the accounting system is a fucking nightmare
god how I hate IIS
@pauska IIS isn't the worst.. Perhaps the app built upon it just exploits the inherit crappy parts of IIS.
@MattBear If you click his gravatar, click on his profile, you'll see he's in Norway.
ahh, well now I can stalk him!
@MattBear Just watch out for his crusty sock.
im at a weird spot... kind of the eye of the storm I guess
Oh Shit - this is the best SE userscript I have ever seen
Q: Punch a user button!

Manishearth Gotten frustrated with a user? Want to vent? Feel like punching them? Don't worry, here's a script that adds a "Punch" button to every gravatar. You can punch all the worst users now: Installation Click here to install. Will work in Chrome or Firefox (the latter requires Greasemonkey). S...

finished a bunch of things up, and lack the motivation to start on somthing else...
Everyone who has anger management issues on SF needs that script
we work in IT..... I think we all have anger issues
I also decided to submit Shit SE Says to the official SE list of unofficial apps
Q: Shit SE Says - Stack Exchange chat stars out of context

Mark Henderson Screenshot / Code Snippet About The first thing you need to know is that it took me about 5 minutes of refreshing that the app to find two screenshots that were Safe For Work (and as a bonus, contained no swearing). So this app isn't for those who are easily offended. This app takes all of...

Let's see if they keep it
good news
I found the error!
@pauska Sweet
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
so, I guess I can just clap my hands now
and.. go to a bar
anyone have any suggestion on how I should debug it further?
it looks like it's the actual application crashing, not IIS
@pauska Object Reference errors require a trip to the event log to see where in the code it's fucking up, and then looking at the code to find out what's fucking up
And unless you wrote it chances are it's not your fault
Unless it's referencing some library that's not present on the server
19 mins ago, by jscott
@pauska IIS isn't the worst.. Perhaps the app built upon it just exploits the inherit crappy parts of IIS.
@MarkHenderson do I need to enable some kind of special tracing in order to get useful event logs?
I'm in the mood to develop some new cool app
I just don't know what it is
yeah ok, I give up.. been troubelshooting for 9 hours straight
time for software company to step up
@pauska Call their support
@jscott It's 3 AM
@pauska Fair enough, shoot an email, cc everyone important and indicate you have an urgent need to get this working. Go to bed. Wake up, eat breakfast and see where you're at. :)
@pauska No idea
For ASP (classic or .net) they all just go into the event log with a stack trace
Then you have to follow the stack trace back through the source
@MarkHenderson Hello upside-down cat.
@WesleyDavid Hey prrrrr face
@MarkHenderson How is Friday and should I be scared?
@WesleyDavid Friday is fine. I was able to fit in my morning bowel movement before going to work which was a bonus
@MarkHenderson I so prefer destroying other people's bathrooms.
@WesleyDavid Yeah but the other day I got stuck in traffic for over 90 minutes and it wanted to arrive while I was stuck. So, I play it safe if I can
@MarkHenderson Congratulations! You gave birth to a bouncing poo baby.
@WesleyDavid Goddamnit you mentioned bouncing again, now I can't get that gif from yesterday out of my head
@MarkHenderson boing-oing boing-oing
Good news is, I found out her real name. Bad news is, her work is fairly poor.
Well not her 'real' name but the name she markets herself under
I do not understand why security cameras are so stuck on coax.
@WesleyDavid Inertia
I always thought all TVs, DVD players, etc., should all move to Ethernet... but then smartphones came along and tiny devices that need tiny plugs.
@MarkHenderson why does your site give me a nice "NOPE!" every time I try to see a quote in context?
@pauska Because it's always more amusing to see something out of context and not know why
If you really really really want to, there's a few options
@voretaq7 really really wanted that feature, so I gave it to him at http://яѱ.com/shitsesays/?imadouchewithamac
btw thanks SE for breaking on IDNs everywhere
I thought it was just a javascript error or something
Nah quite deliberate
Some people got the joke, some people missed it, it'sbeen about 50/50 so far
Get a real computer!
I get it now
fuck, I'm tired
Cos he has a mac
Never mind :P
Go to bed
(fwiw I also have a mac, but I like self-depreciating humour)
My life is pretty trippy right now. I have a Linux desktop, a Mac laptop, and an android tablet.
Does the douchey link do anything?
@ScottPack It turns off the "nope" on the context button
@MarkHenderson Typically British.
I made it especially for mac users as they don't have a middle button (if you middle-click on the button it will show the correct context)
@MarkHenderson Douchebong
@WesleyDavid the other day I was trying to figure out if I'd rather be a douchebag, or a douchenozzle
I ran into trouble defining exactly what a douchebag is
Is it a bag full of used douches?
Or a bag that's somehow related to the useage of a douche?
@Mark What idiot uses a Mac without a middle button?
@MarkHenderson Look for any reflective surface. The answer will be in there.
@ScottPack All of them?
@Mark Ever done work with security cameras?
@WesleyDavid A bit yeah
@MarkHenderson IP or CCTV stuff?
a) they all suck unless you can spend several k per camera
@MarkHenderson Fuckwits.
@WesleyDavid CCTV that fed into an IP capture card. 4FPS over 16 channels, ftw
@MarkHenderson Shite. I'm really interested in it since I know people who just happened to stumble into security camera systems and suddenly their business went apeshit.
@ScottPack WEAR
@WesleyDavid As an Australian shouldn't @MarkHenderson be a ooɹɐǝɥɔnop?
@pauska Like a bad rug?
I've got one place I could do a small 4 camera implementation for, and I'm thinking about doing it IP, and sending the four cameras direct to a hosted server in my cabinet.
@pauska WERE?
So nothing on site for storage. It's a feature. No one can smash and grab your security camera library.
@voretaq7 WARE?
@WesleyDavid WIRE?
someone sing the kitty doesn't like song for @WesleyDavid :)
@MarkHenderson I think you need to fix your data scraping. I refuse to believe that Bart is ahead of me.
@ScottPack You want a dump?
but honestly, I don't see any "douche" link?
@pauska There's no link
Its a manual addition to the url
No douche in URL == button says "nope". Douche in the URL == button works
@pauska The douche link is here.
@MarkHenderson I'm not like Mulder. I refuse to believe.
I really need to get some sleep
@MarkHenderson In related news. Do you have it set up to be a manual refresh or is it automated yet?
@voretaq7 Hey sweetness. What are you still doing up?
Jan 18 at 21:22, by Lucas Kauffman
user image
@ScottPack it's only 10 PM dude
@ScottPack Once a day automated
@voretaq7 10:19PM. I suggest you resync your time.
@MarkHenderson Cool. Cool.
@ScottPack sorry, RTC666 only updates every 30 minutes
It'll be accurate again soon.
@voretaq7 Could be worse. Could have updated against the observatory a couple of weeks ago.
@ScottPack It updates when the TV show changes
@MarkHenderson Your sooper sekrut database is a csv?
@ScottPack DevOps, BITCH!
The fields aren't labeled.
@ScottPack Fuck no, I took a dump so you can do whatever you want with it
20 secs ago, by voretaq7
@ScottPack DevOps, BITCH!
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
see what you did?
@WesleyDavid - sorry man I havent forogtten you cctv plight just super busy atm
@MarkHenderson Not a problem.
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
@MarkHenderson STOP HELPING HIM! I keep removing those creepy cameras fromt he lizard tank!
1 min ago, by pauska
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
@pauska P
I'm bored. @WesleyDavid, tell me a story.
11 mins ago, by Scott Pack
1 min ago, by pauska
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
18 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
11 mins ago, by Scott Pack
1 min ago, by pauska
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
34 secs ago, by Mark Henderson
18 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
11 mins ago, by Scott Pack
1 min ago, by pauska
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
21 secs ago, by Scott Pack
34 secs ago, by Mark Henderson
18 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
11 mins ago, by Scott Pack
1 min ago, by pauska
24 secs ago, by Scott Pack
27 secs ago, by WesleyDavid
1 min ago, by Scott Pack
16 secs ago, by voretaq7
19 secs ago, by Scott Pack
@voretaq7 Stop repeating me!
@WesleyDavid we know it was you who starred that shit cos you didn't star any of your own
@MarkHenderson I know. I need a sock right about now.
@WesleyDavid sock proxy?
Sock proxy, covers your shame.
Your itty bitty shame.
socks don't say no
All right, looks like bed time. G'night gentlemen. Ladies. @MarkHenderson.
ninite.com cool stuff
@ScottPack Night
Q: Ultra Low Latency Linux Distribution or Kernel

ZanlorI'd like to know if there are any linux distributions that are focused on low latency networking. The area I'm working in is algorithmic trading, and extremely low latency comms between machines is a must. The current h/w we're using is 10g ethernet, we're looking into things like infiniband RDM...

"Help me figure out how to do micro-second trading for free!"

Yeah, that's gonna happen.
@HopelessN00b Yeah cos ewwhite is going to give away all his trade secrets
@MarkHenderson Even the little I know about it I'm not giving up for free.
@HopelessN00b Cure the neckbeards pointing out that the BSDs have ~100 times finer time resolution than Linux (without patching). FreeBSD gets about 10µs and Linux 1ms by default.
@ChrisS You mean... they don't use Windows for HFT?
@ChrisS Yup, that too, though for whatever reason, a lot of these shops go with Linux anyway. If only I had a a few hundred grand to set one of these systems up. Oh well.
Pft, Windows is lucky to get better than 10ms accuracy.
There's a notable FreeBSD Foundation Donor, related to the financial industry, who gives hundreds of thousands every year... I doubt they'd feel that generous if they thought FreeBSD was hindering their business.
@ChrisS Enh, you can do a lot better on Windows. Most of the inaccuracy is to do with ntp, not with Windows itself. Of course, all the Windows overhead kills you, but I do wonder if a Windows Core install might be able to do an acceptable job in HFT...
@HopelessN00b You can do better with just about any system if you start writing custom drivers and other kernel components.... Some systems are just accurate by default though.
@ChrisS Is there a hardwarehacking.se yet? Get someone to design a good IC for this there, get someone to write my drivers and kernel on SO, get rich quick.
Bulletproof, I tells ya, bulletproof.
Hee. Just showed up at the old company's holiday party. Everything's been running like crap since two days after I left
Nice to see how that monitoring and centralized logging isn't working out for them.
@Adrian Nice. You know they think you rigged everything to fail, right?
@HopelessN00b I doubt Server Core makes Windows APIs any faster.
@HopelessN00b also crossposted to SU ;p
@wesleydavid they did mention that. It's too random though.
that just means you did a good job
2 hours later…
I think I just got sympathy upvoted...
Morning, btw. Christmas work do tonight.
sympathy upvoted on what?
Looking forward to it?
Twice recently I've mentioned I didn't have enough rep to VTC and afterwards I've noticed my rep jump by a bit.
There's a whole college works do here tonight but as I'd like to eviscerate most of the staff here and strangle them with their own intestines, I'm having drinks with a few mates instead
@RobM Yeah, it's always a good laugh. It's just the teaching and support staff though, senior team never really show.
whistles innocently it's not "sympathy voting" if you mention upvoting and someone finds a few of your questions they haven't upvoted on and thinks "actually these are pretty good +1"
^ Devops
Q: Is it possible to delete my profile along with the things I posted from SO and other SE sites?

Joe Hopfgartner Possible Duplicate: Who owns the content I post? How can I delete my account? I have put really a lot of effort into Stack Overflow and Server Fault and tried to help people. Without expecting anything. I also had a great experience when I myself had a problem and received a lot of h...

I don't think this guy is very happy with us ^ :-(
well I got a full 2 hour of sleep
I'm so tired that I actually feel hung over
@pauska :-( not a great start to the day, what happened to keep you awake?
@RobM seen the transcript? been battling all night with a accounting software upgrade
ah... I saw bits and pieces, didn't look at the times... sorry mate that sucks
yeah it blows, to be honest
yeah, we all have to do the occasional all night work session but there's nothing in the contract about liking it :-(
@pauska I hope you get a quiet day today at the very least
Gah. I hate having a 32-bit machine for working on.
i can see why
i can't remember the last 32-bit machine I used, we're all 64-bit these days
All our desktop and laptops machines have 4GB RAM and 32-bit images - if I wanted to put 64-bit Enterpirse on my desktop it would mean building an image from scratch.
@RobM Ooh
I got 4 minutes shy of 10 screen on hours, over the course of 30.5 hours since charging my Nexus 10
Very impressed with that
Q: Is it okay to work on personal projects in my spare time at work?

RonAbout two months ago, I started work as a full time server administrator for a small company. I have almost nothing to do. I generally work 1-2 hours a day. There have only been two days where I worked 6-12 hours in a day. I've talked to a friend who used to work a similar position and he says th...

Now, I'm not going to pretend like I work flat out 9 - 5 very often. Especially when not doing work for customers directly, but what, 1 - 2 hours of work a day for a Server Admin
Jesus, imagine a job like that - that network would be pristine
@Dan well, you'd hope it would be.
A: Is it okay to work on personal projects in my spare time at work?

DanAs a fellow system administrator, this time is absolutely perfect for getting your network to an absolutely pristine condition. We all know that day to day maintenance is no fun, but it's the difference between a solid, predictable network that you can be proud of and one that's no end of games. ...

I can't imagine having that much spare time any more than I could imagine working in flat out 'crisis' mode every day
My first job had a lot of downtime and it killed me
When I switched jobs to be a field engineer I remember how good I used to feel at the end of the day having done all my calls etc
Where the heck does that guy work? I my experience you do NOT have downtime as IT. If you have 6 extra hours per day then those are easily filled with useful work.
Subtle, guys, subtle.
@tombull89 ?
Tombull? 32 bit?
Q: All MySQL Databases lost overnight

IainAfter a call from a customer to say that his website is down, I find that MySQL on our RackSpace Cloud Windows 2008 server was not running. I restarted MySQL but got the 'Access denied for user' error in the browser for all websites with MySQL database. When I look in MySql Server 5.5/data there ...

all the feels.
MySQL on Windows? Double Ouchie.
That's not a combo I'd choose myself. We have it running here on a few things but not because we wanted to
I want to reply "I hope your CV is up to date"
I assume posting a XKCD comic will not be appreciated by the OP. )
We call him little bobby
Anyone near Belgium and in need of LPI exams?
@TomO'Connor That's some bad times
@Hennes I don't think LPI would really boost my CV these days.
The real question here is: Why did that not show up when restore from backup tests where done?
And if those where not done? How did you document the disaster recovery?
@Hennes Because they didn't do any.
@Hennes And they didn't do that either
Which means they are now in a better shape after this lesson.
@Hennes Theoretically yes, financially, probably not.
Well, the users will have backups. Having your own backups is only common sense.
So they take a PR hit. And if they have SLA's a minor financial hit
Having said that: it is quite easy being harsh when it is not your *ss on the line
@Hennes yeah - I think it was due to some educational software not running on 64-bit.
Drat. ebay bids now at US $400 for that previously US 3$ CPU.
@Hennes That's a brave assumption to make.
To bad, I would have liked an engineering sample CPU
Aye. Most will not have. And a few will have it next week after they learned.
Not that we did much better at the places where I have worked.
We put it on the 'to be improved once we have time for it' list
Folowed by HR, we need a 4th person on the IT team.
Followed by firing the 3rd person and adding more work to the remaining 2
I've never heard anyone say "we had too many backups" at a disaster recovery post-mortem meeting. Ever.
installing vcenter server on win 2012 is a pain -.-
@Hennes engineering sample cpus 'pop' very quickly, I know this as I get a lot of pre-release kit from HP fitted with them, they usually die mid-test
I just wanted a test CPU to check if it is my mb of my CPU which has problems booting.
Power up equal beep beep beep. power down retry... repeat between 0 and 10 times
The actual beep code is not in the manual. Debug display stops at 'CPU cache check'
It started when I added more RAM, but it happens even with only the old ram installed. And I tried all six DIMMs in various combinations
Running an ES chip would have been cool. 6 core (rather than 4 in my i7 920 would have been nice when recompiling the world. A base speed of 3.3Ghz rather than 2.6 Ghz would have been nice. But a stable system is even nicer
HP ProCurve Manager Plus upgrade - tells you it'll stop all the services it needs and not to fool with stuff yourself

Complains you haven't stopped all the services.
@RobM Yeah, I'm starting to suspect that HP networking gear is designed primarily to make people hate HP engineers, and any networking capability is just an unintended die effect.
@HopelessN00b I'm beginning to think the same thing...
still this major upgrade is working better than the last minor one, which decided that overwriting its own database of our switch configs, etc, with "LOL BUTTS LOL" was much more fun than working properly
@Hennes did you use proper anti static gear when installing that RAM? You can quite easily zap a mainboard (and following sensitive components like the CPU)
Aye. I touched the case/ground before removing it RAM from its packaging and while installing it. No woolen vests etc.
No wriststrap, but no wool, proper grounding before and during meant I never had a problem with installing RAM before (and I have done that since 1991)
@Hennes I've never once blown any memory or adapter cards, and I handle them like a twat
I am usually quite careful with them.
I've seen a lightning zap from my finger to a mem slot on a huge MFP
@Chopper3 I handled an adapter card like a twat once, but all the sharp corners really dug into my penis. Now I'm pretty good about not humping the gear - it's really hard to explain to the doctors in a way that doesn't make you come off all pervy.
@pauska MFP, though. Probably better off with a little static discharge,

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