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a small keepalive
I'm keeping an eye out
I might even have a bit of a fun project (and side projects) to yak about in a bit :D
hehe, cool
the router project ?
going to set up wireguard
I've gotten my 'old' NUC up with windows 10 to test out config on the windows side of things
planning on a site to site VPN + if I can try to direct traffic from specific machines over to my parents place network 'in case'
and test connecting specific machines via VPN for 'remote' use outside the homenets
oh nice
router project is mostly done other than 10gig stuff and docs
cool, on my side still testing the loop for td1, getting my other kid on it at the moment, now trying to set node variable, and such thing, to self host the data
the nightscout api is badly wrote, it use computer environnement variable to set the config, trying to set for two instance, hehe
pair of docker/lxd containers? :D
I've seen some unholy abominations done with environmental variables
yeah, it's what I was thinking to dooinh, maybe the only way sane out of this
but never did docker, so first time labbing I think it will be
LXC is 'simpler' for the sysadmin mindset IMO
since LXC is 'a container a 'task'' not 'a container a process'
oh, will loook into that

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