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@coredump just remember to retag suitable questions when answering them
I want a badge in this tag!
@BenPilbrow you're twisted.
@BenPilbrow You sick (non?)human being....
Sorry @Holocryptic
I refer you to my previous comment
52 secs ago, by Ben Pilbrow
So I'm installing MSFT Forefront, WSUS, and the associated DBs on one server. A virtual server, no less. I wonder how bad it's going to get crushed.
fun fun fun in a bun
indeed. It's been an eventful day. I refer you to today's transcript in order to get a better picture.
@RobertMoir guys Its almost fun fun fun fun fun friday friday fun front seat cereal friday
seriously, get help... argggggh
My colleague didn't see the problem with the Rebecca Black song and my Mum actually liked it :/
front seat cereal friday ?
Is it bad for me to downvote the other answer on this question? Whatever he is suggesting to do can be dangerous
Q: Debian 6: how to check if I have some limit on max number of files inside a dir?

yes123I know of fat32 being of 65.000 files per dir, what about linux/debian?

@coredump not if you leave a comment on why you downvoted it.
@coredump I've done it before. It felt dirty, but it was necessary
to be fair it does say not to run that in production
Phil knows his stuff too
If I did that I'd do it in a VM and take a snapshot just before I started - That way I wouldn't be back asking how to delete millions of files in a directory
not downvoting
but still sounds stupid
oh it would be very stupid to run that on a production machine
upset my unix-hating boss today by running a ubuntu live dvd on the fancy high end blades we got in for our new virtualisation farm
I would not do it even on a test machine unless I was going to format/delete it later.
@coredump thats next best to a snapshot
@Iain Did you miss this video
er i mean, go ahead Iain, click the linky. Nice linky.
@jacob - no but I've reverted the snapshot I took before watching it
@Iain I wish I knew to take a snapshot, there was only one thing worse that has ever happened to me...
@coredump - i didn't mean retrospecively
@Ian ahem.
I feel the need to shoot at some people on xbox... Anyone want to join?
@Jacob I would love to but time to get kid at school
@coredump Ok want to share your tag and we'll play later?
oh god what a mess I did @iain
I will just... keep quiet... hide myself over there and whip me with a dead fish
spammer !
Holy #@%&£ Google indexes Server Fault quickly
yep - sure does
@BenPilbrow we've been over this... Were where you?
@coredump Whats your gamertag?
I was looking for more sources on a question I just answered (posted 20 mins ago) and it's the first result on Google already :/
@BenPilbrow I'm not sure they aren't realtime scraping :-)
@jacob I was probably sleeping. I do that lots
@BenPilbrow This was just before I was murdered for using the word gay as slang... So no you weren't :P
Oh right. Then I was probably skim-reading. I do that a lot too (often to my detriment)
Here's a curious one. I'm eating a ham and pineapple pizza, and I can taste neither ham or pineapple. What I can taste though is tuna.
@BenPilbrow Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnteresting
@BenPilbrow Yeah, that must be the "special" Pizza...
you need to find a new pizza place
may I suggest giving the pizza to the cat, then ordering some Chinese food or something?
@voretaq7 +1 excellent idea... wait.... Ugh never mind keep reading.. you don't see this non-existant message.
I did think I could smell weed while it was in the oven, but I put that down to the fact I had the front window open and the neighbour is a stoner...
@BenPilbrow Someone in NY baked like 10 pounds of it.., must have been @voretaq7 during his crime days...
Jimminy Cricket! How many times do I have to give my friggin call back number to AT&T?!
About as many times as you have to explain to each new person the exact same thing you did to the last seven people?
@BenPilbrow Ha! True enough. Although I bitched at them enough that I got escalated to the "Subject Matter Expert team".
so now I can bypass all the tier 1 crap
Ooh nice
It was epic. I was right proud of myself. I steam rolled the escalations manager and got (most) of what I needed.
I love it when people cave to my unreasonable demands!
My all time greatest was an issue we were having with our SSL VPN provided by our ISP. I was told to "get something from them", so I did what I usually do and start completely unreasonable so I could be beaten down to something at least reasonable. I wasn't expecting them to agree when I said "and I don't expect an invoice for this service for the next 3 months".
Wow I get cranky easy. I am getting irritated by someone who seems to have taken the questions list, sorted it by views descending, and is proceeding to answer each one.
@BenPilbrow the funny thing was, I had to impersonate my boss in order to get anything done, as I'm not listed on the account...
Your position (as the complainer) probably does help a little bit - they probably don't want to piss off someone who can move business elsewhere. Helpdesk monkey, pah couldn't give a crap. Manager/supervisor - take slightly more seriously
@BenPilbrow We're under contract, so I imagine they couldn't give a rat's ass. But we're switching providers in a few months when the contract is up. The problem we're having is that AT&T provides the service, but Verizon owns the copper. It's completely FUBAR.
Sounds great fun
That and the fact that my T1 drops
oooh, AT&T is calling....
Have fun
Maybe they have spies in this chat room, and know you lied to them
you're making me laugh... quit it
I need to be in SRS MODE
YOu know what would be cool? To have a way to see how close to a badge you are. :P
@coredump You mean the tag badges?
@packs or others that work the same
@Chopper3! Guess what I found! youtube.com/user/trizzy66
Everyone know what tomorrow is right?
Friday friday friday?
I hate you all.
It's like a mindworm.
@coredump Go to your user page and scroll down to the tags, it's sorted by how many up votes you have in each.
I see you're almost halfway towards the linux tag.
fun fun fun fun
we we we so excited!
And we just can't hide it!
Ohoh ohoh ohoh, ohoh, I think I like it, I like it!
@coredump Crap, sorry, I read the wrong number. You're a lot closer.
The number on the left hand side are your up votes, the number on the right is number of answers in that tag.
Oh wow...let me check the RSS feed...
Aside from one person running away with their pants down, there's been a lot of talk about boobs all of a sudden. I think I'm avoiding your data centers for awhile.
@BartSilverstrim Ironically a gay guy started it too...
fun fun fun fun
we we we so excited!
Yesterday was wednesday tomorrow is fry-ee-day...
oh god do I click it or don't I oh god oh god...
@coredump I'm going to play xbox(again) want to join?
@Jacob what game
@Jacob btw how was the speech today
@coredump What FPSs might you own?
@BartSilverstrim, If you are using the chrome browser, what you need is the user-script that makes it so youtube doesn't autostart.
@coredump Good, I do public speaking as a "sport" for the school so I am fairly good at it, There were 3 of us that spoke..
That is so begging to be taken out of context.
@coredump I might like that song alittle... even if it is auto-tuned
Auto tuned
This ARK music factory is a gold mine
See this suspiciously young girl in skimp outfit
That particular video isn't as bad as rebecca black's...
@coredump @coredump What FPSs might you own?
@BartSilverstrim Not even close.
Do they have every video with some random rapper appearing all of a sudden?
...they autotuned the rapper.
@BartSilverstrim yeah they really do
@Jacob I must check. I am not sure if I have any with me. I don't play my Xbox much so I loaned much of mu games
@coredump >.< FAIL
She is decidedly more talented than RB. But not exactly on par with the near-talents on American Idol. Good lord how did we even sink that low...
@BartSilverstrim hmm I have to watch last night's idol
@BartSilverstrim I'd much rather hear peoples voices than auto tuned BS....
auto tune is a disgrace
good lord is she 10?
@BartSilverstrim which one?
that's wrong on multiple levels.
@BartSilverstrim it's definitively under 16. And the guy on the video is like 30
@BartSilverstrim nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2011/03/… "There's an acoustic version of friday on the works"
aaaand there's the rapper.
@BartSilverstrim maybe he is paid by verse?
OH and I died a little when my history teacher mentioned russia as the 3rd rome and mentioned the alphabet, someone asked what the sign read and jokingly he reply America sucks... And peolpe were like I hate russia too, we have russians here.... What did we do to them
I was like WTF?
hmm...1993. wait...she'd be how old?
@BartSilverstrim 17
That be my math. Didn't match her look though.
@coredump whats your Gamertag?
That's kaya rosenthal.
@Coredump...kaya is 17?
16 going on 17, I believe. She looks like she's 10 or 11 in that video.
Hm. I was all set for a nice tits joke, but then I scrolled down. I'm not sure I want it within the current context.
@BartSilverstrim she is 17 now, but that video seems to be from the 16ish times

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