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@WesleyDavid Not for what they're trying to fit me into. I can do NOC work quite easily, but it's not really what I think is a growth position.
Amazon is chew them up and spit them out and find some more. Not much investment in the staff.
@Adrian Answer looks good, but question can be close and downvoted.
@Adrian I gave the kid a close vote.
Dear Verisign, please put your whois server back online, kthx
@MichaelHampton Fair enough, my Google-Fu is strong.
Dear Internet: FUCK YOU.
- Verisign.
@Zoredache Even better than that, I wonder if all that resize2fs does is to tell a kernel thread to do the work. Or at least transactionally isolated segments of the work. That'd be the smart way of doing it - no possibility of it getting interrupted excepting of course power failure or loss of access to the storage.
@MikeyB strace, yes?
Just glanced at the resize2fs source. It looks mostly safe except in the final phase where the "scary" data-loss possibilities happen.
@Iain @voretaq7 @ChrisS While not being snarky is all well and good, the counterbalance to that is that you guys WILL in fact mod-hammer people getting pissy about polite comments pointing out that their questions are OT, right?
It also looks like it can recover from an aborted resize.
@Adrian Eh, once the OP is clear that their Q is OT I will sometimes wipe the comments, yes. Also before migrating I wipe any comments that wouldn't make sense on the destination site.
@Adrian sure - the OT comments I leave don't generally get a pissy reaction though
@Iain You're not going it right, apparently. (yes, kidding)
@Iain Fair trade. Being told to go back to my corner without any supper is BS unless there's an indication that the shirty-ness will be dealt with by the appropriate folks instead of Community landing on us.
@Iain Yes but you're all Liverpudlian and genteel and british. I'm all Western and blocky and American.
I think the Summer of Love is going to get followed up by the Winter of Polished Professionalism =]
@ChrisS Most likely followed by the Spring of Fsck Off.
@ChrisS Agreed. As long as you guys are being nice and professional (talk to the idiots like you'd talk to the idiots you're paid to talk to (users)) we'll step in if they start getting bitchy
But that might just be Seattle's weather come April after 5 months of rain.
@ChrisS I think you mean the Winter of "Suck it, noob"
@WesleyDavid I'm flying back in a couple of hours.
@Adrian Well I'd like to see Polished Professionalism include telling noobs who clearly aren't SysAdmins that there are other sites more appropriate for their questions.
@Iain Nope. But I've cut & pasted them in that the mods have posted. I hate dinking around with userscripts.
@Adrian that one is fab
@Iain ok. that was pretty sweet. one click install.
@WesleyDavid no NO NO NO not Liverpudlian - that's 'over the water' and a foreign land
@Iain says the man living on an island.
It's a peninsula
@voretaq7 Or just flag for the Mod-Hammer to destroy their dribble, before we become further infected
@ChrisS I keep hearing that you mods prefer to wait for 3 or 4 close votes before weighing in on the crap, as to avoid the appearance of... smiting what deserves smited, or something.
@Iain You're on an island. A 3-day weekend ride for me is longer than N-S length of your island. =)
@ewwhite Rack up those frequent flyer miles.
@Iain Hey, be glad I even pegged you in the right country =)
@WesleyDavid NY is only 717 miles away...
not a good way to get miles.
@HopelessN00b That's currently the line yes....
@ewwhite Adds up every weekend. =)
I only do this once a month.
@ewwhite Ohhh. Well, think on those MLs and if you want them out of your apartment. Hook a fellah up. =)
@HopelessN00b we'll hammer utter crap as soon as we see it but anything else we prefer community involvement
@WesleyDavid Only if you caption this:
@WesleyDavid My co-worker grew up in Manchester, so I get the real deal on whether or not I'm talking out my ass. =D
@ewwhite Not trying hard enough. Book your connections through LAX.
@HopelessN00b I already have something like 60k miles for the year...
1.5 million miles overall..
@ewwhite NEMA 6-15: The new Green standard. ← OK, that sucked.
@HopelessN00b It depends on how crappy it is
Is this confusing to anyone else?
Q: How do I delete ESXi vm snapshots using the least additional space possible?

m0sWe have a tree of about 15 snapshots of a virtual machine that runs Win2k8, as you may guessed our datastore is soon to run out of space. My objective is to delete all the snapshots, as it seems it was a huge mistake to use snapshots for backup purposes. Now my question is how do we delete the s...

@Iain Seriously though, here in the PacNW, it's 150 miles to the next major city. Once you get on the other side of the mountains and off the freeways, you might not see another car except every 15-30 minutes.
Lot of lousy questions lately, so I'm not sure if what I'm thinking (the delete button) is right or not.
@HopelessN00b Hmmm... I get what he means. It's a good question. I think.
@MikeyB What does he mean, for my edification?
Uh, doesn't he need to coalesce the snapshots to avoid losing data? Or am I thinking backwards?
When you take a snapshot, the original vmdk is frozen. All further writes are done to a delta file. So to delete that snapshot, the delta file needs to be merged into the original VMDK.
Doing so takes up space as (I believe) it's merged by creating a new vmdk storefile and moving it in place (not sure of this).
Ah, gotcha. So not the way you should use snapshotting, then.
@HopelessN00b Err it's not so much that - it's just how it's implemented. When you have a snapshot of a snapshot or another snapshot of the original state, you realize it's the best way of doing things.
Hey guys. I just have a quick question. Anyone got a minute? (its not troubleshooting)
@FlorinStingaciu Only if you can tell me the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
@WesleyDavid 3*10^8
at least i tried
Are there any dangers creating an apache ldap user? I have an ldap server and i'd like to share the apache user throughout a cluster.
@FlorinStingaciu As a second try, test this mains lead and see if it's live.
Mains leads! Apply directly to the forehead!
@FlorinStingaciu I like my services to be able to start in things like ldap services aren't availble...
But if your network such that the ldap servers are guaranteed to always be available and functional when apache needs to start, that may not be an issue. In some ways is kinda like static vs dynamic IP settings.
I could also have a local apache user for situations like those.
@FlorinStingaciu Think about it this way: What do you gain by putting the apache user in LDAP?
Up to you. Just long as you are aware of the potential issues, and architect around them. Preferably documenting your choices.
@MikeyB More neckbeard coverage?
@FlorinStingaciu There's no big "No don't do that!" for putting a service using in LDAP... As others have noted there's a trade-off between potentially not being able to start the service and whatever you're looking to gain.
@Zoredache What kind of mint?
@MikeyB I have a number of nfs exports that I need to serve through http... problem is that these files have permisions from users across the LDAP domain. I need to add the apache server to a number of LDAP groups. I can't do this, unless apache is an LDAP user.
@HopelessN00b Sorry?
@FlorinStingaciu Sounds like a perfectly sensible reason. Myself, I can't think of any security issues. That might be a good question for security.SE (I'm not sure if it's in scope)
@FlorinStingaciu you can edit your chat messages within 60 seconds. Press the up arrow for the last message you've typed, or click the down arrow all the way to the left of your message to choose "edit"
@WesleyDavid Cheers
@MikeyB Thats a good idea.
I appreciate the help guys. Have a good afternoon!
@FlorinStingaciu Come back often.
@Zoredache I've never heard of a Docu mint. Is that some kind of regional brand or something?
Not only can you ask us about LDAP problems, but also about bicycling, smoke curing, and sexual dysfunction.
@WesleyDavid Even the high rep users do that. @MDMarra was in here earlier talking about how he comes in spurts, as I recall.
2 hours ago, by MDMarra
@MichaelHampton It comes in spurts for me
@MDMarra And the texture... ?
Turn and cough, please.
@WesleyDavid Like doritos nacho cheese topping
Oh, lovely. Another day with +tickets in my queue. Our march towards infinite queue times is progressing nicely.
@FlorinStingaciu I would suggest creating a local user with a specific UID/GID and using Puppet or similar to sync your password/group files
(only because of the problems @Zoredache mentioned re: what happens if LDAP is down)
@voretaq7 Or you could build LDAP to withstand a tactical nuke.
If what Apache is serving, can't actually be served when the ldap server is down, there may not be much point to starting Apache in that case, and the correct failure may be to have Apache not start.
Is there some simple *nix style command that negates the exit code? BTW, I don't can't depend on the negation provided by my shell.
@Zoredache You could wrap whatever you're calling in a shell script, capture $? and return 0 if it's non-zero (or 1 if it's zero)...
you're still relying on your shell, but the negation is more controllable
Dropped my f-ing iPhone!!
How bad is it?
@voretaq7 Right, I wanted to avoid launching a shell, I am hoping for something simple and elegant. I might go ask over on unix.stackexchange.
just ordered a mini-SIM to nano-SIM stamping tool ($20!) as I get a nice free micro-SIM from [main client] but they don't do nano ones yet
@ChrisS Possibly this bad?
It is the front. I count 9 cracks near the earpiece. One chip on lower right corner.
@Zoredache command || true
@ewwhite take it to the appley-store and watch them cry over its corpse!
No. Not that bad. My screen is readable and unobstructed.
@MikeyB right, but the || depends on the usage of a shell.
@ewwhite if everything is working just put a screen protector on (so you don't cut yourself) it until it really fails :-D
@Zoredache Then why do you need to negate the exit code? You don't control the code that calls this command?
@ewwhite D= We have an iPhone down! Repeat, an iPhone down!!
@MikeyB I don't control the code doing the calling, or being called.
Deploy magic unicorns with sparkly poops and fairy dust!!
@MikeyB I've seen some nice graduated tie-dye effects used on broken white ones with melted crayons before, really made the best of a bad lot
@Zoredache it's wrapper time!
I posted on Facebook how I used to make fun of people who had cracked-up and broke-down iPhones...
there are third party shops that'll swap the glass for abou $80
@MikeyB I know, but it just seems odd to me that *nix which has a bajillion various commands to do things, doesn't have an one that negates the exit code beyond what is built into the shells...
I was getting into the fancy car service to the airport, trying to look chic with my bespoke luggage... NYC fashion has gotten the best of me...
@Zoredache the only thing that typically cares about the exit code is the shell :P
But the phone slipped and plunged to the cold, wet concrete...
@Zoredache I think you're handling a strange edge case.
what have we learned?
"Fashion Kills (iPhones)"
@ewwhite Come to Scottsdale. Still fancy and expensive, but the concrete is at least hot and dry.
Having a cheap phone that costs <$100 to replace the whole darn thing seems to be the best insurance against dropping or otherwise breaking the phone. Expensive phone are damage magnets.
So buy this from amazon? amazon.com/gp/product/B001ISL548/…
But who wants a cheap phone?
@ewwhite No, buy something more expensive and less effective from me.
@ewwhite my daughter didn't want her iPhone, kept forgetting to charge it up, spent £10/$7 of her own money on a super-cheap Nokia that needs charging once a month
@ewwhite Looks like a lot of people got the wrong part when ordering that...
@ChrisS Or you could always buy it from a company that engineers devices to not suffer horrendous damage when dropped: tinyurl.com/8pvpqp9
So is apple to blame for making eye candy?
@MikeyB Of course they'd have a low number of searches. Nobody owns one!
@ewwhite Yes... Easily breakable eye candy
@ChrisS yeah, the full package is $70
@MDMarra Seems proportionate to their marketshare
@MDMarra Ratio of cracked screens graph compared to overall product graph
@ChrisS Comparing that with google.com/trends/explore#q=blackberry%2C%20wildfire&cmpt=q shows that wildfires are worse than BB.
@MikeyB google.com/trends/explore#q=blackberry%2C%20htc&cmpt=q Might as well be slightly fair and compare companies... But Crackberry still beats HTC.
I know they have teams dedicated to engineering them to not break when subjected to common falls.
Firing them out of ABS cannons is more of an edge case, to be fair: http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/cannon/product_launcher.html
I mean, it was my fault. So what will I do? I'll probably hit the Apple store on the way home from the airport...
I can't be the dude with the broken screen! People would look at me like I was a sex offender!
@ewwhite Please, the way people look at me sex offenders is nothing like the way they look at someone with a broken iPhone screen.
@ewwhite here in the UK most towns have markets where a couple of traders would be able to do that easily
UK towns have sex offender markets now? When did that start?
centurys ago
Well, you guys must hide them very well. I missed out on that last time I was over there, and I was very interested in finding markets for sex [anything].
@HopelessN00b Did you try Essex?
Seriously? SERIOUSLY???
A: Are there any invalid characters for an ext3 filename?

robsku/ seems to be allowed, at least on ext3 (supposedly in all, ext, ext2 & ext3 at least, likely also ext4) - just try this: f='test/file'; echo "Test: '${f}'" for c in touch ll rm ;do eval "${c} '${f}'" done That will create "test/file", surprised me too... It will create it, show it with l...

You should know better, @voretaq7 :p
I love tickets where there is a performance problem and I have no idea where it could possibly be.
At least it had a good description "Opening files is slow, saving them is slow, everything is slow. Hard to say what's wrong, but things are not doing well in general".
@WesleyDavid No, that's [something]sex, not sex [anything]. A subtle, but important difference for the nymphomaniacs among us.
Okay, not as bad as a sex offender. But I will admit interviewing a guy whose phone was all banged-up... And I thought it reflected poorly on him. It is like driving. Do you want to drive next to the car that has plastic bags for windows and no front hood?
@ewwhite I drive a banged up 10 year old car and recently upgraded to a Droid X3. Some people just don't give a crap about those things. I generally couldn't care less how I look, even if I occasionally put forth a minimal effort for the sake of others.
@HopelessN00b 1996 Ford Explorer that was a shop truck. I counted all the dents and dings once. 15 of them.
and 9 tears in the interior fabric, although the seats are immaculate.
Exactly. I don't have to look at it, so why do I care what it looks like?
@MikeyB On your "RAID cloning" thing answer, you assume RAID 1 when the OP hasn't specifically said that's the case.
@MikeyB My neighbor got the back of his phone broken in a similar way. he was taking a picture of an emu a little too close to the fence at a local farm and it beaked his phone out of his hand and across 2 lanes into the opposing ditch.
@ewwhite That's exactly why I got the full-boat insurance plan on my 4S.
@MDMarra Yeah, true. He implied it in the question but didn't state it. OTOH, this site is only for professional sysadmins and all professional sysadmins would know that a single disk in a RAID1 contains all your data, right? :)
> I'm very new to RAID, so please bear with me.
fucking markdown
@MikeyB I wonder why he used ABS... Sch120 PVC is an order of magnitude strong (though more expensive), it's almost unbreakable as a spud-gun.
K. Maybe I should have had Apple care
Any iPhone 5 people here? This doesn't seem like the crowd for that.
@ChrisS You should suggest that to him :)
@MikeyB what?
@MikeyB oh, that? Meh, I glanced at it for 5 seconds
Cool trick, though probably ill-advised on production systems :-) — voretaq7 55 mins ago
@voretaq7 Just giving you a hard time :p
I know you can create such a beast on FreeBSD but the mechanism for doing so is... less than intuitive
(it involves fsdb)
@ewwhite nope - not worth spending my own moneys on.
I really hate that people in a helpdesk role dealing with end-user problems all day haven't learned how to actually ask a good question. I literally just got this from a person who is supposedly the sysadmin. The command is not working in my SSH window. That is the entire message, there is no other context.
@ewwhite I know someone who has one and is happy but he went from a 4 to the 5 and I know someone else who returned his and stayed with the 4S. His comment was the new shape and lack of weight makes it look and feel cheap
I wish I could close-vote my customers...
@Zoredache closed: WORKSFORMEBITCHES!
@Zoredache Reply with: "I just tried the command and it works fine for me."
@Zoredache I find the best approach is to use the dismembered body parts from users who can't ask good questions to fatally flog IT people who can't ask good questions.
@Zoredache Wow, that's pretty bad. How do you respond to that?
@Zoredache s/close-vote/throat-punch/g
@Zoredache That made my eye twitch.
+1 - 27% inbound rejections from SO
@Iain Wish we had someone 10K to see the same stats for migrations SF->SO
@WesleyDavid How many migrations do we actually do to SO, though? 6?
@WesleyDavid I haven't decided yet. It isn't a customer that is actually paying anymore. He keeps trying to be sneaky and try to get support on a system I setup, even though he stopped paying. The fact that he can't ask a good question makes me want to just click delete on the email and pretend I never received it..
@HopelessN00b in the last 90 days we sent 59 to them and they rejected 6%
SO has sent us 796 and we've rejected 27%
@Iain Gaming rejected 100%. :( We should migrate more stuff to them to either break or maintain that perfect streak.
lies, damned lies, politicians and statistics
@HopelessN00b So Gaming rejected all of the 1 migration we sent them?
@Zoredache Hey, so since you support people who don't pay you, can you write some scripts for me?
@Adrian Ya, trying to find it now, actually.
Woo. I broke MySQL on my new test rig. Now I can spend the rest of the afternoon slowly pretending to fix it.
no, probably not. Unless your problem is really interesting. Though if it is really interesting, see if you can ask it on serverfault.
@MDMarra Ruh-roh:
Great info, thanks a lot. Just to clarify, would I do the same process on the original Win server... ie. delete the array, boot up into Windows, then re-add the RAID set? Or with that one am I fine to just put in the new drive? — nathangiesbrecht 2 mins ago
Agh, fuck EMC.
password contains an invalid character–^.&*(@#–
Password must contain one special character.
@HopelessN00b Sounds like a "special character" implemented that password policy.
Yeah. Not the worst I've seen, but still pretty stupid. Which is actually better than their registration page in general... which requires you to enter your area code from a drop down, can't type it in. Mine wasn't in there, so I picked the one at the top of the list - 93 (Afghanistan).

Call that, bitches.
They didn't have "1" in the list?!
@MichaelHampton They did, near the middle. For Outlying United States Islands or something like that.
What a bunch of goofballs.
I need that guy's job. The we-want-to-pay-you-to-piss-off-our-customers-all-day job, I mean.
Most companies seem to have a lot of those positions, though I never see jobs listed for it...
Heh, lol, they're planning on calling the number I provided to validate my registration and site entitlements.

Wonder which goat herder in Afghanistan's gonna end up with that call.
And this is a downvote question, right?
Q: KDM does not start when connecting to a debian xen guest via virt-manager

chrisI have a problem at connecting to a remote virtual-machine. Now i would like to connect to the server with Virt-Manager. It is a Xen-Guest System, running Debian. If I open connect to the dom-0 and open the guest-system, the console halts at initialisation. I have two question: 1st how can i ...

@Iain Well heckfire. Didn't know about that.
@HopelessN00b 8% rejection rate from SF to SO over 59 questions in the last 90 days.
Only 6% rejection rate from SF to SU over 205 questions migrated in the last 90 days
Whereas SU to SF migrations get closed 17% of the time
@WesleyDavid Yeah, we should do something about that. I mean, it's a competition, and their number is higher than ours, so they're winning, right?
Q: Redirect Network Traffic from local machine to a VPS

Blue GeneIs there a way to direct all the traffic of my machine through a VPS. I have set ssh forwarding for accessing Facebook in our office from a browser. Can this setup can be used to forward all traffic in my machine through that VPS. apt-get update and apt-get install should go through this tunn...

that... was just special
I mean if you're gonna lie to us at least do a good job of it - dayum!
in The Assembly, 4 hours ago, by Aarthi
And now for something terrifying: when fire ants gather en masse, they mimic a fluid.
Homefry needs a good nose boop.
@voretaq7 sips tea
@WesleyDavid Kitty Likes?
@voretaq7 Japanese Sencha. Like
Fucking Windows. An unexpected network error occurred. <-- possibly the least useful error message ever.
@HopelessN00b "OHSHIT"
@HopelessN00b Along the lines of:
At least "printer on fire" is funny, right?
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Yeah, but the MS one is much less honest and candid.
@HopelessN00b But perfectly and completely accurate. Precision is someone else's job.
NOTHING surprises me about Microsoft.
@Adrian I'll accept that when I finally get an error that says ` An expected network error occurred.`
As shittily as they treat their staff and as moronic as some of the PMs can be. Not. One. Thing. Surprises. Me.
@HopelessN00b You still think I'm kidding, don't you. Nope.
@Adrian Yeah, they learned that trick from Jack Welch, as I understand it.
Who knew that skilled workers are different from the guys on the warehouse floor assembling 1.3 light bulbs per minute? (Or whatever it is)
Alright, kiddies, it's 17:00 on a Friday. Only dumbass I want to deal with for the next 64 hours is mine.

Have a good one.
@HopelessN00b you'll be back about 2:47 am
@Iain grr argh?
@HopelessN00b Pretty much. Only they picked the stupider aspects of it and left off the beneficial parts.
@voretaq7 whilst you sleep soundly @HopelessN00b will be called out
Q: How can you view the size of a backup in SBS 2008

Miles HaylerHow do you view the size of a backup in SBS2008? The logs give separate numbers for each drive and adding them up gives a number that seems too big.

@HopelessN00b you done got rebutted son! ^
@voretaq7 is the backup drive the destination ? Compression ?
@Iain iono
I'm just pointing it out because it popped up in the close queue
@voretaq7 I'm rummaging about there too - I see we're down to 1.1k now
@Iain yeah, I've been ejecting some of the stuff from SO that's actually worthy of living (there isn't much of that)
I've seen a couple too
@voretaq7 but at least they're getting reviewed - I think @ward is going to so and searching on migrated:1 so he can vote on them and get them into the review queueueueueueue
If I am what I eat, and I've bean eating inordinate amounts of hot dogs for two weeks, does that mean I'm Pet Cemetery?
@voretaq7 Not pointing fingers, but it seems like someone is going around flagging everything from SO to close. I see an AWFUL lot of close(1) show up as coming from SO. Or does the user flagging them count?
@WesleyDavid I think it means you're an industrial hog farm.
Walking through Costco, saw stacks of Hebrew National hot dogs. Those be the yums, but I walked out with a crate full of 'em. Never underestimate the allure of cheap meat.
@WesleyDavid Well, I doubt you're a hog farm then. Certainly wouldn't be Kosher dogs, at least.
@Adrian Right, beef franks.
Industrial cow masher.
@Adrian most of the ones I've seen have had 2-3 pile-on votes
Insert cow, extrude meatstuffs. AMERIKUH!!
@voretaq7 I'd eat one if I could catch it.
@voretaq7 I think 1/2 of the ones I see in my queue'ing are mostly 1-vote. I've been very selective about voting for those as it seems to be like there's something going on.
@WesleyDavid You clearly need to go buy a Ford F650.
For every animal a vegetarian refuses to eat, I eat three.
@Adrian there is - someone is ensuring they get reviewed.
@Iain Fine. I might bitch about SO migrations as much as the next guy. But some of those questions are actually very good questions, and I wouldn't want us being accused of simply VTC'ing everything that comes in.
The gas meter in that vehicle gauges fuel consumption in species brought to extinction per mile.
@Adrian then vote DNC
I need a hint.
@AlexanderJanssen hands mint gum
@AlexanderJanssen Dump him, he's cheating on you.
Was reading serverfault.com/questions/438892/… and I couldn't find a proper solution. But I started implementing one. It doesn't work yet though. Probably some really stupid error. Would it be OK to submit my not working solution (gist.github.com/e006fa8b3d0127a788c9) to inspire other to improve it and maybe getting it work?
or would that be comment-matter?
@WesleyDavid I would ask if that truck seems excessive, but that feels redundant.
@MikeyB ... with you!!
Q: Web site Hosting Issue: Redirecting to localhost

Prem SinghI have created my website to work inside the Server Machine as http:// localhost: 9005 or http:// 9005. Now i am having a site mysite.com. I am using IIS7. I have added created a new Website and modified the binding such that there are two bindings now They are IP Address : Unassi...

I recognize the words
but the meaning escapes me.
@ChrisS Well it doesn't have a rocket launcher, so there's that.
perhaps someone can translate drunken kung-fu panda into English?
@voretaq7 Perhaps someone can explain why the one upvote?
There's encouraging, then there's aiding and abetting.
@voretaq7 close narq
@WesleyDavid SO
@WesleyDavid It came with the question. Along with the answer
@voretaq7 I think he tried to create a vhost on his localhost. or something.
@Iain already gone, but I wanted to publicly humiliate it first
@voretaq7 But... but... surely people of any technical proficiency can see hideous communication when they see it. lip quiver
mumbles something about "upvotes shouldn't migrate with questions"
Q: Reset votes on migrated questions

GillesAll votes should be reset when a question is migrated. That's votes on the question, in both directions, as well as votes on any answer. At the moment, downvotes are cleared from the question. Yes, it makes sense on its own, but I don't think this is the right solution. In my experience, commun...

@voretaq7 best delete it too otherwise it'll hang around for ever
if you haven't go add to the overwhelming public support there
@Iain don't rejected migrations get auto-pruned?
no harm in helping it along tho I guess
@voretaq7 I don't know about that
It's still somehow comforting to get this screen on a blade.
About to hop on plane. I'll probably be chatting alone in SF chat...
because it's a floppy disk and you can't buy em any more!
@ewwhite So sad.
@ewwhite No wifi on the plane?
@AlexanderJanssen got an unopened box of Verbatim 8" hard sectored double density floppies round here somewhere
Q: Can Camel Jetty proxy URL share the webapplication context

user1750353I am struggling with Camel Jetty Proxy Routes. At times, the routes exhibits inconsistent behavior. My Proxy app deployed with context root "Proxy", however, if give that as the context path for my proxy URL I get service not found error. If change the Proxy to an arbitrary context such as "Dumm...

this one is less obviously blowful... anyone know anything about Camel/Jetty?
There's wifi
@Iain I have an old 8" drive around my parents' basement somewhere...
@Iain nice. you got a drive which could use those floppies?
I Have a customer whose Linux app server load is 55!
@voretaq7 Camel Jetty Proxy Routes Alpha Tango Delta Charlie Bogies on the horizon!!
And they have an internal staff. I had to send a screenshot showing this.
@AlexanderJanssen weeeel possibly
@ewwhite Sheesh. I saw a load of 200+ last week.
something's funky with my keyboard
@ewwhite: loadavg of 55? easily reachable with 48 cores.
interesting question would be, how many cores does that machine have :)
Jeff Atwood and I are having a little w
4-core server
Twitter convo about white box servers*
@AlexanderJanssen 0.5
(it's an Atom)
Apparently he's building his own 1u boxes for his new project.
@voretaq7 acorn ?
I said "good luck and I hope you don't have any compatibility problems" and he responded with "like what, it's all off the shelf parts"
@MDMarra w?
i like Jeff and all, but that's a real "dev" perspective on server hardware if I've ever heard one.
@ewwhite 4-core server and loadavg of 55? far out
@iain on mobile. Couldn't go back to edit.
sound like it's hurts. a lot. in your butt.
@MDMarra (y)
@MDMarra iphone ?
@MDMarra Nothing wrong with a whitebox as long as someone else get the groin-punching when it breaks.
@MDMarra I use chrome and get it to request the desktop site
Im on my laptop now
@Iain no up arrow on the iPhone anyway so you're still screwed :P
But yeah, white-box, self assembled, Samsung SSDs in an Intel-FakeRAID.
@MDMarra yeah I can't get next to BIOS FakeRAID
I think Jeff is a visionary in a lot of senses, but holy fuck is that all a bad idea.
Yeah, Jeff is wrong on that...
when my FreeBSD geom_mirror FakeRAID shits the bed I know the recovery process
when BIOS FakeRAID shits the bed there's no guarantee I can pick up the drive and move it somewhere else
That's some major jankiness where better alternatives exist
@voretaq7 top left of every post V menu has a delete option which is accessible via chrome
See, I have three separate classifications for RAID:

Software RAID - mdadm, ZFS, and company.

FakeRAID - Intel ICH BIOS nonsense or RocketRAID-type controller with no XOR processor

Hardware RAID - Dedicacted XOR processor, write cache, etc..
What you call fakeRAID, I don't
@Iain o yea I can get at that from the iPhone too
@MDMarra Anything less than a battery-backed write cache is FakeRAID to me. That gets further subdivided into "hardware" FakeRAID (BIOS or crappy "RAID" cards) and "software" FakeRAID (geom_mirror, mdadm, zfs)
ok, gotta hit the hay. good night
It's frustrating because twitter has a 140 character limit and Jeff needs a lot more explained to him than that can cover.
@MDMarra eh, the only thing I think he's doing "wrong" is building them himself
And using intel fakeraid
and that's the single-throat / "my time is worth more than this" argument

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