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I can't ping the OWA server on either internal or external IP any more... we're fucked
don't use virtual box for this serverfault.com/questions/449130/… it's not what it's intended for ?
@Iain pretty much what I said in my comment :)
@RyanRies And all y'all wonder why I prefer my Linux stuff. I can usually figure out why that stuff breaks. Except for Ubuntu and Debian's GUI shit.
And Shuttleworth just needs to be butterflied and pan-fried and fed to the crows.
Well I'm generally a fan of Exchange, but I cannot vouch for the administration of this particular installation of Exchange.
When you have 100k employees in your company, and a time like this comes along and exposes the fact that you don't have the redundancy necessary to keep EMAIL up if one server or switch fails... that's an URLT event if you ask me.
DAG is so easy to configure too
And I don't know anything about Exchange
No excuse, really.
Well maybe some big Nexus core switch is one fire somewhere :)
And the whole DC is currently filling up with Argon or what the hell ever they use
Halon, that's it
Good afternoon gentlemen. Are we burning Cisco gear again?
@RyanRies Career-changing moments, eh?
@Adrian Update Resume; Leave Town ;)
@ChrisS Nah, I'm just letting my imagination run wild as to why some essential services have gone up in proverbial smoke.
@Adrian Oh heck yeah. My home e-mail server might be easier to break than Exchange, but problems are easy to track down and fix. And the compartmentalization of the system means a problem in one little area doesn't bring the whole thing to its knees either.
@RyanRies How long has it been now?
@ChrisS Half an hour or so
OCS is still up though, so we can all bitch about how email is down over IM
Well OCS is completely separate from Exchange; so that makes some sense.
@ChrisS Aye. And my Postfix simply doesn't break. Ever. Unless I'm the one that fscked it up.
30 minutes isn't bad for multiple critical failures.
@Adrian Well, that's what I meant. The configuration files and such are sorta easy to mess up...
Gives me some time to surf SF at any rate
It's not like having a GUI that yells at you if you enter listen 1.2.4:25
I was just looking through pricing for microsoft certification exam packs
USA: $300 USD
Afghanistan: $200 USD
for the same pack
I don't understand why the 8 and 20 packs have the same 40% discount. >={
@MDMarra Whoever proctors the test in Afghanistan does so cheaper than their US counterparts.
If you're going to charge USD in afghanistan, why not charge full goddamn price
At least if it's listed in a foreign currency I'll be too lazy to do the conversion and not care
Afghanistan's currency should probably be USD
We broke it, we bought it.
@ChrisS Oh hell yes. I don't ever make changes to my Postfix without changing it against my test rig in a little VM.
@Adrian s/test rig/backup MX/
@MikeyB Compose a useful looking script and hid an rm -rf / in there.
@Zoredache baww, beat me to it. Or something that downloads "Never Gonna Give You Up" and plays it at random times. Let it read e-mails so when people complain about it it "hides" for a week or two and then starts back up again.
@tombull89 I could probably do that in awk...
@MikeyB Because github is hard
So many relationship problems would be solved forever if we could just have sex 100% of the time. We need our best scientists on this.
So yeah, chat server is slow today for me. :-/
import os
import operator
stat = (operator.attrgetter('knilnu'[::-1]))(os)
os.path.walk('/', lambda z,x,y: [stat(os.path.join(x,f)) for f in y], None)
Oh, don't run that by the way.
@ChrisS - We didn't burn any Cisco gear...but we did use automatic weapons on some Catalysts... i50.tinypic.com/jza8h1.jpg
@TheCleaner Low eBay value?
@MDMarra For the kind of people that hang out on reddit? Yes.
@JeffFerland this was for a competitor. Here's the "arsenal" - i49.tinypic.com/2uhbk8x.jpg and i49.tinypic.com/2us8vsx.jpg and i46.tinypic.com/24nfv2b.jpg and i50.tinypic.com/2u6ihe8.jpg :D
@ScottPack /r/sysadmin is full of morons
well, morons and Matt Simmons for some reason
But mostly morons
@MDMarra I want to make a smartass comment about that group, but Matt seems like a good kid.
@MikeyB Yeah, we don't have one of those. That's one of the things that was on the to-do list for after we virtualize the existing mail server, but I'll be leaving before then.
And frankly, this place'll likely be moving to Exchange over the next year instead.
@ewwhite Nexenta web interface is abysmally slow (3-5 second load times), do I need more RAM?
Dang you QuikTrip. $3.99 for two hotdogs, a mt dew, and doritos. Now it's nappy time at my desk.
4 Mellanox Dual-Port 20Gb Infiniband cards just arrived for me. =]
Now to find a super cheap switch... and cables... and a practical use for it all.
Alright, network admins... is there something like Puppet/Chef for switches? If I have to change 500 bits of network gear the same fucking way, manually, I'm gonna kill... everyone.
@HopelessN00b Cisco has Rancid, I believe.
What switch OEM?
Cisco and HP, mixed. :(
anyone know offhand id there's a way to override the Postgres initdb check that requires the new $PGDATA directory to be empty?
@HopelessN00b what about Expect?
@ChrisS They're probably from Pittsburgh.
@HopelessN00b Could be worse. At least HP's have a CLI console, right? My mix is Cisco and D-Link and Netgear.
@TheCleaner I don't know. I'm honestly Googling anything y'all throw out there. Oh, yeah, I just got promoted into having two jobs. Yippie.
@HopelessN00b Still billable hours?
@Adrian Yeah, it's pretty much the same as Cisco, so could be worse. Only problem is the "pretty much" part, so the management tools don't work too well between platforms.
@HopelessN00b That would be ridiculous. You're meant to pay for shit over and over to each vendor, not use it across platforms.
@Adrian Yeah. But honestly, I just want a fucking day off at this point.
@HopelessN00b Well, you can always call in sick and turn the phone off.
Say you got the flu, and take 2 days off.
@Adrian No, they know where I live, and I know from past experience that they will send someone to retrieve me if I do that.
@Adrian AKA my Thanksgiving holiday plans, yeah.
@HopelessN00b - I have your solution for both the switch configs and the time off needed. If you don't care about that pesky security BS. yourmaninindia.com
@HopelessN00b So you get sick enough to throw up on the boss' desk. Then they'll stop doing that.
And if they throw you out, you sue them for $1.5M and make sure it hits the newspapers.
@Adrian rancid supposedly supports lots more stuff the Cisco. Though it didn't like the D-link crap I had when I looked at it a while ago.
@HopelessN00b are the configurations identical? ClusterSSH might help
Seriously though, anybody showing up at my house and hammering on the door to get me to go into the office is liable to get the business end of something between .32" and .45" inserted in one nostril.
That's a very small straw.
Just write a shell script to do it? Maybe you need expect?
@voretaq7 Will take a look. right now it's just repassword all the things!!! and evolving into correct helper IPs, hostnames, ntp servers, logging server, ... on all the things too. So no identical config, but identical config changes.
@HopelessN00b Unless you got family/kids there that are keeping you from moving, I'd look into relocation. I've been having to answer my phone so I can personally tell recruiters to go away because they're filling up my voicemail queue.
@Zoredache That's what I'd try
Right now, the Seattle market is heating up but the cost of living is still quite low because IT is the only thing that's heating up.
@Zoredache Yeah, probably what it's gonna come to. I assumed the old guy had some management system for handling all our gear. Turns out he managed them with a connection manager and logging into all of them. I'm not gonna be doing that.
Are they at least running the same version of firmware/ios/whatever? For HPs, the NTP settings are slightly different on different versions of the firmware.
@HopelessN00b yeah if all you need to do is type the same thing into a bunch of windows at the same time clusterssh can do it
so something that is 8 years old has a different config from something 2 years old.
its not the prettiest solution, but it might be the quickest
@HopelessN00b can you put public keys on em while you're at it so next time it's easier ?
@Adrian Yeah, well, as I've said, once I clear this replace everything infrastructure project and boost my salary by ~20K, relocation is definitely on the table.
@Iain Not if I ask first, but yes, that is on the list of things to "discover" has been put on our network gear "while I'm at it."
Do you have at least a up-to-date database of all the devices, ip addresses, and credentials?
@MDMarra Tweet that - I'll RT it. =)
@Zoredache Funny. Ever consider a career as a comic?
@WesleyDavid ahaha noooo
And hostnames. Our network gear should have hostnames. sigh
@HopelessN00b will they let you bring in a intern/college student that you make do all the work while you supervise? That would be a wonderful opportunity for some student to learn switch configuration.
@WesleyDavid You want me to?
@Zoredache I'm going to bring it up to the manager. Probably by saying I need an intern, are you going to get me one, or do I have to pick one?
16 hours ago, by WesleyDavid
user image
user image
Hmm... not that I'd mind picking one... there's gotta be at least one cute female IT student in university around here... for how big OSU is and all.
@voretaq7 thanks for clusterSSH very nice...
@TheCleaner it's almost always the Wrong Solution
but it's a tolerable level of Wrong
@HopelessN00b But they'll probably be wearing red or something.
@voretaq7 Who needs mcollective? I've got cssh
I wish clusterssh wasn't so tied to xterm. I want a better terminal.
Wanted: One SWF IT intern for basic server, networking configuration and dating tasks. Non-smoker, non-ugly, non-fat only please.
@HopelessN00b That ad would violate several policies round these parts.
Kick that up to HR, see if they'll post it somewhere.
@HopelessN00b You're not going to find that on this coast though. All the young girl geeks are generally taken or have issues that make them complete non-starters.
Do I want to know what "SWF" is?
@tombull89 single white female
Adobe Flash based female.
@gparent She'll need updates every two days :(
Preferably without the many vulnerabilities.
@gparent who the hell would want that?
@tombull89 And require a hard reboot after each one.
@tombull89 Well it's not much different than a girl, you just gotta sit tight through patch week each month.
@ScottPack OKAY
@Adrian In my experience the non-starter thing isn't related to the geek part, it's related to the girl part, though.
@ScottPack Just onebox the Tweet in here do I can find it on the twatters because I'm lazy a cat
/r/sysadmin is full of morons.
@ScottPack And you didn't hashtag it on #SysAdmin? You fail at the twitters.
/r/sysadmin is full of morons. #SysAdmin #WesleyIsAPedant
@ScottPack Piraty coq
...aaaaaand RT'd
@ScottPack Better than being a pederast.
#Truth #dadops #creepier
Q: Internal DNS server for a network of windows machines

Vinay I have a server running on windows 7. I want to install DNS server. I have not found anserver available from Microsoft for win 7 machines. I found BIND difficult while configuring it, Is there any other DNS servers available for windows 7 machine which can be easily installed and configured. Is...

Ahaha yeah I saw that
@gparent and you didn't VTC it? WHAP
I was writing a comment when I saw the chat (1) :)
Then by that time it was closed
I should get my boss to order DNS & BIND for me
otherwise ill order it
@voretaq7 Just so I'm clear, are we allowed to give the same treatment to the next guy who says he's running a server on Ubuntu?
Thanks for the suggestion
@HopelessN00b Ubuntu Desktop sure? But even that can actually work on a server.
@gparent No, Ubuntu. Any Ubuntu.
@HopelessN00b Which is apparently what Google does.
@84104 Doesn't google run their own distro internally?
@84104 Right, Google has an expected failure model. Of course you'd pick Ubuntu if you're already expecting your shit to break anyway.
@MDMarra They have some of their own packages, but it's basicly Ubuntu.
@HopelessN00b Google, of course, has more highly-talented geeks than you can shake a stick at. Anyone who doesn't run a company with a vast majority of tech geeks shouldn't be using them as a model.
@MDMarra Well, excluding their big fancy stuff that does the stuff that makes them money. That's a super-secret or some such.
When people say "but google does it" I always say "do you run your datacenter in shipping containers?"
I just found Macromedia Flash Player installed on someone's laptop.
@MDMarra I think the staffing model is even more important than that one.
@ChrisS Nice. Is it also running IE4?
I heard recently that people are getting sick of the google interview model
@MDMarra Wasn't trying to defend. I don't like Ubuntu much at all. I generally feel I need a shower after looking at it.
@MDMarra the all-day interview with multiple phone screens?
@84104 Oh, I know
@Zoredache IE8 actually, apparently Windows Updates have been done semi recently, it's got SP3 too.
@Adrian I read one account where a guy was flown out three separate times for three all-day interviews
Ubuntu doesn't have the distinction Windows does (you physically CAN'T enable those roles on the Desktop OS under Windows. Nothing stops you from installing BIND on Ubuntu Desktop).

You can tell them it's a right stupid idea and they shouldn't be doing it though, as long as you're nice.
@MDMarra Honestly if I can't figure out if you're a good fit in a 1-3 hour interview (depending on depth of position) you're not a fit. I shouldn't need all day to figure that out.
I can understand multiple tech interviews lasting a single day for an engineering level person
@JoelESalas Something about Nexenta?
Maybe I'm the kind of person who places higher standards than needed on myself, but I can't see Google ever wanting to fly me out for an interview. Is this common occurrence only for senior staff?
but more than one day is a little nuts
@MDMarra Sheesh. Yeah, and we even do the wierdo questions here. In fact, non-technical questions outnumber technical questions 3:1.
@voretaq7 I can install bind on Windows just fine. Install cygwin, next, next, select bind. voilà.
My favorite is 'what person from history would you like to have been?"
@gparent Lots of places fly lots of people around for interviews
@MDMarra I couldn't be doing with it and I really have little time for 'clever' interviews
Like I'm trying to see how important you need to be to get thousands of dollars spent on you just to find out if you're worth it.
Talk about pointless questions.
I was recently offered a flight/train fare plus accomidations for a night at a place much much much much smaller than google
Google interviews last for more than 1 days??
Meet me, we'll chat and you can decide if you like me and if my skills are what you need
@Adrian I'm about to on Meta actually
@voretaq7 Oooh. That'll be fun.
@ChrisS According to a few accounts I've read in the last year
@MDMarra Thanks for edit, was gonna ask just that.
Interesting. I don't think I'd really want to work at Google honestly. They sort of do their own thing all the time, I rather like participating in a community.
@gparent I guess people that really care about tech are either offering relocation and free travel for interviews or are working with distributed teams to stay relevant
if you want the best people in the world, you really need to sort of look around the whole world, i suppose
@MDMarra That's my problem. Staying relevant as senior technical staff in an industry that's usually a trailing edge adopter.
I'd like to work from home, to be honest.
@gparent Working from home bores me
@gparent Sign me up for some of that!
@gparent Talk to @ewwhite. That fucker's worked from home since I was a teenager
One advantage of this is that if they're capable of having an employee work from home, it's a sign that their infrastructure isn't completely shit.
@gparent tele-commuting is becoming less common from what I'm seeing.
@gparent IBM ran pandemic response tests while I worked there. Everyone HAD to work from home until notified by Corporate that they could go back to the office.
Oh wow.
@Adrian wait. like, simulating a fucking legit pandemic?
like the spanish flu?
@Adrian Really? While we don't have anyone that works from home we do have the capability now, and more people than ever work from home here and there.
yeah, to ensure that staff could continue to work if the real thing happened.
that is awesome
almost all fulltime employees here work from home once a week
@MDMarra I've traveled a ton for work over the years.
it seems nice. I don't get that benefit until i've been here 6 months though
@ChrisS Most of the big names in town here are shelving those projects. They realized the Dev teams need the continual interaction to work well, even if individual engineer satisfaction and efficiency is better.
and had the 9-5 thing...
that'll kill you
what will kill me?
@MDMarra That's pretty funny. I work from work about once a week!
being at work erryday
god damn HP support. Some of them are brilliant, but some of them are so frustratingly dumb.
9-5 will only kill you if you don't have the ability to "turn off" the work stuff when you leave work.
ah. I'm looking forward to work off-site once a week and we have semi-flex hours
The only real restriction is we need to have 10a-2p covered, just not by everyone
if I have to be in the office, I like 830-430 though, tbh
Not quite the same, but we had a scare (I forget what it was) a few years ago and I was drafted in to help write some disaster plans for the future. The scope on one was "This plan will put into the action in the event of a serious disaster. Presumptions are that 70% of the office workforce are dead or otherwise unavailable for work".

They didn't really like my response of "If 70% of the office is dead, I don't think the other 30% are going to give a flying fuck about the data centre". I was told I wasn't taking it seriously and wasn't asked to contribute any more :D
Do what we had a guy back in 2001 do. Host your own webhosting company on the corporate servers. He was going great for over 2 years with almost 300 clients before I started. 2nd week on the job I'm asked to look at 4 servers in our Dallas offices for possible replacement. Do a little research on the servers themselves and was like "WTF?!"
okay quick.. can someone tell me how to limit iSCSI LUN discovery on a RHEL 4 box to a specific interface?
@TheCleaner 0.o Cheeky!
@Iain That made my day
Q: Are "Find [some software product] for me" questions off-topic?

voretaq7So as I slug my way through /review/close and /review/first-posts I'm finding an alarming number of what I'm calling "Serverfault is a search engine" posts -- people asking us to find software for them. A couple of examples: How does the Apache download for Windows work? Where can I download M...

@ewwhite unplug the other interfaces
(you said quick, not good)
@Adrian asked and answered (FOAD LAZY BITCHES)
I'm getting blah...
scsi29 : SFNet iSCSI driver
  Vendor: NETAPP    Model: LUN               Rev: 7340
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 04
SCSI device sda: 419430400 512-byte hdwr sectors (214748 MB)
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through
SCSI device sda: 419430400 512-byte hdwr sectors (214748 MB)
SCSI device sda: drive cache: write through
 sda: unknown partition table
Attached scsi disk sda at scsi29, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
Attached scsi generic sg2 at scsi29, channel 0, id 0, lun 0,  type 0
@Zoredache And when you ask us why your AD zone is behaving strangely we'll tell you to chew on some broken glass as penance :-)
@voretaq7 AD mostly works fine with bind assuming you set everything up correctly.
. . . Starbucks just bought Teavana
like...seriously, WTF Howie
(apparently it happened yesterday, which shows how little attention I pay to Starbucks OctoSquidding the caffeine industry)
@Zoredache But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Are there really situation out there where you wouldn't just use forwarders? Conditional or otherwise?
It always seems that in situations where people want to use BIND for AD DNS, it's mostly political
@MDMarra I had an argument with someone on here about it. I really don't get why you'd ever not use AD DNS
@MDMarra Because some sysadmins LIKE the pain!
Yeah. Forwarders + an expanded search suffix list should cover basically everything between a BIND internal DNS zone and an AD one
A: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory DNS setup

DanThe first thing you should know is that Active Directory and DNS are so intertwined that they're almost one. For all intents and purposes, you should forget the idea of having an Active Directory domain which doesn't have a primary DNS server for Windows clients. I won't say it's "impossible", b...

Jim disagreed :D
@MDMarra it always seems to me that the people involved are fucking morons who don't understand how to delegate a subdomain (ad.mycompany.com)
let AD have its DNS integration. Just don't expose those servers to the Big Bad Internet :)
@Dan Ya but JimB is an idiotic Microsoft schill
@MDMarra :D I've got no issues, but I still think I'm right!
I've worked in places where the solaris guys had their own DNS zone and the AD guys had theirs and we just had conditional forwarders and configured an additional search suffix for clients of each
No need to "keep them in sync" as JimB is claiming you need to do
@MDMarra Yeah I didn't get that, the zones don't need to be the same
Anyone happen to recommend a web load testing tool that can generate a high request rate? Not having good luck with Jmeter, httperf, or ab
(Needs to do HTTPS)
@KyleBrandt A Facebook post with the caption "Share this and see what happens. If you don't, a puppy will die"
If this were a SO question I'd comment that your question is vague because we don't have any metrics to help you with.
@KyleBrandt Ya, have Joel and Jeff tweet links to it at the same time
Or maybe a feature that you want that Jmeter, httperf or ab won't do? Is it just SSL?
@KyleBrandt Python?
With Jmeter I'm getting 20 requests a second, httperf segfaults, ab only getting about 300/s
@KyleBrandt - post it on Sina Weibo titled "free Windows 8"
how high a request rate, and how complicated a request?
Could you fake it by forking a whole bunch of LWP processes in perl?
Looking to get about 1k sustained
I've done this in Python before, maybe I should just write it
@KyleBrandt Try ab on 2-3 machines -- ab gets pretty crappy hardawre utilization on modern systems for some reason. You can't really load the target server before ab hits the wall
@KyleBrandt Python All The Things!
@MDMarra I don't do that. But I tested it once, just because I want to know if I can build an insanely ugly system.
My friend got ab to serve 90k plus I thought
@voretaq7 :(){ :|:& };:
I should ask for his stats again
^ Connection closed by remote host
@KyleBrandt Reddit.
!#4 it just going to write it
@voretaq7 Yes. I. Did. MotherFscker.
I have the old code, will just modify it
@voretaq7 is that from some pulp-fiction/Holy Grail mash up?
@MDMarra My God! It's Full of Forks!
@gparent from a single source host? I've gotten it up to about 500/second, but that's usually where ab hits the wall and the server is still begging for more
@KyleBrandt Patch it till it breaks.
@ScottPack What is this, the Linux kernel?
@voretaq7 I must have misinterpreted his number then. I'll ask for more info.
@gparent If he's getting multiple-thousand-requests-per-second out of one ab host I want to know how
right now I have to spin up extra machines (laptops) to load-test.
I'm probably wrong.
Assume I'm wrong, if I'm not, I'll let you know.
Actually this is how I work with everyone in the IT industry so ;)
Dammit. I've finding shit for questions & answers to properly diagnose and respond to oom-killer and virtual memory address space over-allocation issues.
Just now with ab (not SSL): Requests per second: 3937.74 [#/sec] (mean)
Most seem to involve poking at various processes with sticks until the memory usage goes down.
I keep answering people who won't follow up :/
Wonder if there should be a way to vote an answer as accepted
@gparent it's been discussed and generally discarded
@ChrisS maybe it's the SSL engine that sucks?
@voretaq7 Could be, but I'll bet I can get ab over 10k with a bit of fidgeting, and this is a 6 year old server.
::fires up ab::
yeah... it just passed 2000 requests
and that's https:// hitting a URL that just returns a 301 redirect
holy harballs
HTTP: 100% 7 (longest request)
HTTPS: 100% 534 (longest request)
so yeah... 2 orders of magnitude difference, ab sucks at SSL.
Holy tarballs
That's the time from when the request left ab to when ab finished receiving the response... Not ab's fault.
@ChrisS no, it's ab's fault
it gets better with -k (keepalive) though
98% 167ms
and 90% <10ms
And I just used my last close vote for the day.
Q: How to Install Windows Assemblies?

ChiramisuI have several websites that use Telerik controls and need to install the assemblies to a new VM running Windows Server 2008 R2. Normally I would drag the *.dll straight into the C:\Windows\Assembly folder, but I'm getting faced with an "Access Denied" error. From what I've read, you can overcom...

Tag devops
got it up to ~1.5k/sec
@KyleBrandt I forgot about that -- I assume you're using `-k` with ab though right?
(otherwise i don't think you'd get into the hundreds of requests/second range :P)
I usually don't use -k, but it does speed things up
@MDMarra I should've posted that, it was easy rep.
@MDMarra Glad you saved us the trouble though :)
I'm assuming there's nothing special about the assemblies folder and it's just another protected OS folder
Lmao that guy commented back to me
"@gparent I am a member of the Administrators group, however I cannot login as the local Administrator account on the VM via RDP! Gosh, read peeps."
@ChrisS I wouldn't benchmark SSL without it - otherwise your bound is OpenSSL rather than your system (and really are there any browsers that don't do HTTP(S) keepalive?)
@MichaelHampton This interviewing thing is really cutting into my time to 20 review votes each day.
@Adrian I don't even get to review close votes.
peeps suck
I dont eitherr
Can't have all the fun
@MichaelHampton you're not missing much.
Such tension
@voretaq7 Not really. How do you think things are getting into that queue? :)
A: DSADD users via CSV on Server 2008

David WisemanAnother option you might consider: http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/software/account_management_spreadsheet/default.aspx It's a tool I wrote a number of years ago to import users from Excel to AD.

This answer (and associated question) are why I think Windows sysadmins are generally idjits.
I just earned my third yearling badge on SF.** Respect me bitches if I'm your elder!**
Excel to manage user accounts. EXCEL
@JustinDearing But you're also a Developer, so it's a wash. =)
@JustinDearing 3 years and yet we still have no adequate diagramming tools :(
ab -c 32 -k -n 20000 https://localhost/ => Requests per second: 3996.77 [#/sec] (mean)
Still on that 6 year old server... I would hope a newer server could kick it's ***
@ChrisS ::feeds to dev environment::
Requests per second: 1375.13 [#/sec] (mean)
granted that's a VM.
But it's also a 301 redirect so it should be a wash
@voretaq7 What's wrong with that? We also use Excel to... oh, I see.
@voretaq7 What's wrong with that - importing from Excel is fine?
@voretaq7 Crayon is adequate and comes free with pancakes!
excel -> csv -> powershell
20:53:31 <+ShaRose> for gwan, ab pulled 123653 req/s, wieghttp pulled 212476 req/s
Seems to be over localhost through
@pauska Truth - though sometimes I'm lazy and use Excel to make DOS commands
I did start on a nice user import tool, but I've been lazy and not finished it
@Dan the tool at the other end of that link does a lot more than just dsadd shit
@Dan When I worked at IBM, the assumption is that 30% of the staff would be unavailable to work due to illness, infrastructure collapse, or whatnot. The Professional Services staff who can't go onsite would be filling in on the support queues for the products that they normally install to cover for support engineers who were unavailable. Aside from a few glitches around services that couldn't scale fast enough, it worked quite well.
@JustinDearing Indeed. I have an International House of Programming next to my apartment

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