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Unless the Yankees can do something about the Arod and Teixeira contracts that they're choking on, they're going to be in trouble for the next half decade
So, take some solace in that
@MDMarra why sign someone who is halfway through their career for a long-term contract? IDJITS
a quarter billion dollar one, at that
and someone that's linked to PEDs
@ScottPack So no one has actually clicked on your link, apparently. Everyone. Click on that link.
It's giggly.
Fuck. That link should be 4694
@ewwhite That guy was already mentally fucked up.
@MichaelHampton :(
Wow. That's just ridiculous... Who would ask a bunch of sysadmins to help fight the evil man running their network?! — Shog9 9 mins ago
@Shog9 A large percentage of Stack Overflow users. — Michael Hampton 12 secs ago
@Shog9 Honestly, when are they going to realize that we are those evil men and live solely to make their lives miserable! — MDMarra 24 secs ago
I just had the most ridiculously awesome and gluttonous lunch
A foot long smoked pulled pork sandwich with handmade bbq sauce. Corn on the cob. And a GIANT bowl of candied mashed sweet potatos
For $9
From a food truck
Tell me about it.
As you can tell by all of the typos that I just had to correct, I may be dying
But I will die happy
@ScottPack ;)
Using Google, Google Translate and the info in that guys profile, you could find out quite a bit about him. Who's up for sending the "evil man" than runs his school network an e-mail? Just sayin...
yo @voretaq7 (or any other mac dudes), know anything about Macbook Pro batteries (old-school kind that you can remove easily)?
Just wait for his next post "URGENT Just knocked out internet access for the entire school PLEASE HALP"
The first rule of school IT is you do not fuck with school IT.
The second rule of school IT you don't ask SysAdmins to help you fuck with school IT.
@Iain is a deadzone
@RyanRies hahahah no kidding
@David Ya, they're Lithium Ion and are used to power a macbook
@Iain still work-related!
@tombull89 I used to love when students would get called into the resnet manager's office because we got an RIAA or MPAA notice and it was for porn
@David They won't know unless you say that ;)
The manager would have to read the full title of the pirated work and the student would have to acknowledge it
It was awkward for everyone and I died laughing every time I overheard it
On a school there is a evil man who administrates the network and this man has set the network up with a lot of restrictions like the ability to only use his DNS-server that's not evil that's frikkin common sense.
@tombull89 when I saw that post about evil school admin, I wondered if they were posting from where I work
@mdmarra We usually wait until they deny for a while before reading off the name.
Q: Powershell wait for compressing to finish

PatrickI have written a powershell script that zips the contents of a folder and sends it to a server for backup. The issue is that the copy process doesn't wait for the zip process to finish. I have tried using Out-Null and Wait-Process, and nothing seems to be working. OUt-Null just doesn't do anyt...

Am I missing something here? He's not actually......zipping anything
@RobM Nah, the guy's Danish and would be too young for your place.
@tombull89 yeah, but just skim reading it... evil? school? sysadmin?... moi?
@MDMarra out-zip
@Iain Which is the name of the function that he's created before it
@mdmarra Fun Fact: The system we use to achieve HEOA compliance will also give the names of the offending material without requiring Take Down Notices.
Seems he's just appending .zip to the end of a file's name
If that worked, I'd be Mark.I'mAMillionaire. Doesn't make it true though :(
@MDMarra looks like he's using stam.blogs.com/8bits/2010/06/…
PowerShell 3.0 has a native compression cmdlet but I know people struggle with zipping in 2.0. I always just use 7zip.exe
not pkzip.exe ? :)
I don't know powershell but looking round it appears that out-zip is some sort of PS zip thingummy
Looks like it's just a function that's been making the rounds
But, it seems like creating an empty folder with .zip in powershell does actually make an empty zip archive and copying shit into it compresses it
It's cool that you can do that, but it's also stupid that you can do that.
@MDMarra isn' gi "C:\File-Backups\Share1" | out-zip C:\File-Backups\transfer\PC1-Backup doing the zipping ?
It's piping the contents of c:\blahblahblah to the custom out-zip function that he defines above it
which seems like it just creates a file with the name of the path, which is passed as a parameter, and adds .zip to the end
That's a great way to zip a file.
@Iain also no product recommendations allowed!
hence why im asking here lol
we need @justindearing as he has experience superuser.com/questions/460317/…
@gparent It's actually the cleanest native PS2.0 solution I've seen to do it
Well .NET 4.5 has a zip function now.
So if there's nothing else in powershell you could just use that
Does that count as "native" to you?
That's what I meant
Man I had trouble with that last one
Since .Net 4.5 and PS 3 ships with Server 2012, that's what I was referring to
Yeah, haven't even tried Server 2012 yet.
@Iain Because sometimes people like to dogpile? Looks like a better fit for U&L.
@Iain It's not, anymore...
@ChrisS I'd consider it awfully basic and terse for an SF question, though not Off-topic per se.
mornin gents.
It's afternoon you west coast hippy
@Adrian Only a small step up from 'How do I list files in a directory?'
@ChrisS And it's always happy hour somewhere too. Same difference.
@ChrisS it's evening don't ya know
@Iain Evening is still after noon. =P
@Iain Run those last three words together while plugging your nostrils and you could sound like Sarah Palin.
@Adrian she doesn't get much air time here so I wouldn't know
@Iain consider yourself fortunate.
@Iain I haven't seen her in months
A: how to know who ping my computer ?

boburobAs long as your firewall (ip-tables) allows ICMP requests, anyone who can reach the subnet your computer is on can ping your machine. It is also very likely that on a brand new install, ICMP is allowed.

I can't tell if I should flag it
The question is already closed
And since you guys would probably get to the flag first...
Fascinating. Just found out about 'atop'.
Even though I have plenty of physical RAM, the virtual RAM is 50% over-committed.
@MDMarra @David That's about what I know about them. And when they start to not fit the machine anymore you have to replace them or they catch fire.
@voretaq7 I'm just looking here provantage.com/scripts/search.dll/compare/EREP074 (not sure if link works)
@David Every time I see a .dll in a URL I die a little inside.
not sure if the cheapo ones are worth dealing with
I'd just assume by direct
I don't ever fuck with aftermarket batteries
atop claims I'm not the superuser even though I'm the superuser.
@MDMarra i would too, but my boss is cheapo
and doesnt wanna pay for the apple one
Well, then you don't really have a choice do you
just seeing if anyone knows if any of the brands/etc are good?
If you go aftermarket and the battery blows up / catches fire you're limited to what you can recover from the battery maker ($0).
If you buy Genuine Apple Parts and something goes wrong Genuine Apple Money will pay to keep you quiet
even the legit Apple one has 2 of 5 stars over 1000 ratings
@David My experience has been that the cheapo batteries don't last as long, and don't put up with as much abuse... I still tend to buy them as they cost 1/10 and last 1/3 as long.
that said, I know guys who have used Premium Power batteries, they don't last more than 2 years though
@David If you want to go aftermarket get the battery from Tekserve or someone who does a lot of Mac work
@voretaq7 costs retail there
@ewwhite That pro tip to post up on Indeed.com is working out pretty well. I've not been getting ANY non-appropriate requests to apply from recruiters via Indeed.
Honestly, I'm about ready to walk out of here. The fact that I'm still getting solid leads is rather heartening.
@David not their aftermarket batteries ($99)
Seriously, when your boss starts using debate tactics to muddle your point and make you go away, it's really time to go.
Genuine Apple Batteries will always be sold at Genuine Apple Prices (or a max of ~10-15% discount)
@voretaq7 this is all i see tekserve.com/… and its description is useless...not sure if it fits
@David you can always call them up & ask :-)
from my provantage link, it looks like the one that says the company is V7 is owned by Ingram Micro
Surprisingly being up since 2:30am has not been a problem today
fall asleep at desk by 3
@voretaq7 just see a question
@voretaq7 What are you smoking and where do I get some?
. . . Have you read the Apache manual? there's a whole section on this that tells you where to place the directives (Inside an appropriate <Directory> context, possibly several of them...) — voretaq7 4 mins ago
@ChrisS @Iain God DAMMIT /review!
that it?
@r.tanner.f looks like it
. . . Have you read the Apache manual? there's a whole section on this that tells you where to place the directives (Inside an appropriate <Directory> context, possibly several of them...) — voretaq7 5 mins ago
lets try that again -- ^^ too mean?
@r.tanner.f yup
@Adrian Indeeeeed
@voretaq7 nope
@Iain In his defense it is slightly-less-than-obvious that you might have to put the information in more than one <directory> block
what is it with people and not reading the documentation
but that's about the most defense I can muster
@voretaq7 harder than asking the internets for sure
@WesleyDavid what else do I need to do to this server before shipping?
@voretaq7 fuck yeah it is.
@ewwhite install CP/M
god @ewwhite should have put a NSFW, that's server porn! and now I need to change my underwear.
@ewwhite Got no complaints. My boss gets pissy again today I'll turn in my notice. I'm flying out for vacation in 35 days anyway, so I'll put that for my end-date so that I can still cash out my two weeks of PTO I have coming to me.
@ewwhite lol what was the point of using a low f-stop for those pics? show us less?
@Adrian Wow... that close.
@David Well, yes.
@ewwhite Yeah, when your boss starts using debate tactics on you in meetings, it's really time to go.
His MO is to be really chummy informally and trying to be friends with everyone, but make sure that nobody's talking points get any airtime but his own by using politics debate tactics. Really shitty management style right there.
@Adrian when the lowest man on the totem pole (as far as knowledge/skill level) is acting as if he runs your department, and management isn't doing anything about it - it's time to go.
@vCole They think he's great because he's spending all his time with the Dev team pushing that project through.
changing their diapers, burping them, and wiping their noses.
@Adrian /headdesk
What I just described is my current working environment
@Adrian well, as a developer, that's amazing. hewuvzusignoreddevelopersomg.
i.e. dude is monitoring my tickets, and updating them randomly.
with incorrect information, etc.
@Adrian but, on the other hand, ew. that's not cool.
Most of our Devs get paid so poorly that we scrape the bottom of the barrel and it shows.
@vCole well I wouldn't have a problem if the updates were valid :P
$5k range windows with $1k/year raises automatically. If you get hired in at the top of the window, oh well, you had it better than the guy who started $3k below you.
@voretaq7 oh, and I agree. But, a.) they don't involve him WHATSOEVER and b.) he doesn't have a fucking clue.
Q: Enterasys What Does the Keyword "recursive" Mean in "ip route" Statement

Mr. Lost IT GuyI'm looking at a configuration for an Enterasys layer 3 switch. I'm trying to diagnose why traffic is going a particular way. One of the route commands has the keyword "recursive" in it. The command exactly is: What does the keyword "recursive" imply? ip route recursi...

Anyone actually knows these switches
The guy didn't even look at the doc and its behind paywall so I cant help him
I'm all about team work, but when you're just getting in my way, and giving "customers" (users) false/misleading information - that's a problem.
@vCole Recently we had a level 1 tech support person tell a client the wireless network could have bad performance if there's more than 10 users on it.
Boy that backlashed
Said client asked for a technical expertise on the WiFi network proving that it could handle the number of clients we had on it
@gparent those are sort of like what this person is doing
It's like dude, stfu and get out of my way. I don't mind helping someone if they want to learn, and if that takes extra time - that's fine. But when you're just getting in the way for the sake of just doing it, to make my life difficult we have a problem.
@ChrisS Hey I just read SuperUser's FAQ for once, looks like that one we just migrated is off-topic there, they don't do game consoles, etc.
@BrentPabst I was beaten to closing that by a couple of seconds
Don't blame me, I voted off-topic without a migration target.
Ha, its partially my fault I did vote to migrate, but ChrisS hammered it
@Iain I assume we can pull a migration back too?
@BrentPabst no they have to reject
migrating something away is like throwing it over the wall - it becomes a SEP
well SuperUser seems like the junk yard or used car shop for all of SE anyway
@BrentPabst it's OK, they'll reject it and make "ServerFault Doesn't Migrate Crap" jokes about us in their chatroom
Shit rolls downhill.
tbh I thought SU did consoles too
No, its in their FAQ, no video games or consoles
I guess its border-line though, trying to read the HDD
not really dealing with the console itself
I wonder where that kind of Q is on topic then ?
Ha, there isn't a videogames.se.com?
i take that back, I wouldnt want to visit that site... how do I beat the overlord on level 22?
@BrentPabst arqade?
hmm, maybe
@BrentPabst they're really more playing-of-the-game than fixing-of-the-hardware though
Yeah, it might technically be on topic there, but I doubt anyone there is likely to have the expertise for the question.
oh jesus, thats exactly what I was hoping didn't exist
It's definitely not SO or SF. It's borderline for SU but not really appropriate there either
@BrentPabst man you missed a LOT of memos
they were gaming.se (in fact [ gaming.se ] -> Arqade), and then earned themselves a domain...
should have been www.toomuchtime.com
@BrentPabst that already redirects to World of Warcraft.
@ewwhite pee on it Whatever you want - I just wanted to know it turned on and had some RAM, but anything above that is all grace.
i'm curious what the average age of users there is
anyone have a large-capacity USB flash drive they'd recommend?
thinking 32 or 64GB
aaaaaand that question just got rejected back to us :P
was looking @ the Corsair Voyager GT
@voretaq7 toomuchtime.com is up for sale!
or the Patriot Supersonic Magnum
Gawd, I hate SU. It's so hard to find anybody with a clue there...
@David that sounds like a new condom brand
Q: I have IPv6. Why does my connection to the Windows Store fail?

Michael HamptonI recently installed Windows 8, and during the out of the box setup, I skipped setting up a Microsoft account. Now I am unable to access the Store. I receive the error: We weren't able to connect to the Store. This might have happened because of a server problem or the network connection tim...

@BrentPabst that it does
it says MAGNUM on it in huge lettering too
@BrentPabst ...now with ribbed heat sinks.
@David does it play the Trojan Man song when you plug it in? 'cuz if not it sucks.
@WesleyDavid Ribbed USB connector for your system's pleasure?
@MichaelHampton But at least you got a lot of screenshots to go with your answer, right?
@voretaq7 I have one of those =D
The censor bars in that video TOTALLY make it.
I'm looking at the Corsair Voyager 64 primarily for the USB 3 support
@r.tanner.f Oh, I discovered the answer not long after I posted the bounty. I'm just waiting to see if anyone else comes up with it, before I let the 100 rep go to waste.
ServerFault.com = HP & Dell ProSupport, SuperUser.com = Outsourced Support
It would be fairly simple for anybody who's actually using IPv6 to figure out...
@MichaelHampton Yea, I highly doubt many people over at SU are using IPv6, hell I haven't even touched it yet
It looks like my ISP is going to take for ever to roll out ipv6 - any tunnel recommendations ?
@Iain Hurricane Electric an option?
That guy who's just pasting in a bunch of useless links into the comments...
@Iain I've been using sixxs for years.
2 in seconds :)
@Iain Looks like HE has an endpoint in London (tunnelbroker.net)
@MichaelHampton how is sixxs? I know a few people using them and I've heard good things
@voretaq7 just looking at them
@voretaq7 Works very well for me. The main reason I chose it, though, is that they're better with NATted connections; they have a nice utility aiccu which just autoconfigures your tunnel and punches it through NAT for you.
@MichaelHampton eh, I'd avoid the hell out of NAT and try to do proper public-address v6 if at all possible
Of course you still have to make sure your NAT box forwards proto-41. For home devices putting it in the "DMZ" is the only way to do that though.
@voretaq7 I mean, your home IPv4 connection is NATted.
And yes, I'd take native IPv6 over tunnelled wherever I can get it.
@MichaelHampton yeah, but I'd give my inside systems proper public v6 addresses if the broker offers me a range
@voretaq7 Yes, sixxs will give you a /64 out of the box, and a /48 on request.
I've got the advantage of a FreeBSD edge system though
so I can just pass v6 traffic natively and continue to mangle my v4 traffic

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