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@voretaq7 I'm surprised that supervising us over the years hadn't done that to her already
Sheesh. Utterly Failing at conjugating my verbs this morning.
@voretaq7 :6972597 get a room already!
@freiheit . . . you just verbed noun
@JeffFerland seriously
This is not Reddit (or 4chan)!
@freiheit idunno I could get behind this one.
@David clearly you have not seen our long-term history.
@voretaq7 clearly
@David You should look through the archives. We've gotten tame(r) over the last say 6-10 months
@David Oh sorry, usually the agencies you're interested in will be able to tell you what degrees qualify for what positions, and at least for the bigger schools, there's usually someone there who can give you a pretty good idea as well.
@JeffFerland Puff Puff PASS motherfucker!
@HopelessN00b ah, i dunno if i have time for that!
just from memory, it seems like the job postings say "Bachelors in Information Technology (or similar)"
@David Call from work, and wait on hold for a couple hours.
@HopelessN00b hah, i dont even have a phone @ my desk. im THAT cool
user image
I normally hate cats, but that one is OK
The official twitter hashtag for Susan Boyle's new album is #susanalbumparty. I don't think that was thought through properly.
@pauska hiss
@pauska okay, this one got me...never laughed at grumpy cat before
@tombull89 HAHAHA
@TomO'Connor Squirt Gun!
@voretaq7 hiss
But if you really want an IT job in intelligence or the D.o.D. sphere, join the service for 6 years. Gives you a big leg up in getting the position, and the government will pay for your degree on top (G.I. bill).

Oh, and get your head checked. Actually working for the government in a position like that is full of so much soul-crushing suck, no one who thinks they want to do it actually feels the same way after they've gotten in.
@TomO'Connor How was SE London?
@TomO'Connor Don't MAKE me get the hose!
@HopelessN00b no way im joining the military as enlisted lol
But it's a gorgeous office.
i'd consider it after my degree though, USAF officer
You could also apply at Halliburton or some big defense contractor. They will hire you out to those same agencies at 4-5 times the prices.
(and yes, that one is now stuck in your head. Sing along!)
@Zoredache not without previous mil-experience though, right?
@David milf experience is always good experience
@David Oh, pfft, chair force. Not like there's much of a difference between enlisted and brass in that branch. Just more politics as you move up.
@HopelessN00b and more money!
and not being a grunt
Does that cat have a name?
Like Good Guy Greg or whatever
isnt it Grumpy Cat
@David Depends. If you're real hot-shit, and have a security clearance, they'll overlook you lack of prior killingsmanship, but it's definitely one of those environments where prior military/intelligence experience is huge.
yep thanks @David
@HopelessN00b yeah, thought so
Know your meme says his name is Tard. knowyourmeme.com/memes/grumpy-cat
they named him "tard"
@David Air Force doesn't have grunts. Closest they come is the Red Berets, or (in the slightly older days) the combat target designator MOS.
@HopelessN00b grunts as in bitch-work
I know 2 enlisted USAF guys who do "Cyber Systems Operations" as their job, and hate their lives lol
both Top Secret clearances
@David Heh. Who do you think does the bitch-work for the stars and the birds? It's not the enlisted guys, it's the butter-bars.
@HopelessN00b true, but at least its half-way to the top
@David Yup, that would be the soul-crushing suck of government work. Doesn't get better (except for the pay) as a contractor, either.
i'd do my current job for 10x the pay!
even if it was in iraq/afghan
@David Worst place to be, in the middle.
sit here bored all day err' day
@HopelessN00b the pay ain't that much better.
@David Ah well, if you already have one of those jobs, it'd be a step up... in pay... but I dunno why anyone wouldn't just want to go the corporate-whore route and get a better job, in addition to a better paycheck.
hahah jesus fucking christ.. I cant stop laughing
@HopelessN00b dunno
@pauska Its not funny you mean bastard! <sad kitty>
@voretaq7 Depends on the specialty, but yeah, there's that. They'll pay $50,000 for a fscking stapler, but balk at paying that much for an IT guy.
@pauska That one is great
@pauska Hmm, it says if I flag a cat as spam, the system will react immediately. Just so ya know.
Nov 18 '11 at 20:00, by voretaq7
Sometimes I think we need to build higher walls around our garden. Maybe a moat and a few gators...
@JeffFerland Yes, it insta-bans you across the entire SE network for being a cat-hater :)


To clarify, spiders are not on-topic here. Ever
@ChrisS Oh, that was an awesome video.
@ewwhite Yeah, I bet that took some work.
Made of a Toshiba netbook
that's one hell of a hackintosh
It's Apple hardware - I can run OS X on it legally! :-P
OW! I just stretched my lower back and am now in great pain
@David I know the feeling, man.
@PauskaSock the pain has subsided, thankfully
although, a couple of weeks ago, i woke up, stretched my legs, and pulled something
hurt for like 3-4 days
@PauskaSock @David Hey, wait a minute - sock's don't HAVE a lower back!
@voretaq7 It wasn't my back that got stretched, to be clear.
@PauskaSock . . . .
@voretaq7 You asked.
oh god
Oh dear god....
....the squirrel.....
........in my head.......
bow down before foamy's squirrelly wrath
Hey, before I look all like my dumb can't brain on the main, anyone know off-hand how to get the MAC of a Cisco WAP's radio from the device's CLI?
:6973915 very Scarfe
@PauskaSock try again. here because it would likely annoy people after the third repeat.
@HopelessN00b sh inventory? sh int? sh platform inv?
@tombull89 an image as a reply? you have to post it, and then edit it
@PauskaSock sh it?
HS-WAP-001#sh it
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Pfft, mucking farkdown.
@HopelessN00b you realize I was making a Cisco joke, right? :-)
you wouldn't get this from any other guy
@voretaq7 Yes, but my WAP is not amused!!
fucking markdown.
@HopelessN00b well, whap the WAP until it behaves correctly.
@voretaq7 Glad to, if it wasn't in bumfuck Kentucky, where I am most definitely not.
@HopelessN00b Remote Feet! (Like Remote Hands, but for kicking!)
@HopelessN00b Good effort, poor execution, redeemed itself at the end. 8.8/10
@tombull89 that was me with the editing
@tombull89 Yup, so @voretaq7 is deserving of your 8.8 internets.
@voretaq7 Mods can edit chat messages now? I knew they could delete but not edit.
PROPOSED CISCO IOS EXTENSION: shit - causes the device to clear its arp cache, flush its routing table, forget any configured vLAN data, and restart.
@tombull89 axe
I actually spit some water
Thank you voretaq
I want that command NOW :D
ill alias it
@voretaq7 cant you make some kind of alias?
@PauskaSock Ah, t'was the shint. Thanks. I'll go post that nayway, since I got the question all queued up. does the sock puppet want to answer it for an accept and upboat, or should I answer it my self?
@voretaq7 I think they may rename that to dump
@Hennes wouldn't that be when it forgets everything and reboots in Daisy Bell mode?
Damn, rep crapped. And on turkey-apocalypse-eve, of all days. :(
Anyone been playing Hitman: Absolution?
@MarkHenderson No, are you? Is it worth playing, or is the AI still so inept that it's painful after an hour or two?
Can I reboot a Win Server 2008 R2 if people have open file sessions on it?
But they're not actually at their computers currently...?
or will it screw up their changes/saves
@David Yes. and Yesish.
Any unsaved changes will be lost, or, more likely, relegated to where ever their client app autosaves.
I just do it anyway, because, pfft, users.
and when the server comes back online? will it like re-sync or something?
@David Newp!
so its quite risky?
its not an important reboot, but i'd like to get it out of the way if possible
i usually just set a scheduled task for 2am
@HopelessN00b Nah it's pretty hard
Oh you lost a week's worth of work because you left a file open on a remote server that mysteriously rebooted? Bummer. But at least you learned a lesson about saving your shit frequently.
I've played the 1st non-training mission about 15 times already just to get it right
Are you USA?
Just do it at 5:30 tonight when everyone is gone
@MarkHenderson Noice. I shall have to give 'er a donwload, then. Sounds like a fun 4-day weekend.
@voretaq7 people arent gone @ 5:30
i just do it when i know nobody will be here, for sure
and hope it comes back online properly lol
@HopelessN00b Don't be fooled by the training mission though, once you've got the hang of the controls it's not particularly difficult to pass that one
@David You can always go into the sessions and share manager and close the sessions... a little more graceful than just bouncing the server, but ultimately, same effect. Unsaved changes are unsaved.
meh i'll just be patient!
GGITG (Good Guy IT Guy)
Non-evil applications might re-open the connection when the server is backup.
Q: /review queue - Duplicate automatic comments

voretaq7Spotted a minor flaw in the new /review system -- If multiple (non-moderator) users select the same automatic comment for a question it gets posted multiple times. This can give the appearance that we're beating up on the user as they accumulate a stream of auto-comments telling them exactly the...

@voretaq7 demands your upvotes
Oh, sweetness. I got got an email that my e-cig place is doing a black Friday sale. Time to stock up on nicotine inhaling supplies, w00t.
@Zoredache all it is are word docs and excel docs
I usually set idle disconnect on a short enough time that people learn
(@voretaq7 also demands that StackExchange link to what I mean, not what I copy!)
@David Meh. BOFHITGing is much more fun.
Word/Excel generally does a pretty good job at surviving a server reboot.
whoops they disconnected
rebooting now!
i think their computer went to sleep lol
@David their loss!
i just learned that you cant get online from the windows computers w/o the DC being up
I kinda like the way it works now, TBH. I remember @MarkAnderson posting a link-only answer and having half a dozen people pile on with that comment through the review queue. Made my day.

What a sad, sad day that was...
I should probably set alternate DNS lol
@David Wate, wut? Yes you can. I'll prove it and reboot my DCs now. All of them. <evil laugh> Muahahaha!!
@HopelessN00b you have alternate DNS set? the only DNS set is our DC
@David Oh, well, sure, if it's the only DNS server. Just type in everything by IP, though. You do have Google's IP memorized, dont'cha? :)
@HopelessN00b yes
Not the DNS servers, their actual site. Browse the web purely by IP, for much fail fun.
oh, no
is there a GPO to set DNS servers or something
for the lazy?
@David No, sadly. There was a question on here about that not too long ago. I think by me... lemme find.
Received email for a 4 month contract for Senior SysAdmin doing Linux & Windows admin, Oracle DBA, and Websphere.
@HopelessN00b so theres no way to automatically set an alternate DNS server for W7 clients?
Q: Is there a standard method for assigning nameservers to servers in a Windows domain?

HopelessN00bAs the title asks, I'm wondering if there's any standard or "best practice" for how to actually assign nameservers (DNS) and manage the nameserver configuration for client servers on a Windows domain. I'm talking about the setting circled in the below image, in case the language of the question ...

In Minneapolis. Starting December 1st
@David Isn't that what DHCP is for?
@Adrian we dont even have access to our router here, managed by some 3rd party
@David Oh, for clients, use DHCP, yeah. No GPO, DHCP options, FTW.
@david Windows assumes you're setting DNS via DHCP.

You can do it via GPO with a bit of playing around, but they don't make it obvious because DHCP.
@David Alrighty. I'd be fixing that situation post-haste.
@David Sew? Install the Windows DHCP server role. Can do it on a DC.
@Adrian nothing we can do about it as far as im aware, its a small ISP that owns the modem/router combo device
@HopelessN00b the first response to your question says ..."other than using DHCP (definitely not recommended for servers)"...
@David Well call them the fsck up on the phone and tell them that you want the password so that you can turn the DHCP service off.
Can you put the ISP's device in bridge mode and use your own?
@David There's no way they'd be unable to disable the router's DHCP service at your request, though.
I do not tolerate other people's shit having unfettered access to my network.
No. Fscking. Way.
@David Right, servers shouldn't use DHCP, though, so that's why no joy for servers. For clients, DHCP away!
"Tragic workplace accident for the toy router" - a sysadmin story
Q: iSCSI NAS supporting VMware Esxi 5.1 servers in a software development environment

BigTFromAZI would like to build (or purchase) the smallest, quietest most energy efficient servers that I can for a low demand environment. These would only have a small disk for guest swap files, a CPU (XEON preferred), 32 Gb of memory and minimal graphics. The virtual machines need to be up but demand ...

@HopelessN00b Oh, I thought he was saying dont put the DHCP role on your DC
@David Nope. I prefer to not have any other roles on my DCs, but DHCP is a fairly common role to throw on a DC, given that they're the center of your Windows network anyway.
@HopelessN00b we only have 1 DC lol
I always wanna know what these people are thinking.
@David Tragic incident with the sole DC. Lesson learned :)
"I need a laptop, but it must be red, a three-prong power adapter, a square-format or 5x2 ratio, run OS2 and be under $800"
And be branded Ferrari and for solein the UK ?
I just wish we had moar background
@Adrian I have the same problem with a "consulting" client of mine, if I could call him that.
They're part of a provincial network of dentists
And that network provides the routers you hook up to
They won't give us access.
They actually had a nameserver that was down, and we couldn't use an alternate DNS because the firewall blocked requests outbound.
@HopelessN00b yeah, but think about it from the PoV of a 1-rep user who posts a link-only answer honestly thinking they're helping -- One comment (with a bunch of upvotes from the other people leaving it) is better than a bunch of identical comments (which looks like we're all ganging up yelling at them)
@voretaq7 … especially when that IS the case.
which is sadly getting too common again
@voretaq7 Honestly... I dunno how I feel about that. Yeah, maybe it can look like a bunch of people coming in for teh gangbangz, but on the other hand, having a bunch of different people say something is more persuasive than having one person say it, even if the one person has the number 3 beside what he said.
@MikeyB well in this case it's a glitch giving that impression. Everyone did what they were supposed to (@Iain left a comment, and the other reviewers all hit "recommend deletion" & I assume everyone selected the link-only auto comment)
@voretaq7 'swhat I did, for sure.
Can't speak to the other participants in the world's worst gangbang, though.
@HopelessN00b It's kinda the same problem as the downvote gang-bangs (though those are worse because mods can't fix the 10000 downvotes a post earned after the author edits it to not suck anymore)
Here if I wasn't going to delete the whole answer it would just have meant clicking two X buttons instead of one to clear the comments after he fixed it
@voretaq7 Does that ever happen? Not been here a whole long time, but I've yet to see a question that deserves the downvote-pile-on ever improved to the point of being... well, worth existing.
@HopelessN00b it happens a couple of times a day
@HopelessN00b yes it does occasionally happen
Anyone need a 'free' windows 8 install?
(whoops for ms)
@Iain well the pile-ons do. The salvage edits are less than that, but still too many posts getting buried for my taste
@Hennes Yah I heard about that :P It's sort of like getting a hooker for free, but catching herpies
The bet examples are the ones that commit the sin of saying "my home system" in an otherwise good question
I wonder if you could use that key a a decent OS (e.g. win7)
they can collect 5+ downvotes in a few seconds if someone posts them in here
if you delete the word "home"the question is a good one, but the downvotes almost never get cleaned up...
I usually do a profile check. If repeat offender: downvote
If not I try to point to the faq
(honestly how often do you go back to a question you downvoted to see if they edited it? :)
1/3rd of the time ?
@voretaq7 the /reopen queue needs to have stuff that's been edited after closing automatically added
Was gonna say @voretaq7, sometimes I downvote due to a particular reason and I'd gladly undo it after the question is edited.
If I'm not submitting the edit request myself that is.
not as often as I should, but I do try and keep an eye on the ones I think could be interesting
@voretaq7 Yeah, good point, I've seen a few of those, I guess.
@Iain If that's not already a feature request you should make it one :)
Maybe there should be an inbox notification when an edit to something you downvoted happens, if there is I don't think I noticed them.
@gparent I usually keep the window of a question I downvote open until I leave work for the day - if it gets fixed (or the OP responds to my comment on it) I'll revisit and vote as appropriate
The downvote pile-ons I've seen... well, participated in, are all for reasons of utter heinousness. And I typically bookmark, VTC and then come back for a delete vote after 3 days.
@gparent there isn't (and it would suck to do it that way - I think @Iain is on the right track with auto-adding it to the reopen queue)
@HopelessN00b Yeah, but once it's closed there's no need to keep beating it down (which happens all the time here)
@voretaq7 sad truth
Well it would suck in the global sense yeah, but it would at least notify people responsible for downvote. There are better ways.
@voretaq7 I guess we'll have to disagree on that. A lot of the less clueful repeat-offenders clearly don't get the hint with 2 or 3 downvotes. Adding more downvotes could only help, I'd think.
@HopelessN00b if one or two and a close+comment doesn't clue them in they're not gonna get clue -- better they leave mumbling about how mean we are than leave after pitching a hissy on Meta
(remember - pitching hissy fits on Meta makes the guys with the blue names have to do work. We're sysadmins -- we HATE work!)
By the time you see half a dozen people clicking that "this post sucks" button, you can't really chalk it up to "a couple assholes" anymore.

I'd think.
@HopelessN00b true, but downvotes on Main are not the same as downvotes on Meta
on Meta downvotes mean "I disagree with your post / reject the premise / think you're a douchenozzle"
Usually the latter.
Or some other kind of nozzle.
on Main they mean what the tooltip says :)
@voretaq7 on Main they mean "read the FAQ and/or learn to type, douchebag" ... which is sadly, appropriate far-too-often.
@HopelessN00b that's not what the tooltip says...
Read the FAQ usually means off-topic, which is a close reason (and an appropriate comment like "Your question is off-topic on Server Fault because of X <insert babble about better site if appropriate>")
more work than a downvote, but more useful too
@voretaq7 Weird, it's what my tooltip says. Should I post a bug report on mSO to have them look into why your downvote tooltip is displaying incorrectly?
@HopelessN00b include a screenshot or they'll downvote you into the subbasement on mSO
@voretaq7 I'm actually tempted to do it, when you put it like that...
I mean the irony of an mSO post about downboat-pile-ons becoming a downboat-pile-on? Delicious!
@HopelessN00b and look at how we talk about mSO because of it...
Not why *I* have a problem with mSO. I think it's mostly the SO part for me. :)

Like I said, I think we're just not gonna agree on this, so you'll just have to suck it up and live with the fact that you're wrong, because I have the little blu... crap, I think I got something backwards in there....
Here's a challenge for you all... Client has standalone ESXi 5 server. I need to put the 6 VM's on it on a USB 2.0 external drive to be shipped to another data center (to seed the initial copy of VMWARE replication). How would you do it?
@voretaq7 But the important thing is that @Iain 's downboat tooltip also displays correctly, like mine, and yours does not. =D
@ewwhite Is this a trick question? Download files to drive. Ship drive. Tell client to upload files to datastore.
@HopelessN00b I suppose that's what I get for using fucking Safari
Download how?
@ewwhite From the datastore I presume they're on now?
boot linux, mount the datastore copy the VMDKs onto a usb disk?
@ewwhite does the ESXI server see the drive ?
ESXi won't see an NTFS drive as a data store.
Or slower, but more supported. Use vmware converter to pull the VMs off the ESXi box onto a file for the USB disk.
@ewwhite Does the USB enclosure do NFS?
@voretaq7: I just saw that you reworded (and upvoted?) a question of mine which was unfortunately closed as off-topic about a month ago. Any particular reason for you caring about closed questions? :)
@voretaq: This is about serverfault.com/questions/433923/…
If you stop the usbarbitrator service, you can mount a FAT drive as a data store. 4GB max
@ewwhite come on give us all the deails won't ya
Client bought generic bus-powered USB drive, plugged it in and left
Wait, what am I missing?

Connect to ESX via vSphere.

Inventory -> datastores and datastore clusters.

Browse desired datastore.

Click button for "download a file from this datastore to your local machine"


@ewwhite I'm using a crappy old 1T external USB ensure as my ISO image data store. Works fine under ESXi 5.0u1 using NFS.
There are no non-virtualized system at the site. So it's a case where I don't have anything to mount to.
@FrerichRaabe Hmm, I thought that was still open
It's a good question minus the word "home", and it showed up in one of our review queues
@ewwhite O.
There's no local machine to connect from. I added it to my virtual center
This has been one slow ass work day
...and now it's open again :)
create a 7th linux VM, attache it to the USB device, install the vmware cli tools, and pull a copy of the vmdks?
@ewwhite Wait, I know. Create a VM to attach the the USB disk to. Then use the VM to connect to that ESX instance via vSphere, then do what I said.
@ewwhite Sounds to me like you're over-complicating this one.
@voretaq7: I'm glad you say so, there seemed to be a few others who found it interesting (and some even responded) as well, I didn't understand why it was offtopic (and I didn't dare to ask after some people [in comments to the question] started argueing about how there is no such thing as a "hobbyist programmer").
That's more like it. Even though USB is purposely broken in ESXi, pass through works perfectly. So my windows and Linux VM's can see the drive.
@voretaq7: Err, hobbyist administrator.
Does the computer have a RAID1? Just pull and replace one of the disks and send it to the other data center?
The split array approach. Smooth. HP even has a way to do it. Buttttt the client formatted the array as raid5 with 600gb disks.
well in the context of this site you're either a hobbyist/home user (off topic) or a professional system administrator -- we're unique in the Stack Exchange network in that we're one of the few sites specifically targeted at professionals working in a professional/corporate/enterprise situation.
Your question got stomped on because you used the "H" word (*home*).
@adrian, what is your suggestion?
@FrerichRaabe in your case I'm going to assume this is for a company/corporate/professional use because you're essentially talking about documentation and change management, which isn't something hobbyists (or professionals kicking around on their personal machines for fun) usually bother with
(and if I'm wrong don't disabuse me of that notion :-)
Oh, sweet, after 5. Outta here 'til, God willing Monday. Peace!
Oh, I know, spend $25, get a Raspberry Pi, duct tape it to the USB drive, and wire it up so that it turns the USB drive into an NFS server.
@voretaq7: I didn't actually use the word "home" anywhere, but I guess "hobbyist" is close enough. ;-) I'm indeed doing this in a corporate environment - it just happens that we're a small shop and there's no full-time system administrator, instead it's just me and another developer trying to do some of the things. So in that sense we're amateurs (maybe that word would've been more appropriate).
@ewwhite Maybe I misread, but you said you had a USB enclosure? Many of them do NFS which ESXi5 will use as a datastore.
@Adrian: That must've been somebody else. :)
Naw, just a janky "disk in a box"...
@FrerichRaabe Screen moved as I clicked.
But I can pass the USB through to a VMware VMware and present it via loopback to the host as an NFS store.
@ewwhite Ah. I keep one of those around for shipping for just that reason. if a pile of data needs to get sent somewhere, it's easier to just do that.
@ewwhite Just slow as hell, eh?
@Adrian got a link to the model of the enclosure you use? Is it inexpensive?
having connected my NTFS formatted maxtor USB 2 drive to my ESXi lab and passed it through to a linux Vm - how do I mount it ?
@Iain Install and use ntfs-3g?
That's a little annoying. Markdown overdid it a little
remove cloud tag
what the fuck it's just another NAS
But.. it has CLOUD
@LucasKauffman They don't suck all THAT much. Gives me a good spot to throw my ISOs.
@Adrian yea 'cause you can throw them in the CLOUD
like your ISO's are in the CLOUD
Frankly, if that box were converted to Raid1, it would have almost as much storage as our primary fileserver.
@Zoredache this isn't something I play with often - how do I find the device name for the newly connected usb device ?
@FrerichRaabe eh, you're effectively the system administrator then. It might not be your primary job role, but it's the one you're filling, and you're filling it in a professional capacity (getting paid, taking it seriously)
@Iain /media
normally it gets mounted in there
@LucasKauffman nope
@Iain dmesg
@84104 doh ! thank you
I have failed the @Ian
@ewwhite pass it thru to a VM use ntfs-3g to mount it and you're away
@HopelessN00b donkey slow. FastSCP.
@LucasKauffman For your transgression of taunting me, I should figure out a way to make you come here and support this clusterfsck.
@Adrian I was taunting Iomega more than you
@Adrian Pass them my contact info, we only charge good clients $150/hr :)
@Adrian you don't want me there, I'm on audit until januari, it's really sad to annoy system administrators all day
@Adrian can I RDP or SSH in?
It be like a party
Hey guys… if you have any HS22V blades, don't use the IBM tools (BOMC & co) to update the firmware. Just saying.
@MikeyB sounds like an expensive experience :p
@LucasKauffman Right now I'm putting warranty claims through for 80 blades that got bricked.
@MikeyB I wish people would pay my hourly rate.
@MikeyB And yes, I've never heard good things about IBM firmware upgrades.
@WesleyDavid Sometimes they don't pay my rate... and then I wish them luck and tell them I can't help otherwise.
I actually had that with an Indian guy once from here
@JeffFerland Yeah, I have the bad habit of getting involved with some startups that offer percentages of the business. Sweat equity sucks.
@WesleyDavid I was on a concall with their country support team today and offered to license our software and process for doing updates. Because, you know, when we do it it doesn't brick their hardware :)
But yeah, I'm going to just invoice the hell out of this one place come Dec 1 and let them decide if they want me anymore.
told him not put his production server on RAMdisk. It was all fun and games until he lost power
@LucasKauffman Nope. On-site only. In a building that features both cockroaches AND bedbugs. We keep our coats in bedbug-proof totes during the day.
@Adrian what the ... where do you work?
wait the homeless shelter
but seriously... wtf
This is me right now:
^ The results of desktop support.
@WesleyDavid Oooh, I have days like that with code sometimes. That sucks.
@ewwhite Edmuuuuuuuund
Oh, does ESXi mount ext3?
yes, it should...
@WesleyDavid Yep.
related video. Sloth!

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