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@Adrian Ah. I'm registered for it on Saturday. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I've never worked with ADFS and only have used ADCS in a very minor role
I fsckin' hate that Puppet has to supply all the .rpm files to CentOS installs instead of using yum properly.
I don't want to walk in and have that shit be 50% of the test
That does seem a bit on the expensive side if you have a large group of users. But I would like to see something like that use inside our network.
@Adrian huh? that's not how my puppet behaves on CentOS
@Zoredache No Lync or OpenFire?
ye, Lync has a Group Chat you can install
I <3 Lync
@Adrian according to the docs puppet supports yum... Perhaps you can add more details as a question on the site?
@pauska We just upgraded to OCS 2007 R2
@Zoredache but It's really nice.
I'm still scratching my head as to why
@Adrian What? What are you doing wrong?
@pauska @Zoredache hipchat.com/compare
@Adrian Puppet works just fine with my RPM based distro
@JeffFerland What version you running?
@ewwhite That's out of date. There is a Lync mobile app afaik
And you can get an Office365-based Lync environment, I believe
@Adrian Centos 6.1, 6.2, Amazon AWS distro
Meaning it's got "no server to maintain" as well
@JeffFerland Puppet version. I've got a vanilla 2.7 here and it fails.
Some of that comparison chart is definitely misleading
But I have heard good things about it
@Adrian i've been running the 2.7.x series just fine w/ Centos 5.x and 6.x for about a year or more now
yum installs and all - how is it failing for you ?
@ewwhite I still wish Stackexchange would somehow figure out how to offer this chat as a service.
^ Stack Exchange Chat as a Service
@Zoredache Really?
It'll be the next big aaS
I don't know if I trust those sysadmins at Stack Exchange!
@ewwhite don't make me ban you ... AT THE DATABASE LEVEL
@ewwhite well they could open-source it.
@Zypher The devs let you have database access? :)
@MDMarra they have no say in the matter ... it is me that deigns to allow them access to the db's
@MDMarra Once you've got the filesystem, the rest is candy
Your face is a filesystem
@Zypher Hey now, I don't think I passed the SE interview process :)
@ewwhite SE's alright, but I don't know if I'd like to work for them. I hear they employ... developers. Sounds painful and hazardous to the grey matter.
@HopelessN00b Could be worse. I became a dev.
@HopelessN00b no no we employ Rockstar Developers - different breed
@JeffFerland My condolences.
@Zypher Rockstar Developers...? Developers who write code for Grand Theft Auto?
@MDMarra I guess you suck then!
@voretaq7 =|
@HopelessN00b no Developers that write good code and arn't a pain in the ass (most of the time)
@HopelessN00b Mmmhmm
@ewwhite wow. I would take you for a person who doesn't look at a feature comparison chart made by the vendor who can say "yes" to all the features that they have.
@Zypher Alright, I'll take your word for it, even if I'm kind of curious about where you found these unicorns "Rockstar" developers.
@HopelessN00b all over the planet
@JeffFerland Ok. I take that back. I must've had a typo in there that I ended up fixing while fixing something else.
@pauska heh... no, just like the existing HipChat installation here
I didn't recommend or have any say in its deployment...
I just HATE biased feature comparions charts. And benchmarks.
@pauska I wasn't aware that there was any other type.
one last meme for the day
@Zoredache oh btw, I'm doing the clonezilla of the old domain controller as we speak..
@Zypher heh. That's how to world should operate. =)
@pauska Alright, in the spirit of slowing down to look at a wreck on the side of the highway... what's inspired you to do this?
@HopelessN00b old domain we're struggling to get rid of, and the server needs to be killed (old, dusty)
so I'm trying to clonezilla it into a VM
since vmware converter is utterly broken
@pauska Oh? That would seem to the the better approach to take, but, honestly, if you want to kill off the old domain, that's generally don't by letting it die, not by moving it to a VM. :)
@HopelessN00b need the lead developer/CIO to fix his old web apps who use ldap binds everywhere
takes too long
it "works" now by using the old apps inside a new AD with a trust to the old one
Ugh, yeah good luck with that. What was the problem with P2Ving the thing?
as soon as I kill the trust then at least 4 different apps and websites go belly-up
Not that classic IDE disk problem, was it?
the problem is that vmware has removed all trace of existance of the old cold boot iso, which actually worked
and doing a live p2v of a domain controller is asking for trouble
(and I tried to do it live, failed horribly)
@pauska improve your Google-Fu
@ewwhite trust me, I googled for hours
@pauska Oh, wow... well, I'm always happy to hear when someone else's job sucks harder than mine, so thanks for that.
found some shady torrents, but I'm not going to go down that route
Why not?

"It worked for millions of software pirates; I don't know what's wrong with *your* shitty code, Mr. CIO..."
Oh, God have mercy...
Q: What is the minimum packages installed/services that need to run for a LAMP stack?

kaffolderI have found tutorials online of how to go about setting up a basic LAMP stack in the cloud and will be installing CentOS 6.3 to an Amazon EC2 Micro instance. Various tutorials have suggested handfuls of packages which I should install as well as what services to configure to run and not run. I ...

Should I point out that since iptables isn't required for a LAMP stack, that's a service he could disable? :/
Talk about asking a question the wrong way...
@HopelessN00b he wants to remove mysql-server from a LA_M_P stack..
and fuck you markdown
and fuck me, I didn't see that he marked the ones in bold
@pauska If he's a cute gal, that could be good. I wouldn't mind a nice LAP stack, if she's cute.
@pauska Did better reading it than I did, still. I saw those lists... and just ceased caring, for some reason.
"I'm setting up a server, tell me which things to disable: [puke out lists]"
it's off topic/not constructive anyways
Sounds too much like work, without the pay.
Yeah, that.
@HopelessN00b Especially since it's a HOSTING environment that they'll probably be offering to REAL CUSTOMERS.
@Adrian Right, if I wasn't so sure it would get flagged, I'd point out that "do this job for me" usually precedes "for the following compensation package."
@HopelessN00b Uh, be professional about it. If they flag it, that's their problem and the mods will yell at them instead.
It's not like someone posting that has good odds of ever being a significant contributor to ServerFault.
If I start a bounty on something can I award it immediately ?
@Adrian Except that saying almost verbatim as I posted here is about all the effort I'm willing to expend in that guy's general direction. Making it not sound like an asshole said it is just too much effort for me today.
@Iain IIRC you have to wait 24-48 hours
@Iain 2 days, at least for those of us without blue diamonds.
@Zypher Honestly, I think that's ridiculous for questions that have an accepted answer. If we think an answer is particularly awesome, we should be able to award it immediately.
Alright, I'm going home before I kill... everyone. Just got the following ticket.
Tried to get to Medical Mutual it is blocked AGAIN. This is getting pretty annoying.
@Adrian I have way more rep than I need so I want to share the luuurve a bit
Death to the users. Later all.
@Iain I agree. I occasionally find really kickass answers that deserve more than the one upvote I can give them.
@HopelessN00b You've been away from the help desk a long time, haven't you? In my world that's a good ticket. =\
Especially from the occasional visitors with low rep but pop in and post truly awesome and well-informed answers about the product that is their day job.
Q: What is the minimum packages installed/services that need to run for a LAMP stack?

kaffolderI have found tutorials online of how to go about setting up a basic LAMP stack in the cloud and will be installing CentOS 6.3 to an Amazon EC2 Micro instance. Various tutorials have suggested handfuls of packages which I should install as well as what services to configure to run and not run. I ...

Who in hell upvoted that?
@MichaelHampton some of the review queues are having unexpected outcomes
Yeah, people are strongly discouraged from choosing Not Sure, so they're doing anything else.
@MichaelHampton Pretty much. I quit reviewing Late Answers and First Posts. It's useless.
Q: I can't connect to internet via lan cable because 2032 battery died and my bios bios info is now empty

Rand Om GuyI have a compaq CQ61-112SL from about 5 years now... the main battery is almost dead, doesn't keep more then 10 minutes. anyway my problem is that my motherboard battery didn't have any more energy left a few days ago and since then I can't access internet through lan cable but only via wifi. I n...

Home computer questions are not on topic here, are they?
Someone should figure out why all these home users wind up here instead of SU in the first place.
@MichaelHampton What The Ever-Loving Fsck?
He should instead take it directly down to the local recycler/pawn shop and give it to them and go back to using an abacus.
Its taking me 2 hours to download Ubuntu server (still at 60%)... now I can't see chat room user icons, anybody noticing weirdness? Maybe its just me :\
Sounds like your Internet tubes are clogging up.
@l0c0b0x Just you. And my setup's pretty crap too.
@l0c0b0x I recommend randomly taser'ing your users until it gets better.
thought so too... ran a WAN speed test, came out pretty clean though (50up/50down at least)
traceroute, man!
@MichaelHampton Having gone to a soccer match last night, I now feel like chanting 'Traceroute! Traceroute! Traceroute! "
@MichaelHampton clean (no packet loss, high latency/jitter)... rebooting :\
The problem with soccer in the U.S. is the complete lack of riots.
@MichaelHampton Sadly, that is somewhat true.
[about soccer]
@MichaelHampton We need an option at the bottom of the Ask Question form: "Is this problem related to your home computer?". If checked, it gets asked on SU rather than SF.
Yeah, I only watch the end of soccer matches for the insane melee that inevitably occurs.
@MikeyB Love your answer.
@l0c0b0x what do you want an Ubuntu iso for?
If it is for a server, then just download the mini.iso and use debproxy.esd189.... and pull from my mirror.
Or use Debian!
@l0c0b0x Are you grabbing the LTS?
Today is release day, so the ubuntu servers are completely hammered.
I always grab the ISO images when they're released, and keep them around for later use.
I have the entire Debian archive already in the and you should see 100mb/s between me and you.
ok gents, what to do about this guy: serverfault.com/users/140619/invent-sekar
Oh, 12.10 eh? Should have used BitTorrent.
Nearly every answer he posts is a copy/paste from somewhere else...some with attribution, some without.
@jrg Ooooh... lucky me. No, not getting LTS though.
Flag the ones without attribution, at least.
@l0c0b0x can you grab the torrent? That's probably the fastest way
@MichaelHampton Yep, have been doing that.
@l0c0b0x why aren't you getting the LTS. You really don't want to have to deal with release upgrades every 6 months do you?
Oh, no, you do NOT want to go down that road. I did that once.
(Well actually I inherited the system, but...)
it depends, is this your personal machine or a work machine? Personal, go with the 6 month release cycle. work, go with the LTS.
@Zoredache Didn't think too much about it... is the one with only two year support that bad? I thought I'd try it out for a change, hehehe.
I clicked on the download and walked away, was just surprised it was still going on.
Most of the changes in 12.10 are uh, shall we say "for desktop users only".
@jrg oh
@l0c0b0x The problem happens when it comes time to upgrade. You can't upgrade from 12.10 to 13.10. You have to go 12.10,13.04,12.10
Well, there is python 3. that is cool.
So when you want to upgrade, you have to do each upgrade one at a time.
Yeah, and that's a real pain when the release is no longer supported and the archives have been moved.
at that point i backup /home and /etc, and then just wipe and reinstall.
not worth the trouble.
@jrg Yeah, so were the changes in 10.04LTS too though. =/
@Zoredache Last I checked, they weren't recommending a live upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 either though.
@l0c0b0x If you wanted to be a coop member, i could do the setup for you.
@Adrian Right, but it should be possible. The other way is completely full of fail.
@Adrian 10.04 > 12.04 is possible, i did it last week.
worked flawlessly.
@Zoredache I'm guessing you guys are still using Nagios? I was going to give it a try (SCOM is freaking bloated and I quite hate it).
@l0c0b0x yes. We are still using Nagios. I have decided that I really like it over anything else I have seen so far, now that I good understanding of how it works.
@Zoredache I don't do live upgrade. Nuke and pave only. Too much chaos otherwise.
As I remember though (from when Andrew set it up) it was a bit complicated setting it up, but IMO better than SCOM.
@Adrian I tend to always upgrade my Debian/Ubuntu systems, but I also have the setup/upgrade procedures very well documented. Now that I have started doing puppet, the puppet server handles 99% of all the bits that get a bit confused during the upgrade.
@Zoredache That said, it's probably easier to do live upgrades on a Puppet-managed environment.
I just have long checklists until I get my 9.10 installs replaced. Sadly, it's looking like 12.04 isn't going to be it.
Ubuntu isn't a server OS!
And Windows is a server OS?
@l0c0b0x Andrew did make it a bit more complicated then it needed to be. Not saying it isn't complex, but I have simplified the setup quite a bit.
I'll give it a shot setting it up, and keep in mind the coop in case something comes up.
Coop, what coop?
I shouldn't pretend that Ubuntu doesn't exist...
I suppose I could navigate it if I had to...
@ewwhite u hate ubuntu?
@l0c0b0x Not hate... just don't see the appeal.
it's of no use to me professionally...
@ewwhite you mean, as a distro?
@ewwhite are there different SAS connectors on SAS HBA's? The connector on the card I have does not look anything like the connectors on my old SAN.. plus that the adapter cable I have doesn't fit (it's marked with X1, which I guess is 1 lane)?
@MichaelHampton coop, in this case is basically a contract for network consulting. @l0c0b0x is a former co-worker of mine that got hired off to a school district in my support region.
@pauska Yes... newer setups will have SAS SFF-8087 connectors. But you'll also see SFF-8484 connectors on older stuff.
the connector on the HBA looks like this
cunt google images
^ that's the HBA connector
So that's a CX4 Infiniband connector.
@Zoredache Aha, ok
sometimes threaded... sometimes with a locking cable
I have CX4->SFF-8484 adapter cables
and this?
WTF? SO just migrated a question here where the first line is "Cross-posted to Server Fault".
Q: nginx won't serve an error_page in a subdirectory of the document root

Brandan(Cross-posted to Server Fault; could possibly be migrated there.) Here's a snippet of my nginx configuration: server { error_page 500 /errors/500.html; } When I cause a 500 in my application, Chrome just shows its default 500 page (Firefox and Safari show a blank page) rather than my cust...

@pauska that's an SFF-8088 external connector.
all of these are 4-lan SAS connectors.
the last one is used to connect to enclosures.
the infiniband can be used for tape and some enclosures.
the others are internal
@pauska what are you looking to do?
yea, the hba was hooked up to a tape
@ewwhite I want to connect the HBA to the old EMC disk shelves and see if it allows me to see the disks
@Ladadadada Did you expect the people over on SO to actually read the question before they randomly migrated it somewhere?
What is on the HBA side.
what is on the shelf side?
so I gues I need SFF-8470 to SFF-8088
erm, the HBA is some kind of LSI.. have to power the server on to check
the shelves are EMC AX5 DAE's
@Zoredache I really did expect better than that. I guess I learned my lesson. :-(
HP part #AE466A
it comes in the tape drives to go from the HBA to tape drive
arrrrgh.. click on the link and see if thats the one
close enough
expensive cable :( hope this works
@ewwhite how many lanes is that? x4?
@pauska it can be found cheaper.
@Ladadadada easy we delete it because merging it serves no purpose (no migrated in answers) and they get it back OT and another failed migration gets chalked up to them :)
@pauska 4-lane.
I can get the CRU cable for $55, Tripplite is $61, Startech is $74
what's CRU?
a brand
cheapest I found was $120
norway.. :|
hah, the clonezilla'ed P2V domain controller works.. it's booting :D
So you guys know about Amazon Glacier, right?
@ewwhite I saw that mentioned on /r/sysadmin the other night. It looks pretty interesting.
@ewwhite Yeah, my neighbor down the street works for a dot-com that uses it heavily.
Contrary to previous ideas that Amazon's Glacier cloud archival storage uses disk-based object storage, the latest word is that it is based on LTO6 tape. This comes from a nameless but senior person in the IT industry who "cannot talk about it". El Reg has also heard the same from another source in the general IT industry.
@ewwhite Actually, it seemed completely obvious to me that it used tape based on the operating parameters.
@Adrian People are not happy
@ewwhite If they're not happy, they weren't paying attention.
Q: Disable migration for questions older than 60 days

Shog9This has come up a few times now: migrating old questions causes problems. The most popular solution to this to date has been to reset votes on migrated posts. This is do-able, but frankly it feels like treating a symptom, and doing so in a way that penalizes folks who answer what are by all ap...

@ewwhite did you think that was a bad thing, what is the problem with tape, so long as you can get your data out?
@Zoredache Oh, I'm quite fine with it... but people seems to be hoping it was some fancy disk-based storage.
it smacks of some sort of controversy.
well that was not a card
this is probably some HP branded thing
@ewwhite I don't know why the underlying tech should matter to people. If they can put their data in and get their data out without corruption and in a reasonable time frame that matches what Amazon advertise in the docs...
@ewwhite It was totally and fully obvious to me that it was tape storage at that price point. Are that few people using tapes these days that they always assume backups are disk?
Honestly. I don't care if Amazon Glacier stores data on disk, tape, or in an actual glacier at the North Pole, as long as they can deliver the service they promised.
@MichaelHampton Yeah. This is bloody obvious for some sort of tape-based solution.
Seriously, everyone I described it to said "Oh, they're using tapes."
@pauska I bought one of those cards by mistake. I then resold it for more than I paid for it :)
@pauska standard card. HP uses LSI for SAS HBA's
@Adrian I guess I should have KNOWN
@ewwhite If one is not in a business that considers tapes a viable technology, I could see why. I'm kind of curious if you have any links to articles filled with outrage though. Would be interesting reading.
6 months ago: "Hey cleaner...PC Tech here at branch office zulu. They need a new server, mind if I build one up for them?" ME: "Um...no thanks." BOSS: "Let him, he needs to learn. And let him monitor and support it"

Fast forward to today: ME: <checks server just for fun, finds out production critical server at branch office was setup as RAID 0"

@Adrian people here...
@ewwhite Ah. That's the only thing that worries me about working at a hosting provider. Seems a bit insular and without a whole lot of external exposure to different things and varied needs.
@Adrian not the people... the CLIENTS
who expect that we're performing magic.
@ewwhite Ah. Well, the businesses that you guys serve are hardly paragons of sanity and normality. I'm glad I'm shut of those people.
They're random businesses.
@MichaelHampton We have hundreds of cards based on that ship and the 6Gbps version (does R0,R1,R10, no cache). Nice cards for turning into IT-firmware models (i.e. no RAID, just HBA) for ZFS or Hadoop boxes.
@MikeyB Oh, buy the purpose-built models for ZFS... 9211, 9205, etc.
@ewwhite Yep, the 9211 is the one I'm thinking of for 6Gbps. Equivalent to the IBM M1015.
@ewwhite Yo, wanna email me what you want for the ML370s?
@ewwhite I see that it's possible to reflash it into a IT firmware.. perhaps I can use this then
@pauska Having done the process on the M1015 / 9211 (6Gbps version) I can say the process certainly works as advertised.
Also handy for connecting drives from which you need to recover the data when they wibble wobble but don't fall down.
@MikeyB I'm a bit unsure where to find the firmware though
@pauska I think I used the firmware from the article I linked. I have a 256MB USB image I use for the process… at work.
Can somebody mark this as a dupe?
Q: Joomla hacked. How to prevent?

TrajektorijusOk, so one of my websites ( on joomla) is being hacked like, 6th time... Honestly, i can't take it anymore... I feel the stupidest man in the world. I don't know what to do... Ok, i won't tell you any stories. Only facts: Firstly i found, that in template index file appeared some code: <di...

@MichaelHampton closed dupe of my server's been hacked emergency and deleted so it got sent back
a double winner
Crap. I just hope he doesn't find SF all on his own, then...
Interesting. Learned some more about DNS today.
And a good reason why you guys probably wouldn't want my org as a customer either.
Not even sure what the term is for this mess. Split DNS Master?
@Adrian Meh, you don't sound so bad. You're capable of intelligent thought and learning.
@MikeyB I am, doesn't mean my employer is. =)
Master zone on the internal RFC1918 and a master zone that is hosted by the web hosting provider.
@Adrian Split horizon? Using bind views?
@Adrian :p hidden master? The world doesn't care where you master is, as long as you have authoritative servers.
@MichaelHampton And I honestly have no idea what those mean. DNS is not my strength.
It means you get one set of records from within your network, and the Internet gets another set of records.
@Adrian Oh, different view of your domain from the inside vs. outside? Nearly everybody does that.
@MikeyB Yes, but my services break when the outside world's master changes and we don't maanually modify.
I smell the beginnings of a great SF question.
@MikeyB That's why I was thinking. Hosting assured me that it was the wrong way. Lovely.
@MichaelHampton Yeah, I'm going to write this one up.
At least I will once the server that blew up 20 seconds ago gets fixed.
Argh. So gmail is marking all email from my redmine installation as spam. Thanks a lot.
@Adrian Ah, specific records you need to keep in sync? In that case, set up those specific records as NS records pointing at the outside master.
@MikeyB That's what I figured. That's also what I don't know how to do yet. We're currently using CNAMEs for the various hostname.domain.tld that we need to reach that point to the A record for the zone that points to the outside via manually specified IP
@Adrian What I believe @MikeyB to be saying is instead of CNAME you only have NS records. Those NS records point to the outside servers, which should have the correct information.
www.mydomain.com. IN A
shibboleth.mydomain.com. IN NS ns0.outside.org.
Whoops. Always remember the final dot :)
@MikeyB He who dots last... doesn't have his DNS break to do non-existant relative names.
@Adrian: This is exactly how you do subdomain delegation, so just shift your perspective to a subdomain that only has a single record.
@Iain One other problem is that an answer can appear in multiple queues, e.g. Late Answers and Low Quality and First Posts all of the above.
@WesleyDavid wants my server
Oh man, I'm not well enough for this:
Amelia: "Daddy, are you mad at me for dipping my finger in ketchup? I did it three times."
Me: "No, you're behaving. If you were fooling around, that'd be one more thing you'd get in trouble for."
Amelia: *dips her finger again* "Are you mad at me now?"
Me: "No."
Amelia: *dips her finger again* "Are you mad at me now?"
Me: "Don't push it."
Ah. Boundary pushing when the parent is ill. The joys of parenthood.
I'm actually kind of impressed. The good-natured way she's asking "How many times can I do this without you getting angry?".
@MikeyB They also know we have a shorter temper when we're sick.
Little information sponges they are.
@Adrian She told me when I sat down with the steaming cauliflower: "Oh! That's steam! Steam turns into pressure!"
Yeah, mine learned the eyelash batting technique before she could walk. I feel for ya, dude. =)
Ok. so right now, I have 'www' and 'ftp' CNAMEs that point to the base A record of the internal master domain.tld zone.
@Adrian She's still struggling with that. We've tried to show her but her best effort is to stare at you and blink hard twice.
@MikeyB I think my daughter got it genetically. =/
@Adrian Right, so you want them to point to the outside world's view of things? www.mydomain.com. IN NS ns1.outsidedomain.org. (add as many records as they have public nameservers)
So instead of "www CNAME example.org." pointing to the IN SOA record for my internal base zone, I need to set up a specific record of "www.example.org IN SOA ns.webhostingcompany.com
@Adrian www IN NS ns.webhostingcompany.com.
Ok. I think I got it now.
Make sure you have the final dot! Otherwise it'll ALWAYS get treated as a relative name so the record will look like: www IN NS ns.webhostingcompany.com.example.org.
@ewwhite I do, servers <-- in plural even. =)
@ewwhite Were you serious about selling the MLs?
Weird. I got the strangest sense that we've had this particular discussion before.
@MikeyB Right. Bad habit of thinking the dot but not typing it.
Bites me in the ass about quarterly.
@Adrian bite Rabies, suckah!!
@Adrian I like how VIM syntax highlighting formats it differently so it'll stick out if you forget it. Helps a bit.
@MikeyB Yeah, we're required to use nsupdate here. No direct zone editing allowed.
Boss doesn't like zone file edits.
I love how HP requires you to "order" a firmware DVD download
DNS is "his baby".
and then gives you this after filling out all the contact info:"
Sorry, we are unable to process your request. Our system is experiencing some difficulties. Please try again later."
@Adrian Ugh? He doesn't like version control either? Or you just use dynamic DNS? Or he's just nonsensical. Ah. The last.
@MikeyB VCS is for the Devs. And while we do use Dynamic DNS heavily, he likes to be able to fiddle with the servers. I see a big fight coming up the first time he fiddles with something and Puppet overwrites his change.
Failure to respect his authoritay and all that.
@Adrian From what I hear, I'm surprised the devs use it.
@MikeyB yeah, there's 6 people making check-ins nowadays, it'd be out of control.
And as much as the previous boss and I didn't see eye to eye on things, he's a decent software lead.
@MikeyB I might not be understanding this. Those 'IN SOA' record go into the zone as seperate records or do the go inside the existing SOA record somehow?
I also need to set up a damn DNS slave server for the users to point instead of having them all point to the master.
That way my phone doesn't light up everytime I stop DNS.
@Adrian Why do you have to stop DNS?
@84104 zone freezes don't work.
Don't know why. Not authorized to update the server, so that's why I get to deal with.
But DNS is apparently just broken at the moment, so I gotta sort that out.
@Adrian I don't even know what that means. Is this another NIS like thing?
Ah, DDNS. Don't use it. Can't think of a reason to right now.
Fsck yeah. Thank God for backups.
@84104 rndc freeze zone freezes a zone so that you can make direct file edits.
I generally thank foresight and competence.
At least it does according to my boss.
Looks that way.
For dynamic zones. Static zones you can just edit.
Homeward bound.
Yeah, we're heavy into dynamic here because of the # of LTSP terminals.
They float all over the place and use 2 IPs to boot up, discarding the 1st one.
And LTSP is why you're using Ubuntu 9.Vista, right?
@MichaelHampton Yeah, 300 LTSP dumb terminals running on Dell GX2xx series PCs.
No drives, no CDs.
Fun. And I forgot the reason you said some other distro wouldn't work?
Yeah, they dinked around with Fedora/CentOS based setups and the user experience was buggy.
And LTSP integration at boot time is really a requirement for ease of deployment too, which is only Debian, Suse, Gentoo, and Ubuntu.

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