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@WesleyDavid You need to be in a position that will generate the maximum possible forward momentum, otherwise you run the risk of not causing an acceptable level of damage.
@packs Face fisting? Wow, you need a filter on that internet connection.
I love the way you can star just the one line. :)
@packs Does your wife know about the predilection of yours?
@WesleyDavid It's hard to tell.
@Zypher does it really surprise you that dell buyers don't know the basics?
sigh no ... they didn't sounds too appreciative about my question either
"When are ssd prices going to come out of the startosphere"
@Zypher Patience. They just got out of the ionosphere a short while ago.
re-entry takes time
f that ... dell whants 1400/100GB ... intel wants 800/64gb
I want to be this guy one day:
@MarkM that's just a wee bit creepy my friend.
At about 2:10 he busts into a college classroom taking an exam
I cant stop laughing at their faces
@Zypher I spluttered at those prices, yesterday, looking at R710 disk options.. What did they say?
@MarkM Clearly not one of my engineering classes. I doubt anyone would have looked up from the test. We were a jaded lot...
@SmallClanger just go buy intel x-25E's
@Zypher I'm curious about these types of things, but how did they show their displeasure with you pointing out SSD drive prices are a wee bit high?
guess which user is going to be the death of me
Actually, I'm not fussed about reliability. It's only for transient data, so I might get a few Vertex 3s.
"FOAD, SysAdmin scum! You and your cryptic CIFS conversations! WE DON'T NEED YOUR KIND HERE!"
@WesleyDavid meh ... the nervous laughter ... and doublespeak bs
@Zypher "Haw Haw Haw, yeah, those darned things are a bit spendy! whisper we'll kill him first whisper"
@Chopper3: Me. Just need that smacking application to work properly...
@Chopper3 sigh ... need to invent BSoE protocol
nope, hint: then need training
and BS doesn't stand for bullshit
Bart over IP?
BitchSlap :)
Hmm...there's an idea.
Hi chopper3- i just have small doubt-to my question- serverfault.com/questions/248214/power-cycle-cisco-mds-9506
where should i be looking for the small file system?
>.< I almost peed myself laughing just now
fancy that - by the way, here's the directory of MDS code version command line references - go there, choose the version you're using, learn it ; cisco.com/en/US/products/ps5989/…
thanks chopper , this would help a lot
Just wrote about how to reset a Windows password with an accessibility tools exploit. I'm surprised by how many windows admins don't know about this one. I thought it was one of the oldest tricks in the book: simple-talk.com/content/article.aspx?article=1256
@wildchild in general terms you only every need 'copy running-config startup-config' that's all most people need
@Chopper3- I know , it writes to the flash..just wnted to know if can save it to a file.But, the one you said would be the safest bet
we will have all the prod servers shut down as well
that just writes back to the startup config file but if you have CF cards in your Sups then you can copy them to that for safe keeping or even to a tftp server if you like - or use autosave
do you only have one MDS?
two MDS
so why take down the servers?
do you need both MDSs down at once?
yes , the servers would be taken down first and then i will have bring the MDSs down
@WesleyDavid That's an awful lot of work for something a quick chntpw can fix : /
@Vert Yeah, but that's assuming you have privs to log in in the first place.
thats for the maintenance outage , then I have to bring this device up on DC alternate power supply , this is to repair the batteries in DC.
the device will run on alternate powersupply for 10 days and we need to repeat the whole thing again
ah, so you need the whole place shut down
@WesleyDavid I'm talking about booting a small linux and then using the chntpw utility. Most recovery type Linux CDs have the latest version of that utility which will even auto-find the SAM file as long as you point out the partition.
yes the entire DC shut down except the network equipments
where is this DC?
in the UK?
yes, the entire DC shut down , except the network equipment
its in US
Night everyone! Good luck @wildchild!
Thanks vert ..good night
@Vert Ahh, didn't know it worked like that. Derp.
@vert night!
@Chopper3- so i should be doing this one at a time , cause we have two switches ..
@WesleyDavid, do numbers have weight? -- 'Any rootkit worth its weight in stolen credit'
after the first switch is down , the process goes with the second
*same process
You can do both at the same time, it's irrelevant
@Zoredache Can we sit on a number?
get it , but while bringing this up?
the switches on alternate power?
when i have to bring this up
try to form a valid sentence
@Zypher I see you're a fellow Redditor.
apologies, when i am bringing the switches up on alternative power supply i need to bring one at a time
@Zypher hahaha
@wildchild no, they can come up together if you like
@WesleyDavid lurker more like it :)
okie , i think i have understood now.. thanks a lot chopper for your time
have a good day , everyone!
Hello guys
@Zypher 50 rep points away...
Who let Jacob get away with only 1500 points for the blog inclusion??
the only one who thinks that is @Jacob ... i still stand by the 3k
@WesleyDavid @Zypher did
@Jacob, what is your blog? Do you actually have any content posted?
Ohhhh, I retract my disappoint then. high fives @Zypher
@Zoredache Yep, I have posts that are currently hidden and some are visible.
You didn't answer the first part of that question. What/where is your current blog?
oh and for the record I know the first post is slightly ranty
@Jacob I'd get set up on feedburner perhaps. Although the numbers fluctuate wildly for no reason.
Anyone here use feedburner?
@WesleyDavid ?
whats feedburner
feedburner for your RSS feed
Google service, shows stats, gives you a friendly reader icon as well as an ability to manage email subscriptions. I use it on my blog. Check out my right-hand column at the top.
@Jacob I think there's more content in a landing page
@Chopper3 Of couse... so there won't be any clutter in chat then eh?
Feedburner also gives end-users easy to click links so they can add it to their Google Reader or other common aggregators.
@Jacob, what you need to try to be doing is getting your feed added to planetsysadmin.com or one of the other large feeds...
The only two I know about is planetsysadmin and the similarly named sysadminplanet
Well there are other vendor or topic specific mega feeds.. If you where mainly posting about Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Security, or something like that.
@Zoredache Ahh, yes. There's plenty of those. I like Planet Network Managment and Planet Devop
Hey @robert moir is on xbox
i'm going to send him rm -rf in amessage
What feed reader do you use?
@Jacob, you've been pleading for your blog to be a feed forever now, but you haven't even made a post on it in over a month.
@Zoredache I use Google Reader, if you were asking me.
@DanBig I wrote several, there not visible? hmm I'll fix that
The last one I see is about RAID.
@DanBig I'll fix that, I wrote three articles this month...
I was asking whoever choose to answer. I am using Google Reader as well, but I am not entirely happy with it.. It is kinda slow. I wish the 'mark older then n as read' allowed me to specify a date...
@Zoredache I'm not a power user of Google Reader, so haven't found any shortcomings. I've got too many feeds. I just skim for articles that look good.
Anyone ever heard of FalconStor backup appliances?
@MarkM Yeah, I've done some research on them. They seem to have awesome stuff.
Our backup guy just sent an email to a bunch of us saying that he's looking at them. It looks like magic to me
It's one of those, way too good to be true, looking websites
You want to wear headphones!
@MarkM I know someone who did a thorough trial of their continuous backup thing
@Chopper3 Do you happen to know the verdict?
That's what we're looking at actually, the CDP stuff
@MarkM I can ask them in the morning but I think they went with some oracle equivalent or something as we get some silly deal with them, so it was a pricing thing not a tech thing I think
@Chopper3 Ah, fair enough
awww i made that cogent rep so sad
here's an easy one; serverfault.com/questions/248241/…; who can name that web service that tests websites against loads of different browsers as a service?
@Zypher how so?
told him we where prefectly happy with our colo and the VZ feed at the office
he got really down after that
it's funny you can tell the bad sales guys from the good ones
@Zypher do you guys have FioS?
shame, should have worked harder at school and not become a salesman
@Jacob yea
@Chopper3 yea not even a good one
he just kinda gave up
@Zypher FiOS FTW!
the good ones at least try to sell you something even if it's not the huge pipe they where hoping for
anyone over there use AT&T's U-Verse? we use the same software (on the current platform) - just wondering what the general concensus on their service/UI was
@Zypher The good ones take the cocking noise of my shotgun as a "No" the first time.
"So the names have to resolve to IPs?" "Yes, unless you're the last network on the planet still using NetBEUI"
@Chopper3 It sucks... ALOT....
@Jacob how so?
@Chopper3 havn't used it ... but i don't think i've heard a single good thing about it
@Chopper3 TV is pixielizes about every 40 seconds, Internet speeds suck and are unstable. You watch compressed TV OR Internet... It doesn't work trying to do both
sweet, they use the same software in almost the exact opposite way we do, sounds like they're not QoSing their content either - silly boys
If they had more DSLAMS(I forget the word) it might work
that is the right word
U-Verse runs over ADSL?
@ChrisS Yeah
in fact yes
Surprising considering the bandwidth capacity of even V/HDSL, and very limited distance.
how do you mean? we get 24Mbps over VDSL+2 and only need 1.6Mbps for SD and 4-6Mbps for HD, we just setup a 110% QoS (HQoS actually) session on playback - don't know what they do, best efforts by the sound of things
I know they were walking the neighborhood a year or two ago talking about fiber connections, but when I pressed the issue they admitted they were not, and had no plans to, actually bring fiber to people homes.
@Chopper3 24Mbps * 80% for overhead, 90% for typical noise * 90% for prime time congestion * 50% on account of distance/attenuation (which is a much bigger problem over here than Europe) = Flaky service that works *most of the time.
@Chopper3 The main issue is they don't have enough DSLAMs
If one gets both DSLAMs off, do they automatically rend, or is an extra feat?
after all that I get about 17Mbps out of 24 in the UK, I know people who live in the country that only get 2Mbps though - ye canna change the laws of physics
@Chopper3 I get 35 both ways FTTP its quite nice
@Jacob Each DSLAM has a certain number of ports, just like a ethernet switch... So not having enough would simply limit the number of customers they can connect.
you can get that if you pay for it here, spendy though
@ChrisS I mean distance not connections
Ah, well the biggest problem they have is that POTS lines work out to ~24k feet. While DSL "works" out to 15K, and really only works well up to ~8k depending on line quality and environmental factors. The COs were spaced based on the POTS distance...
@ChrisS thats my point
@Jacob Right, CO distance issue.. Though they've started putting DSLAMs in RCOs too.. Those are the rather large phone boxes you see every now and then. It's usually a fiber backhaul to the CO too.
I have annoyed the bar owner:
A: As a bar owner, how can I block guest from using specific programs, like Spotify, over my free wifi?

WesleyDavidTo solve this problem as a bar owner: Hire an IT professional To solve this problem as an IT professional: Set up your edge device to block traffic to certain domains and IP addresses.

If a question gets closed, do I lose all the rep?
I'm getting in trouble for fixing the SQL backups on a server that I'm not even in charge of.
Anywho.. We need to dump copper and start rolling out GEPONs! Those are the way of the future; and how most FTTP circuits work.
@WesleyDavid Closed = no. Deleted/Migrated = yes. Only when recalced though.
Change management rears it's ugly head at me once again.
@Dynamo No good deed goes unpunished.
@ChrisS I have GPON, 10GPON would be really cool...
@ChrisS I'm pretty sure you do lose rep for closed. Or at least, I never got rep counted for answering a question that got migrated to SU then closed.
Damnit all, it got moved. That's going to be a painful recalc.
but Verizon said FU** FiOS and give it to frontier, who things people don't want it" -quotedd from CEO
Gah! Looking for the link to the reputation page where I can do my own forced recalc...
Wish these things were easier to find.
@WesleyDavid Its not there...
I looked last night
@WesleyDavid But just think of your rep gain on SU.
@packs Thanks!
@jscott Who cares about Super User?
@WesleyDavid We aim to pleasure.
@jscott EWWWW Super User, Its like semi smart users talking about how they need to get the proper admins :)
Apparently there's no recalc equivalent to SU.
I had 700 rep befor the migration. Have 700 after. I guess they recalc it on their own?
From what I've seen on SU, backups and reimaging/reinstalling are two habits to avoid.
@Jacob Yeah, FiOS is a circuit based connection I'm pretty sure, some subset of SONet IIRC.
@ChrisS I think it is
Nevermind, found it.
on a random note I found a DS3 duplexer... anyone want it?
@Jacob Electronics recyclers perhaps?
@jscott The strange thing is that I got a Not Found error the first time I tried that link.
@WesleyDavid Your automagic login may not have completed?
I wonder if I'll keep the nice answer badge. I recalced and it didn't take it away.
@jscott nope
Q: May I lose a badge?

Luiscenciojust a silly question, is it possible?

Sweet, so I got two badges for the price of one!
Can you display your SF and SU badges side-by-side?
OK, combined Flair...
Who even uses the Hot Dog Stand color scheme.
You, apparently.
I suspect people that are evil use it.
The Time Warner cable boxes in my area have an option for changing the "Guide" color theme. Setting friend's boxes to "Roller Rink" (neon pink/green/yellow) is a fairly common thing.
@WesleyDavid, I am reading one of your older blog entries. (thenubbyadmin.com/2011/02/16/migrating-away) Did you ever figure out what you where going to do for backup?
@Zoredache Haven't yet dug deep into that, but Deja Dupe is looking mighty fine.
ATM I'm just drive cloning once a week. Kinda scorched earth.
And dangit, I wish there was a way to get ISPs to expire cached DNS entries. I'll be damned if I try and write a ticket up to explain that to anyone there.
I see. Do you need it to be a GUI? I really like just using dirvish or other tools based on rsync --link-dest
I don't need it to be GUI, no. I'd rather hack in the terminal a bit more. I was looking at rsync for everything at first.
And... I'm back...
Dirvish is good, a bare-metal restore is possible, but a bit tricky. You'll have to manually recreate your filesystems and reinstall the bootloader assuming a total loss.
Restoring individual files/folders is extremely easy. You just copy what you need.
@Zoredache At my current level, I think I'd just reinstall and move files over.
Unless I had a weekend to burn.
And a LUG to look over my shoulder and stifle laughter long enough to give some protips.
Reminds me, I should join a LUG around here.
One of these days I should probably write up how I have dirvish setup. I really like how my scripts work to mount the backup drives... I have a few drives I rotate through and I put them into a USB dock. They are all encrypted so getting them mounted is a bit tricky.
A: How to resolve hostnames on my Windows / Linux network?

JacobYou need to setup a local DNS server setup to hold records for your computers, DHCP doesn't do that... Assuming these computers need to use the internet too, you need to setup root hints for domains that you don't control so your server knows where else to ask for IPs.

I think this is right...?
@WesleyDavid How do you make the angry face emote? Lame question, I know, but I want to use that in my everyday life.
@Jacob, that is one option. Since he has a Linux box he might be better off at running his DHCP via DNSMasq which does both DHCP and DNS, and automagically updates the local DNS entries.
Copy Paste FTW
A: how does an isp provide public ip to the client

JacobThe same way you do it internally, but with public IPs and BGP to other providers... Oh and some really big routers.

@Jacob, you might want to mention IANA, and some of the regional registries.
@Zoredache I'm on it
@packs grrrrrrr
@jacob spam ?
It's on the verge of closed anyhow
@Iain eh, Its still worth answering
it (like the others) isn't worth posting here :(
@Iain Well, Its here so I answered it..
@holo Copy Paste FTW
No really. I have no idea how to type a "ಠ"
Hey, it looks like my gravitar!
No, your gravatar looks like my emote.
it's really not necessary to post all of your answers here too - they are already on the website
@WesleyDavid Damn. Now I need to bookmark it or something. You seemed quick to drop that in chat is all, when a certain someone came by.
@packs actually, it's ಠ_
@Holocryptic I have this bookmarked en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons as well as having ಠ_ಠ in a text file nearby
@WesleyDavid You have emotes in an open text file waiting to be dropped like a ton of bricks on unsuspecting offensive individuals? That's awesome.
@Holocryptic ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
@Iain I posted the first to make sure I was right, the second because it was a funny question
@WesleyDavid Now I get that one...
@Holocryptic Hang around Reddit and you too can find new and creative ways to ridicule people using ASCII pictorials.
@Jacob in my experience if you're wrong you soon find out anyhow
@Iain true
Yeah, If you're wrong, TomTom will wait in your closet to saw your torso in half with a buzzsaw, ala High Tension.
@Iain :%s/your/you're/
Eat me.
I see how that could have been confused
@packs It will be now
@packs done :^)
Sweet! RegExes work in chat!
@Packs Chat has a limited command set though. For example, kill doesn't work. =(
You're still alive.
If only....if only
Immortal bastard.
C'mere and give me a hug ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
@Iain Cover your mouth next time!
@Iain I think that's the address for Abbydos
The reason @packs only has a picture of one eye... his other one fell out: ಠ_ರೃ
That more looks like a monocle^
'tis a butterfly
@DanBig I always interpretted it as an eyeball flying out. But then again, I'm weird.
The fact that projectile eyeballs are on my mind as much as they are should probably be probed by a therapist.
@WesleyDavid You said probed.
(>.<) Probed?
‎(>O_o)> Surprise! Butseks!
@coredump Now whenever you post a link, I expect to see hardcore pornography. The fact that you preface it with the word "pretty" makes me sure its a picture of a triple penetration. Crazy Brazillians.
@WesleyDavid TVTA?
As long as we avoid the tubgirl, goatse and lemonparty, we are good.
@packs I don't need no stinkin Tennessee Veterinary Technicians Association
@WesleyDavid I don't do it anymore since I discovered @jacob to be 15
I wonder if there's anyone who is subscribed to the RSS feed that doesn't come to chat much. I mean, imagine what they only get to see.
@coredump ಠ_ಠ
We need a new tag. NSFJ.
@DanBig The fact that I don't know what two of those are has me curious. And scared.
I never heard of lemonparty.
@Holocryptic how bad is that I know all of them?
spritzes @WesleyDavid
Bad kitty!
lemonparty.org - incredibly NSFL
@coredump Yeah you can't move to the US now... Distribution of Porn to a minor is a felony here....
@You're Brazilian. 'nuff said.
Oh, that's lemonparty? Please. That's lightweight.
@Holocryptic RACIAL PROFILING! I am flagging your message.
@coredump Brazilian is a race? Please, you need lessons from Rev Sharpton. Your game is weak.
NSFW 1 guy 1 cup is the worst, IMO
@coredump You committed a felony... He did nothing compared to you...
Time to go home
lol. I like how @coredump is tagging everything he says as NSFW.
I'm out as well.
@coredump There is one that is worse. Much worse.
But I won't speak it in public because I think it's a felony.
Ahhh. Come on. I still have like an hour and half here....
@coredump WTF
Apparently I am NSFW
Me too, but for different reasons.
@Zypher I see you have been scarred for life.
@WesleyDavid @coredump I'm Chris Hansen have a seat over there...
NSFW time to go home. Cya later
See ya
@coredump bye NSFW
BME pain olympics, that one is a classic
And....5pm. ta

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