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you know there is some benefit to having major dental work during the week.. getting to take hydrocodone while at work ;)
Scroll down to the fruitcake.
Deadspin was so much better before they got eaten up by Gawker
I used to go there exclusively for the comments, back when you could only comment by invite only.
It was the funniest collection of dick jokes about sports on the internet
Now it's just bad dick jokes 24/7
Quick VMWare question
Client has 7 x ESX hosts in a cluster.
Intel E5410 CPUs... dual quad-cores
@ewwhite so underpowered, yes...
They have about 25 VM's.
Wait, their consolidation ratio is under 4:1?
but they have most of their VM's as 4 vCPU
they're asking me to upgrade them to RHEL 6 from RHEL 5...
and bump each VM's CPU count to 8 vCPU
Are they really CPU constrained?
Or are they just stupid
I'm trying to explain that 8 vCPU on 8-core physical boxes is not a gooood idea
Is your question "How do I tell them that they're stupid?"
It is, isn't it
they're salty, actually... because they they say, "we have 7 servers, why can't we do this?"
@voretaq7 Thank you for this, you've made me inordinately happy
@JoelESalas that one and the waffle batter dispenser
"How about a spoon? How about you use a fucking spoon to dole out your waffle batter? The waffle iron itself tells you when it's had enough batter. If you overload it because you're a fat greedy pig, the batter spills off the side. You don't need a dispenser. OH BUT HOW WILL I KNOW I'VE USED THE EXACT RIGHT AMOUNT OF BATTER?! Now this waffle will never fit in my grain sack!"
@ewwhite I mean, just say "Well, technically speaking, you can do this, but it's not a good idea because of scheduler issues that you clearly don't understand."
And then kick them in the face
This is why I hate SU... this got downvoted for no apparent reason.
A: Is there a pattern like ^ in vim?

Michael HamptonIf you use ^ in a regex in vim, it will match the actual start of the line, even if it contains whitespace. For instance, this line starts with a space: <- there's a space there you can't see :) This vim command will remove the leading space: :%s/^ // resulting in the following: <-...

@ewwhite "Because at that point you're using all the resources on the host for one VM. If you REALLY need this kind of configuration you're wasting resources using a hypervisor - just give everything a physical machine and be done with it."
Wouldn't that vCPU situation be useful iff (if and only iff) you had mostly idle Vms which accasional burst and use all the raw CPU power available?
@voretaq7 "But we have 7 servers!"
@Hennes yes. And those bursts would need to be damn infrequent and never simultaneous, or you'd be taking a performance hit (CPU saturation and massive context switching)
@Hennes Only seems to make sense for a super-multithreaded application
@ewwhite "And you're claiming that each VM needs the full horsepower of a server. So you can have at most 7 VMs unless you buy more servers..."
@ewwhite or a bunch of discrete CPU-bound applications
I am just a purist. I have seen several (NEVER usefuls and I I had a brainstorm with Hmm almost never useful.
Do people sometimes virtualize a server simply for convenience even if you're only going to have one VM on it?
@ewwhite they know more cores doesn't always equal faster, right? Someone explained that? :)
Seems like it could make migrations and what not easier, or maybe backup
@voretaq7 Looks like a Cassandra application
No, not yet. But I have proposed it.
AD server in a VM.
@gparent do people sometimes have a 1:1 consolidation ratio you mean? Yeah, for some applications
@gparent basically to have portability
But quote( I AD server shoul donly run on real hardware )endquote.
And that was the head of IT, so I defaulted to that.
Yeah, that was a confusing sentence. I meant run an hypervisor with only one VM instead of simply setting up the OS on baremetal
@Hennes meh, I disagree with that :-)
They should definitely have disaffinity, and they should be carefully monitored for timing issues, but VMs make great AD servers
I think an AD should run on hardware where it has low latency. But in a VM would be fine if you want to shell out the cost of an extra OS.
Back then I was new to windows.
@gparent yeah, usually for the reasons @ewwhite mentioned (portability/failover)
@BrentPabst That's getting a bit pedantic. It's a hard drive that's he's trying to copy data off. I'd give him the instructions for dd but he's likely end up copying over his computer's hard drive instead of the replacement.
If someone with lots of experience claimed that, then it was probably true.
It's way easier to use VMWare HA rather than setting up NeverFail or something shitty
@Hennes the big problem with AD in VMs is usually clock synchronization. The rest of AD isn't that demanding
Given my choice I'd much rather have at least one be a physical box, but budgets sometimes don't allow for that :)
I like the idea of moving a vm to a new machine without bothering about the hardware. Especially if the servers are 4-7 years old and there is no more support contract
@Hennes it's not always quite that simple -- shared-nothing migrations are still kinda tricky last I looked
@gparent Yeah, I have before... basically to keep something like a Windows 2000 VM running without having to bother with hardware drivers.
whats an ethernet cable that only has 4 wires
black yellow red green
@David telephone
@voretaq7 but its ethernet size
@David Telephone :)
arent phone connectors smaller?
@David usually, but sometimes you see RJ45 telephone cables
@voretaq7 Could be 10/100
@David An RJ11 is smaller than an RJ45, but you can carry analog phone on either
@voretaq7 weird...we have like 4 of them
@ScottPack with those colors?
Or it could just be an old 100Mb cable
4 wires would do 10/100, or some phone thingy (smaller plug for phones though)
@voretaq7 Who cares about the colors so long as they're consistent?
ISDN was 4 wires IIRC
done never seen me a ethernet cable with a black wire
@Hennes That would be RJ45 for 8-pin ethernet or RJ11 for 4-pin POTS
@voretaq7 Do the electrons care what the color of the jacket is?
@ScottPack well you care right quick when you plug it into an ethernet card and the port says "OHAI +48V"
@Hennes ....
top down it goes 1 black 2 yellow 3 red 4 empty 5 empty 6 green 7 empty 8 empty
@ScottPack points up at +48V quip
@MDMarra I was thinking and typing befor I parsed your 100mbit line
Tip voltage don't give a fuck either - tip voltage will blow your ethernet controller a new vent hole :-)
@Hennes I was talking about the AD should be on low latency hardware thing
Are you referring to Active Directory?
Even very large ADs are small in file size and usually are served out of RAM
Today's Lesson: Don't be putting your dongle in unfamiliar jacks.
@David When in doubt, connect a multimeter :)
(or find the other end of the cable)
@ewwhite Ah yeah drivers is a good point
@voretaq7 when in doubt, we dont have one of those =P
Wrong? I never installed it on anything but bare metal yet, but I do not see why you could not put active directory (and with that I really should have said a domain controller) on a VM
Right, it's fine in a VM
Maybe I misread what you were saying
@ScottPack Tough crowd today. Penis jokes are usually got for at least 2 stars.
@voretaq7 both ends of the cable are the same
AD is really pretty low-load
@David in that case use a PC you don't care about/want to replace: If smoke comes out you found telephone voltage :-)
@gparent like if I want to run that Windows 2000-based accounting application on a DL380p with Sandy Bridge CPUs...
I should have said domain controller instead of AD.
The 50k object domain at @lastJob was like 500MB on disk
@voretaq7 i know it works on a computer, just apparently REALLY slowly
@David oh, its one you just happen to have laying around? Chuck it, it's shit :P
So our DCs/DNS servers were all 1vCPU 2GB RAM and had no problem
All VMs
For a 50k object single-domain forest
@voretaq7 it was plugged into a moved computer, and they just told me their internet was slow
swapped it for a regular cat 5 and now its normal
but we have a bunch of them...
It's probably an ancient cable like @ScottPack said - throw 'em all away, they're shit
Diskspace never was an issue. I looked at a small server. Boss decided that bigger hardware was needed, so we had more stuff to work with and to optionally swap it to other servers without needing to get another purchasing order approved.
the wire is probably cat3 spec (or random ancient bell wire)
@David Don't use suspect cables. Cables are cheap.
The joys of non-technical reasoning
Yeah. I wasn't referring to disk space as much as I was referring to the fact that as long as your available RAM is greater than your ntds.dit file, pretty much nothing else matters performance-wise for a DC
@Iain are my powershell services still needed?
Unless you're crafting incredibly crazy queries that run constantly, and even those are all served out of RAM
Noted for future use :)
@JustinDearing erm, not sure @MDMarra are they ?
@Iain @JustinDearing It was that weird zip question
Nah. We should have used more quesries. And we should have had proper inventory tracking and a ticketed helldesk system and ... ...
Google Voice Transcript: "Hey Wesley what's up man see if I was kind of funny sperm and asked me to give you a call. Call me back just ask for Heath."
I do not want to talk to a funny sperm.
Best SO migration ever; made me laugh loud enough to disrupt the weekly time-suck change management meeting.
Q: Powershell wait for compressing to finish

PatrickI have written a powershell script that zips the contents of a folder and sends it to a server for backup. The issue is that the copy process doesn't wait for the zip process to finish. I have tried using Out-Null and Wait-Process, and nothing seems to be working. OUt-Null just doesn't do anyt...

is that the one?
@JustinDearing aye
My initial reaction was "Um, you're not zipping anything"
@HopelessN00b If anyone asks you were laughing at the change request being discussed because it was STUPID
But, upon further review, that actually works
@JustinDearing the out-zip does the zipping ?
@voretaq7 They're smart enough not to ask now, after I gave an honest answer once...
@RyanRies - you are annoying me. Every time I see a question "Shit I can answer that" I see your smug blue cloud on the top rated answer
Sorry :(
@Ryan The ComObject Shell.Application (Windows Shell) handles .zip files natively (i.e. you can unzip from Explorer.exe, or drag files into an existing .Zip). What really stands out here is that the OP is actually craving the zipfile type, by-hand, into the start of file (PK[ETX][EOT]...) -- neat. — jscott 1 hour ago
If it's any consolation, you other fuckers do the same thing to me
@Iain yes out-zip takes an array of file names as input as pipeline input and writ to a zip file
waves fingers mysteriously
@MDMarra ah
@RyanRies ::rains::
@Iain That was the magic that I missed at first glance
@voretaq7 Magnets. @RyanRies uses magnets.
out-zip is just a normal user-defined function, but that magic is what makes it do what it does
wrap your hard drives in magnets to protect them from solar flares.
Solar flares HATE magnets.
@MDMarra What happens when you have an out-of-file experience?
@WesleyDavid That should say out-zip
Talk about muscle memory :p
@MDMarra you know I never bothered to look at the source code. This is the first time I notices the magic of the shell COM object.
Yeah. I was like, Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wut.
Then I tried it and it actually worked, so I started crying.
@MDMarra that's fucking dirty
Then jscott explained in in the comment and I cried for a different reason
@MDMarra well Its COM
Do not go to a veterans' event with a samarium–cobalt magnet.
Do not ask your uncle where his shrapnel was last known to be.
Do not place said samarium–cobalt magnet on that region of his body.
Do not pull magnet away quickly.
Do not ask if I am joking or not.
Your Uncle deserves to be iron man!
@WesleyDavid Do not ask how badly beaten the kitty was for this trick?
also I'm disappointed @WesleyDavid.
Any kitty knows you use neodymium magnets these days.
So do unix folks these says use lzma compression on their tars or bz2 still?
@JustinDearing lots of people still using plain old gzip
tar xzvf is like the most advanced thing I know how to do on *nix
If I'm in the office you might overhear me from the other cubicle saying something like "holy shit I just started started a daemon I'm such a genius"
@voretaq7 I got the CPU, give me the best compression
I wonder... do you think I
@JustinDearing Until you're sitting there and your disk is waiting for the CPU to spit out data because you used bzip2 instead of gzip to save a measly little bit of disk.
Sorry... I wonder... do you think I'd gain anything from getting a VCP?
I feel like I know VMWare...
@MikeyB bz2 generally decompresses pretty fast, as does LZMA.
@ewwhite It's nice to put the badge on your website, etc
but in practical terms?
Don't firms have strict requirements to use certified partners for certain types of work?
ie. MSFT partners or Cisco partners, etc
perhaps... I've never seen it with VMWare.
I haven't either, but it could happen! :D
But I'm broken/installed enough systems to feel like I've seen a lot
@JustinDearing Generally. In the particular case of which I was thinking, unbzipping an OS image to deploy to a disk took 14min vs. 2min with gzip. Only a few % difference in compression. OK, granted, edge case.
@ewwhite I have.
@MikeyB that's a weird edge case. However, if I am a mirror I'm not paying for your CPU, I am paying for your bandwidth.
@JustinDearing Ah well yes :) Tarballs on a mirror? Put every last ounce of effort into making that file smaller.
@RyanRies All you need to do is to replace the z with a j to switch from gzip to bzip2
I'm showing my wife this. Were moving back to Queens were our lawn chairs will be covered with jet fuel as G-d and nature intended!
MEM | tot   23.7G | free   10.6G | cache   3.5G | buff  215.4M | slab  203.1M |
SWP | tot    5.7G | free    5.7G |              | vmcom  27.7G | vmlim  17.5G |
Atop output. Virtual mem lower than Physical.
Honestly, I don't see much merit in not using p7zip for local archives, unless your worried about permissions and posix ACLs
How the fsck do I change that? shmmax, shmall don't seem to be the right ones.
Looking for new subreddits to subscribe to. Search term: space

Top result: /r/lgbt - A safe space for GSM (Gender and Sexual Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests, and passions.

@MDMarra this is why we won't go back into space, its full of gays!
@MDMarra And here was me thinking it was a room for Global System for Mobile Communications
Space, the final frontier (if you know what I mean)
Seriously though
/r/lgbt was the #1 result for "space" and /r/space was #2
wtf is that
@MDMarra I know. They totally forgot the extra letters from the end of LGBT
It's like, what the hell man? I want pictures of Uranus, not picture of your anus. Ya know?
And on that note, I'm going home
@MDMarra God created Adam and Eve not Neal and Buzz!
So is there an API for this chat room? I need to make a powershell script for it to live up to my reputation
@JustinDearing No official API but I think it's all REST based so you could probably interface with it anyway
@MarkHenderson one day I shall fire up the fiddler and do that
Hmm well firebug isn't showing any requests so maybe it's not REST, maybe it's websockets or something
I guess all I need really is to make a bat signal script for the inbox
Ah nope, there they are. My firebug was just behind
@JustinDearing best out-of-context quote of the week?
last night and today can be considered a very bad day, felt so bad I genuinely wanted it all over, may be just feeling a tiny bit better than before though
@tombull89 In populist Rome, nero and fiddle burn while people watch
@MarkHenderson Hrm a stackoverflow bat signal script would be useful.
@Chopper3 this is the effect of the chemo ?
yeah, plus a nice pair of infections
infections you could do without too :(
Never a good time to have infections, just worse ones :-(
hugs, back later
@Chopper3 Thank you for stopping by though. Good to hear that you're still with us and looking forward to more war stories in the future.
@voretaq7 You finally have my agreement that Linux sucks.
@Adrian and what brought you to the light my child?
@voretaq7 oom-killer and overcommit_ratio.
@voretaq7 alcoholics call this their moment of clarity. Sysadmins call it their moment of rage
@JustinDearing If we're talking about the OOM killer I think it's the "Come to Satan meeting" in VM design
I have a server that has VMEM overcommited to 53G with 32G of RAM. It's running fine with a scant 2G free in Physical. Another server is only over-committed by 4-5G in VMEM but it fires off oom-killer rather randomly.
Waiting for it to start up again so that I can figure out what's going on. /proc/meminfo looks like a dog's breakfast on these servers, and they were fine before Firefox 16 got forklift'd onto these servers a few weeks.
Its important to remember this moment that you let the BSD into your heart and LSD into your spinal column, so you can share it when you witness the Daemon to others.
"Rather than refuse to allocate RAM for this new process, just kill the guy using the most RAM and give it to the new guy" -- and Satan looked approvingly upon the VM Sybsystem and saw it was made of evil.
(incidentally, "Kill the guy who has all the RAM and give it to the guy with no RAM" -- s/RAM/money/ and isn't that what the crazy right-wingers say Obama wants to do? -- MY GOD! The OOM Killer is a caricature of liberal fiscal policy!)
So yeah, everyone's stupid geyes and fishtank work great but all the various useful apps gets killed randomly.
Why does an OS feel the need to kill processes when it runs out of ram? Can't it just get real slow and crash?
Like who said "this is a problem I need to solve in a manner other than not exhausting memory"
Linux is simply java compatible... it needs MOAR memory
@JustinDearing I blame the penguin-loving Fin.
@voretaq7 what does *BSD do ?
Not sure.
Solaris nukes processes
i just did a reply-all that shouldnt have been
although I never saw it do it. Not sure what VMS did, again never saw even heavily loaded VAXen kill anything
@Iain malloc() fails
and your process gets ENOMEM raised
(or something similar, don't remember the error name offhand)
it's up to the programmer to handle the failure (ask for less RAM, clean up and exit, shit yourself and dump core)
You don't get to launch new non-privileged processes afaik?
@David SINNER!
@voretaq7 at least it didnt have anything important in it, just a question for accounting lol
@David meh, accounting won't notice.
@voretaq7 hmm?
@David they're usually the reply-all-answer-when-BCC'd-fuck-email-etiquette crowd
@voretaq7 oh, they sent an email to everyone, and then i reply-all'ed to everyone lol
@voretaq7 Here, that would be the designated union liaisons who stuff All@ into everything so we took away staff All@ privileges.
posited: support.oracle.com is the worst web site ever made
I have reply-all enabled by default, because we use a bunch of Google Groups to get stuff done
and i always forget to change to reply-all and end up emailing 1 person instead of the group
@wfaulk worse than the HP website? Or Dell premier support?
@voretaq7 Coredump is always the solution.
@RobM infinitely
Before I go hit up the Stack Overflow guys... do any of you use TFS?
ok that's pretty darn bad then
it's like Plan 9 From Outer Space vs. Manos, the Hands of Fate
plan 9 is so awful that you can't imagine there's anything worse
and then you see manos and it is so, so much worse
worse than a website designed and hosted in Lotus Domino Notes?
@wfaulk The new support.oracle.com? Or the older flash-based one?
@RobM I believe it is in Oracle Forms, so that's probably a push
oh god
the new one
I was unaware of the flash one
flash sites aren't designed. An 'artist' throws up all on the screen and calls that good.
@wfaulk posited: the old Oracle support site is the worst web site ever
@freiheit I cannot dispute your claim
due to lack of evidence
but I suspect you may be right
@Iain I think it's actually easier to find something on that page than on support.oracle.com...
support.oracle.com is less blinding, but you care more that you can't find something...
@wfaulk posited: all the support sites just 301 redirect to serverfault.com/questions/ask
at least it's slow
like (non-Boston) molasses (massacre) slow
@voretaq7 no, they all redirect to SO, dump you on a page that gives you 10k there for rolling your head backwards and forwards on the keyboard and then redirects you to their review queue.
My favorite thing is that the ability to delegate authority to open service tickets is dependent on the service contract renewal date.
So, who knows a good network admin willing to work for leftover beer and copious quantities of abuse? We have an opening. :(
the new vmware support site is a bit of a mess too, as it happens.

If each feature needs a paragraph of explanations before you can let people use it, then its probably bad design.
@HopelessN00b everyone I know demands first run beer.
@HopelessN00b You're in the Midwest. The Midwest has winters. You won't be able to find anyone even for a cubic meter of cash.
@RobM nah nah - the vmware support site SUCKS.
@HopelessN00b I don't think you can provide the level of abuse I've come to expect. Also, you will need bathub gin, and a flask of tape head cleaner
emergency rum rations
@RobM anti-freeze
@voretaq7 you won't get any disagreement from me
i absolutely insist on rum. I don't work without rum. Or at a pinch, southern comfort, lime, and lemonade.
@JustinDearing Not a problem. And I'm sure we'll be able to exceed the level of abuse you're getting from your current employer.
@HopelessN00b but on to matters of the work environment, is there an IHOP, dennys, or waffle house nearby. Do they provide crayons? How do they feel if you bring your own syrup?
@Adrian A cubic meter of metal is pretty valuable, I imagine
@JustinDearing I dunno about Denny's, but there are nearby IHOPS and waffle houses. And we make syrups. But you can bring your own if you so desire. The only requirements are being a networking-guru willing to work for intern or slave-labor wages.
@HopelessN00b you make syrups?
. . . are you like a supplier for @ewwhite's employer?
'cuz that might not be the kind of syrup we'd bring to der freakin' Waffle Haus.
@voretaq7 No, no. The food kind of syrups.
@voretaq7 All that stuff squicks me out considering the dirty & disgusting warehouses that those bottles are filled and packaged in.
@Adrian meh, you should see the places the food syrups are made.
@HopelessN00b I'm actually a dev these days, and I might more than slave wages. The syrup makes the offer intriguing though.
Geezus I think my boss has his period; he just chewed me out because a button on a tiny maintenance program that only I ever use isn't exactly in the horizontal middle
Save me nowwwwww
@MarkHenderson delete the program and use command line tools.
@voretaq7 Most of my scripts these days are in PS, but this is, shall we say, a legacy tool :p
@MarkHenderson vb6?
@MarkHenderson I'm pretty much looking fondly at the prospect of being able to quit next week. It's gonna be grand.
@voretaq7 Got it in one :P
And I can't even modify the program because VB6 doesn't play well with Windows 7
@MarkHenderson can you expose the off center button as a method in a COM object?
@JustinDearing Well, we also do salad dressings, jams, dips, croutons and many other food products, if that helps... If there's ever an emergency situation, you could live for a year off the various condiments we have lying around as samples...
@Adrian You get an offer?!?
@MarkHenderson it was 5 or 6, I went with the lesser of two evils.
@JustinDearing Hmm, I suspect I could wrote a macro script in AutoIT that is triggered from a PS script that runs the program, sendkey()s the data into the right fields and presses enter :P
@MarkHenderson just install XP mode and run Visual Studio 6.0 from that
So I set up PRTG at home for funsies
and it's gotten even better
@MarkHenderson I approve this hack.
Al Gore would like to remind you that it contributes to global warming though.
@voretaq7 I run FurMark on my PC to warm up my room in the winter
@MarkHenderson also, the VB6 upgrade wizard works remarkaebly well. Once it compiles to .NET convert it to C#
@JustinDearing .. .there's an upgrade wizard?
There's a wizard for everything man
If I ever have the misfortune of seeing whats inside this program ever again, I'll keep that in mind :p
@MarkHenderson The biggest issue is it doesn't convert ADODB to ado.net, but the COM based data access still works
@MarkHenderson what's inside? This is VB6...
^ that's what's inside
And I present to you, the IT guide to US politics: twitter.com/EdTheProgrammer/status/268843219788378113
@Holocryptic Secession...that's like forking in git, but for states, right?
Ok time to walk to the Newport mall to catch the light rail.
what fun
@voretaq7 what?! ebaumsworld is still around?
@MarkHenderson yeah
they show up often when I google up that flash animation
Almost every chain forward I got from about 1998 - 2002 was a link to ebaumsworld
I wished death on that website and I haven't heard its name in yeaarrsssss
@MarkHenderson well your wishes are unheeded. It's still around.
Yay, I got Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday working again.
From really ancient backups
@HopelessN00b No, but that is starting to matter less and less.
My boss pulls another cute stunt and I'll just give notice for the last day before my christmas vacation.
And here I am being flippant while a request for onsite Amazon interview shows up in my Inbox....
Mercy. Mercy. Me.
@Adrian Awesome
Onsite interview tomorrow with a REDACTED #1. Got a phone screen in half an hour with a local dot-com too, but I am not as hopeful as yesterday.
They seem to be wanting a one-dude-to-fix-them-all kinda guy.
Especially when a supposed 15% of the job is desktop support for other staff.
Not sure I really want to be that guy anymore. I did that awhile ago and it was okay, but I really want to delve into deeply technical stuff and specialize in systems engineering instead of putzing with printer queues.
@Adrian I hear that.
@Adrian I must be an asshole, because my first instinct would be to take all my PTO in one shot, with the intention of calling in the day after to say: Oh, did I forget to tell you that I got a job that sucks less?
We've had at least two people bail in the last two weeks and we've got others in the interview process
I wonder how upper management feels about that
@JoelESalas If your place is anything like mine, upper management is too busy working on the golf game to care about everyone with talent jumping ship or not.
So I decided to start helping the SO guys by closing the feedback loop. Only being able to @ one person, or post one comment per 15 seconds is a bit annoying, though.
Phone screen in...3...2...1
@Adrian Best of luck, buddy!
@HopelessN00b Link?
@HopelessN00b I'm starting to get those sneaking bits of doubt. Even so, the direct deposit keeps coming in, so I'm going to keep showing up.
@HopelessN00b Link to the real question?

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