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I like how people copy and paste my anwser...
@Jacob what? I gave up crime after college
@voretaq7 I'm Chris Hansen have a seat over there...
Who the f* is chris hansen?
Christopher Edward "Chris" Hansen (born March 26, 1959) is a United States television infotainment personality. He is well known for his work on Dateline NBC, in particular the former segment known as To Catch a Predator, which revolved around catching potential Internet sex predators using a sting operation. Career Chris Hansen became a reporter for Lansing NBC affiliate WILX in 1981 during his senior year at Michigan State University. Dateline NBC Hansen's notable work for Dateline includes coverage of the Columbine massacre, the Oklahoma City terrorist attack, the Unabomber and th...
@Zoredache how do i know what capture length to use?
when trying to capture these packets on ASA?
The packets won't be much larger then your current MTU. Unless you have jumbo frams the size they suggest will probably be fine.
But then you rarely need anything more then just the headers (first ~60 bytes) to diagnose a firewall issue.
and how do i know my destination host if i dont' know what IP the packets are trying to go to and come from? like the apple IP?
Statically set the IP of one of your internal devices, and just grab everything coming from that device.
nevermind, will use any
ahh I got it.
Jacob is quite obsessed with Chris Hansen...
NSFW I am not a predator
@coredump Are you a NSFW Latin lover?
AGHHHH I need 3 upvotes
whoa, i've got a nice capture here
have no idea what i'm looking at
guess i need wireshark
@drpcken Yeah that helps :)
@coredump If so, what does it take to be a Latin lover? Please don't tell me I need to come from a country where a Latin based language is spoken. All I've got going for me is this whole Dutch/Indonesian thing.
@Holocryptic Du zur blod...
now upvote one of my answers :)
Yes, I am kind of silly
It's how I avoid overdosing myself
Food time
@Holocryptic you have to be raised on a place where women dress skimpy outfits. And where a latin language is spoken.
@coredump Crap. I am so screwed.
hmm so i have my capture, i copied and pasted it to notepad, saved it as .txt but wireshark won't open it
i saved it as a .cap but still won't recognize it
Yeah, I have never used the Cisco capture stuff myself. I tend to prefer a hub/span port connected to a box running Wireshark.
think i missed the step where it exports as pcap, going to try again
tcpdump -s 0 -w file.cap is your friend
-s 0 is vewy important
i do that in CLI?
@drpcken this guy looks like he's got a multi step process for what you're doing: networktrainingpants.com/2009/04/…
@drpcken sorry you're not using linux right?
@drpcken that was a linux command.
no :(
i got it into wireshark
network training pants lol
Why does everyone love those ASA firewalls?
Meh. They're all I've dealt with so far. And I haven't even dug too deep into them either.
ok so I see one Bad TCP
and a TCP RST
and 1 ICMP error to a dns request
but i have all the ip's that apple is using
going to check syslog for them
ok i see where it is blocking UDP on an apple IP
ip matches packet ip
but the apple ip is coming in as TCP, not UDP
darn, its not the same ip, but in the same range
I have just discovered that my life is being plotted against and DNS is the primary means of death.
wait if an incoming ip is blocked at my public ip interface, then it won't show up in the capture right?
@WesleyDavid Sounds like the intro to a Tom Clancy novel. Proceed.
@drpcken if you took the capture from inside, no.
i bet thats teh problem then
i've got ip's in that range showing up in my syslog, but not in my capture
@Holocryptic Used Just switched namecheap from my DNS provider to my own nameserver, but apparently namecheap is still holding onto some records, because in spite of moving from them, the www subdomain hits their parking servers, not my own server. base domain is fine.
@WesleyDavid Why not run DNS on your box?
@WesleyDavid Clearly it's a conspiracy to end your life. You should just take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
@Jacob I am running it on my own site. That's the problem, apparently I've got cached entries running around that have yet to be eradicated.
I ping my domain and within seconds I'll get a different IP
FTP actions queued up will sporadically fail as a new connection is made because suddenly it tries to connect to a totally different IP.
thats an issue
Wow, this is freaky.
I just logged into the wordpress account on the domain in question. As I'm navigating my WP control panel, it will suddenly give my an IIS error because whatever server it's being redirected to is running IIS.
thats funny
Everything is a freaking DNS issue.
@WesleyDavid How long since you made the switch?
Last night, so that probably explains it.
24-48 hrs, minimum
Is what I've been told
Or was it 48-72....?
Something like that
Nothing can compare to Freeman's Mind
I nearly wet myself only about a few dozen times when I first saw all of those.
31 episodes so far,
It's been like 4 years that he's been making them.
That's where I get the line "We are BAD people!" if anyone wants to know.
Whats with the latain person for VZ 4G?
Youtube and their commercials can tongue my hairy ass... just sayin'
My productivity has officially ceased since I'm now listening to Freeman's mind in the background
"Robots are the only friends I need!"
You haven't seen anything yet.
not that funny
back to awesome doctor...
holy crap i think i figured out the problem with ios updates
i think it is my csc ssm blocking them
i turned it of
and the updates worked immediately
i turned them on, and bam... no updates work
it actually made that sound 'bam'
@drpcken why didn't you update OTA?
So close to this horrible day being over...
over the air?
@drpcken you probably have one component that's blocking the updates. It sounds similar to something I had with my web filter. I had HTTPS/SSL filtering set to "medium", and it blocked Windows activation. I set it to "low" and it went through fine. Start picking it apart and see what's causing it. And with that nugget, I'm off to bed.
will do thank you
And it just hit me....
1 hour later…
Yeah! The worst day ever is finally over! WOO
It gets worse.
@coredump Yeah, tomorrow is speech day....
@coredump I have to speak in front of the entire 9th grade class
about my experience
I'm out, much too tired.. night all
@WesleyDavid So, the process for making DNS changes is pretty important.
Night Jacob.
As soon as I show up you speak to me @packs. It's like... you're here with me.
Method 1 -- The Slow Way
Slowly decrease the TTL record over time such that you're in the neighborhood of 1 minute just before the cut over. Make the switch, and set it back.
Yeah, I did it the scumbag way.
It's always scary posting on another stack exchange site.
Never knowing if you're going to get TomTom'd
Method 2 -- Fuck The Slow Way
Set your TTL at 5 minutes or less. Now wait until your original timeout expires. Make the switch and set it back to something big.
Method 3 -- The Stupid Way
Make your switch. Now watch as everything is screwed up for the duration of your original TTL.
I like how TomTom is now a verb :)
@packs Only true admins use method 3:)
@packs of course
Yeah, I method 3'd it for this site of mine.
Assuming your name system is beefy enough, I typically see guys go with #2. It's easier.
I don't have direct control over my TTL though, but I bet I could talk the admins into changing it for me.
Do you know the TTL off hand?
Not really
sysadmins plan to use the slow way
then get hushed to method 3 by lousy developers
3600 as per normal, methinkgs.
Nope, 14400 - 4 hours.
Dag nabbit.
@coredump A lot of it depends on your original TTL and your workload, really.
If you're looking at 1 month (I've seen it) then yeah, the slow way is good.
48911 is a mighty odd TTL number O_o
You know what makes me really mad? When DNS admins don't honor TTL times. Usually ISPs and crappy web hosts - 98% of the DNS servers out there.
Most of the same times I've seen, though, were 1 week, where #2 with an acceptably robust name system is usually fine.
Of the 2% that remains, 1% is OpenDNS.
I would tell you exactly what I thought of OpenDNS and what I would like to see done to it, but we have children present.
Not a fan, hmm?
No, I don't.
I have problems with a Cellular carrier here. No matter what TTL you use, they only invalidate the entries each 3 days.
Crowd sourcing for information that is supposed to be authoritative does not seem all that ideal to me.
@coredump Now that is a novel method that I haven't heard of. Thanks guys.
1 hour later…
@coredump finally beat it on hard!
@hobodave yay
@hobodave I am right now on a fight that is so hard that I am not sure if I am to win it.
2 hours later…
morning guys
Hello from Barcelona
How's Barcelona ?
about 12C, shame it's so damn humid
my friend has insanely fast adsl here, 19 Down, 5M up
I'm ok with heat but humidity kils me
it's Sticky.
Birthday today ?
I'm 0x19
happy birthday dude
many happy returns - have a great day
@TomOConnor Congrats ^^
I think I prefer 0x19 to 0d25, and 0b11001 and 0o31
but hey, I'm 1 in base 25..
ah, you added it :)
The ASCII code for 25 is EM (end of medium) -- does this pertain to my waistline?
probably not
I doubt it too, i've been 28" waisted for the last 10 years
waistlines expand till you realise you need to do something about them
* must not log into work email *
must however, have a shower
@chopper3 I admire your self-restraint with the 'child'
hmm... the issue is that he works for accenture, I worked for them for a decade when they were andersen consulting and lots of the guys I joined with are now quite senior so I have a degree of...concern about the situation but unfortunately the project he's working on isn't a UK-owned one so my mates don't actually care too much and think it's funny that I'm being stalked by him
but still, nobody should be working on any cisco kit without at least some basic knowledge of serial comms right?
happy birthday @Tom
who's this?
And good morning all y'all
hey @Robert, thanks :D
@Chopper3 I remember all the messing around with the filer too - I really don't understand how he got a job and keeps it
@chopper is this guy you and iain are talking about that one that kept asking really really basic san questions?
@RobertMoir bingo!
Oh, that question.
write mem ; reload
simples! </meerkat>
I use a lot of indian subcontractors and they have a culture of just putting everything they've heard of and even vaguely understand the basics of on their CVs, basically it's the CV with the most 'stuff' on it that generally gets the job over there. So when they come to the west and we say it talks about SANs we just assume that they know enough, I have to admit this took me 3-4 months to figure out and it's lesson I'm glad I learned, never trust their CVs, only their demonstrable knowledge
just a culture thing though, nothing in their intent
Better yet, don't hire anyone east of germany?
there's a recruitment policy like that at work
it could almost be considered racist
but it just so happens that all the crummy CVs we get, are correlated with the further east they are
well I don't have a lot of choice really, I could have maybe 20-30 UK staff or 10 UK and 100 indians, and we need the man-power, just means you pay a bit more attention to recruiting
*insert generic statement about only hiring brits to boost our own economy, yadda yadda *
well this comes back to the farce i was talking about hiring programmers the other day. You always have to pay attention to hiring these days
everyone is out to con you
we had a guy in who said he was an ace PHP guru
he was excellent (provenly excellent) at ruby
but his PHP was very rubylike, and litterd with : and || and <>
so, it was almost as if he'd just copypasta'd between them
and nothing would compile/interpret/run
@TomOConnor All languages are the same right? I'm decent at Python, I should be good at Ruby/PHP/JS.
Yeah. Right, and Because I'm good at flight sim, means I can land an A380
dear lord
(actually.. )
renewed my car insurance yesterday. That seems to have gone up big time with no real reason to justify it
@RobertMoir Did you just straight-out renew, or shop around?
That happens BAD with us. Everyone claims to be an awesome network admin because they're a good sysadmin. I'm not sure why that particular model, but it's what's most prevalent around here (and it's hard to tell the diff before it's too late because the .mil likes to mix jobs).
i looked around and found a place offering £120 off the price my current insurer quoted, but even this new place's charge is a fair increase over what i was paying before.
@RobertMoir it's because of these spate of "staged" accidents
always shopped around and got my current... well old now I guess.. insurer to match but they couldn't do it this time
@RobertMoir Redo the quote process with the same parameters and then take into a local office and make them explain to you why there's such a big difference.
take the printed results*
well i've got a new insurer now so its a moot point now
@RobertMoir we did ours last month - went up £400 for 2 cars and 2 drivers - Jayne managed to get it down by £250 by phonig round anh haggling
@RobertMoir Couldn't or wouldn't?
well from where I'm sitting, its the same thing Vert. I had other, better offers and I've been a steady customer for 15 years, so it was their loss
@Iain haggling is the key, I've saved so much money on things like that since learning how to do it!
There's no loyalty anymore.
I have a dozen loyalty cards
for a dozen different stores,
@Iain is insurance typically expensive over there? Around here < 200USD is common.
I've changed jobs 3 times in a few years, because the right thing to do is to switch.
no loyalty to anything.
@RobertMoir Jayne is a buyer haggling is second nature to her
its funny, I used to argue like I was in an middle eastern bazaar over contracts at work for as long as I remember, quite happily but never thought to apply it to home and i really shoulda done it sooner
@Iain that helps, I don't think brits are geared up to haggling as a rule, it involves talking about money and we're embarassed to do that
@Vert our fully comp insurance with various protections cost £300 (or thereabouts) each
Bert! This man won't 'aggle!
@Vert, insurance over here can be VERY expensive if you're in the wrong group
but i'm in one of the "right" groups which is why it was such a shock
like Under 25, with a Subaru Impreza WRX STI
I'm in one of the right groups now.
@tom bet that really cost
It wasn't me.
I had a 1.4 Polo
and that was £1700
only had it for 12 months
@Iain @RobertMoir Wow. I have what's classified as a sports car in the US with full coverage. When I was 19 it was almost 350USD and now it's down to $180 USD. I had a wreck when I was 16, so that shot up my costs.
then when i was 21, i bought a 1.1 saxo, and my insurance was £325
I'm under 25 as well.
It's expensive to live in the UK, that's for damn sure
When I lived in London I had an Impreza and was in my early 30's and had 9 points - insurance was silly, now I'm not far off 42, live in dorset, no points and drive a diesel 4x4 my insurance is about £250/pa
@Chopper3 It's not a Landy Defender is it?
<3 those.
no but son's getting a 110 when he's 17, xc90
I really want to buy a car, mostly to celebrate my birthday.. but it's stupid.
my partner works for one of the biggest car sharing companies in the world. So we get subsidised usage.
wanting things isn't stupid. Buying every damn thing you want just 'cos you want it, however...
@Chopper3 Cool. I always prefered the 90" wheelbase. Harder to get cross-axled.
@RobertMoir I'm actually tempted to get something insanely fun, like an Elise
(sez the guy who blew a chunk of his overtime on an xbox 360)
check to fix, pretty safe, cheap to insure and expensive to fill up - perfect car for a 17yo
gotta love the lotus
@Chopper3 yep. And they run well on chip fat.
@RobertMoir See, I'll either buy a car, or an insane new workstation PC
LRs run on anything
So do turbojet engines.
well if its your birthday as long as its something fun...
@TomOConnor I actually raced a modified Elise for 3 races back in about 98, sponsored by Nortel Networks in fact who were a key sponsor of this thing called the Elise Motorsport Challenge - came second to last in 2 and third from last in 1 :)
There's a video of one somewhere running on tar.
@Chopper3 Coooooooool.
Thank goodness it wasn't sponsored by Microsoft. Would've been crashing every 10 minutes.
I did a lot of overtime when we moved the college to a new campus and worked tonnes of weekend and nights... earned a lot of overtime but spent most of it on house renovation, new tumbledrier, microwave, etc... so i got the xbox to make sure i got something fun out of giving up my time
it was a modified version with a centre seat, looked more like an exige but was actually more like an elise underneath - spent loads of time out in hethel, got to rag the nuts off just about every lotus they made at the time, including that one that was like a plastic bath
@RobertMoir I wish I got paid overtime. I get time off in lieu. Which is why I'm in barna this week
well normally we get time off in lieu too, but this wasn't a normal situation - we'd have earned something like 2 months time off in the 3 months we did the move and that would screw their staffing levels
time off is good too, always nice to relax
I only ever got overtime for the first four years of my career, after that it was always just expected
yeah... that happens a lot too but there are some advantages to having a local govt. job
I got it in my last job.
on-call allowance plus OT
OT was standard rate, except for weekends and holidays which was double time
@Iain 70 servers, 5 staff - ffs!
then on-call allowance was 1 quid an hour for every hour i wasn't in the office
70 servers, 5 staff? That seems.. generous
when i worked in brighton, we were 4 (then 3) staff, and 200 servers
Q: System administration standard

newbieI have been given the responsibility to manage a team of 4 system admins. They are managing 70+ servers. They don't yet have written processes/procedures/practices. I don't much about system administration. Is there a standard which we can follow to standardize our work or choose best practices?

ITIL is the best way to make IT not fun anymore.
'suppose if they do 24x7 cover I understand the need
@TomOConnor you can say that again
ITIL is what you make it. Most people seem to make it a massive bowl full of ass
adopt and adapt
have i mentioned i'm itil qualified :p
like all that six-sigma stuff, I just glaze-over and switch off
I've passed the Foundation stuff
uh huh
Ugh. $work are always pushing the Agile method
it doesn't fit very well though
we're not a startup in silicon valley.
and we're not hipsters with fixed-gear bikes.
i think methodologies can help where appropriate, adapt and adopt as needed just as iain says, but when people try and force it into an environment where it doesn't fit then chaos ensues
doesn't matter if you're talking about itil, agile or anything else
Remember that job interview I had a few weeks ago?
the pen test one ?
Still haven't heard back.
@TomOConnor the platform I've just delivered uses software from two companies, one does 90-releases, the other 2-3 per week - talk about a hard time dealing with them, thankfully I've handed it over so it's someone else's problem
Yeah, that one :)
I just got reminded, as they were all hipsters with fixed-gear bikes too.
I keep toying with getting a fixie
But.. the gears.. they do nothing!
I come from Malvern, the idea of one gear, is impossible.
I was in a cab in DC the other week and saw someone obviously new to those lock-in shoes/pedals just keel over at at set of lights :)
I'm going to do a round of the Malverns this summer for the fun of it - but I'll be using my compact chainset and 12/27 cassette
Morning all.
I use SPDs. So far only come a cropper on them once. :)
morning @smallclanger
@SmallClanger I spd too - everyone has a clipless moment eventually
I have a such a girlie bike, one of these combo jobs, may as well have a whicker basket with a kitten at the front, nice for following the coast though
An Alan Whicker basket?
is that not how you spell it?
wicker, for woven willow
whicker for the Alan
also, the noise horses make.
@TomOConnor have you cycled up the main road from Malvern to British Camp ?
good night last night, i should have more TPC therapy nights
@Iain Not in years. Church street was always the beginning of the end for me :P
And cycling on Jubilee Drive. Scary as fuck.
I have no plans to go up Church street - I'll be coming up Cowleigh bank from by Knights Cider to get onto the A449. What's scarey about Jubilee Drive from your POV ?
The cars cut the corners
Ah, Knight's Cider.. my brother loves that place, for their tasting sessions.
I believe tehy have recently sold out to someone else
Would I be safer going up the Jubilee drive and down the main road then ?
It's not that bad, really. I'm just crap on 2 wheels.
View from my friend's flat
Hello guys Good{Time_of_day}
hey Jacob
Has anybody read anything from O'Reilly's Head First Series? I'm thinking about buying the one covering SQL (I'm not too hot with DB's), but I'd like to know if anyone has any thoughts on the style/series.
@TomOConnor EWWWWWIIEE Spain...
what time is TOO early to start drinking?
@Vert. Got a lot of love for o'reilly books in general. Not sure about the HEad First ones.
@Chopper3 It's 5pm somewhere on earth.
I understand there's a saying about judging books by their covers, but I'm not sure I could get past that shower of gurning twats on the front of those books.
@SmallClanger Yeah, I've got a couple of their "In a Nutshell" books for commands and such, but I figured I'd try a "Head First". It seems like a book I could see myself reading for fun.
I hate the cisco books because of the cover dude
Likely they're great, but they do look patronising.
@SmallClanger I would say they're definitely beginner of the beginner books, but I was looking for something that isn't dry. Something I could read while I relax, I suppose. Do you have any other ideas for something like that covering SQL lang?
maybe we should send a bunch of them to russia and india, kind of an aid package
@Chopper3 Haha no, they take your jobs.... But luckily I don't have one :)
they wouldn't take mine, I've got tiger blood like charlie
@Chopper3 Well no but they be taken my job"z"
@Vert. Not particularly. Don't get me wrong, it's an o'reilly book, it's probably great. I'm just whinging at the presentation rather than the content. I'd go for it. :)
@SmallClanger Yeah, I'm sure I'll let you know what I think of the series. It's only $30, I'll try it out.
I'd love to write an O'Reilly book... you can order the entire catalogue for free
If you write for O'Reilly, you can get all their books for Freeeee
@Vert I picked up the Java one in an attempt to understand the mindset of the Java developers I work with.
ah yes
if you know how to torrent you can get them for free too
not that I'm suggesting that
For some reason, Randall Schwartz (Learning Perl fame) follows me on Twitter. Perhaps i'm interesting.
Or nobody told him I hate Perl .:o
Maybe that's why?
@Cakemox I already ordered, but is it an easy read, yet still informative like I'm hoping?
@Chopper3 See? That's why we can't have nice things ;p
It's certainly an easy read. It's a little more rah-rah than I'd like, but it sure explains a lot about Java developers.
Then again, I'm not sure any programming language books admit their shortcomings.
And it certainly hasn't explained why developers insist on using Java for jobs better suited for a one-line shell script.
Bash is Turing complete, though. Given a long enough line, you can do anything. :)
for the same reason some people install windows enterprise to run a simple dns server, or for that matter spend ages fiddling with linux + wine to get MS office working instead of just installing windows
Because they're armed with only a hammer?

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