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hello room
@Jacob sorry man, that sucks a lot.
@ErikA I had to preform CPR for 2 minutes until EMS arrived
Yeah, Today officially sucks...
brings me right back to ~4 years ago or so when I watched a kid (well, probably about 14 or so) get run over by a semi while crossing on a crosswalk. Yikes.
@Jacob sorry to hear that.
I've actually hit a guy with my car once. He lived, but he was completely pwnt.
idiot walked right from between two cars in front of mine going 45
not pleasant
@hobodave Yeah, Daniel though he could beat the Xterra, It didn't happen that way
@hobodave I have a feeling I'll be asked to speak at the school's memorial...This is the 2nd student this year to die from accidents.
He was just crossing the road and misestimated the clearance and you were there when it happened?
@BartSilverstrim Yep
Why does the headline say "possibly" if it was seen?
was the driver doing anything wrong?
@BartSilverstrim No, I think he thought he could make it...
I feel bad for the driver if the driver wasn't doing anything wrong...wasn't speeding or anything like that.
Can you imagine what that's like when something goes down like that and you kill someone through no fault of your own? Yikes.
@BartSilverstrim Yeah, We both had just gotten through our Schools Firstaid/CPR cert class
it's shitty enough when youthink you might have
I didn't know I would have to use it on a class mate 5 days later
his heart stopped at the scene? usually you treat for shock and head/neck injuries when someone is hit by a car
That's one of my paranoid fears.
@hobodave Yeah, I did, but he wasn't breathing
@WesleyDavid is wrong. That is all =)
@ITHedgeHog awkward
Considering I'm the one who starred that line...
He knows I'm messing @Jacob
@WesleyDavid @ITHedgeHog no not that scroll up some
Ouch :-/
what'd I miss? Something good? I mean besides the discussion of horrifying porn - that happens every day here...
@voretaq7 We didn't quite touch on "horrifying" porn. Belittling torture porn, yes.
@voretaq7 nope
@Voretaq7 jacob gave CPR to a friend hit by a car and died.
The friend, not jacob.
@Jacob Did you talk about that the day it happened? I don't remember that being a topic.
@WesleyDavid That would be today.
@BartSilverstrim I noticed, sucks :(
Huh, okay. I must have misinterpreted the timeline. I thought the accident happened a few days ago but the passing happened today.
you doing OK @Jacob?
Posted by Kyle Brandt on March 16th, 2011

When digging into some packet dumps to try to solve some issues I was seeing with our Broadcom network cards, something else caught my eye. When looking in Wireshark to see if there were TCP retransmits I didn’t see any in my capture but I did see a very large amount of TCP zero window messages between our web tier and our Database tier.

To follow this you need to be familiar with TCP flow control, so I will briefly cover this. Since TCP is full duplex, each side of the connection is both a sender and a receiver. However, you will often have one side doing more of one then the other. In this case with our sites it is the SQL server backend that plays the role of the sender and the web tier is the receiver. The reason for this is that the web tier just sends a database query which will be short, and the database server will send back the results of that query which will generally be larger than the query itself. …

@voretaq7 Yeah, I'll be fine...
In other news.. I only need 40 more rep for my blog to be in here
@Jacob: Huh?
@KyleBrandt ask @Zypher
@Jacob: Hmmm... your site isn't loading for me
@Zypher Is sticking to the 3000 rep point version of the story.
@WesleyDavid It was 1500....
but honestly ok
@KyleBrandt Hmm? weird
@KyleBrandt Excellent blog post
@KyleBrandt Though I am not sure I feel upto fixing it tonight
@jacob - your domain isn't resolving
What blog post are you talking about, @Jacob?
@ErikA: Thanks!
Yeah it was exellent
@KyleBrandt great read
@Jacob: I understand, sorry for your loss
@Iain Yeah, I get NXdomain and I am not sure why
your authoritative nameservers are completely unresponsive
ns1.pulsesoftworks.com. and ns0.pulsesoftworks.com.
@hobodave There up,hmm
@KyleBrandt nice read - in Lessons Learned - 1st line s/is that to the full/is the full/ ?
are you guys still getting NXDomain?
erm no - I can't reach your NS servers like hobo says
@Iain: Thanks, fixed: "I think the biggest lesson is that the full view of many problems..."
Bind will give it to me when i request on the local net...
It took me a couple of goes to parse it
FW issue then
you may have it cached on your local net
@Iain I used Nslookup on the server
you have your own authoritative DNS server ?
Jacob-Jernigans-MacBook-Pro:~ jacobjernigan$ nslookup
> server
Default server:
> jacobjernigan.com

Name: jacobjernigan.com
@Iain Yeah
dig @ns0.pulsesoftworks.com jacobjernigan.com

; <<>> DiG 9.3.6-P1-RedHat-9.3.6-4.P1.el5_5.3 <<>> @ns0.pulsesoftworks.com jacobjernigan.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: printcmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
What changed? That domain was working not long ago.
@BartSilverstrim I don't know...
What is your web site's IP?
oh, nevermind.
pulsesoftworks is not responding to my requests. Are those or your ISPs?
NSFW hi again
Hmm...whoever is hosting your DNS isn't answering here either.
@Zoredache Mine
@coredump Hello :(
@Jacob ?
1 hour ago, by Bart Silverstrim
@Voretaq7 jacob gave CPR to a friend hit by a car and died.
Hmm that suck.
I am sure your CPR had nothing to do with him dying.
@coredump I was told it wasn't and I fully believe that, I wonder if I did enough..
@BartSilverstrim I host it
But 1&1 have the glues in place
any ideas?
You host your DNS server?
@Coredump - I doubt the CPR did it so much as the car.
@BartSilverstrim Yep one here and 1 VPS
The DNS server is registered on a cloud IP?
@BartSilverstrim no
NS0 is which is an IP assigned to me from VZ
NS1 is a VPS from buyVM as a back up

dig @ns0.pulsenetworks.com jacobjernigan.com

; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P3-RedHat-9.7.2-5.P3.fc14 <<>> @ns0.pulsenetworks.com jacobjernigan.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 44930
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;jacobjernigan.com. IN A

;; Query time: 44 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Mar 16 15:48:30 2011
dig @ns1.pulsenetworks.com jacobjernigan.com

; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P3-RedHat-9.7.2-5.P3.fc14 <<>> @ns1.pulsenetworks.com jacobjernigan.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 50263
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;jacobjernigan.com. IN A

;; Query time: 39 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Mar 16 15:49:25 2011
Was going to email it to you, but reailzed the folly in emailing to a domain with DNS issues. =)
So I'm being refused
Car vs boy always end bad
Very sad.
@coredump Yeah, last year 2 11th graders(drunk) smashed into a tree in my front yard
You can turn right or left but if you go straight you impact a tree
They lived though
We have a saying here: "God puts its hands on babies and drunks". Basically about the luck that babies/toddlers and drunks have when suffering falls or accidents
I thought it was something like "luck smiles on children, fools, and ships named Enterprise." Or something like that.
@coredump they are both relaxed
You're saying they're too stupid to know they could die.
So they stay "limp" and tend to survivie.
hmmm? this doesn't make sense why can I query it,SF question time
children bounce because they don't know it's going to hurt so don't tense up
So...knowledge isn't empowering. It can damn well kill you.
@Jacob: it makes sense if you have it locally cached.
Your DNS server was internal from what you posted.
so it could be cached on that device.
or local computer.
@BartSilverstrim nope
What IP are you querying for DNS?
drunks may or may not know it's going to hurt but don't care
It NXdomain on my house net so I connected to the Server Net and ran the query
@Iain I'd argue the point but last time I was that drunk I don't remember what I was thinking.
but I know that IP wasn't cached
What is at
your router or local system?
What's the problem with @jacob dns?
jacobjernigan.com isn't resolving.
For anyone but Jacob Jernigan.
@BartSilverstrim thats the servers local IP which 1to1s to
What server is authoritative for it?
@BartSilverstrim no it fails for me on my house internet but if I query the server locally its good
@coredump I am
@Iain actually I only remember waking up once in my bed without my jammies on anymore. I don't know what I was thinking, but my wife corralled me home and to bed. No memory of getting home.
ns0.pulsesoftworks.com ?
@Jacob: so you can't resolve it either, just the server itself can find itself by domain name.
what is the external ip address of the authoritative server ?
Does the server have a local hosts file or something?
@iain whois says ns0.pulsesoftworks.com
@coredump thats really old?
just searched
Well over 4 months sense I got my /29
sorry bud
bed for me - night all
authoritative still ns0.pulse....
just did a dig +trace and

;; Received 495 bytes from in 36 ms

jacobjernigan.com.      172800  IN      NS      ns0.pulsesoftworks.com.
jacobjernigan.com.      172800  IN      NS      ns1.pulsesoftworks.com.
;; Received 118 bytes from in 58 ms
@coredump thats right
ns0.pulsesoftworks.com seems to be dead
dig @ns0.pulsesoftworks.com jacobjernigan.com
times out
@coredump I know, I don't know why
hmmm, it doesn't times out, it is not resolving
my glues are still good
what is the IP for ns0.pulsesoftworks.com ?
here I can't resolve anything on pulsesoftworks.com
root@server01:~# dig @ jacobjernigan.com

; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P3 <<>> @ jacobjernigan.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
I hit P0-4-2-0.NRFLVA-LCR-21.verizon-gni.net ( on the traceroute
@ITHedgeHog what?
@ITHedgeHog I'll open up pings on teh Fwall
Also, the whois says that ns0 is on another IP address
I tracerouted to your IP
@jacob, the pulsesoftworks is also your domain? Is it running on the same server you want to jacobshenanigans.com be?
@coredump yep I thought about starting a mobile SW companyand will most likely out of bordem
@jacob is that IP address static? Are you sure that incoming connections on port 53 are allowed?
@coredump not funny... No I have 5 IPs .59 is cache DNS MYSQL .60 is the web server 61 is file
Why I can't get to your port 53 then?
@coredump IDK?
@jacob you must solve that first.
Success: I can see your service on on port (53)
Your ISP is not blocking port 53
but is it open on ? :P
Port 53 is open on
I meant is the service running? netstat -tanp there
e PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3041/perl
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2499/hpiod
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2515/snmpd
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2631/mysqld
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2225/portmap
remember that DNS uses UDP and TCP
is 53 UDP allowed on your fw?
 nmap -p 53 -PN -sT

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( nmap.org ) at 2011-03-16 20:16 BRT
Interesting ports on
53/tcp filtered domain
I changed nothing and it appears to have fallen apart
well, to me 53 tcp is closed. Can't do much more than that.
@coredump how test sites show opewn
@jacob no idea.
now dig is returning something
what did you do?
@coredump I reloaded the FW rule table
now it seems to be working
well thats set
dig @ www.jacobjernigan.com

; <<>> DiG 9.7.2-P3 <<>> @ www.jacobjernigan.com
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58152
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2

;www.jacobjernigan.com.         IN      A

www.jacobjernigan.com.  750     IN      A

jacobjernigan.com.      750     IN      NS      NS0.Pulsesoftworks.com.
now to find why NS1 is out
I need 40 rep GAH
Until your site is back up does it really matter?
fixed now
Ah, I thought you where still working on fixing it. Where you going to get those other articles posted?
@Zoredache After the RSS is dropped in here, so it spams chat :)
You broke your firewall rules...YOU broke your DNS! Bad Jacob!
@BartSilverstrim No... I hadn't touched the FW, I guess I need to setup a cron to reload rules weekly
@Jacob, when the RSS is added it will spam chat with the existing recent articles. You should post them now. I suspect you'll have a hard time convincing Zypher or someone else to add a feed for an empty site.
@Zoredache right, motivation is currently in short supply here... but I'll post em noe
Odd. Your rules shouldn't require reloading unless something else is running or altering them.
You could post an article on whether Brazilian is a race or a hair style statement.
Well, if his rules are based use FQDNs, instead of IPs, and the DNS information was changed, you may need to reload.
hey stackers, i need help do see incoming and outgoing traffic on my asa 5510, to and from a specific ip address on my network
@Zoredache nope it was all IP
i have some blocking going on I think, and I need to find out why
@drpcken cough* we're not stackers :) we're admins...
:) sorry, ADMINS, i am at your mercy :)
i know i have to make an acl to filter, but i'm not sure the exact steps
@drpcken is this for the Iphone thing?
@Jacob yes, it has been bugging me for over a week
iphone, ipad, doesn't matter, nothing is working right. i've never had this problem up until a week ago
@drpcken any blocks toward apple domains
Is that asa also doing your wifi? If not why not SPAN the port your AP is connected to, and do a capture with wireshark.
I'd assume they updates are port 80
no, i've check all url filtering and blocking, nothing is blocking with apple
asa doesn't do my wifi, it is done via 3com 8760's
i've even tried using a completely different WAP and same results
Right so, setup a hub or a switch that supports SPAN up and capture... A packet capture will almost always tell you what connections are not getting through.
Or maybe see this for setting up a capture on the ASA? analysisandreview.com/cisco/…
Wow, They use all the interviews from people that weren't at the scene but not the kid who sat there and tried to save his life :( useless news company
that was just the first hit on google for 'packet capture cisco asa'.
@Jacob Rule one of dealing with the media: The media sucks.
@Zoredache ok reading up
@voretaq7 no thats rule 2
Rules 2-4 are the same. Rules 5-9 are "The media is only out to serve The Media's agenda"
rule 1 is going to be delete files from the SAN
Don't they have to get a release from your parents before they put a person below 18 on TV?
Perhaps they are too lazy to go through the hassle.
@Zoredache Probably, especially if you're speaking
@Zoredache no
@Jacob I think that's "Rules for committing a felony" you're quoting there :-)
@voretaq7 yeah true but only if caught
Rule 0: Keep your damnfool mouth SHUT!.
Rule 1: Don't get caught
Rule 2: Destroy all evidence
it goes on in that vein. I used to have 10 of 'em, those are the only ones I remember now tho.
's because I'm retired from my life of crime LOL
@voretaq7 right...
Q: Need help setting up mail DNS records

Hi, We are hosting our web site on host monster, but want our email to continue to be hosted at the old site. Our domain points to the hostmonster DNS servers, but I can't figure out the right configuration for the remote email servers. We have one MX entry, which is priority: 0 domain: ourdo...

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