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@SpacemanSpiff Just Internet heroes that think because they liked something on Facebook they're effecting change.
@ShaneMadden I don't know - I thought people threatened to leave the country (as if that was a threat?)
What talk about 30+ states petitioning to secede?
@WesleyDavid I would be "Cya later, motherfuckers"
@MichaelHampton Fine. Bomb them flat.
It's completely absurd. Although, it's about on par with what I would expect out of butt-hurt Republicans.
@voretaq7 TAKE THEIR OIL
We fought a war over this - once you're in you can't get back out. If you try it's fucking treason and you get killed. End of story.
@MarkHenderson Texas wants to leave bad, but they always have. 15th largest economy in the world and one of the few balanced states as far as budget. They just don't like anyone without their own accent.
They also don't like Austin. They'd carve Austin out and ship it to California.
@RyanRies Imagine how they'd feel if it was Hilary who won the election :P
Worse than being black, SHES A WOMAN
Hey, politics!
(Reason 87194 why I can't be president: I would round up the secessionists and lock their asses in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for treason.)
@voretaq7 Take all of my votes!
You guys have it easy. Don't even look up the Indian politics mess.
@voretaq7 Whats up with that, btw? How come all your Americans buttfuck eachother in prison?
@MarkHenderson Worse than being a black woman, she's a pirate
@MarkHenderson Because 'merikuh?"
Oh Pirate Condi -- I would vote for you, even though I disagree with you on damn near everything.
Michelle look ready for the Matrix
Oh sorry
@MarkHenderson idunno, I guess because it's boring.
I had to squint to see that
I thought it was Condy.
America, fuck yeah!
@jokerdino it's a tiny picture, and they do look kinda similar at that distance
I can't picture Michelle in a long coat and stiletto boots though.
I don't know. Michelle looks much more muscular than Rice.
@jokerdino If it was like indian politics, we could help fund things by making parliament pay per view. It would be like bumfight!
@MarkHenderson ... asks Mr. Sphincter Destruction.
@jokerdino so you're saying they should have a fight?
@WesleyDavid Fashionable glove?
@jokerdino Either way as if you wouldn't let them fuck you if you had the chance
(cos lets be honest, you're not going to fuck them, they're going to fuck you)
@voretaq7 Ain't no party like a prolapse party.
@WesleyDavid ...perverted cat.
@JourneymanGeek LOL, it's free to view and is full of fun wrestling.
@voretaq7 I would totally pay to watch that.
I actually didn't know this secession stuff was real until just now. It's pretty sickening. And I'm from Texas. The Union is permanent, end of story. >:(
@jokerdino >implying Condy is not hot :(
@RyanRies: half of those states are where obama won too ;p
@MarkHenderson I stay abroad. They can't mess with me :P
its just stupid
what implying - there's a song about it?
@jscott Man, her dead stare is damn scary.
Yeah I shouldn't let myself get worked up over it - groups of retards can petition for anything
Hate him as much as needed, but TX is remaining the union anytime soon cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57548931/…
At least Romney will be too old to run again in four years? Yes? Right? Please?!
Eh, nothing is permanent. All empires fall eventually.
I am hoping Hilary runs the next time.
She can't mess up any further, you see.
@jokerdino not a chance
@jokerdino You know whar America needs? A black lesbian as president
@jokerdino Pft we all know she only stuck with Bill so that she could have a go at the presidency herself
@voretaq7 Let the poor soul have some bit of hope.
Or an atheist... I think we'd elect a homosexual satan-worshipping literal donkey before we'd elect an atheist.
@MarkHenderson 2020 yeah!
@voretaq7 Is she a lesbian?
If they had run her against Obama instead of McCain/CrazyBitch she wouldda won.
@MarkHenderson idunno, but it sounds good, and... HOOKER BOOTS!
@MarkHenderson Ah, I knew it!
@voretaq7 Condoleeza and Tom Cruise for Veep!
(actually my personal theory is she and GWB were doing it on the side - you should see some of the pics of the two of them)
@WesleyDavid SMACK
That's for suggesting someone CRAZIER THAN PALIN for VP.
@voretaq7 At least Tom Cruise has nice hair.
@WesleyDavid You have your priorities straight, man
@RyanRies You almost did, didn't you?
Q: How to assign shortcut keys to Windows 8 Apps (tiles)

tony bIs there a way to assign shortfut keys like Ctrl+Alt+E to launch Internet Explorer or other Tiled Apps? Im aware how to assign shortcut keys to traditional windows programs via the (Right Click > Properties > Shortcut key). But I'm wondering if you can do the same with the Tiled Apps. Some of ...

Nuke it from orbit!
@WesleyDavid um... you seen him recently?
I don't know.. if Australia can pick an Atheist non-sexual women, why not merica?
@MarkHenderson Touche.
@MarkHenderson You knew before this point that I am an American, right? We make all of our most important decisions based on how skillful our choices can apply personal care products.
@voretaq7 Uhm... yeah? He looks okay.
@WesleyDavid In that case why isn't Ashton Kutcher on his 4th term by now?
@WesleyDavid OK, you have bad taste in men.
Some of these are hilarious: petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions
Also I hate people.
@RyanRies I might join you in that club.
Opt out of obamacare? Are these people nuts?
"Peacefully grant the city of Austin Texas to withdraw from the state of Texas & remain part of the United States." <- lol
@jokerdino I'm a charter member.
@RyanRies "We don't want any o' them thar lib-err-als or anywun hoo has the gay or the aids."
Hah, I am in good company then.
@RyanRies Peacefully carpet-bomb this entire country flat and return it to the surviving critters
Just as long as it's peaceful.
@jokerdino Nuts? Maybe. Stupid? More likely.
(A country for, of, and by the Star-Nosed Mole)
To enact a law that prohibits any action or literature that offend prophets of major religions:

- Moses

- Jesus

- Mohammad
So, uh, Jesus wasn't a prophet
@MarkHenderson sure he was
at least that's what they teach in Islam
@voretaq7 That would leave only Blackwater / Xe / Academi / insert-cover-name-here contractors and Monsanto seeds. I see a flaw in your plan...
@voretaq7 Yeah they also teach that he faked his own death etc
@MarkHenderson shh
@jscott I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to throw away health insurance.
he needed the insurance money to pay off some debts at the whore house.
Win -^
@jokerdino Nor I. My SO and I are now married because of/inspite of of PP-ACA. Depending on which way the fence blows your skirt.
@jscott Would they ever realize they will be in deep shit when they get cancer or something?
@SpacemanSpiff We probably need Jesus, the mystery magician.
@jokerdino I really don't know, but I'm guessing you're not in/from USanian. :)
Nope, I am not.
And I know how much it sucks to pay for your health bill.
Healthcare discussions between the standing parties piss me off, because neither suggest that we lower the cost on the whole, just what people pay up front. Neither cares if the middlemen or suppliers are still artificially inflating their services and pocketing a fuckton of money.
@jokerdino ...that means you must hate our freedoms
@jokerdino: I've been lucky enough to have had most of my majorish health conditions so far when I was in the military
@voretaq7 freedom to.. what?
of course at least the injured ankle was their fault
@jokerdino our freedoms man!
@jokerdino Freedom to pay bills! This is how capitalism works!
America! Land of the litigants and home of the liable.
@SpacemanSpiff Never underestimate the pharmaceutical companies' influence in the political process.
@JourneymanGeek eh lucky biatch
Yep, that too.
@jokerdino: I wouldn't have injured my ankles if not for the army
@JourneymanGeek is ok, we fix!
though I did once have an extra tooth suddenly grow out between a molar and premolar
steam powered now!
@voretaq7 Yeah, freedom to remain stupid aye. :)
@voretaq7: actually it was 3 months before I got medical attention
@jscott It makes absolute sense to reduce tax for the high income folks.
@jokerdino 's not our fault - Texas buys he most school books so they get to set the standards :-/
and I saw my own family doctor, who sent me to a hospital, who then basically told the military 'his ankle is fucked'
I saw the MO at my unit like 3-4 times about it
it was always 'its fine'
and I got accused of faking it more than once. FFS, I didn't volunteer for that crap ;p
@voretaq7 aw, that sucks. Given how backward they are.
No seriously. The amount of religious crap in America is almost as bad as we have it in India.
@jokerdino Sorry, I was being cheeky.
@jscott I figured as much. :)
@voretaq7 They better not step into the hospitals next time around.
night fellas, get back to talking about boobs :)
BTW, if anyone reddit, Al Gore is doing an AMA. Coming Thursday.
@jokerdino "Are you now, or have you ever been, alive?
I am sure you guys won't be in the mess you are right now if Al Gore won against Bush.
@jokerdino: I personally consider Gore a bit nutty
@jokerdino He did non-technically win, didn't he?
@JourneymanGeek And what about Bush?
@jokerdino: well, the man was effective
@MarkHenderson I guess he did. But ended up not winning. Funny American electorate.
@JourneymanGeek O_O
I'd note a good chunk of the current government's policies are carried over
That guy can't speak for nuts.
and somehow he won 2 elections
@JourneymanGeek All those tax cuts and wars.. well that is a waste of money.
I do note that I have a concervative/libertarian bend
@jokerdino: I'd actually think that the biggest mistake was propping up pakistan
I still don't know why they invaded Iraq.
@jokerdino boredom
wanting to be the world's meddling yenta auntie
@jokerdino: trying to finish the job? ;p
pity they didn't realise if they waited a while, they could have let the locals do their own lynchmobbing
@voretaq7 Iran's waiting for yo soldiers. :(
@voretaq7 I thought those were reasons to eat?
@jokerdino we'll get there
@ShaneMadden eat, invade, same difference
@voretaq7 Fair enough.
@JourneymanGeek What good did they get from poking Iraq?
They didn't even seal a gas deal with them.
@jokerdino: beats me
@jokerdino Range practice for the new carbines the arms engineers oversold to the military?
@WesleyDavid Now, why didn't I think of that.
We might have the next CIA chief right here.
@ewwhite: I don't trust governments to always act sensibly
@JourneymanGeek I don't either...
hence they really need to do as little as needed, where its needed. Governance is a matter of responsibility, as opposed to the exercise of power unbridled
what's the alternative, though?
@ewwhite: build and maintain roads, make sure people don't starve
as opposed to widescale waste, and social engineering
I mean for god's sake, my government nagged my brother about getting married more than my parents ;p
But you do know that Americans are not too bright, right?
@ewwhite: precisely why you have two equally shitty political parties
and some fringe nutters
I don't believe in the an-cap model of libertarianism
@ewwhite Yo man, that's a little offensive to retards.
Either way, I don't trust people to handle their own business.
and people DO want government help
Woohoo, The Bridge is flagging again.
Geezus, anyone else see those flags from The Bridge just fly past?
For a sec, I thought my comment got flagged.
What a bunch of 3rd grade pussies
@MarkHenderson I hope they were all invalidated. The flags too.
@WesleyDavid I clicked "invalid" and was told that I can't counter-flag
So my guess is they were validated
@MarkHenderson Tell me what you know about 3rd grade pussy... -.-
@MarkHenderson Coxks.
Leaving that misspelling because lick me.
@WesleyDavid Well, once I was 9 years old and we had a pet cat
So there
@MarkHenderson ...and that pet cat... was you!! Directed by M Night Shyamalan
You guys.
@WesleyDavid Fuck biggest waste of time was that movie he made about some villiage
And it was supposedly 188fuck
He only made one good movie.
And the first thing I said to Angela, about 15 seconds in, was "I bet this isnt 188fuck because the glass in thsoe windows looks pretty modern to me"
@MarkHenderson That was the last movie of his I ever watched. Learned my lesson there.
Same deal with The Notebook. I went to my now-wife's best friends house and they must have all synchronised their periods because I was the lone dude with like 4 women all watching The Notebook for the first time
And about 10 minutes in I go "That young couple? Thats the old couple, and they're telling their story"
Never in my life have I come closer to death
The one that came out recently, with the elevator or whatever it was?
@ShaneMadden the devil.
The movie with a lameass twist.
@jokerdino I've downloaded it :P Havent watched it yet
Seeing previews for it in theaters, when it showed on the screen that he directed it, a significant portion of the audience broke out in laughter.
@MarkHenderson Don't expect too much.
@jokerdino I will admit that the 6th sense did catch me
I have no idea how he continues to get work.
This is how the plot goes:

Some lame story line. Blah blah blah. Twist.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, that's the ONLY damn decent movie from him.
@ShaneMadden Sounds like he wandered into the Battlestar Galactica universe
Basically, he started riding the success of the sixth sense. Copy the same structure and fill in with crap.
The next movie should have a meta twist as in there is no twist in the movie.
I might watch that one.
@jokerdino That'd be pretty great.
The whole audience is waiting for the twist for two hours.. then the credits roll. After the credits, "Never gonna give you up" comes on.
@ShaneMadden I used to have a friend who wouldn't leave the cinema until the credits finished
God he annoyed me
We're not friends any more
How can you manage to watch all the credits roll by?!
@MarkHenderson Just because of that?
@ShaneMadden TBF, I would totally cut that friendship.
But I don't have any to begin with.. and that's another story.
@ShaneMadden Well, no, he was annoying
And that was one of the annoying things he did
@jokerdino Meh I started my family before all my friends, so I havent been out with them in 3 years cos they're not exactly child-friendly friends. So now I'm waiting for them to catch up and have kids of their own so I can have a goddamn adult conversation again
@MarkHenderson You might as well wait for your kids to grow up.
@jokerdino Not necessarily, I have a friend whos wife is due today
So give him 6 months to get over the shock to the senses that your firstborn child is and I might be able to go on a mandate with hiim and our kids
That scares me a little.
@jokerdino It scared me a lot when we found out we were having a kid (it wasn't exactly planned), but it's the best thing in the world
@MarkHenderson You know what causes that right?
@WesleyDavid Shit, nobody will fucking tell me. One day I will find out.
@WesleyDavid CATS
@jokerdino Hush you, or Mark will prolapse my face with a meat cleaver and by meat cleaver I mean his sphincter.
I don't think I can quite use a meat cleaver anymore.
@jokerdino Yeah I was banned from butchers implements too after that AVO
@jokerdino You wore your sphincter out?
I can't set foot inside a homewares store because of it
@WesleyDavid I.. was talking about the actual meat cleaver.
@jokerdino Mhmm. Riiiiiiight.
@jokerdino Sure you were
That's what the young kids are calling it these days
Anyway, I heard you guys love to hear more questions in this chat room.
Listen back in my day, having a prolapsed anus wasn't something you just talked about. There was a time and a place for that. The place was with with a doctor, and the time was never.
@MarkHenderson That sure helps.
@jokerdino Depends on what the questions are about ;)
Yeah, that was the question. ^ :)
@jokerdino Shit, where to start...
Well to start with, @WesleyDavid and I are cats. And you can never expect anything rational from a cat.
And @voretaq7 has a lizard that jerks off, so take your pick from the crazy right there
And @WesleyDavid is still waiting for his video of the lizard jerking off
Oh, more than half of the fuck words said in chat, ever, have been said in here
So that pretty much sums this place up
Still figuring how much I would fit in here. :P
Ah, that reminds me. Tell me more about that mystery user Sandra.
@jokerdino We welcome everyone, straight, LGTBQQ or I
If you ever want to blow a user's mind, explain to them that the 64 bit version of the executable is in System32, and the 32 bit version is in SysWOW64
@jokerdino She's not the brightest
That's it.
@MarkHenderson I am. I do not think @voretaq7 will deliver. :'(
Goodnight, sugar plumbs.
Hey guys
Hey Jacob
I happen to rank 38th, they asked some dumb fundamental questions -_-
But at-least the I'm 3rd in the state
@Jacob I see you at 37th
@MarkHenderson one of those there numbers
What kind of questions were they?
Add a hex and a decimal, what layer of OSI is encryption, err something about spoofing something on Ubuntu
And some other assorted questions
@Jacob Adding hex to decimal is easy enough for numbers < 256 :p
I think one on CIDR/Netmask, and the dumbest one was : A router comes with default GW of something what vendor made it... I was like WTF?
Once you get past there it gets a bit more difficult to do it in your head
@MarkHenderson I didn't say it wasn't, but I'll do better on the OS test. I'm qualified to travel to the live compition where I get to configure a network to test. That's All I care about.
@Jacob Niiice
sweet cheap hobby server
That is just bad...
Q: Is it possible to rent an IP address to mask the server real IP address?

net-girlA customer would like to lease an IP address and point it to a dedicated web server with the intention of "masking" the server's IP address so it would be difficult to tell where the site is hosted. I found a company that leases IP addresses here: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1...

@Jacob Yeah, but then you're stuck in BurstNET's crappy ass Scranton DC
@MichaelHampton 250 cheaper than anywhere else, its a hobby server so I could care less
@Jacob Eh, I guess.
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Think of a better title for this one...
Q: RAM difference between processors

GuntisWe have HP DL360 G7 server with one cpu and 16G ram. We plan to add another cpu. So, we need also ram for second cpu. Is there any negative performance impact if we add different size of ram to second cpu? for example 20G ? Current ram configuration:

@ewwhite Dunno, but great answer
Hmm. Guess I missed a visit by SE's favourite troll last night.
Is he under permaban in SF?
@jokerdino On the main site, yeah. Til about Feb 2013 I think.
Oh, so he is coming back.
Of course. How long it lasts before he riles the mods and gets banned again is another thing.
@ewwhite I've changed the title, see what you thkn
Good deal.
@ewwhite do you use race blades (or similar) or do you not go out in the winter ?
@tombull89 I just listened to a podcast on National Public Radio about Internet Trolls.
In rain... but in snow, I'll just ride my singlespeed cyclocross bike. No fenders.
@ewwhite I just picked up some MKII crudproducts.com/products/roadracer/roadracer_
I usually use my hybrid with real mudguards in the winter but this year I'mm going to try and get out more on the roadie - I got wet at the weekend from water on the road not nice
Yeah, we like to stay inside here when there's rain.
@ewwhite even in a cool/cold conservatory I get so sweaty I may as well just ride in the wet
Hi all, sorry if this is stupid but.... If I have say five favourite tags, how do I set up a filter so only they are displayed on my list of tickets. And can I turn this into a single rss feed too?
@ewwhite Never seen that memory config tool - I'll bear that in mind next time I'm contemplating :
@Dan The rules keep getting more complex. You can only populate DIMMS in powers of 2 and on Thursdays...
@Rqomey You can't - all it does is highlight the favourites
@Iain Thats a pity, thanks mate
@Rqomey ah - hang on
@Iain HAha I just finished setting them up!
it's one of those things that is easily forgotten about
Yea, you can get that as an rss feed then stackexchange.com/feeds/tagsets/63238/…
@ewwhite that's a great answer, you should update it with the guidelines around mixing ranks aswell.. somehow that picture you used doesn't reflect it
1 hour later…
meta.SO is down? OK, it's back on
1 hour later…
You rang?
A: Adjusting Windows time drift without internet on Windows Server 2003

Justin DearingThe following PowerShell one-liner will do it: Set-Date (Get-Date).AddMinutes(2) So set a scheduled task to run a powershell script with that command. You might need to set the powershell execution policy to run PowerShell scripts on your machine. Naturally, this assumes your clock drift is a...

I don't know if I should have answered that one.
Which willy-nosed tongue-badger thought we'd want this? serverfault.com/questions/448352/…
@JustinDearing Why not - niche but a fair question
@TomO'Connor The sad irony is that there was a correct, accepted answer until we closed it LD
@Dan true, compared to what gets brought into this room. Seems a little basic though
@TomO'Connor The mods can't see who migrated a question?
@JustinDearing My point was more "don't migrate shit"
unless you're a tongue-badger.
which is a creature i just made up.
BTW who approves a migration, the source or destination site?
they migrate it
any 5 asshats with voting rights on the source site
we don't get to approve it.
@JustinDearing Mm, I dunno is it's that basic. I mean, your answer is straight forward enough, but I wouldn't have thought of the other answer for example
@JustinDearing that one appears to have been mod hammered
the only say a destination site has is to say "FFS" and close with extreme prejudice once an OT question has arrived.
@Dan I guess. Perhaps I'm jaded. Any question I can answer in a one liner is something I find easy.
Sometimes I think it'd be nice to be able to bounce them back.
see how many sites we could bounce it through before it actually died.
like a TTL on a lost packet.
@JustinDearing Yeah, but your answer is fine, but maybe the best or correct one
@JustinDearing if you follow the link migrated from somewhere.com it tells you who migrated it
It got Diamonded.
feel free to educate the ♦ by leaving them a comment
@pauska Even I don't know the details of memory DIMM ranks and speeds. That stuff is confusing.
@ewwhite I can't remember either, but it's something about maximum number of ranks on a channel before it starts to clock down
Each RAM channel of a CPU (or Northbridge for that matter) can only handle so many Ranks at each speed tier. The fastest usually requires 2 or 3 ranks max. There's usually 3 speed tiers total, with drops at roughly 2-3 ranks each. Each RAM controller is different.

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