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I wish I could donate some of my spare close votes to a pool that you guys could use.
Naaa, just use 'em
Q: Compliance in DVCS administration at an enterprise context, what to expect from a transition from a CVCS (Perforce)?

dukeofgamingI work in a big multinational company as a software engineer and I'm currently holding a very nice conversation with IT and other developers with regards to adopting a DVCS (Mercurial and/or Git). One of the issues raised by IT was compliance and intellectual property (BTW, Perforce talks loudly...

Not sure if this should be here, or SO, or Programmers.SE or...
Pfft. Try this one:
Q: How to set a CNAME for your domain, so other can use it?

CoderhsI wish to provide a service like how google does ( companyname.blogspot.com becomes blog.companyname.com ) from what I understand a CNAME of google is used to do so. My question is how do I make a CNAME for my domain that others can use

Everyone who votes for a failed migration should get a -25 rep.
@Adrian Well, this is the more appropriate site :-/
@JeffFerland And a full and complete fail for quality.
@Adrian Yes
@Adrian The problem of course is that what he is asking has very little to do with the DNS, and a lot more to do with some magical virtual host config on a web server somewhere.
The DNS part is trivial.
@Zoredache Yeah, and I tend to vote those simplistic DNS questions down because most of those people ARE just using cPanel, et al.
@Zoredache And a few minutes a day whittling at the close review queue would be really cool too.
@WesleyDavid I took the train, then walked... got dinner... walked. Just taking the city in.
A: How to test/debug bad network wiring?

CheekaleakFor the cost/hassle involved in testing, and re-wiring the existing cabling, you might as well just run all new lines with CAT6a. Especially considering it only seems to be 8 lines, and if you've already seen errors in the cabling, you can't be certain any of it is done right without checking ea...

I dunno about that.
Isn't your answer always "call a cabling contractor"? :)
Should be.
Here we go again... 15 drives in RAID 5
Q: Do I need to rebuild the array after putting in a new hot spare?

Shade34321So my experience with RAID is minimal. So I figured I'd come and ask here. We have a 16 drive RAID system that have 15 drives in RAID 5 with a hot spare left over. Recently one of the drives in the RAID was giving errors so I cloned it over to the hot spare and put a new drive in it's spot. I mad...

At least he had a hot spare.
but he didn't use it as a hot-spare
but many details are missing
it's more of an indictment of poor writing skills...
Yeah I know. I did the best I could with what I had...
" I made the new drive the hot spare as I was told. I was told to rebuild the array after putting in the new drive as a hot spare so I tried and wasn't able to. So my question is do I need to rebuild it and if so why did it tell me I couldn't."
I blame distraction. I'm trying to cook.
Oh, what are you cooking? (or maybe, what did you cook)
@ewwhite The x5450 servers, what model again and are they dual socket? Have any RAM? Hard drive?
ML370 G5
12 or 16G RAM
no disks...
they're good for direct-storage VMs or with RAM, as VM hosts
Dual CPU and such
@Adrian A lot of those labor laws don't apply to children of the family of a family owned business.
australian labour law specifically dosen't
@ewwhite dual socket, huh?
(sorry, was on the phone with a client so had to drop chat)
@ewwhite Oh, and if I'm not being a massive PITA already with my questions, does it come with the rail kits?
why wouldn't it?
@ewwhite I see a lot of stuff without the railkits. =/ People strip them and sell them separately for more $$
It's lame, but common.
@ewwhite Okay, so do you want to email me the price for them? Now with my own space, that's actually pretty attractive.
@WesleyDavid Oh, so that Tyler guy we were talking about last night. He's in your neck o de woods.
@JourneymanGeek I'm fair positive they're explicitly exempted here too. I've read some of our labor laws, and that experience doesn't really make me want to figure it out.
@ScottPack Wow, I don't recall a Tyler. =|
Was it the one we buried in the slot canyon, or tossed off the flatbed into the joshua trees outside of San Bernadino?
@WesleyDavid The guy doing the thing with the good timing?
@ScottPack No idea. Searching my chat hisyory...
That Tyler.
The one down the abandoned well.
Got it.
@ScottPack Oh yeah, 480 area code.
@WesleyDavid There's also a postal address.
@ScottPack Yep, just googled it. I know exactly where that is.
Look for "PAradise Valley Mall" and you'll see how close I am.
I should go to bed.
@ScottPack Go to bed, Scott. You are drunk.
@WesleyDavid Actually no, just tired.
@ScottPack eheh. One of the things I needed to do for school was australian workplace law. It was horrible.
@JourneymanGeek Which? Australia, workplace, or law?
@ScottPack: yes
@JourneymanGeek Seriously? Our workplace laws have changed a lot in the last 10 years
From industry awards to workchoices (the governments attempt to turn is unto unpaid minions), the ditching of workchoices, etc
@MarkHenderson: Well, while my school is australian, I'm not
oh, and modern industry awards, and FWA and OSHA and...
@JourneymanGeek Hah yeah I did OH&S when I was at Uni
There's some interesting stuff in there
@MarkHenderson: personally not very relevant
and part of my 'accidental' management major
If someone at my workplace got injured, rendering assistance is the moral thing, the rest, leave it to the darned lawyers. They get paid to handle legal crap, not me.
@JourneymanGeek As far as I'm concerned if you're going to claim compo from your work you better be pretty seriously injured
Am I going to sue my workplace in 20 years time because I have RSI and I'm obese?
No, because I chose a sedentary job that involves copious amounts of typing
Some people view injuries as a payday. At my wifes work there are people going on compo after only a few months after starting, because they "lifted a heavy person" or "someone stepped on their foot" or who the fuck knows
Thats just lame
She's been there 6 years and lifted fatties and had people try to punch them in the face etc
Well, thats the whole rationale behind 'reasonable' effort to prevent injury
If it was someone 600 pounds, and its obvious one person can't handle it, its different from 'I lifted a ream of paper for the printer and threw out my back'
@JourneymanGeek I swear some of them deliberately do things they know they shouldn't just so they can get "injured"
Firing someone who has a workplace injury is very very difficult, so it basically sets you up with a job for life
@MarkHenderson: eh, thats abusive
and precisely why I don't really want to handle, or care for those aspects of the business
@JourneymanGeek No, but its also more prevalent in large businesses. Small companies tend to be difficult targets for those sorts of people so they don't bother
@MarkHenderson bonk
@WesleyDavid prrrr
That asshole cat in our back yard? He killed a bird, ripped its head off and dumped it at my 2yo's feet last night.
@MarkHenderson That's cat love.
"NO kitty cat! Bad kitty cat! Don't do that!" rang out over the back yard
Did your boy flip?
And then he came inside looking all sad
(my son, not the cat)
Awww. =(
@WesleyDavid Meh he forgot about it pretty quick. And we're not feeding the cat either, I guess thats why it's feeding itself
@MarkHenderson Until he finds the brown snake...
@WesleyDavid Hah we used to have a brown snake in the front yard, but not in a while. Although it's getting into summer now...
@MarkHenderson A dude that I have to interact with once in a while for a project said something today that startled me.
@WesleyDavid Yeah?
He has to connect a DAS/NAS device to a Windows server. Can't figure it out. Logs into Windows to get some troubleshooting done.
"I don't know much about this OS. I mostly work with Novell."
What the actual fuck.
Then again, he does work for the county schoolsystem.
@WesleyDavid Bahahaha
Somebody made an Eclipse plugin that starts EC2 instances. This is so obviously a bad idea...
@WesleyDavid My first experience with Novell was as a school student. They ditched it for AD in 2003
My username used to be:
@MarkHenderson Intense.
@MarkHenderson Could've been worse. Could have said Banyan-VINES
@WesleyDavid Never seen it in the wild
^ There's a reason it looks vaguely like a mushroom cloud.
Is it Horror Night in here?
oh, god
I BARELY have heard of that.
'is not a product of' ... Its so bad that the other company disavows anything to do with it?
@WesleyDavid "StreetTalk" username? So instead of logging in as "Susan" you log in as "Candy"?
NOW It's horror night.
@JourneymanGeek I was just about to say the same thing :p
@MarkHenderson Bubbles McGiggles
@WesleyDavid: hmm. MS Bob, Enterprise Edition.
Oh yeah, I went there.
Actually, banyan vines played an important part in the directory service wars, if my history is correct. They pushed for the multi-tiered domain structure in DS systems. Microsoft fought it and so did Novell I think. They preferred flat domains.
@WesleyDavid: While outdated, weren't they the only x86 unix in town for a while?
then there was that whole switcheroo, and SCO that wasn't actually SCO went all evil
Actually, VINES was really the only / biggest DS in town until the mid nineties. They totally bungled things. They could have been a contendor. They could've been somebody.
@WesleyDavid: always the story of the incumbent
look at creative
@JourneymanGeek Look at @ScottPack's face.
used to be the sound card company, then they had the zen. Now? They don't even own the building they HQ in, and no one actually gives a shit about em.
@WesleyDavid You've uh, been reading wikipedia and recycling it as some knowledge you vaguely remember thus pretending to know shit about something you don't?
And their showroom is falling apart.
@MarkHenderson I've just moved you a little higher on my list.
Make sure you ask which list.
@WesleyDavid Dare I ask which list?
fwiw I'm not judging, I've done the same thing on occasion :p
@MarkHenderson The "puke in his slippers" list.
It's surprisingly long, with a lot of churn.
please can someone take a look:
Q: trying to setup multiple primary partitions on ubuntu linux

JohnMerlinoI currently have ubuntu desktop installed on a harddrive. I want to partition the harddrive so that I can reserve 30 gigs for ubuntu server and 30 gigs for ubuntu desktop. The drive has 300 gigs available. Right now I am booting from dvd drive and installing ubuntu server. I selected "Guided part...

@WesleyDavid I have ugg boot slippers. If you puke in them you're going to the pound
@JohnMerlino 35 seconds ago. You don't waste time. =)
@JohnMerlino 45 seconds?
And you've asked it on the wrong site; I've migrated it for you
thats becausing im in the middle of the installation right now, and I dont want to erase my existing ubuntu desktop installation
where did you migrate it?
Q: trying to setup multiple primary partitions on ubuntu linux

JohnMerlinoI currently have ubuntu desktop installed on a harddrive. I want to partition the harddrive so that I can reserve 30 gigs for ubuntu server and 30 gigs for ubuntu desktop. The drive has 300 gigs available. Right now I am booting from dvd drive and installing ubuntu server. I selected "Guided part...

The tag doesn't exist at the destination site.
Anyone ever heard of Windows 7 MOE?
I'm only finding a few obscure Google hits on it, it's apparently some managed OS environment
@MarkHenderson Huh, never heard of it.
@WesleyDavid Me neither. This multinational that we're dealing with just referenced it out of hand as if I should know what it means. I'm starting to think maybe I'm not dumb, it's just some obscure product
I thnik that's it
@MarkHenderson MOE doesn't sound familiar, but I'm sure I've heard of this company before...
Not sure when/how/why Zettaserve sounds familiar, though.
@MarkHenderson "Modular, adaptable framework..." eyes glaze
@WesleyDavid Buzzwords 101
@MarkHenderson I'm too tired to spout another list of buzzwords. @Joel, cover me!
@WesleyDavid: synthesize out-of-the-box interfaces that empower clicks-and-mortar users and enhance robust solutions
1 hour later…
Is anyone still breathing in this room?
@Iain Good night
Forget about the day, night, night, night :)
@MarkHenderson You mean Moe the Gimp?
@WesleyDavid Yet another page of text which says nothing at all about the product
6 numbers on the lottery last night, woo!
Too bad it was 3 on row 1 and 3 on row 2.
@tombull89 I won £4 on a scratch card the other day
But it cost £2 to buy
@Dan @tombull89 I'm surprised. I thought IT folks had a better grasp of probability than to buy lottery tickets :P
@SmallClanger Meh, I don't do it every week.
@SmallClanger I can afford the odd couple of quid now and again
Oh, I'm not knocking gambling, but you'll get better returns on horses or on-line blackjack.
@SmallClanger I'm not really into gambling as a rule to be honest
There's a job come up close to me - a lot more money and full time. However under the job description is says "preferred - experience of managing a site using the full Novell desktop & server suite and of Novell OES (Linux and/or NetWare), eDirectory, ZENworks & GroupWise and Novell IDM".
I didn't think places used Novell any more - my expereince with it was, quite frankly, awful.
No, I can never normally be arsed. Last time I did the horses, I did a stag-do that involved an hour in Billy Hill's. (8 of us in greatcoats and flat caps). Started with 40 quid and finished with 48. :D
They have some AD as well.
@tombull89 mm, I think I'd stay away if I'm honest
I'd rather support netware than Lotus Notes on OS/2 but its a close run thing.
@smallclanger re: lottery - nothing wrong with rolling the dice every now and again when you understand the odds. The people who worry me are the people who think they have some kind of "system" or are desperate enough to spend money that would be better used on clothing or food.
@DJPon3 Tell me about it. I get stuck behind them in the newsagents on a Saturday morning, buying scratchcards like they're panini stickers.
I just don't understand that at all
@DJPon3: hope springs eternal ;p
Well yes, but at that level it is essentially a tax on being poor, desperate and bad at maths
And that's a bit of a shame really
Quick question: how do you guys handle reverse DNS for your mail servers if you're serving from multiple domains?

I'm tired, but I don't understand the question
@Dan He wants to use Some Other LDAP and authenticate to that from Windows Server 2008. It's really not too bad, I've done it
@JoelESalas Oooh, yes I see that, he wants to authenticate that server AGAINST something. I thought he wanted to authenticate people TO that server
@Dan Well both. People will access that server, but the server will auth them against the existing LDAP install. Seems like Samba (ugh) is the easiest solution
@JoelESalas Yeah I'm with it now
I just misread it
@JoelESalas (Re: DNS) You don't. The reverse record should be the hostname of the machine, nothing more. Anyone who blocks email because the sender domain doesn't match the reverse lookup needs kneecapping.
I wish I knew what this guy did serverfault.com/users/117906/yael he seems totally out of his depth
Of all the moronic posts I've seen this one beats the lot. Why it was migrated instead of closed is beyond me. — John Gardeniers 11 hours ago
Can't help but agree with Mr. G there.
@tombull89 ah the halcyon days of 2009
If you've not seen it yet, the Google DataCenter tour is quite something.
@tombull89: as is the wired article on it
Morning all!
@DJPon3 No kidding
I decided to surrender to my inner video games geek yesterday, and got dishonoured
seems pretty damn awesome the bit of it i've played so far
I'm playing through the Halo campaign ready for when 4 comes out next month.
I never really 'got' Halo. I just don't understand why the guy from master chef is wearing a motorcycle helmet
@DJPon3 Haha, it's part of his armour.
i see...
I like Halo over Call of Duty because it's got the whole epic backstory with it. Call of Duty, in most cases, just feels like you're dropped into an arena and told to kill eatch other.
@tombull89 New CoD looks shit
yeah i do get that bit. I like a good story in my games, I do. One of the reasons I don't like multiplayer much
@JustinDearing In London now ?
Hey @Chopper3 how are you today? Been chasing any more mice?
@DJPon3 it was a rat, I just called it mousie for an hour or so; less pain, less drugs - rewatching all the Terrence Malick films back to back today
Glad you're doing better then
less pain and drugs is always good
@DJPon3 Less drugs isn't always good
Maybe, maybe not
@Dan In my life less drugs is always good, it's why I chose to move from London - a decade of building trading floors for banks ends up being bad for your health/life/marriage etc.
@tombull89 out of close votes?
@pauska I don't have close votes.
@tombull89 ?
wow, I didn't know you were at that rep level
Lots of options. I like the direction this guy is going :)
Q: Migrate linux from software RAID (mdx) to hardware RAID

user43214Current situation: Dell PowerEdge T300 server (SAS6/iR controller) (RAID 0/1) Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server installed on software raid (2x500GB) + LVM. Currently used space 25GB. Questions: How to make a secure backup of current installation in case of rollback. E.g. Clonezilla does not support s...

@pauska Yeah, I'm a young'un so can't give answers about stuff I don't know about very well.
SAS6/iR? Doesn't that support only RAID 0 and 1?
@tombull89: eheh. Same problem, just older than you are. Just need to work at it I guess.
@JourneymanGeek SU Rep more than makes up for it ;)
lol. I do do desktops a lot
I don't get to play with the bigger toys yet
and I've been around longer
I mean, who remembers John T and he has TWICE the rep I do
I want 10k :(
@MichaelHampton Probably, but I like hearing people get rid of LVM and software RAID.
Makes me feel warm & fuzzy.
Software RAID, sure, though I'm not really sure getting rid of LVM is always a good idea.
@MichaelHampton I'm anti-LVM.
Yep, I think I read something about that.
A good hardware controller or SAN can do much of the same.
but I also learned the value of partitions!
... Somebody's trying to backup their Windows server with WinRar?!?
He self-deleted. I don't know if that's because he solved his problem, or realized just how stupid it was.
he solved his problem by realising how stupid he is
What's wrong with Win*rawr*?
Q: linux-2.6-disk-based-file-system

Ankur RastogiI have prepared a new disk based file system in for 2.6 linux kernel. Now I want the testing of same. I know the tool available like bonnie++/ozone.Now my issue is how the file-system is mounted on the running computer using RHEL 5.1 Server.How the mount operation will be tested to proceed furthe...

So, you managed to write a whole filesystem by yourself, but you have no idea how to test it?
Q: Determine hostname of connected ethernet switch

BeastcraftI've a bonding on two interfaces. I want to check the switch-redundancy by getting the hostname (or IP) of the switch, which a given interface is connected. Currently I'm checking this with following command (MAC is like this to check, not just as example): tcpdump -vv -s0 -i ethX ether host 01...

should this be closed but kept for reference?
Q: What is the correct temperature for a server room?

freddiefujiwraWhen I was working in our server room, I noticed that it was very cold. I know that the server room has to be cold to offset the heat of the servers, but perhaps it is TOO cold. What is an appropriate temperature to keep our server room at?

Our office has acquired a proper bean to cup coffee machine with a steamer etc
I'm not sure it's a good thing shakes
Q: Setup Private Cloud on Windows Server 2008 R2

user17176My developers are building an app that may eventually be hosted in Windows Azure. However, we want to host it internally first for a variety of reasons. They pointed me to the concept of a "private cloud". It sounds pretty cool, but almost too good to be true. I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 ser...

Who wants to give him the good news?
@Dan I just did
@MDMarra Nicely done
@MichaelHampton That's an awful idea. Windows servers should be backed up with 7zip.
I'm in a pickle. I disagree with a decision made by my manager, but it's his ass on the line if it burns us. I brought it up once in a team meeting, and got shouted down by everyone before I could finish my statement. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth emailing him my opinion to get it on record...
to be honest, it'd probably be all our asses on the line if we get burned by this particular issue
@Basil I would
But I'm also known as the outspoken on at every job I've had.
@MDMarra He's going to reply that he already made his decision. Also, the implication is that the only reason I'd send this is to cover my own ass
since I know I can't change his mind
I still would
yeah, I suppose I will
@Basil Document, Document, Document. Then when/if it goes wrong you can say "we didn't think that this was a good idea, [x] did it anyway."
It's unfortunate but if it's your job on the line...
I'd preface it with something like "I didn't get a chance to finish my thought in the last meeting, so I just wanted to put it in writing so you'd have a chance to consider it in its entirety. I know you've probably made a firm decision, but I really feel that what I'm about to propose is the best way to go."
Yeah, I'll put it that way.
I would also let my manager now
that is my manager
I could go to his manager, but he wouldn't appreciate that
Go to the CEO
@Dan Bad idea.
@HopelessN00b I wasn't serious - my next step was to advise he sleep with someone
@Dan Oh, well, if he's sleeping with the CEO, then it's probably a good idea.
@MDMarra Since you have the magikal protect question ability, could you protect this question? Already got a 1 rep jackass giving a useless late answer.
Q: What is the correct temperature for a server room?

freddiefujiwraWhen I was working in our server room, I noticed that it was very cold. I know that the server room has to be cold to offset the heat of the servers, but perhaps it is TOO cold. What is an appropriate temperature to keep our server room at?


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